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"Didn't you see her gesture?" Frowning, Lucky explained, "If we go after her and ruin her plan, she'll get mad at us. You know how hot-tempered she is.''

"But that's a total stranger! What if he's up to no good?"

"We have to follow them in secret." Lucky headed to the back door as Violla and that mysterious man had exited the club through that door. "We can't tail too closely or let anything happen to her."

"What happened to Miss Landiana? She had always been a cool and logical person. But after the man appeared, she seemed to have lost all her reason."

"Don't you know? Even the mightiest would fall at a beauty's glance…"

In a secluded corner, Marco watched as Davon led Violla away. Delighted, he declared, "Mr. Roman has succeeded."

"Those women are a nuisance," remarked Cruze with a frown. He was referring to Lucky and Belly.

"So? Should we stop them?" Marco inquired.

"If we do, our plan will go bust." Cruze sounded confident. "Don't worry. Mr. Roman is capable enough of losing them."

"Yes, you're right," Marco replied proudly. "Should we follow them and see how Mr. Roman does it?"

"We can see it from here." Cruze pushed the window open and revealed the parking lot behind the back door.

Immediately, they spotted Davon, who was now disguised as a mysterious man, running out with Violla.

"Do you dare to come with me for a ride?" Davon was about to retrieve his car keys.

"I should be the one asking that!" Violla pressed a button on her car remote. Swiftly, a silver Pagani sped out of its lot and came to a stop beside them.

Davon released his grip on his Volkswagen car keys silently. To make up a perfect disguise, he told Cruze to get a cheaper Volkswagen and pretended that was his car. Little had he expected things to turn out that way.

"Get in!" Violla urged and pulled him into the car.

Before Davon could buckle the seatbelt, the Pagani sped away swiftly. He grabbed the handle and put on his seatbelt hurriedly.

Violla glanced at the rearview mirror and sped up.

"Are those your bodyguards?" asked Davon.

He could see both Lucky and Belly dashing out of the back door in search of them.

"What's wrong? Are you scared?" Violla had no idea it was Davon. After all, his hair was slicked back, and with his black leather jacket coupled with a mask covering half his face, the man seemed like a rogue.It was a different image from which the cool and stern Davon presented.

Davon knew she was smarter than she used to be. As such, he made sure every detail was perfect. For example, his current voice differed from his usual voice.

"Nope," Davon joked. "You'll protect me!"

Violla burst out laughing. Glancing at him, she asked, "Are you an escort at Empire Night?"

"Mm!" Davon inclined his head. "If you despise me because of my job, it's not too late to throw me out."

"State your price." Instead of showing her disdain, Violla lifted her brow. "How much per night?"

"Ten thousand for the entire night!" Davon blurted out. "No discount given!"

'I can't believe I just said that out loud. That's so embarrassing!'

Violla chuckled again. "Then what can you do for me?"

"What do you want me to do?" Davon rested an arm on her seat and leaned closer to her.

"Do we know each other?" Davon was wondering why she wasn't repulsed by his advances.

'He was flirty like the other escorts. So why does his action feel familiar to me? My heart is even fluttering as he comes closer.'

Davon was baffled. 'Did it trigger her memory? Or is she merely feigning memory loss?'

"Looks like we do know each other." Violla got the answer from his gaze.

"I can't believe you recognized me." Davon played along. "I thought you've forgotten about me!"

"What do you mean?" Violla gazed at him curiously.

"You were my first client!" Davon brushed his sexy lips across her cheek and whispered, "Six years ago, you selected me in Empire Night and spent the night in a hotel with me."

"Six years ago?" Violla racked her brains, but it didn't ring a bell. "I don't remember doing such a thing."

Violla swivelled out of his touch.The electrifying sensation from his touch made Violla's body tense up.

"Do you want to do it tonight, too?" Davon fingers brushed across her nape gently.

Instead of responding to him, Violla spun the steering wheel without warning.

The sudden change in direction caused Davon's body to nearly hit the car window. Luckily, he propped his arm up in time.

Frowning, anger flooded his veins instantly. Back then, he used to do the same thing to her. Right then, she was letting him get a taste of his own medicine.

