Welcome Retainer

The old farmer who died by the side of the road is indeed uncomfortable, but this is the reality.

After hastily burying the old farmer, the seven ninjas continued on their journey.

Soon, the group arrived at their destination.

It's a small city – more precisely, a relatively large bazaar.

The Land of Grass is a small country after all, but there are still a few cities.

However, because of the sustainability of the benevolent monarchs, many merchants who were cut off and could not survive fled directly from the city and formed this relatively large black market outside.

Merchants operate outside the city, even if they unite, there will definitely be a lot of trouble. But after a careful calculation, the merchants finally chose to stay in the black market – even if they have to bear a lot of extra expenses and losses every day, the tax they pay is much less than that in the city.

Over time, merchants also got used to it.

The loss is directly included in the tax.

When they arrived, an informant had already been waiting for them.

This is a rouge Kusa-nin with the codename, 'Superman'.

He looked listless, thin, and shriveled, and he was in a daze. Whenever something happened, he would look like making soup at home and taking the first step.

But when he escaped from Kusagakure, he brought out a piece of information as a certificate for Konoha.

According to intelligence, there is indeed a treasure called the Box of Ultimate Bliss in a place called Hozuki Castle in the Land of Grass.

For quite a long time, Hozuki Castle was used as a prison, and now it is being held by Mui, the warden inside.

This Mui has the ability to limit other people's chakras, which is extremely powerful – every village will always have a few young men with unique skills, which is normal.

Makoto read the information carefully, felt that there was no problem, and handed him a Konoha green card.

Superman revealed a reassuring expression.

Superman didn't ask Konoha why he wanted the information about the Box of Ultimate Bliss. After confirming that the information was correct, he took a green card and hurriedly embarked on a journey to Konoha.

He couldn't stand the bitterness of Kusa for a long time.

– The Konoha Green Card is something that Makoto has only recently started to promote. It is issued directly by the Hokage Office and given to people who have made significant contributions to Konoha from various countries. As long as you get this green card, it means you have the Konoha status.

Of course, there is also the protection of Konoha.

The Konoha green card reads: Please remember that no matter where you are in the world, Konoha is your strong backing, please remember that you are a Konoha citizen.

Hokage consultants reacted lukewarmly to the new policy.

Not that they are opposed to the green card itself.

In the war years, even the combat power of rebellion is very important.

No matter which Hidden Village, in addition to the daily adjustment of the hostile Hidden Village, it will also absorb some rouge ninja as cannon fodder.

In their eyes, what Makoto did was no different from what they had done before.

What really displeased the consultants was that Makoto skipped over them again and proceeded with the matter without asking their opinions at all... But they dare not turn against Makoto, who is in charge of finances...

In the end, Makoto has now obtained accurate information about the Box of Ultimate Bliss.

It's not that Konoha doesn't have information about weapons at the level of Six Paths or even the Box of Ultimate Bliss, but... too much.

Sage of the Six Paths is really famous.

All kinds of things that he left behind, and rumors that he left behind, even obviously not created by him, and in the end, for the sake of popularity, they were also given the name of Six Path Ninja Tools, there are too many.

The real and the fake are mixed together, and no one can tell the difference.

Makoto's previous thinking was that they should not be divided at all.

Find it if you can find it, fake it if you can't find it, this has nothing to do with the overall situation.

The key is Kusagakure's choice.

Now that we have obtained accurate information, it is of course a good thing.

After all, the Box of Ultimate Bliss can really play a role if it is used well.

Feeling happy, Makoto decided to make persistent efforts and went straight to Hozuki Castle.

The Konoha ninja dressed as a traveler hurried through the black market and headed for the distance. They didn't care about all kinds of things in the black market, but just a few glances along the way still opened everyone's eyes.

The black market in front of their eyes is really too chaotic.

Completely lack the righteousness of martial artists.

Compared with the people in this black market, Vikings are extremely elegant and easy-going.

