Seven Ninjas

The night passed quickly.

Kakashi only found out about it five minutes before the operation started the next day.

In this regard, Hokage's secretary expressed emotional stability.

This really seemed to be something that Makoto would do.

And he specializes in outrageous things.

No... Even if Makoto did this, it would still be a bit outrageous...

Kakashi knew that it was difficult for outsiders to interfere with Makoto's decision. Moreover, he couldn't figure out what Makoto was doing, maybe it was some grand blueprint, so he didn't stop him.

But as a confidant, Kakashi still had to say a few more words.

"Hokage-sama, is it really just you and your immediate guard?"

"No, Tsunade and Jiraiya-sensei will also go with me."

Hearing that Jiraiya would also go with him, Kakashi immediately relaxed a lot.

Although Jiraiya also writes some outrageous things in his spare time, he is still quite reliable during battles and missions... Having said that, this kind of style is particularly outrageous in a certain way and is not considered Hokage Successor...

"If it's Jiraiya-sama... But even so, there's no need to peek at Tsunade-sama taking a bath, right?"

What Kakashi got was Makoto's blank eyes.

"Don't peek at Tsunade...I can't let myself peek at Koharu, right? I'd rather die."

If it's Advisor Koharu, that's...

"Then choose someone younger, can't you?"

"It's not suitable to choose someone who is already married. It'll ruin the reputation of someone unmarried – and if she really wants to use this as an excuse to ask me to marry her, what should I do? Tsunade-neesan shouldn't be a problem, she's already at this age, and she's a victim..."

"No, no–" Kakashi couldn't hold back anymore, "It's not a question of who to peek at, but why do you have to peek! It's just an excuse, can't you change it?"

"Because time is tight, and I'm being watched too closely by other Hidden Villages. As soon as I leave, they will react, and pornographic news is usually the easiest to let go as a joke. Conversely, it is also the easiest to be forgiven by many people. Minato is actually quite a crime, but Lewinsky sounds much better... On top of that, I already have the advantage of a low reputation. "

As Makoto said so, he stuffed the last possible ninja tool into the large scroll behind him.

"For ordinary people, their favorite thing to do is to push good families into the sea and persuade old prostitutes to be good. They just want to find black spots on pure white paper to deny good people. And find white dots on pure black paper to applaud the villain – Other people are looking for death for doing this, but I am different. I am an asshole, so it won't bother me at all."

"But... I still..."

"Okay, Kakashi, don't say any more. I already understand all your thoughts. But think about it, if someone does something that makes money, why would anyone do something that loses money? I'm not such a fool."


"...What's with your reassuring expression? What kind of image do I have in your heart..."

Makoto was still chatting with his little secretary, and an awe-inspiring killing intent came from the next door.

– Die!

With a roar, the wall of Hokage's office instantly shattered. With the momentum of destroying the world, the fist wrapped in a huge amount of chakra has already smashed into Makoto's body.

Tsunade, who is like a ghost, descended from the sky.

Kakashi was numb all over.

Tsunade's iron fist looks fierce, but its true power doesn't even have 10% of her strength, Makoto can even resist directly.



Following the direction where Tsunade's strange power exploded, Makoto was directly sent flying. After spinning a few times in the air, he landed firmly on the ground.

Then start running.

Tsunade followed closely behind without saying a word.

"Tsunade, calm down!"

Jiraiya and Hokage's guards, who had been prepared for a long time, hurriedly followed.

In an instant, the whole Konoha was in a commotion.

Ordinary residents of Konoha and even the ninjas watched curiously as the bigwigs in Konoha had a collective convulsion today, running out of the village like a train, and there was a lot of discussion for a while.

Originally, at this time, it was Makoto's turn to deploy the navy that had ambushed before.

But before that, Mizukage, who was about to leave, made a move.

Yagura, who had changed his face and was still wearing the traveling merchant's attire, yelled loudly.

