First Town Hires!

At Level 1 Town level, the limitations in hiring via the Center were the same, but the pool they could choose from was until this Class C tier. 

This was unless they got lucky again like how they got Betty, Oslo, and Rowan—who really had no way to be in the Village Pool unless there were extenuating circumstances.

An example of a lucky break at their current level would be when someone from the City decided to get hired at Level 1 Towns, which was unlikely. 

First, it was an instinct for this world to grow stronger—and be associated with stronger territories. 'Moving Down' was generally seen as a stupid move by crazy people.

Not to mention—while it was easy to grow stagnant after a certain level because of the sheer amount of elite monsters they had to kill—Cities had one thing that could help people level up without having to do so: Aether Stones.