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Phantom City was a historical city famous for its breathtaking scenery and simple way of life.

Violla fell in love with the city as soon as she got off the train, marveling at the fluffy clouds in the blue sky, the historical vibes, and the clean, fresh air.

Mrs. Blake scanned their surroundings and sighed in content. "I haven't been here for nearly twenty years. When I was younger, I came here with Mr. Milan once."

"My father?" Violla's curiosity was piqued.

"Yes. Along with the three-year-old you." Mrs. Blake's voice turned emotional when she spoke again. "You were even younger than the triplets at that time. You were in poor health and fell ill very often, so Mr. Milan and I brought you here to seek treatment from Dr. Felix.

"Come to think of it, it's rather miraculous. You didn't get well even after seeing so many doctors in well-known hospitals, but after staying at Dr. Felix's for two days and taking his medicine, you got well very soon."

"Really? I don't even remember." Violla chuckled. "So this means visiting Dr. Felix is the right choice."

"Of course." Mrs. Blake nodded profusely. "Dr. Felix can definitely cure your illness. Don't you worry."

"Mmmh." A glimmer of hope emerged in Violla's heart. "Mrs. Blake, let's take a taxi and go straight to Dr. Felix's house then."

"This place is still underdeveloped, so there aren't any official taxi drivers. But I know how to differentiate between the locals and non-locals here. They're simple people and won't swindle money out of others. Come with me." Mrs. Blake tugged Violla along with one hand while dragging her suitcase with the other.

As Violla followed closely behind Mrs. Blake and weaved through the crowd, she couldn't help but feel eyes boring into her, but when she looked over her shoulder, she didn't notice anyone suspicious.

Due to passengers trickling in and out of the station, it was impossible to find anything out of the ordinary.

Thus, she assumed that she was being paranoid. Withdrawing her gaze, she followed Mrs. Blake out of the station.

Mrs. Blake spotted a dilapidated car by the road and negotiated a good price. Just when they were about to get into the car, a van suddenly charged straight for them. Several men in black hopped out of the vehicle and lunged at Violla.

Startled, Violla abandoned her suitcase and broke into a run while pulling Mrs. Blake with her.

However, the men were obviously skilled because they caught up to them soon. Just when they were about to have them surrounded, another group of people appeared and engaged them in a fight.

Violla took the opportunity to escape with Mrs. Blake. The driver whom they had negotiated a price with drove over right then and urged in a heavy accent, "Get in!"

The two of them wasted no time, sliding into the car to find that their suitcases were also inside.

The driver floored the accelerator and ditched the two groups of men behind.

Through the rearview mirror, Violla noticed that the other group of men who had arrived just in time were Davon's bodyguards. 'So it seems like Davon sent them to keep me safe. But who were those men from the van who tried to capture me?'

"That scared me to death." Mrs. Blake clutched her chest and shuddered in fear. "Miss, who were those people back there? They didn't look like locals. Don't tell me they followed us all the way from the city?"

"I think so." Violla's brows drew together. Could Diana have sent them?

"I thought they were trying to pull customers and wondered since when non-locals have become so tenacious in doing business," the local driver jokingly said. "Later on, I noticed that they were all wearing expensive suits and realized that they weren't there for business."

"True. That vehicle looked quite expensive too." Mrs. Blake racked her brain for an answer. "Just who were those people?"

"I don't know, but I don't wanna think about it right now. Let's look for Dr. Felix first." Violla sighed inwardly. 'Thank goodness Davon sent his men to protect me or something bad would've happened just now.'

That local driver was very familiar with the traffic and had good driving skills as well. In spite of that, the latter half of their journey consisted of steep and winding mountain roads that made Violla feel as though she was on a never-ending roller coaster ride.

After three and a half hours on the road, she was so dizzy she had the urge to throw up more than once. Right then, she was leaning limply against Mrs. Blake with a pale complexion.

