chapter 80 WILL YOU MARRY ME 1

" what there names??" " Charlie and Cherry,ok you over there" he stood up" who is the father of the kids"as he sit down back waiting for the answer " Lucian Lorenzo"

"You there" " who is the other man ??" " That someone I dare recently" " you" " could you tell us his name" " I would rather not,you over there" "are you and Mr Lucian dating before" " yes,we are dating before the two us goes our separate way"

"Are you dating now" " yes we are" " could you tell us how did the two of you meet when you are dating before " " ahh,when I was in London,I meet him and we fall in love so deeply,then we start dating,we date for like a years "

" Why did you broke up??" " It was due to work,me and him have so much work,that we don't see our self much so we had too broke up,next question you over there "

" When did you two found out you are pregnant" " ah, honestly after we broke up a month later,I found out I was 3 week pregnant and I told him " " did Charlie and Cherry ever visited him before often"

" So his kids went to visit him when ever they have a holiday " " did you two date anyone while separated " "yes, we did" " how did you two ended up with yourself back"

" My brother open is hot,then I convinced him to book a room so we can spend time with our kids and lovers,but we found out we are still in love with each other,then we ended up dating again "

" Who is the first to say I love you" " hmm,him" " who is the first to confessed there feeling " " Lucian" " who name your kids??" She smiles" me and my grandpa "

" What the most romantic stuff,he ever do" seeing the question is getting too personal " that all I will be answering today" as they all start calling Mirabel " one more question"

" What are your plan this year??" "Hmm,am plan on making a comeback on my acting,it been three years since I appear on any movies,so am planning for my comeback and my model fashion runway "

Then Mirabel family her Grandpa, Mike, Flora, Tracy, Daniel,Dennis, Emily,Charlie and Cherry came in as Mirabel stood up surprise " what are you all doing here??" " You Should focus on me" Lucian said climbing the stages as everyone look at him and start talking pictures....

" Lucian,what_" as he get on his knees " Mirabel,will you marry me and make the happiest man on earth" as he look at her happily

Everyone gasped, including herself,she look at her family as they gave her thumb up,then she look at the media as they were waiting for her answer too.

She signed and look at Tracy who was nodding furiously as Tracy mouth the word yes for her. Then she look back at Lucian who was still smiling but she feels pressure