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𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 πŽππ„ 𝐇𝐔𝐍𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐃 𝐀𝐍𝐃 π„πˆπ†π‡π“π˜-𝐓𝐇𝐑𝐄𝐄:

As she spoke, the bodyguard of the three rich women had arrived. They were all tall and heavily built.

Davon took a glance. 'Aren't these the same people two years ago? The same group of people, the same location, and the timing seemed to be the same too. But the current Violla was completely different from Violla in the past.'

"Is there anyone else?" Violla pointed at the six muscular bodyguards. She raised her brows and jeered, "Just the six of you?"

"What do you mean?" The three rich women became furious. "They're enough to deal with you."

"That's right! After her!" As soon as he spoke, the six muscular bodyguards charged towards Violla.

Violla smirked and made a gesture with her hand

Lucky and Belly moved swiftly. In just a split second, a few flying kicks had sent the six burly men crashing onto the floor immediately, and they moaned in pain while holding their stomachs.

The three rich women were left dumbfounded at the scene. They definitely did not expect the two girls could have such great moves and strength.

"Who's next?" Violla made a gesture.

"You… you better watch out!" Color drained from the three women's faces, but they continued to attack with their words for the sake of their ego.

Lucky and Belly balled their fists, and that immediately scared the three of them away. Before they headed out, they even kicked their bodyguards and reprimanded them, "Useless trash. Get up!"

The six bodyguards quickly got up and left in a fluster.

"Are you alright?" Violla turned her head to check on Davon. "Did they manage to do anything to you?"

"Do I look that weak?" Davon pulled her into an embrace and leaned closer to her. "Hmm?"

"Let go!" Violla struggled, but she couldn't break free from his grasp. "You're quite strong," she raised her brow and said.

"Did you forget who saved you the other times?" Davon's luscious lips caressed her cheeks lovingly and growled into her ears. "Well? Are you having dinner tonight?"

His alluring breath lingered at her ears, leaving her with tingling sensations. It was as if she had been electrocuted, and the heat was radiating from her.

Violla's body tensed up, and she placed her hands on his chest anxiously, stopping him from leaning closer. "Stop fooling around. Let go of me!"

Behind her, Lucky and Belly exchanged a look with their brows knitted, clearly conflicted.They had never met a situation like that, so they did not know if they should help.

"Alright." Davon let go of her arms, then wrapped his arm around her shoulder and walked towards the private room. "What would you like to do today?"

"Do you seriously think I'm that free?" Violla rolled her eyes at him. "I'm meeting a client. Wait for me next door, and we'll go out after I'm done."

"You're meeting a client here?" Davon's eyes narrowed. In fact, he often met his clients there, but they dealt with shady businesses with the Syndicate .

"Yup." Violla raised her head and looked towards the other side of the corridor. A few foreigners with unfamiliar faces came in. Their expressions were stern and cold, looking fully guarded.

Violla motioned at her bodyguards, and Belly came up to Davon. "This way please."

Stealing a glance at the foreigners, Davon followed Belly into the private room next door.

At the same time, Violla walked into another private room with the foreigners. After the door closed, they didn't do anything but stand aside.

Lucky poured a glass of wine for Violla and whispered, "You mentioned before that he has ill intentions with you?"

"You'll know from his reaction if he has ill intentions." Violla swirled the wine in her glass and stared at the glass door coldly.

"That's right," Lucky said angrily, "Just this morning, he exhibited mad driving skills at the mountains. Yet, tonight, we also found out that Davon's driving skills were of the same standards as well. Is it really that coincidental?"

"I don't think Davon is dumb." Belly stood beside the door and peeked outside. "If that's really him, why would he give it away within a day?"

"Stop with the nonsense." Violla gestured.

Lucky immediately switched on the laptop and pulled up a camera. Not long after, everything that was happening in the private room opposite was shown on the screen.

From the screen, Davon was leaning on the sofa lazily while smoking a cigar.

At the same time, a waitress was seen crouching down beside him, mixing up some drinks.

Although that looked like nothing much, it somehow gave people a sense of oppression.

"Is he really an escort?" Lucky stared at the laptop screen in disbelief. "His aura is no joke!"

"Davon indeed has an intimidating aura too. But both of them are completely different." Belly analyzed. "Also, Davon is self-centered, so I don't think he'll give up his ego and pretend to be an escort."

Nonetheless, Violla continued to stare at the screen, watching the way he smoked his cigar, the way he drank, and even the way he tousled his hair. Violla was about to call him when the escort in the opposite private room stood up.

Lucky and Belly quickly stared at the screen. It couldn't be.

