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𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 πŽππ„ 𝐇𝐔𝐍𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐃 𝐀𝐍𝐃 ππˆππ„π“π˜:

"This is our fault, Violla. We should have talked with Davon about this." Lewis looked guilty. "Please don't be upset, Davon. Just see this as a normal dinner. We can talk about work later."

"I invested ten billion for my shares. This is a fair trade. Why should we delay the talk?" Violla shot back.

" Prince Kaif offered fifteen billion for ten percent of the shares, but I refused him anyway." Davon looked at her coldly and asked Lewis, "How much did you give her?"

"I…" Lewis whispered, "Fifteen percent."

"Fifteen?" Davon was vexed. "What do you think this project is? Something you can use to hook up with the ladies?"

"What nonsense are you spouting!" Violla growled. "I might not have much in this project, but I have my resources! Landiana Corporation can help this project tremendously!"

"Oh, really?" Davon arched his eyebrow. "Fine then. We're planning on expanding this project to Sham. We can talk about your participation after you show me Sham's authorization letters."

"Why you…" Violla couldn't argue against that.

"Let's not fight, Davon. At least for my sake, okay?" Lewis tugged at Davon, seemingly in a panic. "The partners are watching. We don't want to fight in front of them. It's just a gathering today. We can talk about the project later."

Violla didn't interject. She couldn't afford to enrage Davon at that point. If he were to voice his objection, Lewis and the partners wouldn't help her.

Davon glared at Lewis coldly, still irked about his actions. Davon had a lot of projects on his hand, and he didn't need more. The only reason he helped Lewis was on the basis of altruism. He didn't care about Lewis' royalty status.

Lewis had been too sheltered, and he knew nothing about the darkness of the world. He still acted like a child even though he was already twenty-eight. If he didn't deliver anything of value, he'd be the laughing stock of the other royalty members. Worse, he might be stripped of his title.

After what happened that night though, Davon realized Lewis was no more than an incompetent businessman. What he did was taboo for Davon. He would not have tolerated it if the guy weren't Lewis. But he couldn't bring himself to do it when the kid was pleading with him, and Violla being there didn't help. Left with no choice, he went along with Lewis.

Violla was surprised that Davon would relent. He shouldn't have allowed a Landiana partner with them.

"Be careful, Miss Landiana," Lucky whispered. Even she thought Davon was being too amicable that night since Mr. Landiana would have been yelled at if he was in the same situation.

"Hello, Mr. Roman." All the partners greeted him and introduced their partners.

"Greetings," Davon replied curtly. He hated formal situations like that, and all he wanted to do was get away from everyone.

And then one of the partners' wives asked, "Why did you come alone, Mr. Roman. Where's your wife?"

Davon froze and glanced at Violla, she gave him a wink and a slight nod. Indicating they should play along. Lewis held her hand and they sat down beside him.

"I saw the news of your marriage two years ago, and it was so touching. You have three beautiful children, don't you? Oh, that's so great." The lady smiled. "I heard they're triplets, yes?"

"Yes." Davon glanced at Violla, who gave him a nod again before she asked. "Triplets?"

"Ah, I don't think you know about this, Miss Landiana." The lady quickly huddled closer with Violla when she picked up the interest Violla showed. "He has two boys and a girl, and oh, how wonderful are they. They look just like the cherubs in those oil paintings we see. If I'm not mistaken, they're Ryan, Jason, and Eliana, aren't they?" The lady beamed at Davon.

"Yes." Davon looked at Violla quietly.

A few scenes popped up in Violla's mind, and she wanted to immerse herself in them, but she started having a headache, and she held her head, trying to keep everyone from noticing.

"Oh, and they have a little parrot at home." The lady seemed delighted. "It's called Finny."

"Finny?" Lucky and Belly looked at each other. 'That's the name of our pet.'

"How do you know so much, Mrs?" The other ladies were interested.

"Of course I do." The woman arched her eyebrow proudly. "I read everything about Mr. Roman's wedding. His love story is so much more romantic than any romance movie, and I was moved to tears."

"I saw it too, but I didn't pay much attention to the content." another lady said. "All I know is that his wife is the young heiress of the Tariques Group."

