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𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 πŽππ„ 𝐇𝐔𝐍𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐃 𝐀𝐍𝐃 ππˆππ„π“π˜- π“π–πŽ :

Davon was about to argue back when another call came in. This time, it was Lewis. " I'm hanging up now. Lewis has an emergency," Davon told D'barl before abruptly ending his call.


"Davon, are you on your way with Immaculate?" The growing anxiety in Lewis' voice was palpable. "We need her help."

"What's wrong?" Davon anxiously asked in return.

"Violla suddenly had a splitting headache when the thunder rolled . I suggested calling for an ambulance, but her subordinates refused to. I know you take Dr. Immaculate out on your errands a lot, so I thought… "

Before he could finish his sentence, there was another clap of thunder.Once again, Violla let out another piercing, spine-chilling scream.

Davon's heart pained hearing her. "I'm coming over right now."

With that, he ended the call and turned to Immaculate. "Follow me to meet Lewis. And bring your medical kit along."

Immaculate was dumbfounded as she looked at Davon and then back at Carol.

"Didn't you say the hospital staff would be here soon? They'll tend to Carol's wounds." Davon was running out of patience . "Get your medical kit now. Hurry."

Immaculate had no choice but to comply. She then looked apologetically at Carol before heading off to get her medical kit.

"Mr. Roman, please don't do this to Miss Carol." one of the nurses begged amid sobs. "How can you leave her behind in this state? And you're even taking Dr. Immaculate with you? What will Miss Carol do without her around?"

Carol interrupted before Davon could say anything more.

She tried to hide the excruciating pain she was in as she gestured, "You have to help Sir Lewis. Don't worry about me. The hospital staff will be here soon. I'll be fine."

"Thank you!" Davon exclaimed. His guilt was eating him up alive, but he was also very grateful for Carol's understanding. Following that, he turned toward Cruze and ordered, "You stay here. I want you to accompany Carol to the hospital and protect her the entire journey. Understood?"

Cruze nodded firmly.

At that time, Immaculate had gotten ready and called out for Davon.

Davon took one last look at Carol before stepping out of the room. Instantly, Carol's nurse cried out, "This is outrageous! How can Mr. Roman do this. "

Cruze rushed forward to comfort her. "Alright. Alright. At least I'm still here."

"How is that the same? You aren't Mr. Roman."

Cruze was left speechless, and frankly, also a little hurt.

As Davon and Immaculate made their way toward Violla's villa, the thunderstorm continued to rage on.

At that instant, Davon's phone was ringing non-stop from D'barl calling him, but he ignored them.

The car had only just pulled over at the villa when Violla's scream rang out again in the night. Hearing that, Davon jumped out of the car and sprinted in, only to be blocked by the Landiana's bodyguards. "Stop right there. This is Miss Landiana's villa. No outsiders are allowed."

"F*ck off!" Davon unceremoniously pushed them away and raced up the stairs.

"Violla! Violla, what's wrong with you? Please don't scare me," Lewis cried as he banged on her door. "Please open the door and let me in."

"Sir Lewis, please pipe down. Miss Landiana has a relapse every time there's a thunderstorm. There's no medicine for it. We'll just have to wait till the storm passes," Violla's bodyguards explained.

Lewis was about to retort when he saw Davon come up the stairs. His arrival brought Lewis a great sense of relief as he ran toward him and Immaculate.

"Dr. Immaculate, please take a look at Violla."

"Alright, I will. Don't panic," Immaculate reassured him.

Davon tried the door, but it was locked from the inside. Thus, he turned to the bodyguards and shouted in frustration, "Open it!"

"We can't," she replied. "We aren't allowed to go near Miss Landiana when she has a relapse. Only Lucky and Belly are in there with her."

In his fit of anger, Davon took a step back and kicked the door.

A loud bang resonated through the house. His kick was so strong that the door and walls shook.

Everyone around Davon was startled by his sudden outburst. They knew he was a good fighter, but they weren't aware of his immense strength.

Another kick from Davon, and the door was open.

"What do you think you're doing?" Belly trained her gun on Davon. "This is Miss Landiana's room. You aren't allowed to… "

Before she could finish, Davon had rushed into the room.

Davon traced Violla's voice into the bathroom and immediately made his way there.

Lucky, who was at the bathroom door, tried to stop Davon. "How dare you! This is Landianas..... "

Nonetheless, Davon had no patience for her either as he roughly pushed her away. He was so strong that Lucky fell onto the floor.

As soon as he stepped into the bathroom, he was shocked at the scene laid out in front of him.

Violla was lying naked in the bathtub, screaming at the top of her lungs as her hands covered her ears.

She was bleeding so much from her nose, mouth, and eyes that the water in the bathtub had been dyed red.

Davon's heart almost broke at the sight of Violla. Despite the terrifying scene in front of him, he ran up to hug her tight as he shouted for Immaculate.

When Immaculate saw the state Violla was in, she decided to sedate her first.However, Violla kept struggling and thrashing about like a wild beast on the loose.