This is not Konoha; there is no victory, no compensation, and no one even dares to make trouble, those that dare will definitely be crushed by Uchihas – For now, Uchiha is still very good as a police force, after all, people really regard Konoha as their nest.

Here, selling children and selling daughters, extortion, and even killing people in the street are all taken for granted.

Makoto looked the entire time on his way, even if he passed by those who were killed, the eyes of passers-by would not change in any way.

Everyone is numb.

Completely numb.

A group of people passed by in silence, at this moment, there was a sudden noise in front of them.

The direct guards immediately became alert and secretly held their weapons.

"Please, let my child go, let him go! We don't know you at all!"

"Back off! You all back down! If you take another step, I'll kill him!"

The chaos ahead aroused the curiosity of several people, Makoto and Jiraiya also stared at it, it turned out that it was two ninjas confronting each other.

The origin of these two ninjas is unknown. They still have chakra reactions on their bodies, but they even threw away their forehead protection.

Judging from the state of the two when they acted, both of them should have the level of Jounin. They had a grudge for some unknown reason, but now they fought on the street as if no one was there, throwing various ninjutsu around, causing the crowd to become chaotic.

But obviously, one ninja was obviously stronger, and the other ninja who was blind was obviously out of shape and was soon cornered by the opponent.

The blind ninja was not only blind but also had a mechanical hand, which looked quite embarrassing. But between life and death, he behaved extremely viciously.

Even though he was forced into a small shabby house in the corner, he still captured a ragged little boy with quick eyesight and quick hands.

At this time, when Makoto looked at them, the short blind ninja had already shrunk his whole body behind the boy, and the blade in his iron hand was firmly embedded in the boy's neck. As long as he exerted a little force, the child could die on the spot – even now, the blood on the child's neck was still flowing.

Obviously, the blind ninja was in a hurry and was going to use the child as a hostage to force him to leave.

But the problem is... the other ninja is not only powerful, but also ruthless.

He didn't care about the child's life or death.

Seeing the blind ninja's tenacious resistance, not only did he not rush to attack, but he laughed, as if admiring the blind ninja's desperate gesture.

The crowd was startled at first by the sound of the ninja fighting, but now they calmed down. The audience quickly took their positions, ready to watch the blood flow into rivers.

Except for the boy's mother whose howling voice is almost hoarse, everyone has a bright future.

Such a tragic scene is really heinous.

Anger had already begun to appear in Jiraiya's eyes.


Seeing that Jiraiya intends to make a move, a member of the guard immediately reminded him softly.

Makoto has already emphasized before that the key point of this operation is to be fast.

Before the enemy reacted, they had already negotiated the matter with Kusa-nins, or sent Kusa-nins all to heaven, and made everything an established fact.

It's really not good to be helpless, but they have more important things now...

Jiraiya hesitated.

Makoto looked back at Uchiha Shisui.

Although Uchiha Shisui was loaned out a while ago, he became a movie star for a while and was severely corroded by sugar-coated poison.

But Uchiha Shisui's literacy is very high. After returning to the ninja team, he immediately resumed his previous vigilance and competence.

There is light in his eyes, and he is also eager to try, but he is also worried about Makoto's thoughts.

Naturally, Makoto would not stop his subordinates.

He is determined to be the leader of new ninjas, how could he still push the theory of ninja tools.

"We're all doing greedy things. –

"Since this is the case, we might as well be a little more greedy – when we are trying to save people, we have already done it. –

"Who can resolve a battle in an instant?"

The light in Uchiha Shisui's eyes could hardly be restrained.

But he still hesitated.

As everyone knows, it is true that Shisui is fast.

But that ninja's position is too convenient, the small broken room he is in is blocked off on three sides. If you break through from those three directions, it will definitely be too late to stop the opponent from attacking the child.

And breaking through from the front is even more dangerous.

Shisui has never fought against him before, so he doesn't know where his limit is, and so Shisui is not fully sure.

