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𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 πŽππ„ 𝐇𝐔𝐍𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐃 𝐀𝐍𝐃 π„πˆπ†π‡π“π˜-π…πˆπ•π„:

"We can go against Diana and Laura, but Leon…" Cruze trailed off. Just then, his expression darkened with the words he didn't say.

The Romans and the Landianas had always been equally matched.

However, the Romans were burdened with Diana, who kept butting heads with Davon. She had already caused so many problems for him, and now Leon had the ultimate trump card on hand – Violla.Thus, Cruze was extremely worried.

'If Leon is planning to use Violla against Davon, things would go very badly. '

"Let's take it one step at a time," Davon sighed with a frown. "Even if Violla hates me, she'll still have the children in mind. She probably won't become just another one of Leon's pawns." Davon was confident after talking to Violla but he was not ready to tell Cruze. After all he had promised Violla that he will keep it a secret.

"Of course," Cruze nodded hurriedly. "If Miss Milan learned the truth about what happened that year, she'll definitely forgive you."

Davon stayed quiet and looked down. He knew that Violla would seek revenge. And his family were targeted; D'barl and Diana.

He might be able to explain most things, and she might be able to forgive D'barl for a lot of other things. However, Mrs. Blake's death and the torture that Violla faced were definitely going to be hard for her to forgive.

Despite that, Davon knew he had to worm out the perpetrator so they could give Violla a proper explanation.

Davon looked outside the window. Violla's cars were already halfway down the mountain, which meant they were almost home.

In one of the cars, Violla started studying the gun. "Find out who owns this gun ASAP, " she told Lucky.

"Okay." Lucky nodded.

Violla looked out the window at the pitch-black night sky. Right then, her head suddenly pulsed as the image of a woman leading a big group of black-clothed men to kill her started flashing in her mind.She closed her eyes and a strong emotion started burning in her heart – vengeance.

Two years ago, she woke up in immense pain after being heavily poisoned.She had also woken up to the sight of her mom's ashes , Tamara and cried until it felt like she was wrung out.

Her brother had told her that someone had poisoned her and had ruined her antidotes. They also killed Tamara and ran her to the ground until she didn't have an ounce of dignity left.

He had also said, Violla, you have to become strong enough to beat those people on your own.

Apparently, that person had something to do with the Roman family.That was why she returned to the City.

She thought she would have to put in some effort to worm those people out, but to her surprise, they had practically volunteered themselves up.

'Good. It saves time. Hopefully, all of them will come and find me on their own so I can get rid of them at once.'

With that in mind, Violla commanded, "During South Sea's opening day on the fifteenth, invite as much press as you can. We will make sure everyone hears and sees this event taking place."

"Understood." Lucky nodded.

It was already late when Davon reached home. He walked upstairs as he told Cruze what to do and heard Douglas call out, "Mr. Young Roman!"

"Mr. Douglas, it's pretty late. Aren't you tired?" Davon turned to look at him.

"We also just returned," Douglas said with a smile. "We've just put Carol to bed."

"What?" Davon was feeling confused when he spotted Immaculate coming out of the guest room with two medical staff members behind her.

"You brought her back already?" Davon said with a frown as his tone slowly got annoyed. "Why did you let her take that room?"

That was the room that Violla stayed in before they started living together officially. It had been kept empty since Davon hadn't allowed anyone to go in there.

Immaculate saw Davon's mood worsen and quickly explained, "Carol felt unwell when she came in, so Mr. Old Roman allowed her to use that room since it has a ventilator and a detector."

"There's a clinic in the building at the back," Davon cut her off with a cold glare. "You could have taken her there."

"I'm sorry, sir." Immaculate bowed her head, not daring to say anything else.

"What's the issue here?" D'barl's voice piped up from behind. "You're going to wake our guest up. If you have something to say, say it in the study room."

Davon was feeling angrier by the second, but he still followed D'barl to the study room.

Immaculate, on the other hand, was feeling nervous, but Cruze gestured to her that she didn't need to worry.

Once they reached the study room, Davon asked angrily, "I thought we agreed to leave her in the building in the back! I don't mind that you brought her here to help, but she doesn't have to live here. Not in that room."

"You agreed that you would spend time with her, so why did you leave early?" D'barl asked instead.

"That's completely unrelated." Davon said in anger.

"Since you can do whatever you want, I can too," D'barl said matter-of-factly. "That room has the best conditions for Carol to get better."

"This is my house," Davon blurted out.

"As if you would have this house without me," D'barl said with a raised eyebrow. His pride was coming to the forefront again.

"You're just being unreasonable now." Davon was enraged, but he was trying his best to control it. "I keep trying to close an eye, but you keep pushing things."