Left without a choice, Davon grabbed Violla's hands to hold her down. Yet she used her legs to kick Immaculate instead. No matter how hard Immaculate tried, she just couldn't get near Violla.

Thus, Davon decided to step into the bathtub and used his body to press down on Violla, his hands on hers.

Violla continued to struggle, but she wasn't strong enough to break free from Davon.

When she realized she couldn't move her arms or legs, she bit down hard on Davon's neck.

Davon screamed in agony. It felt like she was about to rip his flesh off, but he couldn't care less. "Do it now!" he ordered Immaculate.

"Ok, ok," Immaculate whimpered, her hands shaking as she injected Violla with the sedative.

Just then, Lucky and Belly barged in and tried to stop them, but Lewis stepped in to pull them away. "That's a sedative. It's the only way to ease Violla's pain."

Sure enough, Violla quietened down almost immediately. She went limp in Davon's arms and closed her eyes. "Please, please don't kill Mrs. Blake. Don't kill her…" she whimpered.

Hearing those words, Davon felt a throbbing pain in his heart. He couldn't imagine what Violla had to go through two years ago that left her with such a bad trauma.

With Violla asleep, Lewis finally heaved a sigh of relief. "I'm so glad that's over. She almost scared me to death!"

"Sir Lewis, please step outside." Lucky and Belly urged. They had a scene to clean up, and they didn't want more people getting involved.

"I didn't see anything." That was the truth. Lewis had been standing by the bathroom door the whole time. Other than Violla's face, he couldn't see anything else.

"Mr. Roman, please… "Before Lucky could continue, Davon had already carried Violla out of the bathtub. He wrapped a towel around her before laying her on the bed.

Davon couldn't stand to see her in so much pain, but he knew he couldn't stay. Hence, he turned to Lucky and Belly. "Wipe her dry and get her dressed."

With that, he left the room.

Immaculate was about to follow suit when Lucky stopped her. "Dr. Immaculate, please wait."

Immaculate instantly stopped in her tracks.

"Can you please help us?"

"Of course."

Lewis ran up to Davon just as he was coming out of Violla's room. "Oh my god, your neck is bleeding."

"Where's your room?" Davon replied curtly.

Quickly, Lewis led him to his room, and Davon stepped into the bathroom to clean himself up.

When Davon stepped back out again in a bathrobe, Lewis poured him a glass of wine. "Are you okay? Do you need to go to the hospital?" he asked with genuine concern.

"I guess I'm going to need a rabies shot," Davon simply replied.

Lewis almost spat his wine out at that.

Just then, Immaculate came into the room. "Mr. Roman, let me tend to your wound."

"How is she?"

"She has calmed down, and there are no serious injuries," Immaculate said as she cleaned Davon's wound. "Lucky put a pair of noise-canceling headphones on her, so there won't be any worries of her waking up again to the thunder."

"Exactly," Lewis chimed in. "They usually pay a lot of attention to the weather. If there were reports of a thunderstorm, they'd make sure to have Violla wear the headphones. But, for some reason, they forgot about it today."

Hearing that, Davon grew silent. 'Violla got attacked two years ago, and they destroyed her antidote. She must have gone through hell and back after that episode. It was a miracle that she even survived it.'

'Her memory loss and having a relapse every time there's a thunderstorm could also be the effects of that traumatic event.'

"Your wound looks bad." Immaculate frowned. "You'll have to get a tetanus shot at the hospital. I'm afraid I haven't brought any with me."

"I'll do it later." Davon didn't care about it right then. "You should go stay by Violla."

Immaculate nodded and left with her medical kit.

After she left, Lewis looked at Davon quizzically. When Davon kissed Violla and even claimed to like her, Lewis didn't believe him. He had thought it was all part of Davon's plan to force Violla out of the project.

But then, it seemed like Davon wasn't lying at all.

When Violla had a relapse, Davon was far more anxious than anyone else in the room. He had no care for himself when he used his body to protect Violla. Even when she bit him, he still didn't let go.

With such a display of selflessness, Lewis knew Davon wasn't joking around.

Davon was calling Marco when he saw Lewis staring at him. "What are you looking at?"

"Do you really like Violla?" Lewis blurted out. "When did you start liking her?"

Davon didn't reply instantly. Instead, he barked his orders at Marco over the phone, "Where are my clothes?"

"Coming, Mr. Roman! I'm downstairs right now."

"Hurry up."

"Yes, Mr. Roman."

After ending the call, Davon looked up at Lewis. "Two years ago."

"What?" Lewis widened his eyes in shock. It took him a while to recover from it. "You've known her since two years ago?"

Lewis paused as he contemplated more about it. Something didn't add up. "Wait a minute. Didn't you have a wife two years ago? She went missing, and you searched for her high and low… "

"She doesn't belong to you. Go look for another," Davon said sternly.

His words had only just sunk in when there was a knock at the door.

"Come in."

Marco came in with a bag of clothes before excusing himself.

Then, Davon picked up the clothes and proceeded to change in the bathroom.

