Carnivals (Part 2)

In Terran, the Olympics were held to promote global unity and peace. It provided a platform where people could come together, put aside differences, and just enjoy the games. 

It would also spike the economic growth of wherever it would be held in…

Althea shook her head, putting the non-existent 'Alterran Olympics' to the back of her mind. Even if it would come to fruition someday, it would probably take a few years before they could safely implement it without people killing each other for the prizes instead. 

Anyway, they had been here for a while, but Ansel was still up. At first, he was still laughing, taunting his hitters when they failed. By this point, practically the whole area had tried a shot, with more coming in when they heard the handsome Ansel was the one on the seat.

However, after a quarter of an hour, Ansel grew impatient.

His bum was starting to get sore, and he did his best not to squirm in his seat like an uncool dude.