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𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 πŽππ„ 𝐇𝐔𝐍𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐃 𝐀𝐍𝐃 π…πŽπ‘π“π˜-π…πŽπ”π‘ :

"Good morning!" Eliana greeted with her cute, cheerful voice and then batted her large eyes at them. She looked at Davon curiously and asked him, "Why are there only pretty ladies and no men here daddy?"

"Because this is the president's office. I only have secretaries in here." Davon then took his little entourage into his office.

Cruze ordered someone to bring in an assortment of snacks and treats for the children.

"Understood," said Molly and set out to make arrangements.

The other secretaries were just waiting for Davon's door to shut. When it did, they were all abuzz with gossip. "Did I hear correctly? The girl called him 'daddy'? Are they the president's children?"

"I guess so? Why would he give them piggy-back rides or bring them to the company otherwise?"

"Gosh, Mr. Roman has kids! Isn't he unmarried?"

"Isn't he supposed to marry Miss Laura of the Tariques group?"

"I don't think they are his own."

"Probably not! They're at least three or four years old. Did he have some kind of secret marriage?"

"I have no idea who the mother is."

"The little girl looks oddly familiar. I feel like I've seen a face like hers before, but I can't quite put my finger on it."

"If you have anything else to say, why not bring it up with the president personally?" Molly snorted coldly.

Immediately, the gossiping secretaries dispersed.

"You know the president's temper. He doesn't like gossiping behind his back. If he hears anything, you'll be dismissed immediately," said Molly, her demeanor stern.

Several secretaries hurriedly lowered their heads and continued working under Molly's watchful eye.

Molly glanced at them and pushed a meal cart into the president's office.

A while later, Davon set Eliana down on the couch.

Eliana stretched her short legs and looked around the room with her big eyes. "Daddy, is your office in the sky?"

Davon could not help but laugh at the child's innocence.

"I can't see roofs outside the window! Only clouds!" Eliana tried to walk towards the window but felt her knees buckle in fear. In an exaggerated motion, she said, "It's so tall!"

"Of course, it's the sixty-eighth floor." Ryan was also looking at Davon's office in awe. "You have so many high-tech things in the office, daddy! Everything looks so cool!"

"Ah, you've noticed?" Davon cast an approving look at Ryan.

"Yes, I have an eye for these," said Ryan as he took another walk around the office. "Did your company make all this, daddy?"


"Daddy, can I take a look at this?" Jason seemed to be interested in a little airplane he spotted inside the cabinet.

"Of course you can," said Davon gently. "You can play with the things here, but be careful not to hurt yourself."

"I see. Thank you, daddy." Jason carefully took out a model airplane and admired it.

Molly walked in with the dining car, greeted Davon, and then placed the food items on the table.

"Alright, everyone, let's eat first!" said Cruze with a grin. "After this, I'll take you on a tour to see the R&D department after your daddy finishes his work, okay?"

"Okay." Eliana then ran towards the table with Finny on her shoulder.

Ryan and Jason were busy picking out things they were interested in. Molly wanted to help them out but was stopped by Cruze. "Don't worry, they'll manage just fine. You can just carry on as usual and let me take care of things here."

Molly nodded and then left.

The three medical staff members stood quietly in a corner and marveled at Davon's office. However, they were still every bit as attentive towards the children.

Just as Molly walked towards the door, a secretary hurried in with an urgent message. "Miss Molly, Miss Laura is here!"

Molly looked back before closing the door quickly while pulling the secretary away hastily. "Where's that person?"

The secretary whispered, "On the first floor. Currently being held back by the security guards. I don't think they can hold her back for long. After all, you and I both know of Miss Laura's temper."

"I'll go. You'll watch." With that, Molly wanted to rush downstairs.

In the office, Davon was in the midst of signing a stack of documents. As Cruze received a call, he glanced briefly at the three children before walking over to Davon and whispered worriedly, "Miss Laura is here ."

"Let her up," Davon answered nonchalantly without even lifting his head.

"Huh?" Cruze widened his eyes in surprise.