Lewis, on the other hand, stood behind the door with panic in his voice as he asked, "What happened exactly? Tell me everything right now!"

Despite that, Davon ignored him as he continued changing. When he was done, he made a beeline for Violla's room.

"Hey! Answer me!" Lewis followed behind in exasperation.

When Davon reached Violla's room, he was glad to see her sleeping peacefully in her bed, but at the same time, his emotions were all over the place.

"Mr. Roman, thank you for your help tonight. We'll let Miss Landiana have a good night's sleep now. We can talk tomorrow if there's anything else," Lucky said calmly.

Both she and Belly seemed guarded, as if afraid that Davon might touch Violla again.

"Take good care of her." Davon took one good look at Violla before taking his leave.

"Can I come in?" Lewis decided to try his luck with Lucky and Belly.

As expected, they denied his request. "Sir Lewis, we're very sorry. We can't let anyone in to disturb Miss Landiana right now. You can talk to her tomorrow."

Lewis still felt a little hurt by the rejection as he followed sullenly behind Davon.

It was already half past one in the morning when Davon left Violla's villa. He checked his phone, only to find seven or eight missed calls from D'barl.

Davon knew he had to check in on Carol, or D'barl would throw a fit and go after him.

After all, he couldn't afford to anger D'barl any further, so he decided to head to the hospital near Garden golf to see Carol.

He was well on his way when he spotted a car driving toward him from the opposite direction.

Both cars pulled over, and Cruze got out of the other car. "Mr. Roman," Cruze acknowledged with a bow.

"What's going on? Where's Carol?"

"Miss Carol is in the car," Cruze replied softly. "Her wounds have been checked out. But she refused to stay in the hospital, so we got the doctor's permission to bring her home."

Davon looked in the car to see Carol leaning weakly against her seat. Her face was deathly pale, yet she still smiled and signed at him. "It's just superficial wounds. I'm okay. Let's go back."

He then gestured for everyone to get back into the cars and headed toward the hot spring resort.

On their way back, Davon contemplated calling D'barl. However, he ultimately decided against it as it was already late, and D'barl could be asleep. If his call woke D'barl up, he might incur even more of that man's wrath.

As soon as they arrived at the resort, D'barl came out from the courtyard in a wheelchair. His unexpected arrival gave everyone a shock as they hurriedly bowed to greet him.

D'barl ignored them and stared daggers at Davon.

"Why are you here?" Davon frowned at him.

"I couldn't reach you on your phone. I thought you were dead," D'barl said sarcastically.

Hearing that, Davon chose his words carefully. "Lewis had an emergency ."

"What could be more important than Carol well-being?" D'barl bellowed.

"It was a life and death situation," Davon rebuked. "Is that important enough for you?"

D'barl kept quiet hearing that. After all, Lewis was a man of distinction. Should something happen to him while he was on their territory, the Roman family wouldn't be able to answer for it.

If Lewis really had an emergency, it would be understandable for Davon to tend to that first.

"Miss Carol, be careful," the nurse said as she helped Carol out of the car.

D'barl's face was fraught with worry as he turned to look at Carol. "Carol, how are you? Were you badly hurt?"

"They were just superficial wounds. I'm fine." Carol gestured. "Grandpa, please stop scolding Davon. Sir Lewis did have an emergency, so I had him tend to that first."

"Good girl." D'barl was deeply moved by her words. "You're so understanding."

"It's only right to be," Carol continued in sign language. "It was my fault. I insisted on coming along, and now Davon is in so much trouble because of that."

D'barl's heart ached when he saw how guilty Carol felt. "Don't say that. It's his fault for having neglected you. It's getting windy outside. Why don't you head on in first?"

Carol was being led back into the house when her knees suddenly buckled. She would have fallen if Davon hadn't rushed up in time to support her. "Get the wheelchair!" he ordered.

The nurses searched high and low for the wheelchair but to no avail. Carol had gotten even weaker at that point and could no longer stand up.

At that moment, D'barl got into a state of panic and looked close to blowing his top at everyone. Davon anticipated that and quickly carried Carol back into the house.

Only then did D'barl manage to calm down. He shook his head and sighed, "What a blockhead."

"You can't rush these things," Douglas coaxed gently. "He has to have his heart in it."

"What the hell do you know?" D'barl barked. "If I don't give them a nudge, they'll never be together."

Douglas said nothing more after that.

In the meantime, Davon carried Carol back to her room and laid her on the bed. "Take good care of her."

He was about to leave when D'barl blocked the doorway with his wheelchair. "You're leaving after having injured her?" D'barl asked coldly.

"Or what?" Davon shot back with a frown.

Douglas ,Cruze and Marco collectively had to send everyone to their room before a fight could erupt. In their stay there, Davon did a good job avoiding everyone as they could sneak around with Violla. Strategizing on what to do but they still couldn't get an amicable way out of their situation until when they returned to their homes .

Davon apologized for leaving Carol alone sighting work as his excuse. He then went to meet Ryan to have a talk with him and he found him with D'barl.