"Carol saved Eliana's life. The Roman family owes her that," D'barl said. "It doesn't seem right for you to complain so much now that she's seriously injured and is recovering at our house."

"It's not like I'm asking her to leave. I just don't think she should use that room."

"She's in it already. What are you going to do about it?" D'barl stated in an almost cheeky manner.

"You.." Davon couldn't finish his sentence in his anger.

"Please calm down, Mr. Young Roman ," Douglas piped up hurriedly, trying to mediate things. "Mr. Old Roman wasn't planning to put her in that room at first, but Miss Carol started having breathing difficulties once she reached and needed oxygen at once. The building at the back wasn't ready yet, so we decided to place her in the guest room for the time being."

"There's no need to explain anything to him," D'barl said in anger. "It's just a room, for goodness sake! Rooms are made for staying in! Are you going to withhold even that from me?"

"Please calm down, Mr. Old Roman."

"Davon, this is the last time I'm telling you this," D'barl thundered. "I gave you everything you own now. Without me, you're worth nothing. If you dare act so recklessly again, I'm going to give Drew all the shares to the Roman Group. If that happens, Leon will be able to get rid of you as easily as an ant."

"Are you threatening me right now?" Davon said with a darkening expression. His gaze became cold. "Do you really think I need you to make a living?"

"You can try." D'barl jabbed a finger at him fiercely.

"Alright then." Davon put his foot down.

"Please calm down, Mr. Young Roman." Cruze quickly stopped Davon from saying something he would regret.

At the same time, Douglas also advised, "Mr. Old Roman, please calm down. He's still young."

"Young? He's already thirty!" D'barl roared. "The only younglings here are those three great-grandchildren of mine. He's stuck in the past for some selfish reason and never thinks about his own kids' futures!"

"Who's the selfish one here? If you weren't selfish from the start, would our family turn out like this?" Davon blurted.

"How dare you!" D'barl roared.

"Please keep your voices down, or the kids will wake up," Douglas hurriedly said. He then indicated for Cruze to pull Davon out of the room.

However, Cruze couldn't calm Davon down enough to do that.

Without a choice, Douglas ended up pushing D'barl's wheelchair out. "You're too old to be quarreling with youngsters, Mr. Old Roman. If the kids see you, they'd start talking again."

"Why did you push me out?" D'barl growled angrily, "Stop! I haven't told him off enough yet."

"If you keep going, the kids will wake up, especially Ryan . He'll know what's going on the moment he hears you. By then, it'll be hard to fix your relationship again. Do you want it to go back to how it used to be?"

That served incredibly effective to calm D'barl down.

"Mr. Young Roman shouldn't have talked back like that. Go back and rest. I'll tell him off for you."

"That cheeky, rude rascal. You better teach him a lesson!"

"I will. Don't you worry." Douglas finally wheeled D'barl away with his smooth words.

Back in the study room, Davon was so angry that he kicked over the coffee table.

Cruze hurriedly advised, "Mr. Roman, please calm down. The kids might wake up."

Yet Davon was still huffing in anger.

Cruze suddenly thought of something and said, "You mentioned before that Carol could help advise Mr. Old Roman to go back to North Nation, right? This is a good opportunity."

Davon finally calmed down at that. He had almost forgotten.

Violla was finally back in the City and was willing to work on their relationship. Besides that, she was living in North villa while the Landiana Corporation was entering the local market steadily. They would start promoting themselves, and Violla herself would soon come into the public eye.

By then, he could no longer keep the secret from the kids and D'barl.

That was why he had to get D'barl back to North Nation as soon as possible before everything else could fall into place.

Suddenly, someone knocked on the door. Immaculate's voice piped up, "Mr. Roman, I have something to report."

"Come in," Cruze answered.

Immaculate entered cautiously. "Please don't be angry, Mr. Roman. The medical staff are already helping Miss Carol move to the other building."

"Did she hear everything?" Davon asked with a frown.

"Yes." Immaculate nodded. "She asked me to help arrange everything. The building has already been cleared out, so we just need to..."

"She can stay here," Davon suddenly said.

"Huh?" Immaculate said in shock.

"Let her stay in the guest room first," Davon commanded.

"Understood," Immaculate quickly returned to pass the message. "Mr. Young Roman said she can stay here. Hurry up and move her things back to the guest room so she can rest properly."

Douglas had just come downstairs to mediate things with Davon when he heard that and rushed back to report to D'barl.

D'barl said huffily, "My threat probably put him in place. Looks like he still knows who's the boss."

"Mr. Young Roman may speak harshly, but deep down, he still respects you," Douglas said wisely. "You shouldn't push him too far. Just give him some time."

"I don't have the time for that," D'barl managed to say before he started coughing violently. He clutched his chest, trying to breathe in distress.

