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𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 πŽππ„ 𝐇𝐔𝐍𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐃 𝐀𝐍𝐃 π’π„π•π„ππ“π˜- 𝐒𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐍:

"Right!" Belly chimed in. "I can't believe how arrogant that Davon is. He kept provoking us back in Garden golf and took Sir Lewis away at the airport. How dare he kick up a fuss now?"

"It was Mr. D'barl Roman, not Mr. Davon Roman who sent the messenger."

"Mr. D'barl Roman?" Hatred rose in Violla's heart at the mention of that man. "He wants me to apologize in person? Fine, I'll be there soon."

"Huh?" Both Lucky and Belly were shocked.

Violla headed upstairs and ordered without looking back, "Let Finny out of its cage. I'll take a shower and head there with Finny!"

"Yes!" Lucky giggled evilly. "Miss Landiana is back!"

"The Roman family is doomed!" Belly snickered. "I'll let Finny out!"

"Miss Landiana, I've prepared a bath for you. Do you need me to prepare breakfast?" the maid trudged behind her and asked.

"Bring it to my room." Violla walked into her room and threw her coat onto the ground.

After taking a quick hot bath and drying her hair, Violla changed into a cool outfit and headed out with Finny without even bothering to put makeup on.

Since Finny hurt Davon at Garden golf that day, Violla fed it anesthesia and locked it up in a cage.

She wanted to lock it up for a few more days , but D'barl's actions were too much for her. Hence, she decided to take Finny to meet that notorious family.

D'barl had gone over the line by asking her to get rid of her pet.

Meanwhile, Davon arrived home in the Pagani.

Cruze, Clyde, and the others immediately welcomed him home.

"Mr. Roman, whose car is this?" asked Clyde curiously.

"A woman's," answered Davon as he got off the car. "Park it in the garage. Make sure no one else uses it."

"Got it!" Cruze immediately sprang into action.

"Mr. Roman." Clyde came over and reported to him in a low voice. "Yesterday, I sent someone to the Landiana residence to remind them, but Miss Landiana wasn't home. Later, your grandfather sent someone there again."

"What?" Davon stopped. "I told you to keep an eye, didn't I?"

"I did, but I couldn't stop Mr. Douglas' men." Cruze seemed stumped. "I wanted to report to you last night, but you weren't here."

"What did Douglas' men do?" Davon inquired.

"If I'm not mistaken, he told them to deal with that eagle as soon as possible. Also…" Clyde glanced around before whispering in Davon's ear. "He wants the Landiana family to come and apologize to him in person."

Davon frowned. 'Damn it. If Violla comes, she'll run into me. Hmm, but she's so arrogant. I don't think she'll come and apologize.Besides, it's so early. She'll probably take a bath, put on her skincare, have breakfast, and go back to sleep.'

With that thought, Davon relaxed and went back to his room.

"Good morning, daddy!"

"Morning, daddy!"

"Daddy, why are you dressed up?"

Right then, the triplets came out of their room. They greeted Davon politely before scanning Davon's odd outfit.

"I-I went to a ball last night." Davon came up with a perfect excuse on the spot.

By then, Davon had removed his mask and leather jacket. Compared to the full outfit he had on last night, he seemed normal . Usually, he wouldn't be caught wearing such a strange T-shirt, pants, and boots, let alone slick his hair back.

"No wonder you stayed out all night," said Eliana with her lips pursed. "Bad daddy! You're an adult, so please take good care of your health. Staying up all night is bad for you!"

"Got it!" Davon crouched down and gave Eliana a warm hug. "Alright. Time for breakfast!"

"Mmm-hmm!" Eliana planted a kiss on his cheek and went downstairs.

After Eliana left, Jason came over to him and inquired softly, "Daddy, did you go on a date with another woman?"

"Shh!" Davon hurriedly covered Jason's mouth and whipped his head around to see if Eliana overheard them. That was a sensitive matter. He could talk to his son about that, but it would be a bad idea to inform his daughter.

After Eliana's figure disappeared from sight, Davon moved his hands away and he tapped at Jason's head gently. "You cheeky rascal. What was that?" he demanded.

"Am I wrong?" Jason let out an evil giggle. "For the past few days, you're acting differently. Your eyes are sparkling with delight. Sometimes, you'll laugh without reason. Also, you've been home for the past two years. Now, you're staying out. That means you're dating another woman!"

