Justin's voice sent shivers down her spine. 'How did he find out that it's me? My mask wasn't even fully removed!'

"Do you know him?" Olympia whispered softly.

"No." Violla feigned ignorance and wanted to leave the place with Olympia.

"Hey, didn't I help you out just now? You're so heartless." Justin sounded and looked really crestfallen.

"Violla, he did help us, you know?" Unlike Violla, Olympia had a rather good impression of Justin. He had always made big orders and was respectful of the promoters at the club.

Giving Olympia slight nudge, Violla said gently, "Olympia, can you go find Fred first?"

"Okay. And thank you, sir!" Olympia said before walking off.

"Want to talk?" Justin did an ushering gesture.

After a moment of hesitation, Violla followed him to an empty private room. Out of caution, she stopped and stood fixed at the door. "What do you want to talk about?"

"I want to explain to you what happened the last time we met. I didn't pour the wine on you on purpose. Someone tripped my foot under the table," he said with a serious look on his face.

"I know. It was Laura, wasn't it? Everyone there knew about it but chose to keep quiet," Violla scoffed.

"So you do know that I'm innocent! I was really just a scapegoat for whatever that was going on between the two of you. Though I did have feelings for you, I have not done anything out of line, have I? Mr. Roman probably knew that Laura was behind that incident too, and yet he kicked me out of the project I was on. And even worse still, Laura kicked me out of Tariques Group shortly after. I've worked so many years in that company! Don't you feel that I deserve better treatment than that?" Justin sighed.

"Yes, you deserve better. Though I also suffered from that incident, it all began because of me, so I want to apologize to you. I'm sorry about what happened, and I hope that you will get your life together soon!" Violla sounded solemn and sincere.

"You are very reasonable and direct about expressing your thoughts. It's no wonder that Mr. Roman is fond of you. Ever since I got fired, I have fallen to a new low. The entire industry knows that I offended Mr. Roman, and nobody dares to hire me anymore. I've been facing many problems in my own business ventures as well," Justin lamented.

"I'm sorry that I can't help you with that. I have to work now. I'll get going." Violla had no intentions of continuing the conversation.

"What's the rush? I'm not done talking" Justin pursed his lips, his gaze turning dangerous.

"What else do you want to say?" Violla was feeling more uneasy by the second.

"You see, since the entire problem started with you, you'll be responsible for solving it," Justin said with his crisp voice, his eyes darkening.

"You think too highly of me." Violla smiled bitterly.

"You're capable of doing it… As long as you are willing to talk about it with Mr. Roman and get him to say a word or two to Laura, I'll be able to get my job back!"

"I'm sorry, but it's really not up to me. Look at me now. I'm working as a promoter here. Do you really think that I'm still as close to Davon as I was before?" Violla crossed her arms, looking exasperated.

"Yes! See? You even dare speak of his name! Your relationship with him must be special!" Justin seemed adamant in convincing Violla to carry out his plans.

"You must be seeing things!" Violla was speechless. 'What do you mean by a special relationship? So what if I said his name? What's with his logic?'

"Hmph. This is where I'm more knowledgeable than you. Many men from wealthy families have arranged marriages, but they are still in love with another woman in their hearts. I can tell that Mr. Roman has feelings for you. He's probably just keeping a distance from you for now. He'll come back to you one day!" Justin said, his smile widening.

"Maybe. All the best to you! I'm going now. Goodbye," Violla responded politely, striding off.

Looking at her walk away, Justin smirked and took out his phone. "Get someone to spill the news to Laura that Violla is working at Empire Night."

As Violla made her way back to the main hall, she turned around multiple times to make sure that Justin was not trailing her and only let her guard down seeing that Justin stayed where he was.

Experience had taught her that she needed to keep her guard up around dangerous people like Justin.

Back then, she used to have the escort around to protect her, but that was all in the past.

"Violla! I've been looking for you everywhere. Are you okay?" Olympia called out for her .

"I'm fine. Thanks, Olympia." Violla felt very touched.

"There's no need to thank me. We are friends, after all. And you helped me out last time too! Come, let's get going. We need to work hard and make the bread!" Olympia smiled encouragingly.

"Yeah!" Other than the private room with Justin, she managed to get some huge orders from the other private rooms without any issues. While Violla's exceptional figure did catch the eyes of some men, they had hostesses with them and did not do anything too inappropriate besides teasing her.

After working into the night, Violla finally took her bills to the chief promoter and asked how much commission fees she would get. "About three hundred," The chief promoter replied.

Violla felt as if she was struck by lightning. 'What? Three hundred? Didn't Olympia get forty thousand?'

From the chief promoter's explanation, she found out that Olympia's bills were all orders for expensive liquors, while the orders that she received mostly consisted of cheap beers and drinks. Violla sighed deeply.

She finally figured out how the extra money from commission worked. Olympia was lucky to have come across customers like Justin, who actually had a sophisticated taste in alcohol and ordered expensive liquors. On the other hand, most of the customers at the club were there for the hostesses, and the quality of alcohol was secondary to that. The average customer would never order anything expensive at all.

