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𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 πŽππ„ 𝐇𝐔𝐍𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐃 ππˆππ„π“π˜-πŽππ„ :

"I didn't know you guys are such gossip lovers." Davon was getting impatient. "Are you leaving or not?"

"Alright, alright, let's go." Lewis relented after Davon got angry. "But we want to talk about the project."

"Let's take this to your place." Davon forcibly pushed them out, and Cruze told the servants to close the door immediately.

Collins and Killian finally managed to break free from being caught up by Marco, but when they arrived, Davon was already gone like the wind. They had already entered the car .

"I told you it's just Lewis and his girlfriend. You gossip lovers," Marco teased.

"Something seems odd." They thought something was off, but they didn't pry any further.

"Mr. Roman, your girlfriend would be left alone if you come with us, won't she?" Violla poked fun at him, but all Davon did was look at her coldly.

"It's fine. He'll go back in a minute," Lewis stopped their argument once again. "This'll only take a second."

"True." Violla smirked. "It's not even ten. We won't disturb their night."

"Someone seems jealous." Davon approached her, his gaze passionate. "I can stay with you if you want."

"Why you…" Violla's face turned scarlet.

"What are you doing, Davon?" Lewis quickly sat between them, separating Davon from Violla. "Stop this. She's my girlfriend."

"I wonder if that's the case." Davon arched his eyebrow. He wanted Lewis to know Violla was his.

"What does that have to do with you?" Violla glared back.

"Of course it has something to do with me." He teased, "I want you."

"What the heck?" Lewis was shocked. "Are you for real?"

Violla was equally shocked. She thought she was hearing things. They had agreed to keep things under water.

"Consider it, Violla." He shoved Lewis away and closed in on her. "I know you better than Lewis does."

"Davon, what are you doing?" Lewis yelled.

"You're joking." Violla frowned, glaring back at him. "You can't have fallen for me, can you?" She tried diverting everyone's mind from the actual truth.

"Let's see…" Davon smirked deciding to go along with her words. "If I hadn't fallen for you, how did you take down the South Sea territorial waters?"

"If I hadn't fallen for you, why did I tolerated your behavior? And that I let you go despite the fact you lost that night? Do you really think an eagle's enough to stop me?'

"If I hadn't fallen for you, why do you think I was in a hurry to save you back then?"

"If I hadn't fallen for you, why do you think I didn't kill you when you came to my home with your pet eagle?"

"If I hadn't fallen for you, why do you think you can still sit with us despite telling Lewis to pull off all those offensive stunts? I would have kicked anyone else out of the partnership, but you're still here."

"Why do you think that is the case?"

Violla couldn't come up with any rebuttal for that, and Lewis was aghast, while Belly the driver was sweating from her palms. Lucky frowned as if an enemy was behind her.

Cruze kept quiet, though he looked at his employer knowingly. He knew there were two reasons Davon was doing that. One, he was worried that Lewis might take Violla for himself, and two, he was worried Violla might cause a lot of trouble for the Roman Group if she kept it up. When that time came, he'd be hard-pressed to take action against her, except that he wouldn't be able to. That'd pose a big problem.

"You must be kidding, Davon." Lewis finally snapped out of it and was agitated. "I thought you have a girlfriend now. Why'd you fall for Violla?"

"She's not my girlfriend," Davon answered curtly.

"What a joke." Violla was infuriated. "You think you can kick me out of the partnership with that kind of cheap trick? I gave Lewis my money, so I am not..."

Before she could finish her sentence, Davon held the back of her head and kissed her.

Violla was caught off guard by the kiss and stared at Davon in wide-eyed disbelief. ' This man is blowing everything up.'

She started to melt in his hand. At the same time, both Lewis and Cruze were taken aback and looked on in astonishment. Cruze, however, quickly recovered and averted his gaze.

Belly, who had witnessed it all from the driver's seat, was just as startled. She momentarily lost control of the steering wheel, causing the car to swerve violently.

The sudden swerve brought Violla back to her senses. She tried to push Davon away, but he was just too strong.

The more she struggled, the louder the buzzing in her head was. In a moment of panic, she bit down hard on his lips.

Her bite drew blood and left a metallic taste in her mouth.

Though reluctant, Davon finally let go of Violla. He cupped her face and gently brushed her lips with his thumb.

"B*stard!" Violla raised her hand, ready to strike him.

Davon grabbed her wrist in time and pulled her into his arms. "What's wrong? Haven't had enough?"

"You… " Violla wasn't sure if she was red from anger or embarrassment.

"Davon, you've gone overboard!" Lewis exclaimed as he hurriedly pushed him away and shielded Violla from him. "Even I have never kissed Violla, how dare you… "

"That's good to know." Davon nodded smugly. "We can remain as buddies."