"You're just a young boy, what do you know?" Davon ruffled his hair.

"Hey, don't mess up my hair!" Jason shoved him away unhappily. "Isn't dating another woman normal? Why are you being secretive?"

"I…" Davon trailed off when he saw the blazing fury in Ryan's eyes.

"Ryan, Jason! Come down and eat your breakfast!" Just then, D'barl hollered from downstairs.

"Coming!" Jason yelled in response. "Daddy, I'm gonna head down first!"

"Go on." Davon patted his butt and watched as he toddled away. He tried to take Ryan's hand, but the latter avoided his touch and strode down the stairs without a word.

Noticing his mood, Davon furrowed his eyebrows.

'Ryan is more matured than Jason and Eliana .He has been waiting for his mommy to come home, so he probably wants me to do the same. He doesn't want anyone to replace his mommy.'

Davon wanted to tell him that he was dating their mommy, but that wasn't the right time.

'Forget it. For now, I'll deal with the pressing matter.'

He was taking a shower when someone knocked on the door hastily. It was Cruze "Mr. Roman! Mr. Roman!" he yelled anxiously.

Knowing it was something urgent, Davon immediately wrapped himself in a towel and walked out with bubbles still visible on his head. "What is it?"

Cruze rushed in and reported, "Miss Landiana is here!"

"What?" Davon was stupefied. Swiftly, he regained his composure and ordered, "Stop them. Don't let grandpa and the kids see them. I'll change my clothes and head downstairs."

"Yes!" Cruze left promptly.

Davon cleaned himself quickly and rushed down the stairs. Before he could reach them, he heard the eagle screeching and the kids screaming in terror.

At once, he closed his eyes in disbelief. 'Damn you, woman. Are you seriously scaring your kids with that eagle? Looks like you really have amnesia, huh?'

Downstairs, Ryan's brows were knitted together. He was terrified but put up a calm front.

Both Jason and Eliana buried themselves into D'barl's arms in fear.

D'barl gathered them in his arms and demanded furiously, "What is going on?"

"Mr. Roman, they are from North Villa, here to offer an apology in person," one bodyguard came and informed D'barl.

"How outrageous!" D'barl huffed angrily. "They brought that eagle along to apologize to us? This is obviously a provocation."

"Yes!" the bodyguard replied and lowered his gaze nervously.

"Kill that eagle!" D'barl slammed on the table and commanded.

"Well…" The bodyguard hesitated. Cruze and Clyde were stopping them from doing anything, so it was obvious that Davon didn't want them to get involved in that matter.

However, D'barl was giving them contradicting orders. It was tough for them to be sandwiched between both employers.

"What's wrong? Do I have to repeat myself?" D'barl exclaimed in anger.

"No!" The bodyguard looked down hurriedly before saying, "Yes, sir!"

With that, the bodyguards grabbed their guns.

Outside, Cruze and Marco had closed the gates, blocking Violla and her entourage outside.

Outside, the women were yelling, "Didn't D'barl Roman ask us to apologize in person? Here we are. Why are you refusing us entry?"

"Right! You kept warning us, saying our pet eagle scared your kids and pet. We're here now to apologize with our pet eagle in tow. Why aren't you welcoming us?"

"Open the door! Open the door!" The women banged on the iron gates forcefully and shrieked.

In the car, Violla folded her arms smugly and watched the entire debacle with a smirk.

'D'barl knows I'm a Landiana, but sent someone to warn me on purpose. If I do nothing, he'll think we're cowards.He wants me to apologize in person, right? Well, I'm here. Let's see how the Romans deal with this.'

"They don't look like they are here to apologize," Marco declared with his teeth gritted. "They are here to gloat!"

"We need to make them leave now," Cruze replied . "If Mr. Old Roman sees Miss Landiana, we'll be in deep trouble."

"If they are men, I can start a fight!" Marco seemed furious. "But they are women. We can't convince them to leave or start a fight with them. Nothing will make them leave. This is seriously frustrating!"

"That's true." The other bodyguards nodded in agreement.

"Cowards!" Cruze glared at them indignantly. He went up to Violla's bodyguards and told them, "Apology accepted. You can leave now!"

He was trying to make them leave.

"We haven't met Mr. D'barl Roman. Who are you to say our apology has been accepted?" Lucky arched a brow and sneered, "What if Mr. D'barl Roman sends someone to reprimand us after we leave?"

