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"Yeah." Davon nodded.

"Don't they have classes in school today?" Violla hurriedly checked the date on her phone. "It's a Tuesday."

"He can't learn much there. It's alright to take some days off occasionally." Davon's reply was nonchalant.

"Hmm." Violla didn't say much but decided to focus on her meal.

Ryan could sense the tension between the both of them. 'They usually regarded each other with affection and adoration, but something is not right today. Why are things so awkward?'

"Mommy, you also worked at daddy's company before, right? Can you come with us?" Jason's awareness was not as keen as Ryan's, so he could not sense the discord between them. "Maybe you can meet your former colleagues!"

"Yeah, let's take Mommy with us!" Eliana took Violla's hand in hers and cooed at Davon. "We'll take Finny too!"

"She can't go." Violla was about to speak when Davon interjected. "She wants to rest at home."

Violla glared at him. He did not want her to appear with the children at work, or did he not want people to know about their relationship?

'Then why bring up marriage? Are you going to keep that under wraps too?'

"Mommy is sick? Oh, then she should stay home and rest!" Jason still had not noticed anything but decided to wolf down the warm hot cross bunnies that were on his plate.

"Well, if mommy can't go, I won't take Finny along. Finny might run loose and cause trouble." Eliana stroked Finny's head and soothingly said, "You should behave when we're gone, okay?"

"Go, go!" Finny immediately squawked those words in a panic and rubbed its head against Eliana's hand, seemingly worried that he would be left behind.

"Finny, be good!" Eliana could sense the parrot's distress and said, "We're not going to school today. We're going to daddy's company! There are too many people, and you cannot go."

"Go, go!" Finny then flew to perch on Eliana's shoulder while rubbing its beak on her cheek. "Go!"

Jason had a soft spot for Finny and could not help but empathize with the bird's distress. He was about to speak, but a warning look from Ryan shut him up immediately.

The parrot then emulated Eliana and squawked sadly, while using its wings to cover its face. Eliana felt her eyes water when she saw Finny's display.

"Fine, it can come with us," said Davon who finally relented.

"Really? Hurray, daddy!" exclaimed Eliana happily.

"Great!" Jason immediately picked Finny up and taught it how to say "Thank you, daddy!"

"Thank you, daddy, thank you, daddy!" came Finny's little squawks as he tried to repeat what Jason said.

Davon smirked at how eerily human the parrot seemed. It was like he had a fourth child.

"Thank you, daddy!" chimed Ryan from beside him.

Davon rubbed his little head gently. "You are still young. It's okay to be a little more like your siblings and grow up at their pace. You don't have to be so sensible just yet."

"Grandpa Roman saidโ€ฆ Wait, no, great-grandpa said that." Ryan was a little distressed, and his eyes were red. "Is he alright?"

"We'll visit him tonight, said Davon as he gave Ryan a hug.

"Great, we can visit grandpa Roman!" Jason and Eliana cheered but quickly corrected themselves. "No, it's Great-grandpa."

"Yes, remember to address him as that next time."

"Yes, daddy!" tittered the children cheerfully.

"You're coming too," said Davon with a cursory glance at Violla.

"Me?" Violla was stunned. "Really?"

"Someone will pick you up later in the evening. We'll meet at the hospital." Davon grunted, feigning coldness. "Go rest well!"

"Alright." Violla could finally smile as she released the breath she had been holding.

After breakfast, Davon then prepared to leave for the company with the three kids in tow.Before leaving, the children hugged and said goodbye to Violla.

Violla kissed them on their foreheads and said, "When you arrive at daddy's company, you must be obedient. Behave yourselves and don't disturb anyone who is working."

"Yes, mommy!" said the children in unison.

"Alright, get in in the car." Violla made a gesture, and the medical staff immediately led them into the car.

Violla was about to leave when Davon looked at her pointedly with mock displeasure. "What about me?"

Violla was surprised but quickly regained her composure. She walked over briskly and stood on her tiptoes to hug him and kiss him on the lips.

Davon hugged her and kissed her on each eyelid. "Wait for me at home."

Violla nodded with a smile.

Davon turned around and entered the car as Violla waved them goodbye at the door.

Mrs. Blake sighed at the affectionate display. "Isn't this lovely? The best life to have is one filled with love. Where the husband and wife love each other, the children love their parents, and everyone is just happy."

"Yes." Violla also sighed. "I really hope to be happy forever."

Mrs. Blake smiled at Violla. "Come now, Miss. Mr. Roman is such a good man to you and the kids. I believe you will be happy."