"Sir, what would you like?" The waitress asked politely.

The escort took out a pile of cash and passed it to her. He then added, "You don't have to serve here. Go and stand outside the private room right across the hallway."

"Huh? Why?" The waitress asked softly.

In the meantime, Lucky gritted her teeth with anger in front of the laptop. "I should've known!"

"Even if he's not Davon, he still has ill intentions," Belly said furiously, "How dare a scumbag like him scam Miss Landiana."

Violla knitted her brows tightly, her eyes staring at the screen with a complicated gaze.

"Go and stand watch by the door." The escort pointed at the outside and instructed, "If you hear any screams, cries, or calls for help from a woman, signal me immediately."

At that, Lucky and Belly exchanged a glance, looking confused. 'What does this mean?'

Similarly, Violla found it weird as well. 'Why would he ask for such an odd request?'

"I'm sorry, Sir. I wouldn't dare do so if you don't explain it to me properly." The waitress was smart, and it was expected of someone who received money from both sides. "Those people in the other room are all big shots, and they're not to be offended."

"That host in the other room is my girlfriend. She is having a business meeting with her client, but I'm afraid that she would be taken advantage of." The escort was getting anxious by the second. "Are you going? If not, I'm going to find someone else."

"Alright, alright. I'm going now." The waitress quickly took the money and left with her tray.

After she left, the escort walked to the door and took a glance outside, looking worried.

"Now that's more like it!" Belly was moved instantly by his gesture. "We've totally misunderstood him. He is not Davon, and he doesn't have any ill intentions. He only wants to protect Miss Landiana."

"Yeah, I feel so guilty." Lucky was touched as well. "Even though he is an escort, he is sincere towards Miss Landiana."

"Alright!" Violla switched off the laptop and ordered, "The test is over. "

After that, she turned to leave.

The waitress outside was unprepared and almost collided with her. Instantly, she was met with Violla's cold gaze and quickly apologized, "I'm so sorry."

Without saying a word, Violla strode away and opened the door of the room opposite.

"You're done?" Davon glanced outside and into the room. The foreigners were nowhere to be found. 'It seemed like I was right, it was all just a test.'

"Yeah, I'm done." Violla's gaze softened when she looked at Davon. "Let's go for a drive."

"Sure." Davon picked up the car keys on the table, wrapped his arms around Violla's shoulder, and walked towards the back door.

Lucky and Belly, together with all the other six female bodyguards, followed behind.

Davon waved his hands and said, "Don't follow us. Go have some fun."

"But…".When Lucky was about to speak, Violla cut in and ordered, "Do as he said."

"Alright." Lucky and the others stopped in their tracks.

"Where would you like to go tonight?" Davon enjoyed such a night. He could even give up his sleep if he could spend time with her like that.

"The beach…" When Violla was speaking, a sexy girl in a bunny costume was heading towards her. The girl's eyes widened in shock seeing Violla. "Violla?"

Violla stopped in her tracks and looked at her in confusion. "Do you know me?"

"How could I not know you?" The sexy bunny girl grabbed Violla's hand and exclaimed, "I'm Kristina. Do you not remember me?"

Violla furrowed her brows in confusion.

Meanwhile, Davon narrowed his eyes and scrutinized the girl meticulously. 'Judging by her outfit, she should be a hostess from Empire Night. Maybe Violla's ex colleague.'

"Have you really forgotten who I am? Aww, that's too bad. Violla, we used to be colleagues." Kristina was saddened. "I even pretended to be you and helped you lie to your boyfriend."

"Boyfriend?" Violla was even more confused.

"It's the… Uh…" Before Kristina could finish her words, someone stepped on her foot. Her eyes welled up from the pain that instant. "Who stepped on my foot?"

Just then, a group of girls dressed in cat costumes came in in a swamp from the back and shoved Kristina away.

"Let's go." Davon took the chance and took Violla away. It was a close call as Kristina almost let everything out.

However, Davon had recalled everything. Violla used to sell liquor there. When he heard about that, he became furious and went all the way there. Then she found a girl with a mask to cover her, and that girl was Kristina.

Thus, Kristina knew Violla's boyfriend was Davon.

If she had a slip of the tongue, it would have been troublesome. But luckily, she didn't know about the existence of the escort, or everything would be exposed right then and there.

"Violla, Violla, don't go…" Kristina turned her head and called out for Violla. "Even if you don't remember me, you should at least remember Olympia, right? She has been looking for you."

After hearing what she said, Violla froze in her tracks and turned around.

Unfortunately, Kristina was forced back into the club by the rest of the girls.

