Hero Rin

A/N: Gap with T1 is now down to ~50 tickets! Thank you so much for your support!

Special thanks to the several bulk ticket gifters who closed the gap so much! I wish I could reply to ticket giving so I can send my personal thanks, but it's sadly not a feature. Please know that I take note of all of you! 

Now I'm just praying the other side doesn't pull something at the last minute tsktsktsk *PRAYS*

Anyway, back to the story~! 



He stayed like this for a while—practically unmoving—and it made Garan and Althea look at each other. 

Althea tilted her head as she stared at the aborigine in puzzlement. "I think we're meant to say he should rise…" she mumbled, and then nudged her husband to do it.

Garan's eyebrows rose, but then he remembered how the man addressed them so he followed his wife's wishes. "Rise," he said, voice low and authoritative, immediately gaining the knight's respect.