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𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 πŽππ„ 𝐇𝐔𝐍𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐃 𝐀𝐍𝐃 π„πˆπ†π‡π“π˜-π…πŽπ”π‘ :

Davon sped off feeling excited. There was light at the end of the tunnel after all.

He caught a glimpse of a few armored black cars tailing them in his peripheral vision.

His gaze narrowed in on them, and he started speeding off.

"Someone's following us." Violla noticed them quickly as well and stared at the rearview mirror coldly. She was trying to figure out who they were, but she couldn't catch a proper glimpse.

"Are they your enemies or something?" Davon couldn't see anyone properly either. After all, they had to be heavily armored for a reason.

"Probably," Violla replied. She continued staring into the rearview mirror as she tapped on her watch and sent her location to Lucky.

Lucky immediately sensed that she was in trouble and started heading her way.

"Don't worry. I can get rid of these small fry." Davon sped up even more, preparing to leave those cars behind in the dust.

"Drive slower," Violla suddenly commanded.

"Why?" Davon asked in confusion. The last thing that he wanted was an altercation when he was with Violla.

"If they can't catch up to us, how am I going to see who they are?" Violla smirked. "Us Landianas don't just run away from something like this. We're well-versed in going with the flow after all."

"None of your subordinates are here. Aren't you scared that I won't be able to hold them back?" Davon was starting to suspect that the people chasing them was just a test that Violla had set up for him.

"Obviously you won't be able to," Violla said as she started breaking down what she could see.

"There are four people in each of those cars. That makes twelve people who have been able to tail us in those armored cars without us noticing until now. That calls for high investigation skills which means they'll be prepared for a fight too. Someone as sentimental as you may know some moves, but you won't be able to compare to professional assassins."

"Sentimental?" Davon chuckled at Violla's use of the word.

"Am I wrong?" Violla rolled her eyes at him. "Slow down. They're about to lose us." Davon slowed down again.

"You're a pretty good driver. Where did you pick up your skills?" Violla started chatting with Davon as she continued staring into the rearview mirror.

"It's self-taught," Davon said as he glanced at her. "You've changed quite a lot. It seems like you've learned quite a lot these past two years."

"Obviously," Violla scoffed with a raised eyebrow. "You can only protect yourself if you get stronger."

"I can protect you too." Davon said . "I failed to do so two years ago, so I am going to make sure I protect you now that I have you again."

"It's not like I depend on anybody nowadays" Violla scoffed coldly. "They might end up hurting me in the end."

Davon fell silent at that. She was right, after all.

The three cars managed to catch up to them, and they immediately started rushing toward the Pagani. That didn't even faze Davon, who managed to dodge casually.

Those cars continued to chase them nonetheless.

Davon kept playing cat and mouse with them, except he was more cat-like as he managed to stay just out of their way every time.

No matter how those cars changed lanes or tactics, they didn't manage to bump into the Pagani.

In that cat-and-mouse chase, the cat failed to catch up to the sly mouse. In fact, the cat was obviously starting to get frustrated.

Violla smirked. "Your driving skills are pretty impressive."

"Just wait and see. They're about to start getting angry." Right as Davon spoke, the car windows opened, and some masked people started shooting at the Pagani's tires.

Davon immediately started dodging the bullets nimbly. Despite so, the three cars continued to stick close to them.

They kept shooting at the tires but never aimed toward either Davon or Violla.

It was obvious that they were told to take the two of them back alive. On one hand, Davon was busy driving and dodging their bullets.

Violla, on the other hand, was watching their every move in the rearview mirror. She realized soon enough who they were. "They're from the Roman family!"

Davon was taken aback and looked into the rearview mirror as well.

From the guns they were using, it did seem like they were from the Roman residence. Apart from that, he could tell the race of the two leaders even under their masks and caps.

'These are Diana's subordinates.'

"How dare she," Violla muttered as she gritted her teeth. "How dare that jerk, Diana, send people after me?"

Diana was the one doing all the ruthless, cruel things.

Suddenly, Davon thought of something.

Two years ago, after Violla got into trouble, Davon had gone up against Diana and hurt her pretty badly. D'barl had even stopped Diana from stepping into the city as long as he was alive.

Violla had only shown herself two days ago and hadn't even revealed herself to the public yet. 'How did Diana find her and managed to send people after her? Did Violla catch the eye of one of Diana's informants these last two days?'

Suddenly, a loud bang sounded.