Mrs. Blake, on the other hand, was accustomed to it. After all, she grew up in the mountains. Not only was she not affected, she even felt at home.

Reaching Dr. Felix's residence, the sky was already dark.

Dr. Felix was waiting for them by the village entrance. From a distance, Violla saw an old man sporting a white beard in plain clothes standing beneath a large tree. He was smoking a tobacco pipe while looking into the distance.

"That's Dr. Felix." Mrs. Blake recognized him at first glance. "He hasn't changed one bit even after twenty years."

"Yeah, I still remember Dr. Felix coming to our house when I was young. He looked like now. Father joked about him being immortal because he never seemed to age."

Violla thought about her father and was hit by a pang of sorrow.

When the car came to a halt, Dr. Felix immediately brought over his apprentice, Tobias, to welcome them. Looking Violla up and down, he commented, "I haven't seen you for more than ten years and you're all grown up now."

"Dr. Felix, do you still remember me?" Violla asked excitedly.

"Of course, I do." Dr. Felix nodded continuously. "You look just like your mother!"

Violla was slightly caught off guard at the mention of her mother.

"Dr. Felix, what about me? Do you still remember me? I'm Mrs. Blake." The older woman said enthusiastically, "I came to visit you with Mr. Milan twenty years ago. Miss was only three years old then."

"Yes, I remember." Dr. Felix nodded with a smile and studied Mrs. Blake closely. "You don't seem to be in good health. Since you're here, I'll take a look and see what you need."

"You are right. Thank you!" Mrs. Blake was immensely grateful.

"Come. Let's go inside." Dr. Felix's kind smile made him seem like a long-lost relative more than a doctor. "How was your trip?" he asked.

"It was quite alright." Mrs. Blake and Dr. Felix chatted all the way and soon, the group arrived at the latter's house.

The house was made out of bricks and white tiles with a small and quiet courtyard. There was a strong fragrance of herbal medicine throughout the entire place. Various herbs were planted in the backyard, while a shady tree stood tall in the front yard. And beneath the tree were birds leisurely pecking the ground.

A young girl wearing an apron over her floral jacket ran out from the kitchen with a spatula in her hand. Seeing Violla and Mrs. Blake, she grinned broadly. "My saviors are here!"

Dr. Felix introduced, "This child was severely ill back then and needed a kidney transplant. It was your father who paid for her treatment. Later on, he provided for her education as well, so she's always been grateful to your family."

"Oh, I think my father has mentioned it before." Violla only had a vague recollection as her father had helped many people when he was alive. That young girl and Olympia were among those people.

"Give me your hand." Dr. Felix led Violla into the house, but wasn't in a hurry to be a hospitable host yet. Instead, he took his profession very seriously and checked her condition first.

Violla complied by extending her hand. Dr. Felix carefully examined her complexion, then checked her pulse and drew some blood before going to his home laboratory to run some tests on it.

"Let me show you both to your rooms first." The young girl then merrily introduced herself, "My name is Hannah."

"Thank you, Hannah." Violla and Mrs. Blake followed Hannah further into the house. Although it was of a classic design and did not have the opulence of the city, it was clean, tidy, and one-of-a-kind.

After Hannah made the bed for them and helped them with their suitcases, she was about to take them to the yard when Tobias came over. " Violla, Dr. Felix is asking for you."

"Alright." Violla hurried to his laboratory with Mrs. Blake trailing closely behind.

With a grave expression, Dr. Felix held out the vial of blood that had been tested. "The poison in your body is too strong!"

Violla's heart almost stopped in her

chest. As expected of a genius doctor. In such a short amount of time, he managed to determine that she had been poisoned.

"Dr. Felix, can she be cured?" Mrs. Blake asked anxiously.

"I can't say for sure." A crease formed between Dr. Felix's brows. "I rarely encounter such a powerful poison. I'll need to study it to see if she can be cured. It may take some time."

"How long will it take?" Violla's heart was in her throat.