Thinking about it now, the safest way is to use ninjutsu such as Earth Release: Double Suicide Decapitation, to catch everyone by surprise.

But judging from the opponent's performance just now, this blind ninja is extremely sensitive to Chakra. Even ninjutsu doesn't work well – he's blind!

As soon as he saw something, he would definitely kill the hostage.

No, let's not talk about big moves.

With the blind ninja's current state of mind and cold blood, as long as he senses something is wrong, he will definitely kill the child.

In this special state, it seems like that only the Yondaime Hokage can be fast enough that the opponent can't even react in time, and directly take down the opponent.

Time is slowly passing, and the ninja who confronted him is slowly losing patience.

At this time, hesitation is absolutely impossible, and we must take some risks.

Uchiha Shisui thought, but when he was about to ask his teammates to help, make some noise, and quickly bully him, Jiraiya had already thought of a way.

"The other party is a Jounin...I'll do it."

Under the stunned gaze of everyone, Jiraiya shaved off his hair with the ninja knife he carried with him and pulled out a cassock from the large scroll to make himself look like a wild monk.

After dressing up, Jiraiya bought some wound ointment from a stall owner who was also watching the fun, put it in a broken bowl, and then slowly walked towards the blind ninja.

Although blind ninjas are blind, they are extremely sensitive to their surroundings. As soon as Jiraiya also passed through the crowd and approached, he noticed it.

"Who's there! Don't come here!"

"Amitabha... This retainer, the poor monk is a passing monk. The battle between you and another retainer, the poor monk has no way of knowing, so it is inconvenient to say, but this child is innocent, whether..."

"You let him back down! I'll let the kid go!"

Not only did the blind ninja not retreat, but he grabbed his palm tightly, causing the child to let out another weak cry.

Seeing that he was so nervous, the other ninja not only didn't retreat, but put his hands on his chest and took a step forward.

He didn't care if the child dies or not.

The blind ninja also knows this truth, but now he has nothing to rely on, so he can only give it a try.

"Stop, stop quickly – that monk, are you still there? Make him stop quickly, do you hear me!"

"The poor monk is still there...but this layman, the child in your hand, is about to die. The children on the side have nothing to do with this incident. Why don't you give the poor monk some face and take a step back first?"

The ninja on the winning side felt that he had the chance to win. At this time, he was completely looking for fun, and he kept blinking when he saw Jiraiya, so he agreed.

"Hmph, so what if I keep you alive for a while longer? –

"Let's go down and fight outside! I think you can run or not!"

And those meddlesome people watching the fun around, naturally won't point it out.

So, under the fooling of everyone, the blind ninja immediately relaxed a little.

"Then you all retreat for five hundred... no, it's a thousand steps!"

The blind ninja tried his best to create an advantage zone for himself.

However, the victor obviously did not intend to follow his wishes.

"I gave you face..."

Jiraiya also hurriedly spoke out again.

"This retainer, I know that you are not willing to kill this child. But if you continue to hold on like this, this child will really be unable to hold on... Why don't you let me give the child some ointment first? –

"I promise I'll come here alone. –

"I only have ointment in my hand."

The blind ninja sniffed his nose, and finally acquiesced to Jiraiya's words.

Just like that, the blind ninja slightly let go of his palm, and Jiraiya stepped forward to apply the ointment to the child.

How effective this kind of ointment bought on the street can be, but it could stop the child from bleeding.

Seeing that everything was moving in a good direction, the victor ninja suddenly laughed.

"Blind man, you have been tricked, that monk is my companion! Die!"

The expression of the blind ninja changed immediately.

Jiraiya sighed softly, struck out in an instant, hit the opponent's abdomen heavily, and sent him flying.

And the victor ninja had obviously been waiting for this moment. Taking advantage of the moment when the blind ninja couldn't adjust his figure in the air, he immediately threw countless copies, piercing through most of the opponent's vital points.

The blind ninja fell to the ground, unable to move for a while. The victorious ninja took the opportunity to step forward and cut off the opponent's head.

