Hiring at Town Level

A/N: Three days left before February ends, guys! Last time I checked, we're <100 Golden tickets behind. As always, if you have excess tickets, kindly consider sending them my way~

I will appreciate them all!! \o/



Early the next morning, Althea and Garan went up to the Town Center's highest floor—they were hiring again! 

The couple took a secret entrance at the back so that the people wouldn't know they entered just before new aborigine hires appeared. 

Anyway, she was looking forward to the new selections they would have. 

With the Center at Level 3, she could hire 3 out of the 5 options she would have every day. She had never quite maximized this back when they were a village—there was no need to—now she looked forward to it. 

The reason she didn't hire as soon as they upgraded to a Town was because everyone was resting and/or busy with celebrations.