"That really depends on your luck. Perhaps it'll take hours, maybe days, or months, or years. Or perhaps, it can never be cured."

Violla's face drained of all color hearing that. Mrs. Blake had also turned pale with fright. "That can't be. Doesn't that mean that Miss would…"

"Don't fret." Dr. Felix reassured, "I only said maybe. According to my experience, there should be hope still, but we must be patient."

"That's good to know." Mrs. Blake's voice sounded choked when she spoke. "Dr. Felix, Mr. Milan is no longer with us and Miss is his only child. You must cure her for his sake."

"I will do my best." Dr. Felix nodded. "You need to be in a good frame of mind when you receive treatment. Relax and don't think too much."

"You're right, Dr. Felix." Violla was unusually calm. "Mrs. Blake, let's go outside. We shouldn't disturb Dr. Felix."

Mrs. Blake nodded.

"Wait." Dr. Felix handed Mrs. Blake a few pouches of herbal medicine. "Her poison can't be neutralized yet, but your illness can be treated. Drink one of these every day for ten to fourteen days. It will greatly improve your health."

"Sure, sure. Thank you so much, Dr. Felix." Mrs. Blake took the medicine from him, pleasantly surprised that she herself had benefited from that trip.

"I'll take you to brew the medicine." Hannah led Mrs. Blake and Violla to the kitchen.

A great sense of relief flooded Violla. If her poison couldn't be neutralized, at least Mrs. Blake should receive treatment for her illness, so that that trip wouldn't be in vain.

While brewing the medicine for Mrs. Blake, Hannah cooked dinner at the same time.

Dr. Felix took Tobias out and they sat around the stone table for dinner.

The food Hannah cooked was delicious. Violla ate quite a lot, but her head started to hurt as blood trickled out of her nostrils.

Knowing that it was the poison at work, she covered her nose and ran toward the bathroom.

"Miss…" Mrs. Blake hurried after her.

A frown appeared on Dr. Felix's face as he watched her retreating figure. He took a bottle of medicinal concoction and passed it to Hannah, telling her to take it to Violla.

In the bathroom, Violla was still struggling through the agonizing pain. After drinking the medicine, she passed out immediately.

Mrs. Blake panicked and quickly called Dr. Felix.

Dr. Felix simply said, "Let her sleep for now. Letting her continue enduring the pain won't help in finding the cure."

Only then did Mrs. Blake understood. That medicine wasn't to alleviate the pain, but to render her unconscious so that she wouldn't feel any pain.

Mrs. Blake and Hannah helped Violla wash up and change her clothes, then supported her to lie down on the bed.

Then, Mrs. Blake stayed to guard her. Seeing how weak Violla looked made her heart break.Hannah took some dessert to her, but she had lost her appetite.

That night, Dr. Felix neither conducted additional examinations on Violla, nor prescribed her any medicine.

Mrs. Blake, on the other hand, received acupuncture on top of drinking some herbal concoction.

Meanwhile, Clyde and his men had lost Violla because of the brawl at the train station. After dealing with the attackers, they began inquiring about Violla's whereabouts in Phantom City.

Clyde called Davon to report, "Someone was following Miss Milan and tried to attack her, but our men intercepted in time. From what I could see, they were probably Miss Laura's men."

"Laura?" Davon's frowned deeply. "That woman really never learns."

"Miss Laura was so close to marrying you, but then you kicked her to the curb, so she can't accept it. Knowing her temperament, she wouldn't take it lying down." Clyde was never one to mince his words. "Luckily, we were following Miss Milan, or something would've happened to her at the train station."

"We can't let our guard down just yet. Find her as soon as possible," Davon instructed.

"Yes, sir," Clyde replied. "We've found some clues. If we're not mistaken, Miss Milan came here to look for a traditional medicine practitioner."

"A traditional medicine practitioner?" Davon's frown deepened. Could Violla have some kind of hidden illness?