That meant that the chance to earn tens of thousands each night was somewhat a distant dream.It took quite a lengthy consolation from Olympia to uplift her spirits once more.

For her first night at her new workplace, Violla worked till four the next day. After doing the calculations with Olympia, it turned out that Olympia made fifty thousand in total that night, while Violla only earned seven hundred.

'Hmph. This is good enough for my first day at work, I guess. Keep up the good work, Violla! You can do it!'

In the days that followed, Violla worked tirelessly from seven at night to four the next morning.

It was seven hours of laborious work in an unearthly hour, but her work paid off.

In seven days, Violla saved up a total of thirty thousand. With some savings that she already had, Violla was finally able to pay most of the medical bills at Immaculate's Hospital.

However, she could no longer find Immaculate there. Word had it that she had gone to be Laura's personal doctor.

Violla felt oddly bitter. Immaculate used to be her personal doctor. 'Oh, how the table has turned.'

Smiling wryly, she hopped on a taxi to go to Empire Night.

All that was on her mind was to make enough money to pay for Mrs. Blake's medical fees in full. Afterward, she would leave Empire Night and find a proper daytime job.

That night, Olympia showed up to work an hour late.

Seeing Olympia's red and swollen eyes, Violla quickly went forward and asked, "Olympia? What happened?"

"My mother's health deteriorated. I tried so hard to earn money to treat her illness, and it seemed like she was getting better, but now… " Olympia was choking in her tears.

"So that's why you've been working so hard… Don't panic. What illness is it? Can you tell me about it? I know an excellent doctor. Maybe she can help you." Violla could completely empathize with her situation.

"My mother became a vegetable four years ago after falling down the stairs… She has been bed-ridden at the hospital for the past few years," explained Olympia.

"Poor girl. I'll go visit your mother with you tomorrow before we come for work and see if I can help." Violla hugged Olympia.

"Thanks. Let's get going. Time to make money!" Olympia said with determination, wiping off her tears.

"Yeah!" As Violla served the beers and jotted down the orders, she suddenly caught sight of someone who looked all too familiar. Her heart almost missed a beat looking at him from behind.

'It's him!' Every time Davon visited Empire Night, he would don a black leather jacket and cover his face with his unique black mask. Even in the dimly lit hallway, his tall stature still exuded strength and screamed power.

The aura around him made him seem like a god of the underworld.

'But why is he here? Is he coming here to fool around with the hostesses too?'

In an instant, countless thoughts flooded into Violla's head. She fixed her gaze on him with mixed emotions.

Only when Davon entered his usual private room did she turn her head around.

"Violla, what's up?" Olympia tapped on Violla's shoulder playfully.

"Nothing. Room P11 wants some ice. I'll go get it," Violla replied, coming to her senses.

"I can go instead. There's another group of customers in that private room over there. They just arrived, so you can go in there and maybe get a big order or two! Get going! Good luck!" Olympia took her tray with a bright smile.

"Hah… alright!" Violla could not help but chuckle as she listened to Olympia. It had been a week since she started working, but the number of orders she got at the end of the day was still the least among all of the promoters there.

The chief promoter had reminded her countless of times to be thick-skinned and master the art of using the right words to become more likable. "Otherwise, you'll be leaving with your base salary forever!" she told her.

Even after watching the chief promoter demonstration on how to coerce a customer into buying expensive drinks, Violla still acted stiffly. Unable to hold back her impatience any longer, the chief promoter gave Violla a final warning and told her that she would be fired if her sales volume were to remain at the bottom that month.

That warning was a huge slap in Violla's face and gave her a reality check. She knew that she had to work much harder.

Meanwhile, Olympia made use of every single opportunity she could find to help Violla get bigger orders from more generous customers.

"How are you still laughing? We promoters get to work in these private rooms because we are more educated than the rest. We are pretty lucky if you think about it. Look at our fellow promoters! They get the hang of working here within days, and some made enough to buy their houses in the short span of a few months! Now, look at you! It's been seven days, and you're still at the bottom. Do you really need the money?" Olympia furrowed her brows and shook her head.

"Of course, I do! It's just that I'm not that sociable. But I'll work hard. " Violla pursed her lips.

"Yes, yes. Work hard! Work hard, make that bread, and we shall leave the place. We can't be working here our whole lives, can we?" Olympia lamented, putting an arm around Violla's shoulders.

"I know. I'll try to be the top promoter tonight!" Violla shook off her negative thoughts and cheered herself on.

"Good luck and get going! That's a VVIP room. You mustn't make them wait!"


As Olympia left to get ice, Violla took a deep breath and entered the VVIP room with a pounding heart.

She knew that she would be able to get some impressively big orders from that private room. After all, Davon was the customer in there. He had bottles of liquor reserved exclusively for him, all of which with seven-digit numbers on the price tags. Furthermore, he was a generous tipper.

