Alterra’s Mascots

Althea shook her head and Garan smiled, and the family—just them and the babies—finally decided to head back home. 

She could've sworn the babies were sleepy earlier though, but somehow they had regained energy and were now unable to behave. 

Garan had to take Meatball away from his head, though he would always try to climb up again. Meatball loved heights so they normally let him climb whatever he wanted, as long as it was safe enough. 

This often meant his father's head. 

Anyway, it was better for the baby to prefer this rather than just float away from them. 

Little Pepper was much more well-behaved, but she did keep squirming in Althea's arms, taking different positions, until it seemed like she just wanted to walk.

It was just that they were entering a densely crowded area, so it was out of the question for them to be running around on their own even with a tether that could tangle with innocent passersby.