"Yeah." Violla smiled lightly and held Mrs. Blake's hand as she said. "Would you take a stroll with me in the garden?"

"One moment, I'll get your coat." Mrs. Blake was about to get the required items when the head maid handed their coats to Mrs. Blake with a smile. "Miss, you're so skinny, you'll catch a cold! As for you, Mrs. Blake, you need to take care of yourself too!"

"Thank you." Mrs. Blake helped Violla into her coat.

"Thank you," said Violla with a smile as the two ladies then walked towards the garden. "Does life here agree with you, Mrs. Blake?"

"Of course," replied Mrs. Blake with a smile. "To be honest, I was a little worried at the beginning. Maybe I'd not get along with the staff here or something. After all, they're all foreigners and have different lifestyles. But after a few days, I realized that they're decent people."

"It's good that you are happy." Violla looked at Mrs. Blake's face and beamed, feeling pleased. It did not take long for the unease to creep back into her heart. "I'm going to see Mr old Roman tonight. But something still makes me nervous."

"Are you worried that he won't like you? I don't think you should worry. You are well-loved by everyone! I'm sure he'll take a liking to you as well.'' Said Mrs Blake.

"He has met me before." Violla lapsed into telling Mrs. Blake about her previous encounter with D'barl. "At the time, he strongly opposed our union and tried to force an engagement between , Davon and Laura. If he finds out we're living together now, he will be very angry."

"So what?" asked Mrs. Blake with a smug look. "Children and offspring are everything. You've given birth to three! Who can beat that?"

"That's right." Violla smiled and fiddled with her sleeves. "The old man really likes the children."

"That's right, so don't overthink it." Mrs. Blake patted the back of Violla's hand soothingly. "I'm now looking forward to your marriage. The day it happens, I'll run towards your father's grave and tell him the good news!"

Violla smiled and nodded. At the same time, she recalled that she still had some of her father's keepsakes stored away. She made a mental note to retrieve them after she got married.

In the car, the three children chatted non-stop. Even little Finny joined in the chatter.

Davon on the other hand, busied himself with his emails.

Cruze observed Davon's face and let out a low whistle. "I knew that the two a**holes would get married, but not this soon. Franklin just abandoned his wife like that to marry someone like Barbra? How impatient can he be?"

Davon did not respond but focused on the contents of his email with a slight frown.

"The most shocking part is that the Landianas have been invited." Cruze then looked at Davon and asked him cautiously, "Are you going?"

"Yes." Davon put down the tablet and ran his fingers through his hair. "Gotta meet Mr. Leon."

"Understood, I'll have that arranged. By the way, I also heard that Barbra sent Miss Milan an invitation too?"

"It was expected," replied Davon. "Make sure to have a suitable outfit prepared for her."

"Very well." With that, Cruze immediately made arrangements over the phone.

In the back seat, Eliana and Jason were watching an introductory video to the Roman Corporation on their respective tablets. The two were so engrossed in the video that they were looking at it wide-eyed in awe.

Eliana pointed at the tablet excitedly and said, "Daddy is amazing! He made so many cool things like robots and stuff! That's so cool!"

"Yes, yes, daddy is my idol!" responded Jason haughtily.

"Mine too!"

"Idol, idol!" Finny decided to join in the commotion. The parrot had picked up several new words recently and seemed to be getting smarter by the day.

"We're reaching soon," murmured Davon as he looked at the children. "Put on your shoes and get ready to go."

"Okay, Daddy." The three medical staff were about to step forward to help, but Davon stopped them with a wave of his hand. "Let them manage."

"Yes, Sir." They immediately moved aside and observed the children.

Ryan was the first to put his shoes on.Jason was a little slow because of his fractured foot.Eliana had always been slower and clumsier than both brothers.Just then, the car finally stopped.

Davon did not urge them to hurry but watched them in silence.

Ryan was fretting over his younger siblings. He squatted down and tried to help them. "Hurry up. We're already here, and many people are waiting for daddy!"

"Don't worry, let them be." Davon looked at Ryan with a gentle smile. "They can't always be relying on you to help."

Ryan could only give up and wait. He frowned as he watched his siblings struggle with their shoes and worried about them.

The bodyguards had already exited the car. They opened the door to find that the children were still putting their shoes on and that Davon was still in his seat. He seemed to have no intention of getting off the car yet. They shared a look and hurriedly closed the car door.

Outside, the employees and company bodyguards waited for them in two neat rows.Something felt strange. 'Why was Mr. Roman taking so long to leave the car?'

Some of them frowned, seemingly nervous at the change of pace.