One of the Pagani's back tires had gotten shot. Luckily, it was a luxury car and had automatic emergency braking system.

Davon immediately parked by the roadside.

"Wait in the car..."

"Wait for me in the car, okay?" Violla instructed. "Don't worry. I won't let anything happen to you!"

"Are you sure about that?" Davon felt like laughing. He was just about to say the exact same thing. 'Has she forgotten I am good fighter?'

"Duh," Violla said as she rolled her eyes and got off the car.

Davon didn't get off. Instead, he shifted into parking mode and watched the action unfold.

Twelve people came down from the cars, all of them as tall and muscular as the next one. The man, who was in charge, walked in front of all of them and looked at Violla coldly. "She really does look like her," he said.

"What do you mean?" Violla narrowed her eyes dangerously.

The man in charge didn't say much more. He simply commanded, "Come with us."

In order to lead them off so that they wouldn't know that she had known who sent them, she said. "I'm surprised you pieces of trash think you can defeat me, I dare you to let Davon come for himself!"

Davon suddenly sneezed at the mention of his name. So that myth about sneezing when people are talking about you was really true, he thought helplessly.

"Enough with the small talk," the man in charge said as he waved a hand.

One of the bodyguards immediately stalked toward Violla but didn't even get close before she punched him in the nose. He immediately stumbled backward with his nose spurting fresh blood.

Obviously, that bodyguard hadn't expected Violla to fight back and definitely hadn't expected that she would be so fast and deadly.

The bodyguard started growing red from both anger and embarrassment and ran forward ready to beat Violla up.

Violla welcomed his attack calmly. After ten or so rounds, the both of them were still going at it.

Davon had to hand it to Leon.

'I can't believe he managed to change someone as simple as Violla into a fighter like that. How did he even train her? I have to say that's pretty impressive.'

Soon enough, the bodyguard got defeated.

Next, two of them came toward her at once. Violla continued fighting, but she couldn't go against both of them at once and soon stepped down.

Davon had already expected that to happen. No matter how much Leon whipped her into shape, skills only got better with time. Being able to defeat a Roman family bodyguard was already good enough, but it was clear that Violla couldn't take so many of them at a time.

Right then, Violla got punched and stumbled backward. At the sight of that, Davon ran out of the car and aimed a sweeping kick toward the both of them that sent them collapsing on the floor.

When the man in charge saw that Violla had help from a professional, he immediately sent all his men against him at once.

They weren't a match for Davon's skills, however. In just a few minutes, they all collapsed under Davon's hand. One of them even flew and landed heavily on their windshield before sliding onto the ground below.

Once the man in charge noticed how things were no longer going in his favor, he quickly pulled out his gun and aimed it at Davon. "Don't move, or I'll shoot!"

"Wait, don't...." Violla stepped forward, but Davon immediately pushed her behind him.

"Are you going to shoot me?" Davon narrowed his eyes dangerously and walked close to the other man. "I'd like to see you try."

"Who are you?" the man cocked his gun.

Violla's eyes widened in fear, and she quickly sent a signal to Lucky.

"That's not important," Davon said as he closed in on the man. His eyes flashed with a murderous glint. "All you have to know is that you can't afford to mess with me."

"You..." the man stammered in anger. He was about to shoot when he caught a closer glimpse at Davon's eyes. He instantly recognized who it was. "Davon."

His hands started to shake as his gaze started becoming panicky.

Right at that moment, Davon snatched his gun away swiftly and pressed it against the other man's temple.

"Mr. Roman...." the man started but changed as soon as he saw Davon's warning glare. "Don't shoot!"

"Get out of here!" Davon jerked his head in the direction of the fallen men. The man in charge called for all his subordinates, and they ran off with their tails between their legs.

They had only just left when Lucky reached. The team of women rushed off their cars and ran toward Violla. "Miss Landiana, are you alright?"

"I'm fine." Violla shook her head and reached a hand out to Davon.

Davon tossed the gun toward Violla and patted his clothes down, which had been messed up by the fight.

Violla observed the gun closely and said in slight confusion, "This gun is from North Nation."

Davon chose to ask, "How complicated. Who exactly did you mess with?"

"None of your business." Violla glared at him and tossed the gun to Lucky. "Wait for me in the car."

"Understood." The bodyguards all got back into the car.

Violla turned to look at Davon. "Thank you for the help."

"No biggie," Davon said with a smile. "So is our beach date still on or what?"