The only problem then was hiding her identity from him. 'Will he recognize me?'

Violla glanced at her outfit. Even after she altered her uniform, the clothes still looked skimpy, and it looked as if she was showing off her curvy figure. With the addition of the black-laced mask and bunny ear headband, she looked completely different from her usual self.

Furthermore, she had learned her lesson from the encounter with Justin last time, so she bought a red wig, put on purple contact lenses, and even painted her lips in a fiery red shade.

From head to toe, she looked completely different from before.

Even for Olympia, it was difficult to tell that she was Violla without looking at her number-tag.

With those reassuring thoughts in mind, Violla finally stepped into the private room.

Davon was leaning back on the sofa with his eyes glued to his phone. He seemed to be reading some documents.

"Would you like the same liquor reserved for you from last time?" the chief promoter was serving him herself because he was an important customer.

"Yes, and please bring us two buckets of ice," Cruze was the one who replied to her.

"Okay. Hey, go get the ice," the chief promoter said, giving Violla an impatient look.

"Got it," Violla replied softly and walked over to a mini-bar behind a partition in the room.

Raising an eyebrow, Cruze turned to stare at Violla, and there were suspicion and confusion in his eyes.

"So there's a mini-bar here? I didn't know that." the chief promoter was rather surprised. Though it had only been a month since she began working there with Fred, she deemed herself a know-it-all who was familiar with working in Empire Night.

She had not dared enter the VVIP room and did not know that the room had such a unique design.

"I… I just discovered this too." Violla tried to suppress her panic and sneaked a nervous glance at Davon.

Davon was still on his phone. It seemed that there were some bad news, and his face looked grim.

It had been about half a month since she last saw him. He seemed to have lost some weight.

"You have sharp eyes. Alright, do the preparations. I'll open the red wine," the chief promoter replied.

"Okay." Violla took out two buckets of ice and placed them down.

On the other hand, the Chief promoter had opened the red wine and was about to pour some into the decanter.

Violla instinctively stopped her and said, "Hold on. The wine will taste better if you chill the decanter with some ice first."

"Is that so?" the chief promoter asked, keeping her voice low.

"Yes." Cruze came over, eyeing Violla from head to toe. 'She has a very good figure, but this uniform? This costume is a bit much.'

"Let her handle this." Cruze gestured.

And so, the chief promoter handed over the red wine and the decanter to Violla.

Kneeling down, Violla began decanting the wine. She placed a few ice cubes into the decanter and gave it a light shake.

She was twirling the ice cubes throughout the decanter, but she was so graceful that there were no unpleasant noises made at all.

After about a minute or so, she poured away the ice cubes in the decanter and poured the red wine into the decanter from its edge.

Lastly, she used a lighter to blast a small flame on Davon's wine glass before swirling some ice cubes in it.

Every step that she carried out seemed smooth and confident.

"You're pretty skillful. Where did you learn this from?" Cruze was still feeling baffled.

"I learned this from the internet," Violla replied, pinching her voice to hide her identity.

Davon briefly glanced at her before looking back at his phone.

It was obvious that he did not recognize her.

Her short-lived eye contact with Davon gave her mixed feelings. While she was relieved that she managed to keep her identity hidden, she was a little disappointed that he could no longer sense her presence when it had only been weeks since they parted.

Back at Fairy Land, he had spotted her straight away even though she had worn oversized clothes and covered herself from head to toe.

It seems like he has forgotten me, now that he's with Laura.

"You may take your leave," Cruze told the two of them, knowing that Davon preferred a quiet environment with privacy.

The chief promoter gave a ninety-degree bow and retreated as she left the room.

Violla followed suit.

"How is it? Are the problems severe?" Cruze asked carefully.

"There shouldn't have been any problems at all. Somebody must have messed with the programming of our products," Davon said, his brows furrowing deeper.

"Clyde is on it. He'll see to the bottom of the situation soon enough."

Seeing that it was good timing to hand him the wine, Cruze passed Davon's wine glass to him.

Davon took a sip and raised his eyebrows. "This tastes pretty good!" He remarked.

"I was quite surprised that the promoter knew how to do pretty decent decanting."

"Maybe she wasn't just a promoter," Davon said.

"What? Why?" Cruze blinked.

"Few would know about that mini-bar over there… " Davon uttered and then froze as if something had struck him. Looking at Cruze, he said, "Call the promoter in!"

"Yes!" Cruze swiftly left the room to find the promoter.

"What's going on? Did she do something wrong?" the chief promoter asked nervously.

"No. She's very good at decanting. I want her to serve the wine." Cruze made up an excuse.

"Right, right. I'll go get her this instant. She's probably in another serving area right now. It might take me a while to find her…" the chief promoter replied politely with her head low.

"Do it as quickly as you can."

"Got it."

As Davon swirled his wine glass with an oddly impassive expression on his face, Cruze said softly, "It can't be Miss Milan, can it? You just gave her two million not too long ago. She wouldn't be sinking this low to be working here, right?"