Frowning, Davon snidely remarked, "I believe I've made myself clear enough?"

"Yes sir." Cruze was momentarily taken aback by the cold instruction. Without much ado, he ordered the security guards to let her up.

The security guards themselves were doubtful at first, fearing that they might have mistaken his order. Only after confirming the command twice did they finally comply.

"See?" Laura arrogantly complained, "I've told you that as long as Davon is present he'll surely let me up. You mongrels! How dare you stop me from going in? I'll make sure to poke your eyes out next time! Useless, blind dogs!"

Despite the insults, the security guards frowned yet remained impassive.

"Just you wait! I'll get Davon to fire you all and throw you back to the streets!" Laura let loose those harsh words before turning around and strutted upstairs haughtily in her high heels.

The two bodyguards trailed behind closely, fearing to incur the same wrath upon themselves.

Molly was preparing to enter the elevator when she saw an incoming elevator heading up to level 68 which made her stopped in her tracks. Crap. Could it be Laura heading up here?

Several secretaries panicked and followed Molly closely behind. They were trying to mentally prepare themselves to intercept the infamously arrogant and willful Miss Laura.

Just then, the elevator door opened. Out came Laura, strutting out with her nose in the air. With an intimidating aura accompanying her, she strode directly onwards, intending to let nothing stop her.

"Miss Laura.." Molly called out hurriedly to stop her, "I'm sorry. You can't go in because…"

Slap! Out flew Laura's palm, landing on Molly's cheek. The force of the smack was so great that the latter's nose was instantly bloody.

The few secretaries were scared sh*tless. One of them lashed out angrily, "How could you raise your hand against her?"

"So? What are you going to do about it? Spineless whelps!" Laura scolded as she pointed at Molly's bleeding nose, "Davon personally gave me the permission to come up. How dare you try to stop me? Who do you think you are?"

Molly could only bow her head, calmly covering her face, "Apologies, Miss Laura. I've received the order not to let you disturb our president."

"You…" Laura was so filled with fury that she raised her hand to slap Molly once more.

"Miss Laura!" A voice rang out suddenly, stopping Laura's slap halfway.

"Mr. Cruze!" Elizabeth, one of the secretaries, called out in desperation while feeling relieved at the first sign of rescue, "Miss Laura, she…"

"I see that Miss Laura's temper is really a sight to behold." Cruze gazed at Molly before breaking into a smile, "They're merely carrying out their orders. Why do you want to make things difficult for them?"

"A good dog will not block the way. Surely, everyone here understands this fact, right?" Laura spat those words out. Having labeled Molly as a dog , the vile woman showed no signs of respect for the secretary.The rest of the secretaries were now shaking in anger.

On the contrary, Molly coolly retorted, "Miss Molly if you don't know how to respect others, others won't respect you either."

"What? How dare you disrespect me!" Laura stepped closer threateningly, "Say that one more time?"

Molly was forced to take a step back, gritted her teeth, and said nothing.

"Enough!" Cruze could no longer bear to watch and stepped in, "Mr. Roman grants you permission to go in."

"Did you hear that?" Narrowing her eyes at Molly, Laura declared vehemently, "Your president personally invited me in. Next time, know your place, you pup!"

Molly could only restrain her resentment and remained silent throughout.

Sensing victory, Laura cocked up her head triumphantly and strode haughtily into the president's office.

"Are you okay?" Cruze whispered with concern.

Nodding her head and forcing a smile, Molly affirmed, "I'm okay."

"Go and put on some ice cubs on your poor nose." With that, Cruze quickly left, following Laura's trail.

"She's really getting out of hand," the few secretaries gathered around indignantly and mumbled, "She's so awful! It's of no wonder that Mr. Roman doesn't like her at all."

"Quiet!" Molly stopped them immediately. "Don't run your mouths off or you may land yourselves in hot water next!"

The few secretaries quickly clammed their mouths, not daring to grumble anymore.