"Sadly, I have other things to take care of. And remember we have to keep everything on the low." Violla checked her watch and pointed at the Pagani's tire. "Should I call the insurance company or..."

"It's fine. I'll deal with it," Davon said. "Don't worry and do what you need to do."

"Alright," Violla said as she looked at him. Suddenly, she felt like hugging him but held herself back and walked away.

"Hey!" Davon called out.

Violla turned. "What?"

"Did you forget something?" Davon's yes softened with love, and he reached out to pull her into his embrace. Then, his warm lips landed on hers.

A rush of emotions overwhelmed her like a tornado, and she melted into his arms once again.

"Huh?" In the car, Belly was watching them with wide eyes.

"Gosh!" Lucky marveled and shook her head. "They move fast, don't they?"

"Love really is fast and furious," Belly said in admiration.

"Did you suddenly become some love expert?" Lucky rolled her eyes at her and frowned. "If Mr. Landiana hears about this, he'll be furious."

"You're right," Lucky said in realization. "He did mention that Miss Landiana was only allowed to date Sir Lewis."

At the sudden change of topic, both Lucky and Belly's expressions started darkening. They turned back and no longer thought the kissing couple was romantic; rather, they started worrying for them.

In the meantime, Davon wasn't willing to let Violla go for a long time. He held her cheek in one hand gently and ran his thumb over her lips. "Go do what you have to do. If you need any help, I'm always here for you," he said gently.

"Okay." Violla nodded and turned to leave.

Davon watched her leave as his gaze slowly became undecipherable.

Soon, Violla disappeared from his sight.

Cruze rushed over with Davon's subordinates right at that moment. "Mr. Roman, are you alright?"

They had been secretly following Davon while keeping their distance.

It was obvious that a fight had taken place based on their surroundings, and the bullet hole in the Pagani's tire was pretty obvious.

"I'm fine," Davon tossed the Pagani's keys to Marco. "Park this car at Uplands Estate after getting it fixed."

"Understood." Marco drove the Pagani off. Its automatic protection system meant it could still be used for a short amount of time even after one of its tires flattened.

After they got in the car, Cruze asked carefully, "What happened just now? Was someone chasing you?"

"They were probably sent by Diana," Davon said with a frown.

"How could Miss Diana have gotten wind of Miss Landiana's arrival so quickly? What was she thinking? Why did she want to send people after her? Also, does she know that Miss Landiana is actually Miss Milan?"

Cruze shot a string of questions, all of them similar to what Davon was thinking at that moment.

After a moment of silence, Davon commanded, "Tell Clyde to keep an eye on Diana and her subordinates as well as Laura."

"Laura?" Cruze asked in surprise. "Does she have something to do with all this?"

"Apart from the auction, Violla has only publicly attended the gala at Garden golf these past few days. There might be some of Diana's informants among the people who joined, but Laura is the most suspicious right now." Davon narrowed his eyes and started to analyze things.

"Two years ago, the Gotham city police told us that before she got in trouble, Arthur told them that the person who organized the attack on Violla was a tall and pretty lady from North Nation. I had already had my suspicions about Laura then, but I couldn't find any actual evidence. If we put those pieces together and she was actually the woman Arthur saw, she would definitely have gotten furious that she was embarrassed by Violla defeating her. She couldn't defeat Violla on her own, so she reported to Diana instead."

"So you're saying that the people behind Violla getting attacked are Laura and Miss Diana?" Cruze asked in shock.

"Laura is vicious, but she's not physically capable enough. Besides, she doesn't know anything about the poison or drugs, and there's no way she could have found Violla in such a short amount of time. Diana is under our surveillance, so she can't do anything personally. That's why Diana is commanding Laura from behind-the-scenes to do the work!" Davon concluded.

"That's highly likely," Cruze said with a frown. "But as of right now, we don't have any proof."

"That's why Clyde has to keep an eye on them," Davon said.

"Understood." Cruze instantly made the call to Clyde.

Davon toyed with the ring in his hand as he frowned, trying to remember what happened two years ago. "What exactly is Leon trying to do?" he mused.

"What?" Cruze had just hung up and asked in confusion, "Does Leon have anything to do with this?"

"If my previous theory proves itself to be true, then why weren't there any records of Laura's departure? The only explanation is that Leon wiped the records clean, but why would he do that?"

Davon couldn't wrap his head around it. "As her brother, he should have gotten revenge for Violla right away. Even if he couldn't do it right then and there, there's no reason for him to help Laura wipe her records. What exactly was he thinking?"