Violla frowned and thought long about Olympia. Before they knew it, they had left Empire Night and boarded the car . Davon drove to the beach parking the car there.

Even so, Violla was still lost in her thoughts.

"What's the matter?" Davon unbuckled her seatbelt for her.

"You said that we used to be together, yes?" Violla pondered. "Do you know that Kristina girl?"

"Nope." Davon adjusted the seat for her as well.

"Then what about Olympia?" Violla's brows drew together.

"Nope." Davon tousled her hair. "What happened to you? You couldn't remember anything?"

"I've lost part of my memories…" Violla mumbled to herself. "I know that there are blanks here and there, but I can't remember everything at all. Ever since I came back, I visited some familiar places, and bits and pieces of my memories would come back occasionally."

"What do you remember?" Davon cupped her face in his hands tenderly.

"I remember you." Violla raised her head and looked at him. "My memories about you are the clearest!"

"Are they good memories?" Davon caressed her lips with his thumb gently.

"Yes." Violla nodded. "Tenderness, warmth, and happiness , they were all good feelings." Violla pushed his hand away lightly.

"I can make you feel even better," Davon said quietly as he wrapped a hand around the back of Violla's head and inched closer to her.

"What..." Violla got cut off by Davon's lips landing on her own.

Davon's kisses were as gentle as dewdrops landing on flower petals, showering her with love and affection.

Violla was reluctant at first and pushed him away feebly, but she soon melted into his embrace. It was as if her body had already gotten used to him, like her instincts were already tuned in with his.

Thus, she didn't feel repulsed at all. On the contrary, she wanted even more.

However, Davon didn't keep going. He pulled away quickly and caressed her cheek with his large, warm palm. He used his thumb to wipe away the stains next to her mouth, looking at her with a gaze full of tenderness.

Violla felt like she was going to melt if Davon kept looking at her like that. "We must have really been in love back then."

"We sure were," Davon said softly as he pressed his forehead to hers.

"What happened to us?" Violla asked in confusion. "All I know is that we have kids Davon."

Davon almost choked at her words. And she chuckled as she peeled off the mask. " Don't be surprised. I have known for sometime know but I wasn't sure of your intentions with me until tonight. ''

"From the time I got healed from the poison, Leon my brother kept telling me how the Romans are our arch enemies and I should bring you group and family down. I am here as his weapon of destruction. So when I saw you trying to get closer, I assumed it was because you wanted to hurt me because I am a Landiana. But I spied on you tonight and I was glad to know you were only trying to protect me ."

Davon was still too shocked to say anything. All he could do was stare at the beauty with him; speechless.

"Leon is so hell bent on getting vengeance for what your grandpa did to grandpa Rahman. And your father to his father-my step father Akim Rahman. He has sworn not to rest until he has had his pound of flesh." Violla looked at Davon.

" Why then didn't you say anything before? Your kids miss you Violla. I miss you so much. Let's go back to being the family we once were. Let's get married or elope." Davon was at lose for what to say.

" No no no Davon. We have to keep this a secret between us. If Leon knows that I have some memory back and that we are trying to get back together instead of me bringing you down.. "

"He will unleash his wrath and I am sure Mr old Roman won't take it sitting down. Who will suffer from the war: it's the triplets,who will be caught in the middle of it. I am only allowed to date Lewis by Leon. If he knows I have you. He will unleash fury " Violla kept quiet trying to read his expression but it was indecipherable.

"Let us take a day at a time,as we figure out things slowly and the best way out of this predicament. That our kids won't get hurt. Leon didn't do a thorough background check and he knows nothing about the kids. "

"They have the Roman blood and he is merciless. I don't want the kids being caught up in the war if my brother gets to know about them. They are safe with you for now. Lucky and Belly are his informants. So for now Davon will continue being my enemy when we are with everyone but the escort my lover behind closed doors. As we put our heads together on the best way out of this ?" Violla touched his face as she pleaded with her eyes.

"It's okay,but I hope this won't take long, because the kids miss you especially Ryan who is mommy's boy. I will take you to places and do things with you that will jog your memory. You handle Leon. I will handle grandpa. We can't suffer or let our kids suffer for a crime we didn't commit." Davon uttered seriously and Violla nodded in agreement.

"But we have to play along with them for now until we sort things out right?" Violla asked.

"Right." Davon nodded.

"Come here. I missed you so much." Davon pulled her into his arms and they passionately kissed and the two rested in each other's arms. Talking about everything, planning and replanning as Davon filled her in about her kids life for the last two years.

" Sent me home before my bodyguards come looking for me. But even though I won't be coming after you. I am still coming after Diana,Laura and ....." Violla announced as her voice trailed off.