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'We've been out here for ten days now. There's no way I can keep up with the lie for that long before Davon starts asking questions. I should probably come clean with him and I won't have to worry about staying here to complete the treatment.' Violla contemplated.

One evening, Hannah was getting ready the herbal bath and sterilized acupuncture needles for Violla. Dr. Felix was having a conversation with Tobias outside the house before the latter headed out in a backpack.

"Where's Tobias going?" Violla asked.

"My herbal stock is almost out, so I'm getting Tobias to replenish the supply from a nearby village." Dr. Felix looked up at the sky and muttered, "Looks like it's going to rain soon. Ah! Tobias forgot to take an umbrella with him," the man said while hurrying after Tobias with an umbrella.

Violla went to help Mrs. Blake with the herbs organization when they heard a loud bang coming from outside.

Before they could respond to it, a terrible wail could be heard coming from the same direction.

When Violla rushed to the front, she saw both Dr. Felix and Tobias knocked down by a jeep. Tobias managed to escape unscathed, but Dr. Felix was lying unconscious in a pool of blood.

Hannah's leg turned wobbly and fell to the ground, clearly shaken up by the event she just witnessed.

"Dr. Felix! " Violla was about to dash over to Dr. Felix when she was stopped by a few men dressed in all black as they attempted to drag her into the jeep.

"Who are you? Let go of me!" Violla cried while struggling to break free.

"Keep your hands off her!" Mrs. Blake barked as she charged toward them with a broomstick in her hand. However, the elder woman had only taken a few steps before she was knocked down by one of the men.

"Mrs. Blake!" Violla was terrified.

One of the men raised his hand to strike Violla when a dagger flew out from nowhere and landed right on his wrist.

The man let out a loud growl before he dropped to the ground.

The rest of the men from the jeep drew their weapons. But before they had a chance to fight, all of them were taken down by the Roman family's bodyguards.

"Ma'am, are you alright?" Clyde asked anxiously.

"I'm fine. Call an ambulance. Quick!" Violla's heart was pounding.

"Of course!" Unfortunately, Dr. Felix was the only doctor in the proximity. Although Tobias and Hannah had some basic medical knowledge, they were not well versed enough to treat someone in a serious condition. Hence, all they could do before the arrival of the ambulance was to staunch the bleeding.

Due to their rural location, the ambulance did not arrive until half an hour later.

Violla and the rest hurried after the ambulance. Everyone was holding their breaths for the safety of Dr. Felix.

The medical staff barely managed to save Dr. Felix's life. But due to the inadequate equipment in the town hospital, he had to be transferred to a bigger hospital in the city.

Violla had wanted to follow the transfer, but her body once again acted up, causing her to wince in pain as blood started to trickle down her nose. Violla covered her nose while walking away from the bodyguards.Nevertheless, she did not escape Clyde's notice as she blacked out.

One day later, Violla woke up from a well-lit hospital room. A familiar face appeared before her blurry daze,it was Immaculate.

"Dr. Immaculate?" Violla gaped at her, doubting her own vision. "Why are you here?"

Instead of a verbal reply, Immaculate shifted her body to the side.

As she did that, Davon came into focus. He seemed to be engaging in a discussion with a few specialists a few steps away. Hearing Violla's voice, the man tilted his head in her direction before asking the rest of them to leave the room.

"Davon?" Violla panicked. "What are you doing here?"

"I didn't go anywhere. It's you who has come back," Davon replied and sat down on the side of her bed. Cupping her face in his hands, the man continued to explain, "The medical equipment in Phantom City is far too outdated. I've also transferred Dr. Felix here."

"Oh…" Violla's heart fluttered, her mind raced. 'How much does he know? Am I still able to keep him in the dark about the fact that I was poisoned?'

"I know what happened." Davon saved Violla from wondering. His brows furrowed in a knit as he questioned, "Are you out of your mind? What makes you think that it's okay to not only hide such a serious problem from me but also seek treatment by yourself?"

Violla was momentarily disconcerted by the man's fury.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Still cupping her face, Davon grunted the words through his gritted teeth, "Did you think I can't be of any help?"

"No..." Violla shook her head fervently.

"Then tell me why?" The man was seething with frustration. "Were you worried you'll be a burden to me?"

Still not saying a word, Violla continued to keep her head down.

"You're a silly woman!" Davon held her in his arms tightly and bit into Violla's shoulder while doing so.

"It hurts!" Violla cried in pain.

"I meant it to! That's how you'll learn your lesson!" Davon was feeling a mix of emotions,he was feeling angry, worried, and guilty all at the same time.

"There I was, thinking your nosebleed was due to libido indulgence. And every time you woke up in the middle of the night, it was because of the pain, not nightmares. Each time you had to suffer in silence in the washroom all by yourself…" With each word he uttered, it was as though a dagger had pierced through his heart.

'How could I not see that she was in so much pain? I'll not forgive myself if anything happens to her!'