Laura pushed open the door to the president's office with joy as she called out gently, "Davon…"

However, seeing the three children clambering up Davon's body, she stopped dead in her tracks, stunned beyond words. "This, this… What is going on?"

"Daddy, who's this pretty lady?" Jason's eyes lit up seeing Laura as he asked inquisitively, "Is she your secretary?"

"Stop talking nonsense," Ryan whispered under his breath. Turning to Davon, he asked, "Daddy, shall we give you both some space?"

"There's no need." Davon was holding Ryan in one hand and Jason in the other.

Meanwhile, Eliana was riding on his shoulders and was braiding his hair with colorful rubber bands while the pet parrot Finny was dozing off on his lap.

"Have a seat," Davon invited as he glanced up at Laura.

Laura was still in her state of shock as she walked over. She stammered as she asked, "Davon, where do these kids come from?"

Strangely, Davon seemed to ignore her question as his eyes were glued on the tablet in Ryan's hands. He was busy teaching the child how to read complicated VR drawings. Looking up at her after he was done, he queried nonchalantly, "So, I heard you're looking for me. What's the matter?"

"Davon…" Laura started.

"Daddy, can you help me by checking where this piece is supposed to go?" Jason interrupted. He had just taken apart an airplane model. In her effort to try to reassemble the whole thing, he was left with an extra piece.

"Let me see." Davon took the piece and glanced at the airplane model. Finding the missing spot, he pointed, "Here!"

"Wow! Daddy, you're so smart! Thank you, daddy!" Taking the piece off his hand, Jason immediately installed it into the right spot.

Peering up at Laura once more, Davon queried, "You were saying?"

" I am asking, where do these three children come from?" Laura was feeling anxious, as well as a little perturbed. "Why do they call you 'daddy'? What's going on?"

"Duh! Because daddy is our daddy, that's why!" Eliana pouted her lips and puffed up her cheeks childishly. "Such a big grown-up yet you still can't understand such a simple thing."

"Shut up!" Laura shouted sharply.

Eliana shuddered with fright by the sudden outburst. Her mouth dropped open as she burst into tears with a boo-hoo wail.

Ryan and Jason were startled as well. Initially caught in a daze and was unable to react, but seeing their sister in tears, the duo quickly tried to soothe her, "There, there. Don't be afraid, Eliana."

Frustrated with the shattered peace, Davon glowered, his face instantly turned grim. Lifting Eliana off his shoulders, he turned to the three nurses waiting by the side and commanded, "Take them to the side lounge to play."

"Yes, sir." The three nurses obediently rushed forward and cuddled off the three children.

"Wicked woman! Wicked woman!" Finny flapped its wings and squawked at Laura.

"Davon…" Laura turned to him coquettishly, only to find his grim and darkened face. Struck by a sudden sense of fear, she cautiously ventured, "You're not angry, are you? Don't tell me those children are…"

"Yes, those are my children!" Davon admitted arrogantly. As he leaned back on the sofa and raised his legs, he announced proudly, "I'm their father!"

"What?" Stunned, Laura could only utter the word incredulously.

Davon meanwhile was lazy to repeat himself. Picking up his wine glass, he swirled the vintage and took a sip elegantly.

After pausing for a while, Laura regained her composure and forced a stiff smile. "When did this happen? How come I don't even know about it?"

Davon held his silence.

Seeing his expression, Laura felt flustered as she tried to coax more out of him, "I'm fine with illegitimate children. It's common after all in wealthy families. This definitely won't affect us."

"I think you're mistaken," Davon cut her short and callously stated, "They're not illegitimate children, but the rightful heirs of the Roman family."

"Heirs?" Laura's face seemed to be drained of colors as she stuttered, " Davon Roman,surely you've gone overboard, no? What about our very own offspring later?"

"Offspring? I won't have kids with you, mind you." Each passing minute dealing with Laura made Davon even more impatient. "Because I will not marry you in the first place."

