The Police

I felt blood draining from my face, and my fingers wrapped around the coffee cup grew weak from terror. Slowly, I placed the cup down to prevent it from spilling all over me in case I accidentally dropped it.

I then met his gaze and saw a weird glint in his eyes. I wasn't sure if this was the first time I had seen it or if it had been there the whole time. All I knew was that I was feeling chills running down my spine at how intensely he was looking at me.

I could faintly hear a song playing in the background from inside the coffee shop.

Every breath you take... Every move you make...

"I'm always watching you, Evangeline," Klaus smiled, and I finally understood the emotion misted all over his eyes.


"Oh, so this was why your Death hated him so much," Fake Death remarked dryly. "He's a fucking psycho."