After a while of struggling, Jason and Eliana finally managed to put their shoes on correctly. The two slumped in their seats, sweating as if the simple act had knocked all the wind out of them. However, they did not forget their manners. "We're sorry, daddy. We're too slow. We won't delay you again."

"Yes, me too." Jason sounded anxious. "I was slow because of my injury."

"As a man, you cannot make excuses like that," said Davon solemnly. "Since you injured your foot, you should've started wearing your shoes earlier. That way, you won't slow anyone down."

"You're right, daddy." Jason lowered his head in shame.

When Eliana noticed that Jason was being criticized, she immediately went red in the face. She looked at Davon timidly, her chest deflated and she did not dare utter a word.

Davon still had to be more lenient towards a girl and stretched out his hand gently.

"Daddy!" Eliana immediately smiled and ran into his arms.

Davon hugged Eliana and got out of the car. He carried Eliana on his shoulder and led both Ryan and Jason by the hand.

Cruze and others followed closely behind.

"Good morning, Mr. Roman!" The staff had said their greetings as they usually would, but they could not contain their shock. Everyone eyed Davon and the children suspiciously.

Davon Roman, actually brought three children to work? One of them sat on his shoulders while the other two were being led inside by hand.

There was something obviously special about the three children.Who are they?

"Good morning everyone!" Eliana waved a chubby hand at everyone while perched on his shoulder and greeted them enthusiastically.

"Good morning everyone!" Ryan and Jason also greeted them politely.

"Good morning, good morning!" Everyone responded, but they were flustered and at a loss.

Davon was very satisfied with the children's performance and led them towards the elevator.

Eliana looked around with her eyes wide open, enamored by curiosity at the new environment.The little Finny also seemed to be curious about everything.

Ryan straightened his posture and looked around the crowd imperiously. Jason on the other hand, tried to copy his brother in spite of his injury.

Seeing how the two brothers looked the same, everyone in the office stopped to look at them.As the elevator descended, a group of employees who noticed Davon greeted him but stopped mid-sentence.

The sight of the three babies shocked them, but nobody dared ask.

"Good morning!" said Davon briskly as he took the children into the VIP elevator.

After the elevator doors closed, all the staff members were chattering amongst themselves excitedly. "Did you see? The children he brought are so cute!"

"Yeah, they look like precious little dolls!"

"Did you also notice the parrot? How cute!"

"But who are they?"

"I don't know, how curious!"

"Are they his?"

"That can't be right, he's not married yet!"

"Isn't he going to marry Miss Laura?" Everyone was so excited that they did not even notice that the elevator had arrived.

It was not until they heard a loud ding! that everyone was brought back to their senses.They all knew the repercussions for gossiping, let alone about the president himself. It would be a large reduction in their annual bonuses for sure.

In the VIP elevator, the three children were full of curiosity about everything. They marveled at how the elevator had a crystalline, reflective appearance. Some pulled faces at the overhead mirror, which they also found particularly exciting.

Finny was confounded by the mirror. The parrot flew around and flapped its wings at its reflections. Finny thought that there were also other parrots inside the elevator.

Finny squawked with fright and flew around everyone's heads in a panic.

"Hush, be quiet!" Eliana hurriedly scolded the parrot and stretched out a hand for Finny to land on. "Daddy likes it quiet."

"Scared! Scared!"

Eliana wrapped the distressed bird towards her chest and stroked its feathery head gently. "Don't be scared. This is a mirror, see? A mirror!"

"I think we should take Finny out more. Imagine being scared of your own reflection!" Jason hook his little head and looked at Finny helplessly.

"Daddy, the elevator is still going up? My ears feel funny." Ryan clutched Davon's fingers tightly, and his face turned pale. "Which floor is your office on?"

"The sixty-eighth floor." Davon patted Ryan's head gently. "We're almost there."

"Mmmh." Ryan swallowed hard, then remembered something. "Jason, Eliana, you need to keep swallowing your saliva if your ears are blocked. That's what Mommy said."

Jason and Eliana nodded in response and tried to do the same.

Finny tried to mimic Eliana but could not do it correctly. Instead, she stretched her neck out awkwardly, which led to a giggle from the children.

Even Cruze found it amusing and smirked at the struggling bird.

After a while, the elevator door opened. Immediately, the office secretaries gave Davon his usual greetings.

Everyone's greetings stopped abruptly when they saw the three children.

Everyone was baffled, staring at the three children in a daze. They were wondering who the kids were and how they ended up with the president. One of them was even sitting on his shoulder!