I And the Godaime Are Very Good Friends

Makoto could see the anger in Kakuzu's eyes at a glance, but he didn't care.

Because he knows that the bridge effect is a very interesting thing.

As long as you use it well, love and hate are actually just a thought... Of course, for Kakuzu, the most important thing is to make money.

As long as he can make money, everything is easy for him.

Soon, a Naruto version of Metamorphosis was completed.

The story is very simple. Generally speaking, it is a high school girl named Yoshida Saki who has excellent academic performance. When she arrived at a new school, she wanted to integrate into the new class. As a result, she was pressed harder and harder by her female classmates and society, and eventually fell... Fortunately, at the last moment, she met a young man named Higashikata Josuke...

In the end, this is a good book that makes people unable to help but let go of their minds, let go of all evil thoughts, and think about the meaning of life and human pursuits.

Maybe many people don't realize it, but storyboarding is really a technology.

Like the old bird, God's reward for eating is really rare.

T/N: 'old bird' refer to people who are good at using the Internet and have a high level of network technology

Ordinary people can basically figure it out slowly and make little progress.

The storyboard technology of Naruto World is still at a relatively backward stage.

As for the appearance and proportions of the characters... Kakuzu has lived for decades, and don't know how many beauties he have seen. It's just a little two-dimensional, and it's not a problem at all for him. As for the proportions of the characters... In fact, Kakuzu could hand-draw all the blood vessels of a human being with his eyes closed.

This is his ability to eat.

In terms of human body proportions, there is absolutely no possibility of going wrong.

Therefore, after difficult negotiations, Makoto got the perfect book in his hand.

Everything is perfect except for Kakuzu's rage level which remains high.

"Okay, don't be angry, let's sell it now..."

Kakuzu has lived for decades and has seen everything bad... He has never seen anything like this.

The atmosphere in the Naruto world tends to be conservative after all. Kakuzu himself does not have this need, and even if others buy it, they will not tell him.

So in this regard, he really doesn't know yet.

"Why are you talking so much? Why don't you just find someone to try?"

After all, this was their first attempt, and even though Kakuzu was extremely skilled, the moon had already risen when the two of them finished the first book.

Makoto and Kakuzu both walked around the town and soon found a strong young sailor with bulging temples.

The two men immediately surrounded him and forced him into a corner.

Makoto opened his coat angrily and revealed the notebook inside before the sailor boy was frightened to pee.

"Don't kill me, don't kill me...I'll give you however much money you want...don't kill me..."

"Brother, do you want to buy a book?"

... ...

The first book was sold smoothly, with a total of 150 ryo.

– This price was not forced out by Makoto who put a shuriken on his neck. It was because he mentioned it that the sailor agreed directly.

For a hand-painted book of this level sold at this price, it can only be said that whoever buys it will make a profit.

Sailors really need this for some well-known reasons.

No matter how you look at it, this is the best choice of this era. If time permits, Makoto will definitely add one or two zeros to it and then sell it slowly.

However, selling capital is not the focus of this operation, it is just the beginning, so it doesn't matter.

Looking at the 150 ryos lying dry in his hand, Kakuzu's attitude improved noticeably.

"It's actually... that's good."

"There's still a lot of paper left. I should be able to get 9 more copies...You kid, you're quite interesting."

This money is really not much for Kakuzu. But Kakuzu just likes the process of making money. Seeing the money slowly increasing in his hands, he is extremely happy.

This money is really not much for Kakuzu. But Kakuzu just likes the process of making money. Seeing the money slowly increasing in his hands, he is extremely happy.

His attitude towards Makoto also improved a lot.

Makoto didn't need to say much, he immediately made a request for additional printing.

Makoto naturally would not refuse.

Once familiar, twice familiar, the characters who act again are very efficient.

Soon, the two of them had nine more books in their hands.

As before, the two of them found a few wild guys they met on the road and sold the remaining books easily.

"I just got 1,500 ryos...it's really good."

"But it's getting a little late, and I guess it's too late today. And you only have two days left. Even if I try my best, I'm afraid I won't be able to sell it for ten million ryos."

Because of the good sales, the current actors are more willing to cooperate with Makoto.

Seven hundred ryos earned fifteen hundred ryos. This rate of return is very gratifying – guys like Kakuzu will not include their own manpower.

But Kakuzu is not really a math idiot. He only needs to do a little calculation to know that even if he cooperates fully, it is impossible to earn the amount agreed by the two.

"Of course it's not enough to just sell these. The real money must come from printing... Now let's use the money we have to draw some new books."

"Why draw a new one? I think the original one is very good and everyone likes it."

Apart from being frightened at first, the wild boys were more positive when buying the book. From the side, this also affirms Kakuzu's ability.

...Although this one is definitely very subtle.

"Because the people who bought it are all men. These guys definitely don't mind tearing the book into countless copies and borrowing them from each other. One copy is enough for a boat... Don't say it anymore, let's move on."

Kakuzu did not refute, but continued to act according to Makoto's wishes.

At this time, the two of them had run out of paper and it was very late. They simply sneaked into the stationery store, took out the corresponding paper, and left the money.

This time, the two used up all 1,500 ryos, leaving only a few bits and pieces.

