chapter 79 is everything in the video truth

" I like it,if you excuses me,I have a press conference to attend too"she said walking to her room changing into something simple as she pack her hair into bun and walk out..

" Ok,I will be leaving now" " no no no" " what?? Too obvious,it too simple you can't wear something like that" " relax,it just for them to ask questions that all"

" No,you can't" " why is that??" Mirabel raise her eyebrows " it bec-" " think,think of an excuse " " Tracy thought " it because your brother said you Shou dress nice so people don't get the wrong ideas" " oh,that makes sense "

" No more talking,let go to your room now" she nodded and follow Tracy to her room as Tracy went to her warobe....

" Ok,this one and this heel,ok wear this ones" " isn't that too much" " hmm,no,now wear it" " ok" she wore crop top and a shirk with her heels as she come out..

" Wow,just wow you look so beautiful" " no,I look like some freaking singer who want to perform in a concert" " still beautiful,now come for your make and hair"

She sat at the front of the glass while Tracy start her work, losing her hair as it drop to her back and applying simple makeup for her.

" Now,you are ready to go" " ok" she went inside the car as Lucian call her and she pick up as the driver start driving.

Lucian POV

" Hey, Lucian" " so how are your trip with Cherry??" " It was great" " are you heading to your press conference now" " yeah,so any new??" " Yes,we found the person that did it but he is not confessing "

" Oh,so what are you going to do now" " torture him to he confess " " no no don't do that,I don't want another scandal he you let him go,he will tell the world bringing another problem "

" Hmm" " but he is saying anything " " he said,he just want to use you for fame and earn money but he said he will delete it " " that good,just make him publicly apologize " " ok oh"

" Am at the event talk to you later " " later then" he cut the phone and call his boys telling them to make him publicly apologize and release him..

He already knows that it Mirabel step sister that did it but from the sake of his sister and there closeness so he warm her

Mirabel POV

As she arrived at the event where all the journalist, paparazzi and new reporter are present,she climb on the stage and bow grabbing the mic

" Hello everyone,my name is MIRABEL KING,am a model and actress,let us begin and pls let us be nice" as she sat down where the microphone his..

" Ok,let start with you" Mirabel point at someone in the middle " is everything in the video truth" " hmm,yes and no, first I didn't stealing anyone fiance and about my kids is truth""