"Tsunade-sama, don't! –

"Even if Godaime watched you take a bath, you can't kill him! –

"This kind of thing will hurt relatives and bring joy to enemies! –

"Don't kill! Don't kill! Really can't kill!"

Gossip is the nature of everyone in the world, and Konoha ninjas are no exception.

Under the call of Yakura, whether it is a ninja or a civilian, a small composition of tens of thousands of words emerged in their minds.

For a while, everyone was thinking about it, but no one noticed that their Hokage had rushed out of Konoha and disappeared.

Seeing that Konoha is getting more and more lively, Yagura, who has achieved the strategic goal and kicked Makoto by the way, knows that he should run away.

If don't run now, won't be able to run later.

Makoto has a good relationship with the Uchiha family who are the Konoha Military Police Force.

"Let's go...huh? What are you still looking at?"

Yagura noticed that his subordinate, Terumi Mei, seemed a little out of her mind.

"No, no... nothing."

Facing the teasing gaze of her immediate superior, Terumi Mei turned her head in panic.

"I just think... for Konoha, Godaime Hokage didn't even want his own reputation... He is very special..."

"Special your head, it's all because he doesn't look at you at all, right? You are so much prettier than his wife Minatsuki. But during dinner last night, his eyes were on her from the beginning to the end, and he didn't even give you a glance."


... ...

Just like that, Makoto led the crowd toward the Land of Grass frantically under the narrow gaze of the crowd.

The longer they stay outside, the greater the probability that the other two Hidden Villages will react.

Who made them hate Makoto so much, they were always watching his every move.

Even when an excuse is used, they may still notice.

The point of this operation is not to fight, but to be fast.

Even if they already got Mizukage's vote, they must settle the matter before the other two Hidden Villages meet to stop it, which is the safest way.

Makoto's run covered more than 300 kilometers. He didn't stop until he lost his footing and fell into the pond, turning into a drowned rat.

T/N: in burgers per gun unit, 300 kilometers is about 186.41 miles

Jiraiya and Tsunade, who were following behind, immediately stopped and reached out to help.

"Are you okay?"

Makoto smiled awkwardly and also extended his hand.

"It's okay, it's just that I haven't been out for a long time, and my legs and feet are a little uncomfortable..."

There is a reason why Makoto has always shown that his strength has not risen but declined in front of others.

After all, no matter what your kekkei genkai is, sitting in an office all year round, with little time for cultivation, and your strength is still rising rapidly, is a very strange thing in the first place.

He is not yet at the level of Six-Paths, and he is not Kaoru Hanayama. He behaves like a normal carbon-based creature, which is beneficial.

Secondly, Makoto has too many enemies now, and there are too many people in the two villages who wish him dead.

Through this continuous release of false strength news, outsiders can effectively underestimate him, and maybe he can save his life at critical moments.

Through this continuous release of false strength news, outsiders can effectively underestimate him, and maybe he can save his life at critical moments.

Finally... Doing bad things will be punished, which is in line with the values ​​of most people.

Sanji is not hated by others, except that he is a gentleman, because he will definitely be beaten when he is lustful.

Momonosuke, on the other hand, has been criticized for not being beaten.

No matter what, this matter has damaged Tsunade's reputation, and losing reputation can also balance the relationship with each other – even if Tsunade is dozens of years old and not a real girl, even if Makoto has told her in advance, she has agreed to help...

"Makoto, be careful."

"You guy, you've been Hokage for so long, you've even forgotten the basics. If your taijutsu was half as powerful as your mouth, Konoha would have defeated other Hidden Villages long ago."

Jiraiya and Tsunade pulled Makoto up.

"Thank you... hiss..."

After Makoto stood firm, he kept rubbing his waist, like a hard-working man forced by life by his wife.

Not long after, Hokage's direct guards also arrived.

The three of them immediately stopped laughing and became serious again.

"Check to see if there is a tail behind."

"Yes, Hokage-sama!"

A Hokage guard from Hyuuga used jutsu immediately.

"– Ha!"

After a moment, he stopped.