"Yeah!" Belly chimed in. "Miss Landiana is here to offer her sincerest apology."

"Yes. Well, we accept your sincere apology. So you can leave now."

Just then, Cruze spotted D'barl's men coming out armed with guns, so he pushed the iron gates frantically, trying to chase those women away.Alas, the women stood their ground and hurled insults at them.

Marco and the other bodyguards balled their hands into fists, enraged.

Noting that D'barl's men didn't appear, and Davon deliberately avoided her by sending his bodyguards to dismiss them, Violla grew increasingly impatient.She opened her convertible top and released her eagle.

The eagle let out an ear-piercing shriek which echoed across the hill before it headed straight for the Romans.

"Be careful!" Cruze deftly avoided the eagle's attack as he was behind the iron gate. Failing to attack him, the eagle swooped down and targeted the other bodyguards.

After successfully clawing Marco and the others, the eagle flew inside the villa.

"Hurry, shoot it!" Douglas' subordinates raised their guns and aimed.

A few shots rang in the air. The eagle's wings were hurt, but it still headed straight into the villa without hesitation.

At the sight of the eagle, Jason and Eliana were screaming at the top of their lungs and shivering in fear.

Douglas was standing beside Ryan to protect him, but after hearing the gunshots, the little boy dashed out to see what was going on. Instantly, his unprotected figure became the target of the eagle.

As soon as the eagle flew into the villa, it went for Ryan.

Ryan's eyes widened. He looked up and gaped at the eagle, aghast.

"Ryan!" D'barl howled.

At the same time, Davon stepped out of his room to witness that horrible scene. He wanted to rescue his son, but it was too late.

"Ryan!" Jason wailed desperately and tried to run to his brother, but D'barl refused to release his grip on him.

"Ahh!" Eliana covered her face and screamed in terror.

The eagle was about to attack Ryan when a whistle sounded outside in the nick of time.Immediately, the eagle came to a stop and hovered midair, gazing sharply at Ryan.

Ryan met its gaze, utterly petrified.It was a stalemate between an eagle and a six-year-old boy. A tensed silence hung in the air.

"Ryan!" Suddenly, a high-pitched wail broke the silence.A little green figure darted toward the eagle like an arrow and started pecking on the eagle's wings. The eagle turned slowly and stared at the parrot coldly.

Both Jason and Eliana were dumbfounded as they stared at their pet parrot, Finny.

After all, Finny was throwing its tiny figure in front of the predatory eagle without any hint of fear.

As expected, the eagle flapped its wings lightly and sent Finny flying through the air.

"Finny!" Eliana dashed out to catch her beloved Finny. She lost her balance and toppled to the ground. She didn't hurt, but when the eagle's sharp gaze landed on her, she burst into tears.

Hearing her wails, the eagle tilted its head curiously and flapped its wings to fly toward her.

"Ah! Ahh!" Eliana's shrieks turned louder.

As her face turned red, she trembled profusely in horror. Her grip on Finny tightened, nearly breaking Finny's neck in half.

Right then, Davon sprinted downstairs in time and stood in front of Eliana in a protective stance. He flung his fist at the eagle.The eagle narrowed its gaze and flew out at once.

It had learned its lesson after being punched by Davon back then.

"Eliana, Ryan!" D'barl called for his great-grandchildren . "Are you alright?"

Eliana couldn't stop sobbing as the dread remained in her heart.Outside, the children's faint cries stabbed straight into Violla's heart like an iron shard, causing her to wince in pain.

Looking down at her chest, she realized there was a void in her heart, as though she had lost something important. The eagle screeched noisily as it flew out.

Douglas' men were about to shoot it, but Clyde stopped them. "That's enough. If something happens, the consequences will be horrible!"

The eagle crashed into the car with blood seeping out from its wings.

"Finny's hurt!" Belly's expression contorted in anger seeing the blood. She entered the car and grabbed her gun. "How dare they harass us? I'll make sure they pay for it!"

"Stop it!" Violla roared suddenly.

Belly froze in her tracks and turned back in bewilderment. "Miss Landiana!"

"Let's go back," said Violla as she pressed a hand against her chest. With her brows knitted together, she seemed to be in extreme anguish.

"Miss Landiana what's wrong?" Lucky sensed something was amiss.

"Let's go!" Violla growled out lowly.

"Yes!" Everyone got into their vehicles immediately and drove away.

Seeing their departure, Cruze heaved a sigh of relief.