Davon froze and looked at Violla. 'Does Violla know about this? Does she know of the fabricated wedding and all? Damn why didn't I tell her before?'

'Tarique Group?' Violla stared back at him with a complex gaze.

"Tariques Group's young heiress? Is she the one who stood against Miss Landiana?" The first woman asked, glancing carefully at Violla and stopped talking.

"No. That's Laura, an illegitimate daughter. Mrs. Roman is the lawful daughter of the Tariques. I'm sure she's..."

"I'll be leaving now if all everyone does is gossip," Davon interrupted the second woman and stood up to button his suit. "Go on ahead without me."

The woman's husband quickly stood up to apologize, "I'm sorry for my wife's behavior, Mr. Roman. I'll have a long talk with her later."

"Yes, same here," The husband to the second woman apologized too. "Why don't we send the ladies back home and talk about the project?"

Everyone quieted down and looked at Davon expectantly. At the same time, Violla knew she was powerless before Davon in the business world. All he did was say he'd leave, and he had already forced her out of the game.

Davon looked at her coldly. "The project, huh?"

"Mr. Roman!" Violla beamed. "Why don't the three of us have a little chat?"

"We'll see." Davon left, but not before giving her one last, emotionless glance.

'Nice!' Cruze cheered quietly as he followed Davon out. Marco shared his sentiment. For once, they finally managed to teach those wenches a lesson.

"Goddammit!" Lucky gnashed her teeth.

"Um…" Everyone looked at one another at a loss.

"I'm sorry, everyone," Lewis apologized quickly. "This is an oversight on my part. I didn't tell him about my plan. He was just angry at me, not you guys."

Violla looked at Lewis gently. 'He's kind. The first thing he thinks about is Davon's reputation instead of his.'

"Don't mind it, Sir Lewis. We were in the wrong. We shouldn't have talked out of line and angered Mr. Roman." The men raised a toast in apology.

"Your wives said nothing wrong." Violla smiled. "To our friendship. Let's go on without him."

"Is that really the right thing to do?" Everyone was nervous. "Why don't you talk to Mr. Roman, Sir Lewis? We're fine by ourselves."


"Lewis and I will see him later. Let's have our dinner for now," Violla said.

Davon went back to the villa feeling annoyed. He wanted some peace and quiet, but then he noticed Collins and Killian observing him from the shadows. He knew they were tasked by D'barl to observe him and Carol, so he had to keep the act up no matter how reluctant he was.

He changed into casual attire and went to the hot spring, where Carol was resting.

Carol was wearing a thin silk dress, her hair tumbling down her back, and she was soaking her feet in the hot spring. The nurses who were taking care of her praised, "You're beautiful, Miss Carol."

"Yeah, you look so pure and innocent, Miss Carol. You're like a fairy."

"Yeah, she does give off that vibe."

The girls chatted away, and Carol smiled. The breeze blew and her hair danced along, elevating her beauty to greater heights.

She was different from Violla. Carol looked pure and innocent, like she was a fairy from outside this world, while Violla was noble and elegant, just like an angel. Davon looked at her for a few moments and approached the lady.

"Mr. Roman!" One of the nurses quickly bowed when she noticed him.

"Mr. Roman." Everyone else backed off. Carol was flustered at the sight of him. She tried to take her cape, but her movements were hindered by her wound, and she almost fell into the spring, but Davon managed to save her in time.

She loosened up and fell into his embrace. Davon noticed the smell of flowers coming from her as she leaned against his chest like a damsel in distress.

"Are you alright?" Davon pushed her away easily and covered her with his suit.

'Thank you,' carol gestured as she threw a loving look at him.

Davon sat on the recliner and waved the servants down. At the same time, Collins was hiding in the bushes nearby, holding up a phone and turned it in their direction.

He was video calling D'barl, and D'barl was delighted when he saw Davon and Carol looking so intimate.

''There was a downpour earlier. Did you get into anything on the way?'' Carol tried to initiate a conversation.

"Would I be here if I did?" Davon blurted, and Carol stiffened up. Well, how should I keep this conversation going?

She tried her best, but Davon could shut her down easily no matter what she tried to say.

"How's the villa?" Davon looked at the place.

"It's nice," Carol answered. "I quite like it."