After Davon had spelled out his words clearly, Laura was stunned as she was unable to believe what she just heard. "What are you babbling about? We've announced our wedding, even the engagement ceremony preparations are ready. How could you say…"

"I think you have a really bad memory!" Davon interrupted her indifferently, "From the very beginning, I didn't want to be engaged. You and grandpa are the ones who forced the matter, even going as far as announcing the marriage unilaterally. Thus this totally has nothing to do with me."

"You…" Laura's face was blue with anger as she spat out unrestrained, "How dare you treat me like this? You're willing to dump me for the sake of those three b**tard children?"

"If you run your mouth one more time, I can't guarantee that I won't raise my hand against you!" Davon did not mince his words as his chilly eyes turned vicious and a murderous look suddenly appeared.

"I…" Laura's temper was about to flare up yet she managed to forcibly suppress it. Quickly coming to a compromise, she offered, "I can accept those three children as long as we can be married. I'll come to any terms with you."

"Even if you accept them, they won't want to accept you!" Losing his patience, Davon revealed, "They have their own mother. If I were to marry, I'll marry their mother instead!"

Such a revelation left Laura speechless. The world seemed to fade away before her eyes. Everything seemingly spiraled out of her grasp. It took a long while before she could come back to her senses as she demanded, "What do you mean by that? Who's their mother?"

She had thought that those children were the accidental results of Davon's philandering ways. Their mother could have been dead or gone, probably shamed by the illicit trysts. Even if she were alive, she would be nothing in the eyes of Davon.

'Surely that must be the case, otherwise, why would the existence of these children not even be mentioned once for the past few years, only for them to appear now?'

That was the reason she mentioned that she was willing to accept the existence of those children.

However, once Davon stated that he was going to marry the children's mother, she was dismayed by the sudden realization.

Davon had already known what he wanted. Not only did he have three children with that woman, but he also planned to marry her!

"As for the rest, you don't need to know," Davon straightforwardly said, "In fact, we were never officially together. Our cooperation on projects benefits the Tariques Group more . It will be best for us to remain amicable towards one another in the future!"

"No…" As tears fell from her face, Laura shook her head vehemently and recounted, "The news of our wedding has been announced and the engagement ceremony has been readied. For you to back out at this juncture, I will definitely become the laughingstock of the whole wide world!"

"That is the result of your own folly," Davon frowned unsympathetically and shrugged, "From the very beginning, I've been opposing it. It is you who acted in such an arbitrary manner. I shall not be blamed for your willfulness. In the end, adults are responsible for their own reckless behavior!"

"Davon…" She started to plead.

Without giving her the chance to do so, he announced, "Please see our guest out!"

Laura still desired to salvage the situation, yet Davon no longer wanted to have anything to do with her anymore.

"As you wish." At that moment, Cruze gingerly appeared. Stepping forward, he politely motioned to her, "Miss Laura if you please."

"No! I simply refuse to cancel our marriage. I object!" Shaking her head frantically in protest, she cried in sorrow, "Davon Roman! You can't do this to me! The way you're treating me, you're forcing me to my death!"

Turned off by the whole sob drama, Davon gruffly commanded, "See her off!"

"At your command." Cruze tried to hide his anxiousness as he tried once more, "Miss Laura, this way please."


Rushing forward, Laura grabbed a fruit knife laid carelessly on the coffee table and pointed it to her wrist as she hysterically shrieked, "Davon, I can give in to anything! I know you like Violla Milan and I'm willing to let you keep her as a mistress. I can even accept you having illegitimate children. I've humbled myself before you, even crushing my pride into dust for you. Why are you abandoning me now? Why?"

"Like Violla Milan? I love her." Raising his eyes and glaring frostily at her, Davon sternly warned, "By now you should have known that I, Davon Roman is never be threatened by anyone! Put down the knife and get out. On behalf of our acquaintance, I shall let you walk away with some dignity left. Otherwise, you are totally free to do what you want: let me be the witness of your death right here right now!"

You…" Intimidated by his death stare but at the same time trembling with outrage, Laura shrieked, "Do you think I dare not to? If I were to die here, how are you going to explain this to your grandpa. Worse still, how are you going to face the wrath of the Tariques family?"