"But I'm better now. You see, Dr. Felix has found an effective treatment for me." It pained Violla to see Davon blaming himself for the condition she was in. "I've felt a lot better after only a few days of treatment. I'm sure I'll recover in no time if we continue the routine..."

"Dr. Felix is still in critical condition right now." Davon cut her off mid-sentence. His voice turned solemn. "He is badly injured. No one can guarantee when he will come to."

"Huh?" Violla's eyes widened in astonishment.

'We had finally made some progress, and now this happened. Worst of all, Dr. Felix was dragged into this mess because of me!'

"Why didn't you let me know sooner?" Davon's voice was full of self-reproach. "If I'd known earlier, I wouldn't have let things like this happen to any of you."

"I'm so sorry…" Violla, too, was guilt-ridden. "Will Dr. Felix be okay? This is all my fault. And Tobias… Is he...."

"Tobias is alright, apart from some minor scratches," Immaculate explained carefully. "Mrs. Blake and Hannah are doing fine also. Dr. Felix, on the other hand, is still being monitored in the ICU.

Violla lowered her head like a deflated balloon, feeling disheartened by the news.

'Dr. Felix is my last hope. Now that he's lying unconscious in ICU, will I ever be cured?'

"Don't you worry," Davon reassured her in a comforting voice as if reading her mind. "Regarding the poison in your body, Hannah says she is familiar with the acupoints and can continue the treatment for you. As for the herbs, Tobias is also well aware of the combination. Together with Immaculate's assistance, we'll be able to resume the regimen soon."

"Is that true?" Violla turned to Immaculate.

"That's right." Immaculate nodded. "I've asked someone to source all the necessary herbs. We're well within schedule to start the procedures tomorrow."

"Thank you." Violla finally heaved a short sigh of relief before she pleaded with Immaculate, "Please, make sure you save Dr. Felix. I feel bad enough as it is."

"That's for sure. We have employed the best doctors to look after him." Immaculate's expression was remorseful. "I'm so sorry, Miss Milan. When I did a full body check-up for you earlier, it didn't cross my mind to do a blood test for you. It's my carelessness that landed you in this situation."

"Damn right it's your fault!" Davon retorted.

"I'm really sorry. I'm willing to accept any punishment." Immaculate lowered her head.

"It's not her fault, Davon. No one would have thought to check my blood for toxins at that time." Violla tried to calm the man down. "We have more urgent issues to settle right now."

Davon's expression softened as he stroked her face gently. "Alright. Rest up now. We'll start tending to your illness tomorrow. You'll be better soon."

"Hmm." The woman nodded dutifully.

"Go to sleep." Davon put Violla to bed and made sure she was sleeping before leaving her room in quick steps.

Once he stepped outside the ward, Davon's expression turned frosty as he ordered in a lowered voice, "Gather the people. I have some scores to settle with the madwoman right now!"

"Mr. Roman…"

"I said, now!"

"Yes, Mr. Roman!"

Davon arrived at Diana's residence with a few dozen subordinates, only to find an empty building.

Diana had already anticipated that her nephew would soon learn of what she did to Violla and come after her to seek revenge

She had already moved to a safe place as soon as she caught wind that her plan was exposed.

Davon was left fuming. The fact that one of his family members managed to anticipate his move made him grit his teeth in intense rage.

'You're lucky you got away this time. But you can't stay hidden for the rest of your life!'

As per schedule, Violla started receiving therapies the next day.

Hannah executed Dr. Felix's instructions to a tee in her acupuncture, but a smaller amount of toxic blood was discharged this time.

Nonetheless, everyone agreed that as long as there was still poisonous blood in Violla's body, they should soldier on.

The lesser amount of blood might have been due to the large volume of it being let out before.

Violla kept her chin up, feeling positive that she was on the right track to full recovery.

After a full month of treatment, there was hardly any tinted blood from the acupoints, and Violla had stopped experiencing painful fits altogether.

Davon was thrilled and convinced that Violla had fully rid herself of the poison in her body.

That morning, Davon helped Violla check out from the hospital while informing her of another news, "Guess what, grandpa is also being discharged today."

"Grandpa is fine now? That's great!" Violla was overjoyed.

"His legs are not as flexible and agile as before, but his overall health has improved considerably. We just need to take better care of his diet." Cupping her face in his hands, the man said softly, "The kids have missed you."

"I've missed them too." Violla felt an instant pang of guilt in her chest. She had avoided her children during her stay in the hospital so they would not see the frail and haggard state she was in.

'But all is well now. I can finally see the kids tonight.'

"Let's go." Davon took her hand in his and was about to head out the door when Violla stopped him.

"Can I please visit Dr. Felix before we go?" Violla still felt apologetic for having involved Dr. Felix in that mess.

"Okay. I'll go with you." Davon wrapped his hand around her shoulder and walked to Dr. Felix's ward.

Hannah, Tobias and Mrs. Blake were also by Dr. Felix's bedside.