"Glad to hear that." He nodded and pointed at the hot spring. "You should go in there more. It's good for you." Davon then tried to leave, but Cruze gave him a look. He knew D'barl's spies were still observing him, and D'barl was most probably watching him too. Dammit. 'I have to keep this up for a while longer.'

He found it odd that he couldn't speak well with women. Well, technically he could, but he'd end the conversation quickly, since he'd get bored no matter what they had to say. Only Violla could hold up his interest.

''Are you upset about something?'' Carol asked.

"Huh?" Davon was surprised. "How did you know?"

''Because you're frowning, and your eyes tell me you're troubled.'' Carol smiled and gestured, ''You saw Sir Lewis, didn't you? Is it about the project?''

"How did you know I met Lewis?" Davon finally started paying attention to her.

'' The manager told me you went to meet an important friend in the banquet hall. I heard Sir Lewis is in the City , so I thought you might have gone to see him.'' She smiled. ''And did you forget that I major in psychology? I can see when you're troubled.''

"Oh, right." Davon nodded. "Guess why I brought you here then."

''You want to keep up the act so Mr. Old Roman would assume we're dating. Only then would he go back to North Nation.'' Carol turned away when she gestured that in case the spies caught that on camera.

"Smart. Then stay on your lane and stop throwing yourself at me ." Davon smiled and was about to leave, but then he heard a car stopping outside.

"Mr. Roman!" Cruze trotted to him and whispered, "Sir Lewis and Miss Landiana are here."

"What business do they have here?" Davon frowned and quickly went out. At the same time, he said, "Tell Immaculate to keep an eye on Carol and don't let her come out. And keep an eye on grandpa's henchmen. They must not see Violla."

"I understand." Cruze quickly went to make the necessary arrangements.

Carol noticed Davon was in a hurry, and when she saw the headlight outside, she knew someone had come, but she wondered who it might be. 'Davon seems to think that the guest is important.'

"Oh, you're done, Miss Carol." Immaculate hastened to her. "I'll take you in." Immaculate waved his hand, and two servants helped Carol up.

Carol tightened Davon's jacket around her and wore her slippers before going into the room. At the same time, a group of people came in, and she reflexively turned around. She saw Lewis, of course, and there was another lady with him. She couldn't see too clearly because of the distance, but she knew the lady had a sexy figure and an angelic vibe that permeated the air.

"Let's go in, Miss Carol," Immaculate urged her, and she looked away. Carol went into the room with Immaculate, albeit with some difficulty.

Violla noticed Carol too, and she smirked. "No wonder you were in a hurry, Mr. Roman. I see you have a girlfriend here. I can understand that you want to spend time with her."

Davon looked where she was looking, and he frowned. ' Immaculate's really slow.'

"Girlfriend? What girlfriend?" Lewis looked around, but all he saw were the nurses cleaning up near the hot spring. However, he noticed the flowers and handkerchief on the chair, and he realized there was a lady in the hot spring before he came.

"Your girlfriend is here, Davon?" Lewis got excited. "You should have brought her out to meet us, you little rascal."

"She's just a friend," Davon explained calmly.

Lewis looked excited. "I never saw you going on a date with any lady except your wife. This is the first in all these years."

"Ah, so you're cheating, huh?" Violla looked disgusted. "You keep a mistress despite having a wife? How crude."

"Someone sounds jealous." Davon arched his eyebrow.

"Why you…"

"Alright, stop it," Lewis stopped them. "Why do you guys keep fighting every time you meet?" Then he explained on Davon's behalf, "I think I have to explain, Violla. Davon's wife has been missing for two years, and he has been sparing no effort to search for her, but there's no news about his wife. Legally speaking, he's single, so having a girlfriend is normal."

"She's missing?" Violla was inexplicably uneasy after hearing that. ' Does Lewis know I am the one?'

"Let's take this outside." Davon didn't want his grandfather's henchmen to see Violla.

"Why the hurry?" Lewis was upset. "Don't want us to see your girlfriend? Is she Medusa or something?"

Violla, too, wanted to know who the woman in Davon's suit was. She wasn't fond of gossips, but for some reason, she wanted to know right away. ' Why didn't Davon mention about another woman when I told him about Lewis? Does he value her that much?'