"What?" Lewis went berserk at his display of arrogance. "Who wants to be buddies with you? You're a girlfriend-stealing piece of sh*t!"

"Give it up. You aren't suitable for each other," Davon replied sternly.

The rage built up inside of Lewis rendered him speechless.

"Pull over!" Violla suddenly ordered.

Once Belly stopped the car, Lucky immediately got out to open the door.

"Get out!" Violla bellowed as she continued to glare at him.

"Weren't we supposed to discuss a collaboration?" Davon replied, his mouth curled into a shameless grin.

"I said – GET! OUT!" Violla screamed while trying to kick him. 'This man will sell me out in the presence of Belly and Lucky.' Violla panicked she didn't want the word to get to Leon.

Davon managed to dodge her attack and got out of the car.

Cruze swiftly followed behind, only to have Lucky surprise him with a kick to his butt.

The kick almost sent him flying, but Cruze remained silent as he gritted his teeth in anger.

Lucky shot him a death stare as she got back into the car.

With that, the Rolls-Royce sped off.

The Roman family car that had been following behind that whole time promptly pulled over. The subordinates stood around in bewilderment, unaware of what had happened.

Meanwhile, Davon smirked as he looked at the Rolls-Royce in the distance.

"Mr. Roman, what are you trying to achieve with this?" Cruze whined.

"Isn't this good?" Davon snickered. " Lewis doesn't want me around Violla, and Violla now thinks I'm a pervert. Because of that, the chances of her backing out of the project are very high. Their interest in Carol seems to have died down too, so I can fully concentrate on my work."

"That's true." Cruze nodded to Davon's lies.

"The most important thing is… " Davon cocked his eyebrow. "The kiss was so intense for her that Lewis would always be second to me."

Cruze was so impressed with Davon's wit that he couldn't hide his excitement. "Killing three birds with one stone! Brilliant!"

In the meantime, Immaculate had been waiting in the yard when Davon returned to the villa. Upon seeing him, Immaculate immediately rushed toward him. "Mr. Roman, I have failed you."

Immaculate had heard from Marco that Violla and Lewis had spotted Carol due to her negligence. She decided it'd be better to own up to her mistake first than to have Davon find it out himself.

"Thankfully, it was from a distance, so they only saw a silhouette," Davon replied coldly. "You've always been very conscientious, so I don't want you making any more mistakes.

"Yes. I understand," Immaculate said, her head bowed in apology.

"I'll overlook it this time. Don't let it happen again," Davon warned, his voice still cold and hard.

"Yes, Mr. Roman."

Davon walked past Carol's room, only to see the door left slightly ajar. Collins was alert as he stood in the corridor, guarding the place.

After some thought, Davon decided against going upstairs and knocked on Carol's door.

Two nurses came running to open the door and greeted him.

"Is she still awake?"

"Yes, Mr. Roman. Miss Carol has been waiting for you." The nurses then smiled and excused themselves from the room.

'Waiting for me? Davon's curiosity was piqued as he walked slowly in.

Carol was dressed in a white lace nightgown with her hair let down in the room. After fiddling about at the incense table, a wisp of purple mist slowly appeared, emitting a fresh fragrance.

The effect of the mist accentuated Carol's beauty even more. She broke out into a warm smile when she saw Davon and gestured in sign language. "Grandpa said you haven't been sleeping well. I've mixed some lavender oil for you to place in your room. It will help you sleep better."

"Oh, thank you."

Cruze waited for Davon's order before he went in to take the lavender oil and aroma lamp from Carol.

"Rest early." Carol remained still and looked tenderly at Davon.

After saying goodnight, Davon glanced at Carol and left the room.

Carol continued standing in her spot, watching Davon walk away until he was completely out of sight.

Cruze finally heaved a sigh of relief when they got back to Davon's room. "Do you want to light the aroma lamp?" he asked.

"Go ahead." For the last two years, Davon had had nightmares every night, which took a toll on his mental health. D'barl told him that Carol might be able to help, but he never gave it much thought. Since she had already prepared it for him that night, he decided to give it a try.

"It looks like it's going to rain tonight," Cruze remarked as he lit the aroma lamp. "I'll close the windows for you. Have a good sleep after your shower."

Davon nodded and went into the bathroom, completely unaware that his phone was vibrating.

Cruze left the room after finishing his tasks, closing the door behind him. He got two subordinates to stand guard outside Davon's room before heading to his room to retire for the night.

Davon finished his warm shower and stepped out of the bathroom. The lavender scent from the aroma lamp had engulfed the entire room. He had to admit that it had a very calming effect.

After a few glasses of wine, Davon sat on the sofa to towel-dry his hair.

Just when he thought he could sit back and relax, his phone started vibrating again. It was Lewis.