"Report Hokage-sama, there is no abnormality around!"

"Okay, let me say one last time, our goal of action."

Makoto stretched out three fingers.

"We came to the Land of Grass to do three things. Take pictures, beat bad guys, and find forbidden treasures, do you understand?"


"Okay, then follow the previously prepared action plan, the first team will follow us, and the second team will move freely. No matter what the final result is, we will meet here in three days' time!"

"Yes, Hokage-sama!"

The elite guards replied, half of them stayed, while the other half chose another direction and rushed into the Land of Grass.

After Makoto's careful screening, the second team is full of sensors.

In the next three days, their main task was not to fight, but to take pictures and videos of ordinary people in the Land of Grass.

How dark can a filter be, just filter as much tar as possible.

The main point is that the ruler of a Land of Grass is not like a king, but Konoha is the savior.

The main point is that the ruler of a Land of Grass is not like a king, but Konoha is a savior.

Now that the war has just ended, the big countries have not completely stopped, let alone small countries.

Everyone in it must be Tongliao, the rules are a mess, and the people are in dire and devastating situations.

T/N: 'Tongliao' is a city in eastern Inner Mongolia with a population of at least 700k, 'Jingkun' means benevolent ruler; 'Tongliao Jingkun' is a person who is willing to harm and suppress others to get what they desire

If don't know how to use Henge (Transformation Technique) to make it up.

These are the little things.

After all, he is a ninja who has experienced many battles and has done all kinds of bad things. There are some things that Makoto doesn't need to mention much.

To put it simply, the second team is mainly here to collect materials.

These collected materials will be turned into Konoha's new movie in the near future – Makoto sacrificed so much, Konoha's sharp blade must of course keep up to achieve the best results.

Although for now, Makoto has not yet decided whether the new movie will be "Seven Ninjas" or "Hokage Private Interview".

These depend on what happens next.

The first team is basically fighting ninjas.

Makoto doesn't like to use force to solve everything. If Kusagakure is willing to eat cake together, that would be the best.

Using Kusa Ninja to rule the Land of Grass also saves many people from making irresponsible remarks.

But if the opponent still refuses...then he won't lose.

Even if the Kusagakure of this era should have a few unique brothers, but Makoto himself is the strongest miscellaneous canon fodder crusher, plus two of the three ninjas, no matter what they do, it is enough.

Moreover, although Kakashi didn't come this time – he had to guard the house and deal with a lot of problems left by Makoto, who ran away with the bucket, but Shisui Uchiha came.

In terms of combat power, it must be far from abounding.

After quickly dividing the team, the group quickly entered the territory of the Land of Grass.

Same as the previous information, the natural environment of the Land of Grass is quite good, it can be said to be unique, and it is perfect for growing bananas.

But a group of people came all the way, but what they saw was a desolation.

The fertile soil that can be harvested with a little plowing is now full of weeds. It is simply a real "Land of Grass".

Makoto had known for a long time that life in a small country in troubled times was difficult, but when he saw such a scene, he still sighed in his heart.

They are all elites. Although they are not as perverted as Kai, who ran from the Land of Fire to the Land of Wind in one day, they still quickly entered the hinterland of the Land of Grass.

When everyone was about to find a place to take a rest, they saw an old farmer lying on the ground, twitching all over, looking extremely in pain, and angry.


"Got it!"

Tsunade stepped forward, quickly checked the status of the old farmer, and finally shook her head silently.

"Tsunade, he seems to be in pain, is he poisoned?"

"No... long-term malnutrition and starvation caused the total collapse of body functions. He seemed to have eaten some poisonous mushrooms before... already..."

While speaking, the old farmer's breathing completely stopped.

It is true that Tsunade's medical ninjutsu is powerful, but she is not Heaven Canceller after all.

T/N: Heaven Canceller from 'A Certain Magical Index'

Tsunade silently laid the old farmer's body on the ground.

Jiraiya also sighed lightly.

"This country is suffering from a disease called poverty."