'Is she subconsciously trying to get back at me?'

"Scared?" Violla raised her brow. "If you are, stay put."

Davon was rendered speechless.History was repeating itself, but their roles were reversed.Violla smirked and entered the expressway.

"Where are we going?" Davon found the direction familiar.

"Somewhere nice." Violla sped toward Mountain Hill.

It was a familiar route, so Davon knew where they were heading soon. 'Is she taking me home?' He wondered.

'Did she find out who I am? Is she trying to sound me out? What is she hiding up her sleeves?'

Davon was lost in his train of thoughts when his phone rang suddenly. It was Lewis.

He immediately rejected the call. Soon, his phone rang again. It was still Lewis.

Davon scrunched his brows up. He was about to reject the call again when Violla snatched the phone out of his grasp and proceeded to fling it out of the window.

Davon's eyes widened in shock. "What did you just do?"

"It's too annoying!" Violla responded coolly.

Right then, memories of the past surfaced in Davon's mind.

'If I remember correctly, I threw her phone away a few times when we first got together.'

'Her action, words, and arrogance were exactly the same as what I did to her back then. Did she do that on purpose to take revenge on me?'

Davon started doubting that she had indeed lost her memory. After all, someone who had lost their memories wouldn't be so vindictive. She was obviously making him get a taste of his own medicine.

"Are you mad?" Violla glanced at him and whipped out a check. "Here. You can buy a ton of phones with the money."

Davon felt offended by her action. It was as if he had become an escort for real this time.

"Will you take it or not?" Violla urged. "If you won't, I'm throwing it out!"

With that, she moved her hand toward the window.

Immediately, Davon grabbed the check out of her hand. When he noticed the figure written on it, his lips parted in astonishment. "Ten million?"

'Back then, Violla even got into a fight over one thousand. She tried to swindle money from me, too. I can't believe she's giving me ten million now! Indeed, being rich has its perks. Look at how confident she is! I'm now her kept man.'

"Find out how long I can hire you with the money," ordered Violla with a grin.

"One thousand nights," replied Davon after a brief calculation. "No, it's nine hundred and ninety-nine nights after deducting the cost of a new phone."

"Deal." Violla announced arrogantly, "From today onward, you can only serve me alone. You can't go to other women."

"Anything else?" Davon glanced at her.

"Be available at all times." Violla gave him her phone. "Save your number on my phone."

"Yes, boss!" Davon saved the phone number when he was still Escort on her phone. He hesitated before typing out "Escort In Debt" in the name column.

"What's with the name?" Violla frowned at the somewhat familiar name.

"That was the name you gave me back then." Davon recounted the past events. "Back then, I owed you money. So you told me to give you half of my daily earnings to pay you back."

Violla guffawed. "No way. Seriously? How much do you even earn every day? That bit of money is nothing to me."

"You were poor back then." Bitterness rose in Davon's heart as the memories flashed across his mind. "You even fought with others over one thousand."

"Seriously?" Violla arched a brow doubtfully.

"That isn't important, anyway." Davon pocketed the check. "You're rich now. Thanks for the money!"

"Mm," Violla grunted in acknowledgment. "If you do a good job, I'll reward you later," she told him in all seriousness.

"What service do you want from me?" Davon inched nearer and breathed in her ear.

"I'll let you know when I need it." Violla gave him a slight push.

"Fine." Every time desire coursed in Davon's heart, the woman would put it out easily.

Violla slowed down and lowered the convertible top. The chilly wind blew across them, easing the tension in the car.

Davon placed one arm on the window and rested his chin on his hand. They were arriving at a brightly lit villa halfway up the hill.

'Is she taking me back to North Villa? Me? Someone who she had just met?'

Instead of coming to a stop, Violla sped ahead and reached the top of the hill.As they were surrounded by the clouds, it felt like they were floating above the sky.

The sun was about to rise. Gradually, the sky turned a fiery red. It was a breathtaking sight on Mountain Hill. Violla leaned into her seat and stared at the sky blankly. Meanwhile, Davon narrowed his gaze. His emotions were a complex mixture.

For the past two years, he had often come there alone and spent the whole night there.Sometimes, even if it was raining, he'd sit in his car and looked at the horizon as Violla's silhouette filled his mind.