The mere presence of Davon was enough to instill nervousness in Hannah and Tobias. Hence Violla had him waiting outside the ward while she entered the ward.

"Miss." Mrs. Blake walked up to Violla. "I've finished packing. We can check out together."

"Mrs. Blake, is your back okay?"

Mrs. Blake had sustained a back injury when she attempted to free Violla from the kidnap. While Violla was receiving treatment in the hospital, so was Mrs. Blake.

"I'm alright. My back is fully recovered now," Mrs. Blake said while stretching her back. "I'm still taking the herbal medicine. It's been really helpful."

"That's good to hear." Violla nodded in relief and then turned to Hannah and Tobias ."Why don't both of you come to stay with me? You can still visit Dr. Felix every day."

"I'm fine, Violla. I'll stay here to watch over Dr. Felix," Tobias replied resolutely.

"Me too. I want to stay here to look after Dr. Felix." Hannah, on the other hand, was still her cheerful self. "Please go ahead without us, Violla. When Dr. Felix is well again, we will come visit you."

"Okay." Knowing their close relationships with Dr. Felix, Violla did not push. "I'll come to visit Dr. Felix whenever I can. You can call me up anytime anything comes up, okay?"

"Hmm, we will." Both of them nodded.

"Alright, I'll get going." Violla gave Hannah a hug and was about to leave with Mrs. Blake when Tobias called out to her, " Violla …"

"Yes?" Violla turned to Tobias.

"Take good care of yourself. And please come back to us if you feel any discomfort," Tobias reminded.

After a moment's hesitation, Violla replied to him with a smile, "I will."

Violla still felt slightly unsettled after leaving the hospital. For some reason, her mind kept flashing back Tobias' final reminder, causing her to think that there was still some toxic residual in her blood.

Even so, there was not much else she could do about it, considering Dr. Felix was still unconscious, Hannah and Tobias only knew so much about her condition.

'Dr. Felix did say it takes time to clear all the toxins from my body in stages. It could well be that the herbal bath and acupuncture were only the first two stages out of many. And he was attacked before he had a chance to implement them. I can only pray for myself and hope that Dr. Felix will come around soon so we can pick up where he left off.'

"What's wrong?" Sensing something was bothering her, Davon held her in his arms. "Are you still worried about Dr. Felix? I've arranged for the best doctors to take care of him. Immaculate also reassured that he will slowly come around. He is, after all, no longer a young person, so his recovery is bound to take more time."

"Hmm." Violla nodded absent-mindedly.

"Stop worrying," Davon said while rubbing her face playfully. "You're gonna have to gather yourself and want to look your best in the bridal dress. There are only seven days left for you to get ready. You surely don't want to look like this in your bridal pictures."

"What?" Violla was stunned. "What seven days?"

"Our wedding," the man replied matter-of-factly. "I've already announced publicly that we'll get married on the ninth of this month!"

"What? When? And why didn't I know anything about it?" There were too many questions in Violla's head. She was at a loss which one to ask first.

"I've made the announcement three days ago," Davon said while flashing a gold-colored invitation card in front of her. "I've also sent out all the invitation cards."

The woman was speechless for a moment as she tried to digest the information. "Oh my gosh, we haven't even had pre-wedding bridal photos taken, and you have already sent out all the invitations?"

Violla frantically opened the invitation card, only to see a few simple lines of invitation without the usual bridal photo.

"Well, my initial plan was to have a world-class wedding ceremony with you. But on second thought, since you don't like being high-profile, I've opted for a smaller celebration with a few close families, friends, and business partners. They all know me to be a low-key person, so I'm sure they won't mind the missing bridal photo in the invitation cards." Davon continued to share his plan for the wedding with Violla.

"However, we're still going to take pre-wedding bridal shots. So, I've asked someone to prepare a yacht for our family of six to take some photos tomorrow."

"You've even made arrangements for that? But tomorrow is Wednesday. Don't the kids have school?" Violla flipped out a little.

"It's kindergarten, honey. I'm sure it'll be okay for them to skip one day." The corner of Davon's mouth curled up a little. "They've already sent the invitation cards to their teachers and little friends while waiting for your return."

Violla was experiencing the strange feeling of having to play the main character without knowing anything about her. "What about your grandfather? Has he given us his blessing?"

"Well, the reason he rushed into discharging himself today was that he saw the invitation card." The man pursed his lips. "And he'll be visiting us tonight to talk about the wedding." Davon had once again rendered Violla speechless by putting her on the spot. "Oh my goodness, you've gone behind his back on this! What if he says no?"

"No one is going to change my mind about that." Davon's voice took on a solemn tone. "Not even him."


"Alright, now." The man interrupted her speech and planted a kiss on her forehead. "Let me worry about it. Right now, I want you to just focus on being the most beautiful bride in the world!"

Violla was deeply moved by the man's unwavering profession of love for her and decided to leave the matters in his hands. She stopped protesting and wrapped her hands tightly around his waist before burying her head in his chest, listening to the strong beats of his heart. "Thank you."