"Mr. Old Roman, you should really start getting some treatment." Douglas hurried over to pat D'barl on the back.

"Treatment won't help much. I'm already 88." D'barl smiled helplessly. "No matter how powerful I was when I was young, nothing can beat the disease of old age."

"You're not old, Mr. Roman. You're just as lively as the rest of us," Douglas said with reddening eyes.

"This happens to everyone," D'barl said mildly. "I just want to see that rascal put down his past and live a new life before I go."

"He doesn't seem completely heartless toward Miss Carol," Douglas mused. "Now that Miss Carol is staying with us, they'll have plenty of chances to interact. As time goes by, they'll definitely start falling for each other."

Davon went upstairs and walked past the room. Stopping his tracks at the entrance, he saw a few medical staff helping Carol up from the wheelchair and placing her on the bed.

Immaculate reminded, "Slowly."

Even though they were careful with transferring her onto the bed, the IV needle on the back of Carol's hand was pulled, and blood started gushing out.

"Get me the medical kit." Immaculate instructed the medical staffs before checking on Carol.

A few medical staffs took the medical kits and helped her in dressing Carol's wound.

One of them blurted out, "Miss Carol is seriously injured, but he ordered us to transfer her to another place and stopped us in the middle of the process. Is he doing this on purpose to torment her?"

Another medical staff chimed in to express her dissatisfaction. "That's right. Miss carol is too pitiful."

"Shut up!" Immaculate scolded as she focused on treating her patient's wound.

Seeing how Immaculate lashed out at them, the two medical staffs lowered their heads and dared not to say another word.

Lying down on the bed, Carol was weak, but she wore a gentle smile all the while Immaculate was treating her wounds. After the doctor was done, she gestured with her hands to thank her.

"Don't sweat it, Miss Carol." The medical staffs were worried about Carol.

Seeing everything unfold in front of him, Davon couldn't help but feel guilty, so he walked into the room.

"Mr. Roman," Immaculate hurriedly bowed, greeting him respectfully, while other medical staff followed as their hearts started racing.

They were worried that Davon might have overheard what they said.The man waved dismissively for Immaculate and the medical staff to leave the room.

"Did I disturb you just now?" He stood at the end of the bed to put some distance between them.

"I wasn't asleep." Shaking her head, Carol smiled and explained using sign language. "My house's currently not safe for staying, and my dad is returning to North Nation. So, Mr.Old Roman asked me to stay here in the meantime. Sorry for intruding."

She was thoughtful, humble, and gentle that others couldn't bring themselves to hate her.

"Not at all." Davon said politely, "I wasn't picking on you just now. Please don't mind it."

Carol smiled gently. "I understand. I've heard that this room belonged to Mrs. Roman, Violla. Sorry for staying here, and I'll move tomorrow morning."

Davon's voice was reassuring. "It's fine. The side house is covered in dust, and it isn't suitable to stay. You can stay here. No worries."

"Are you not angry?" Carol looked at him anxiously.

"There's nothing to be mad about." With that, Davon glanced back to make sure that the door was closed. Then he cut to the chase. "I need your help with something."

"Me?" Carol widened her eyes in surprise as she pointed at herself. "What can I do for you?"

The man said, "Grandpa's too strict with me, and it's causing a break in our relationship. Plus, I wish he can return to North Nation to rehabilitate as soon as possible since his health isn't very well…"

After pausing for a brief while, the man asked, "Can you help me convince him?"

"Of course. However, my advice may not work. I'll try my best." Carol smiled faintly.

"Thank you." After thanking the woman, Davon turned around and left.

As Carol watched him walk away, complicated feelings filled her heart. She was feeling used.

Davon returned to his room and took a bath. He lay down on the bed before taking out the escort's phone. Looking at the call logs of conversations with Violla, he couldn't help but text her: Are you asleep?

Violla didn't reply to his message.

Davon was disappointed. 'What is she doing? Is she sleeping?'

At night, Davon had a weird dream. In his dream, Violla was pointing a gun at him as she bombarded him with a flurry of questions. "Why did you send me away and order people to kill me? Why do I have to be humiliated by others because of you? What about Mrs. Blake? Why did you get her killed?"

He wanted to explain everything to her so badly, but he couldn't seem to make a sound.

With a bitter expression, Violla was about to pull the trigger at him.

Right at that moment, D'barl showed up. He came into view with his wheelchair and took all the blame. "I did everything. It has nothing to do with others."

Violla smirked wickedly. "Go to hell!"

With that, she fired at D'barl's head. With a loud gunshot, blood splattered onto Davon's face and got into his eyes.

The man jolted up from sleep as he widened his eyes at the ceiling while panting heavily. ' I will not let this happen.'