"Thank you! Hahahahaha..."

Amid wild laughter, the victor fled quickly toward the distance. Before leaving, he didn't forget to look back.

At this glance, he saw Makoto who happened to be smiling slyly at him.

The victor had a vague feeling that he had made a big mistake, but he couldn't figure out what it was and disappeared in an instant.

Makoto didn't pursue him either – a person who can only live for less than ten minutes, what is there to pursue?

Soon, he will find that he can't breathe at all, and eventually dies of suffocation.

How long has it been since no one dared to look at Makoto in battle?

Jiraiya also knew the horror of Makoto's genjutsu, so he ignored it. He just hugged the comatose child to Tsunade and asked her to treat him.

The crowd didn't have much fun to watch, and they dispersed after a moment of negligence.

The child bled a lot, but fortunately, the main artery was not cut, let alone poisoned. Tsunade carefully treated the wound for him, and his state stabilized, and he fell into a deep sleep.

"So, why did you shave your own head? Can't you just use Henge (Transformation Technique)?"

"Isn't this afraid that there will be chakra fluctuations, and the other party will feel the clues?"

"Then why are you pretending to be a monk? He is blind."

"Yes, he is blind. But the person who wants to kill him is not blind – as long as he sees that I am willing to take action to save the child, and it is fine to shave my hair and change clothes. He doesn't know me, but he definitely doesn't want to add another enemy because of a child he doesn't know at all."

"Jiraiya, you are really the same as before, liking children..."


Jiraiya let out a laugh, and brought this matter to the past.

He patted the dust off the child, then took out a few pieces of candy from his arms, and stuffed them to the young mother who was still in shock.

The young mother took the child and went there with great gratitude.

"Since you've already given them candy, why don't you give them a little more money? Anyway, you're not that bad, are you?"

"This is already a lot. No matter how many...they can't hold on."

After all, Jiraiya is an old hermit who has been running outside all year round, so he has more experience after all.

For everyone, this was just a trivial matter after all, and it didn't waste a few minutes before and after, so it can be said that everyone is happy.

However, when they were about to move on, three or four guys dressed as farmers suddenly jumped out of the crowd, kneeling on the ground without saying a word, blocking their way.

A group of people quickly helped them up and asked what was going on.

These farmers talked about the reasons in a hurry.

It turned out that these farmers were ordinary farmers who lived on growing bananas all their lives and were harmless to others.

But the situation of Kusa is not good recently, so Kusa forced the apportionment and let those ordinary farmers take out the money. If they don't give it, Kusagakure will grab it by themselves.

The Land of Grass is already poor, how can the farmers have any money?

But they dare not refuse, because Kusa-nin will really kill people.

So after a while of discussion, some of the farmers decided to go out of the village and find some ninjas to fight Kusagakure.

Although this matter does sound a bit crazy, using other ninjas to fight against ninjas from their own country. But as long as the money is in place, it's not impossible... To put it bluntly, Kusa-nins are here to collect taxes, as long as the execution cost is high enough, they can only give up.

But the real problem is that the farmers really have no money.

They only have bananas.

And the reward they can afford is to let the ninjas eat bananas every day.

No ninja could agree to such a condition.

You let me face-to-face with local snakes intensively, but you only invited me to eat bananas?

Naturally, no ninja was willing to take on this task, but just now, when the farmers saw Jiraiya saving the child, they immediately felt that he was a good man, so they came out and knelt down on the ground, crying.

This is an obvious moral kidnapping.

Makoto is usually not kidnapped by morality.

Because he is a moral vacuum.

But this time it's different because...

"You said, your village grows bananas? The villages around you also grow bananas?"

"Yeah...what's the matter..."

Obviously, these farmers are the banana families of the Land of Grass, who have studied bananas for generations.

In such a small country that lacks a modern market economy, farmers will not easily change their crops. The cost of trial and error is too high.


Now, there is only one problem left.