"Davon, I need to talk to you. The more I thought about it, the angrier I got," Lewis barked over the phone. "You're aware of my feelings toward Violla, so why did you do that?"

"She won't like you," Davon advised. "It's best to give up now before you waste any more of your time."

"How do you know she won't like me?" Lewis got increasingly agitated by the minute. "She caught my hint yesterday and said we could date and see where it leads us. I even made preparations to profess my love to her tonight, but you've ruined all that. "

"Oh really? That's wonderful news!" Davon replied with a smirk.

That was the straw that broke the camel's back. "Davon Roman, I thought you were my best friend. But after the way you've treated me, we're no longer friends!"

Davon was about to explain himself when a deafening clap of thunder rang out.Soon after, he heard a blood-curdling scream over the phone.

That voice sounded so familiar that it stunned Davon. "What was that?"

"I think that was Violla," Lewis muttered. "I'm hanging up now. I need to check on her."

With that, the call ended.

Davon held on to his phone with furrowed brows. 'That voice definitely belonged to Violla, but why was there so much fear and panic in it?'

Davon felt terrible unease and couldn't stop thinking about Violla. With that, he put his wine glass down, got dressed, and hurried downstairs.

"What's the matter, Mr. Roman?" Marco asked, panicked by Davon's sudden rush.

"Get the car. We're going to Violla's villa."

Marco nodded and carried out his orders immediately. Davon was buttoning his shirt while still making his way downstairs. He was in such a hurry that he broke into a run.

Just then, there was a loud bang from downstairs.

In his rush, Davon had knocked Carol down when he turned the corner.The impact was so strong that the poor girl sat on the floor, trembling in pain.

"Miss Carol!" the nurse exclaimed as she quickly helped Carol up.

"What is Carol doing here at this time of the night?" Davon growled.

"Miss Carol had only just passed a gift to Dr. Immaculate," the nurse explained.

Carol looked to be in so much pain that Davon wondered if she had landed on her wound. Her face had gone pale, and beads of sweat were rolling down.

"Get Immaculate here now!" he ordered.

As the nurse ran off to get Immaculate, Davon held his hand out for Carol. He wanted to lead her to her room, but her legs were shaking so much that she couldn't walk at all. Thus, he had no choice but to carry her back.

Once back in the room and with the lights turned on, it was now clear to see that Carol's leg wound had reopened. It was bleeding profusely, and a wave of guilt came over Davon. "I was walking too fast … "

Before he could finish his sentence, Immaculate ran into the room to check on Carol. "Oh no. The wound looks bad. Bring me my medical kit," she ordered the nurse.

"How is she?" Davon asked, his frown deepening.

"The wound on the leg has reopened, so I'll need to stitch that up. I still have to check the other areas, but there shouldn't be anything too serious. Don't worry too much."

"That's good to hear." By this time, the car he asked for was all ready to go, and so was he. He once again reminded Carol, "Stay in the room and rest. Don't go wandering about again."

Just as he was about to leave, Carol suddenly cried out in pain.

Davon stopped in his tracks and turned around. The wound on her waist had reopened too, and the blood seeping out had stained her white nightgown.

Immaculate's face changed. "Oh no! We have to get her to the hospital!"

Davon doubled back in shock. "How did it get so serious? Quick, send her to the hospital."

"I'll get the hospital staff to come over immediately," Immaculate said, taking her phone out to make the call.

Davon was steeped in guilt as he saw how much Carol was suffering. At that point, he could only try to reassure her that medical help was on the way.

Despite being in so much pain, Carol still wore a smile as she gestured, "Do you have something urgent to do? Go ahead. Dr. Immaculate is here for me, so don't worry. I will be okay."

The more she said, the more guilty Davon felt. But he was also worried about Violla and was still in a hurry to go to her.

Immaculate was done with her call and came back into the room. "The hospital staff is on their way. It'll take around half an hour."

"Take care of her, Immaculate. I have to go out for a while." Davon was all ready to leave when his phone rang. It was a call from D'barl.

He frowned before turning his attention onto Collins, who was standing outside.

Collins quickly lowered his head and scrambled to hide his phone behind him.

At that, Davon had no choice but to answer his phone.

"What's wrong with you?" D'barl hollered. "Why are you in such a rush in the middle of the night? And now you've even injured Carol, aren't you ashamed of yourself?"

"You really are all-seeing. We can't hide anything from you," Davon replied bitterly. "It's not like I injured her on purpose. The hospital staff is already on their way as we speak."

"You…" D'barl gritted his teeth in anger. "I want you to take full responsibility for this! I don't care what you have on hand. You are to put everything aside and take good care of Carol. Do you hear me?"

"There's something I need to do now." Davon objected.

"Even if the sky falls, you are to take care of Carol first," D'barl roared, his anger ratcheting up another notch. "You knocked into her, so you have to be responsible!"