For the next three days, Violla had busied herself with gardening chores. Other times, she would help Hannah prepare meals in the kitchen.Her days were leisurely, albeit her treatment was behind schedule.

Dr. Felix would extract some daily blood samples from Violla for testing. However, to everyone's dismay, there was no breakthrough yet. In contrast to Mrs. Blake's anxiousness, Violla was unusually laid back.After all, there was nothing she could do.

Hannah was a cheerful girl. She loved to hum a tune or two when doing her house chores. As such, it brought joy to the room whenever she was around.

The scenic and secluded place that Violla was in helped her feel more relaxed during her treatment too.

Mrs. Blake was rather impressed by Dr. Felix's acupuncture treatment on her chronic health issues. She urged the doctor to expedite the antidote research for Violla.

However, Dr. Felix would repeat the same answer each time he was asked, "We can't rush it. These things take time."

Mrs. Blake would then sigh and leave Dr. Felix in peace.

Violla would talk to Davon and the kids over the phone every night. The kids would share with her all the interesting things that happened at their kindergarten.

Davon chose to keep quiet about what Violla was up to. The latter, too, had not mentioned the incident that she was stalked and ambushed. There wasn't any mention of the bodyguards as well.

The couple did a good job at keeping a tight lid on each other's secrets.

The toxins in Violla's body would act up once every other day. When that happened, Dr. Felix would let her take the herbal medication. Violla would fall asleep after that and wake up feeling completely fine.They repeated the drill for another five days.

On the ninth day, Tobias came back with a bag full of herbal ingredients and put them inside Violla's room before he hurried out to make preparations.

While Violla tried to kill some time by tending to Hannah's vegetable garden, the latter was bustling about in the kitchen, boiling pots after pots of hot water.

Mrs. Blake, on the other hand, was preparing some herbal soup in the kitchen while stealing glances at Dr. Felix's laboratory every so often in anticipation of good news.

Violla's symptoms acted up again during dinner. Instead of giving her the usual herbal medicine, Dr. Felix asked Mrs. Blake to take Violla back to her room.

When they returned to their bedroom, they found that Dr. Felix had prepared a herbal bath for her.

Hannah started undressing Violla while she explained, "I have prepared this on Dr. Felix's order. Help me get her into the tub."

"Is this part of the treatment?" Mrs. Blake asked.

Hannah nodded. "Quick, we need to immerse her body in it."

"Alright, alright." After the two of them gently stripped Violla down, they settled her into the bathtub. After which, Hannah extracted her acupuncture needles and began sterilizing them.

Outside the bedroom, Dr. Felix started giving verbal instructions to Hannah about the acupoints for the needles.

Following Dr. Felix's instructions, Hannah inserted a dozen of needles into Violla's body.

Soon after, purplish-black toxic blood started flowing out slowly from the pressure point.

"It's out! The poisonous blood is flowing out!" Mrs. Blake happily declared.

In her stupor state, Violla could vaguely hear Mrs. Blake's remark. She managed to curl her lips into a weak smile before falling unconscious.

"Miss! Miss!" Mrs. Blake cried out anxiously.

"It's normal for her to pass out in the beginning. She'll get better in the next few days," Dr. Felix reassured Mrs. Blake outside the bedroom. "Is the blood purplish-black in color?"

"Yes, Dr. Felix. The blood is flowing out from all the acupoints," Hannah answered.

"That's a good sign. It means the medicine is taking effect. Let's boil some chicken soup for her tomorrow to speed up the healing process."


At last, Violla's treatment had taken a positive turn. They repeated the procedure for the next couple of days. Violla would fall asleep after the bath and wake up the next morning feeling refreshed with increased appetite.

Mrs. Blake was thrilled to see the positive effects of the treatment on Violla.

They now renewed their hopes that they could head back to the city soon after the treatment.

However, Dr. Felix's updated assessment had shattered their dreams when he said that they needed at least a month to clear Violla of all the poison in her body.