However, the two of them didn't care. They randomly found a small forest and spent the whole night working on it, and finally produced more than a dozen essentially excellent notebooks.

"How on earth did you come up with so many messy things..."

Kakuzu was very unhappy with Makoto before, but now he had to admit that this birdman had some tricks up his sleeve.

People can't help but admire a big boss with extraordinary talents.

"If you weren't a ninja, you could make a fortune just by selling these things, right?"

"Does that need to be said? What scares me the most is my talent..." Makoto tied up a lot of books and lifted them up with one hand, "I won't say any more. Today's time is very tight and we have to move fast. "

No need for Makoto to remind him, Kakudu also mentioned his pile of notebooks.

"Would you rather go sell it today?"

"No, I said before, let's go to printing first... It doesn't matter if the accuracy is a little lower, anyway we have to measure the quantity."

There was nothing wrong with Kakuzu. The more Makoto showed himself to be at ease, the more he subconsciously trusted him.

"But if I remember correctly, a big printing house might not be willing to print this kind of thing, right?"

After all, it is a modern country. Some things in the Naruto world may be backward, but some things have already appeared.

If you really want to go to a regular printing factory, they may not be willing to print it, leaving aside the issue of enough money - Makoto's quantity is obviously not enough for them to actively ignore the law.

"You don't need to find a regular printing company...just follow me."

"If there is a market, there will be demand. Some people will do the business of making a profit, but no one will do the business of losing money."

Makoto said this and walked into the town again with his books.

He came to a small hotel, used the remaining scrap money to buy some breakfast, and then temporarily stored the notebook in his hand with the boss.

– Although Kakuzu did not restrict Makoto from using ninjutsu, Makoto decided not to use it if he could.

It's the same with ninja tools.

Kakuzu still took soldier pills as usual, but when he saw Makoto buying breakfast, he didn't say a word.

It was still early at this time and there were not many pedestrians. Makoto walked around the town and soon found a clearly dressed guy – technically speaking, he was probably a policeman.

So he asked.

"Brother, where can I buy copies? There is also a printing place."

He looked up and down at Makoto several times.

"You ask me this question...isn't it inappropriate? Believe it or not, I will arrest you."

"Brother, don't be like this." Makoto showed an anxious look, "We are about to set off on the ship. It will be more than a month out in the sea, and there is still not a single woman on the ship. Do you think this is how people live?"

The eyes staring at them hesitated and finally nodded.

"That's true... but it's so early, which bookstore is open... Come on, I'll take you to my uncle's place. He has printed books. Don't tell anyone else."

So the eyesight led the two of them to turn left and right in the town. After turning several times, they came to a small secret courtyard.

The man did not go in, but took the person outside and left.

Makoto and Kakuzu didn't go in directly. They went back to get their notebooks, then walked forward and knocked on the door.

An apprentice who looked about seventeen or eighteen years old looked at them warily.

"Who are you... Why do you look so unfamiliar?"

The apprentice is young and looks very alert.

Makoto clicked his tongue and scolded him whenever he came up.

"Idiot! We are brother Danzo's people!"

"Ah, it turns out it's Brother Danzo..." When he mentioned this name, the apprentice obviously relaxed a little, but he still didn't let the two of them in, "You are now..."

"Idiot, what else can I do to come here to see you?"

Makoto did not show any flinch due to the unfamiliarity, but confidently handed him all the notebooks in his hand.

"Old rule, one thousand copies, I'll pick them up in the afternoon!"

Because he was too confident, the young apprentice didn't think much about it.

"If you want one thousand copies...well, I can make it in the afternoon, but the money..."

"Of course it's the same as before!"

"I see..."

The little apprentice clattered into the pile of notebooks.

Kakuzu looked at Makoto with dead fish eyes.

"Do you know them?"

"Do you think I know them?"

Makoto really didn't look like he knew them.

Because this town itself was randomly selected by Kakuzu.

"Then how did you..."

"I simply feel that everyone should have a friend named Danzo, Suzuki, Tanaka or Takahashi."

These are the biggest surnames in the Naruto world.

Kakuzu was about to refute, but then he thought about it and realized that this was really the case, so he said nothing.

So the two of them left first.

At about one o'clock in the afternoon, when the two came to pick it up again, a large number of notebooks had been printed.

Overall, the quality is indeed not as good as Kakuzu's high-precision hand-painting, but fortunately there are enough.

The two of them did not use any other equipment, and relied on their strength to directly drag away a large pile of notebooks.

However, Makoto didn't go far. He soon found another strange sight on the street. After a while of haggling, the two parties concluded the deal.

Because the quality of the books varies, the prices offered by the man are also different. Finally, when combined, the total was about two million two hundred and fifty-five thousand ryos.

The two parties settled the money and goods on the spot. After Makoto received the money, he wrapped the one million ryos inside in a furoshiki and threw it directly into the small courtyard.

At this point, Makoto already had 1,255,000 ryos in his hands.

"Why are you giving them money?" Kakuzu was very dissatisfied with Makoto's reckless spending, but at this time his tone was very soft, without any sharpness, and it was more like an ordinary complaint with a friend, "We What's next? Keep painting and printing?"

"What else are you printing? Are you prepared to be hunted down by them... Now let's go buy a boat."

"...Buy a boat?"

Countless question marks appeared on Kakuzu's head.