When she was by his side, he had never taken her out on romantic dates, let alone watch any sunrise or sunset together.

After she left him, however, he watched the sunrise there countless times.It was quiet enough for him to lose himself in his memories and think of her there.

'Why did she suddenly bring me here?'

"Two days ago, I found out by accident that the sunrise here is stunning," explained Violla softly. "Besides, this very scenery appeared in my dreams repeatedly."

"You dreamt of this scenery?" Davon was shocked.

"Yes." Confusion flashed across Violla's face. "I've been having weird dreams for the past two years."

"Did you dream of me?" Davon asked nonchalantly.

"No." Violla met his gaze calmly. "But you feel really familiar to me."

"That means you saved a spot for me in your heart." Davon reached out and caressed her hair gently. "It's just that you forgot about us."

"You're right." Violla stretched her hand out and tried to remove his mask. "Let me see what you look like."

Davon caught her hand in time as his lips curved into a grin. "Your sense of familiarity stemmed from the mask. There's no need to spoil the mood, right?"

"Oh, right."

'If I find out what he looks like, perhaps I'll no longer feel the same way.'

She retracted her hand and waited for the sun to rise silently.

Davon took off his jacket and draped it around her carefully without touching her. He sat by her side wordlessly.

He had fantasized of that very scene countless times,that she would show up to watch the sunrise with him. Finally, his dream had come true.

Soon, the first rays of sunlight cast a rosy hue across the morning sky. The dappled sun shone through the trees on Mountain Hill, creating a breathtaking sight.

Violla's spirits were lifted considerably. She stretched her arms wide and enjoyed the rare and blissful moment.

Seeing her reaction, Davon nearly took her into his arms. However, he stayed still and didn't lay a finger on her. After all, he should take things one step at a time.

Slowly, the sun rose over the horizon as they basked in the warm sunlight.Violla shut the convertible top and drove down the hill.

Halfway down, they ran into Lucky and Belly who had come in search of her. Both cars came to a stop.

Lucky got off the car and bowed politely in greeting. "Miss Landiana!"

Violla was slightly unhappy, but she said nothing. Turning to Davon, she asked, "Can you drive?"

"Of course," Davon replied with a firm nod.

Violla alighted from the car with her bag and told Davon, "You can drive this car home. I'll call you soon."

"Okay." Davon got into the driver's seat and floored the accelerator.

Belly was about to reverse out of his way, but Davon stepped on the pedal and did a stunt by driving the car on two wheels.

Half the car was hanging off the cliff, but he completed the stunt perfectly and sped away.Everyone else was caught off guard.

"Damn!" Belly leaned out of the window in astonishment. "Am I seeing things?"

"Wow, he's skilled in driving," uttered Lucky.

"Interesting." Violla squinted at the disappearing car. She couldn't help but look forward to their next meeting.

"Miss Landiana, who is he?" Belly was in awe of his driving skills.

"He's that mysterious man in the mask!" Lucky rolled her eyes. "Didn't you see him clearly?"

"No, well. I don't think he's just an ordinary escort," explained Belly excitedly. "He can be a professional racer. Why would he be an escort?"

Lucky immediately coughed to remind her to be careful of her words.

Belly hurriedly explained, "No, I mean...."

"You're too talkative," Violla glared at her and chided.

"I'm sorry, Miss Landiana." Belly lowered her head fearfully.

Violla got into the car without a word. Both bodyguards immediately followed in her footsteps and drove home.

The moment the car entered the courtyard, a maid hurried up to her. "Miss Landiana, someone from the Roman family came yesterday."

"Mm?" Violla raised a brow. "What for?"

"According to them, your pet eagle scared their little ones and pet. They demanded us to deal with your pet and asked you to…"

The maid trailed off nervously.

"Say it!" Violla stalked into her house and unbuttoned her top.

"They demanded an apology from you in person," the maid finished softly.

Violla stopped in her tracks and sneered, "Me? Apologizing to them in person?"

"How dare they say that!" Lucky declared furiously. "Finny has been in its cage all the while. How did it manage to scare their little ones' pet?"