As We All Know, Godaime and I are Real Brothers With Different Parents

Two people came to buy a boat.

These two people are naturally Makoto and Kakuzu.

This town is indeed not big, but it is a dock after all, and there is still a shipyard.

The two quickly found the head of the shipyard and got a quote from him.

After hearing the quotation, Kakuzu became furious and picked up the opponent with one hand.

"You guy, how dare you raise my price - do you think I really don't know the price? –

"You increase at least five hundred thousand!"

...How could a normal ninja care about the price of a ship? It seems that Kakuzu's investment scope is really wide...But obviously, he lost money again.

Makoto put his hand on Kakuzu's shoulder.

He didn't use any force, but the grumpy Kakuzu still snorted and let go.

"Sir, this companion of mine is rather rude...but he is right. Why did the price suddenly increase?"

"Haven't you seen the Land of Water that's causing the trouble?"

Realizing that he had encountered an iron plate, the person in charge laughed twice, but he did not dare to cheat.

"I don't know what they are thinking. They keep buying boats. They bought all the boats themselves, and then they came to us and filled up their schedule."

"They place orders everywhere and make us very annoyed..."

There were words of complaint on his lips, but looking at the happy expression on the person in charge, it was obvious that he wanted to place more orders from the Land of Water.

– Obviously, this is the result of Kirigakure starting to operate a cannery.

The materials of the Land of Water are really not comparable to those of the three land-based countries. When the cold chain technology is not up to standard, it is natural to think of increasing the catch.

Because of the general peace order, the funds that were originally supposed to be used for war finally entered the field of people's livelihood.

Although they are enemies, this is also what Makoto is happy to see.

Makoto asked the person in charge some more questions, but after all, the person in charge was just the person in charge of a small shipyard, and his knowledge was quite limited, so he quickly became confused.

Seeing this, Makoto did not force it and left the shipyard with Kakuzu.

"These bastards will take the opportunity to raise prices! It's really disgusting! –

"If I see him in the wild, I will definitely... Hey, where are we going?"

Makoto took out his pocket watch and glanced at it.

"Bounty exchange."

... ...

The bounty exchange is a neutral gray area between the five major countries and the Five Great Hidden Villages.

This kind of place is inevitable.

More than ten years later, Asuma's head was 35 million, but Asuma was not only a Jounin of Konoha, he also had an identity - the biological son of the Third Hokage!

Generally speaking, Asuma is a relatively easy-to-talk person and does not kill people indiscriminately. He has such a strong backing, but there are still people who dare to put a reward on him, so it is not difficult to guess the identity of the other party...

Kakuzu often takes on tasks in the bounty exchange, and he knows the situation inside very well.

However, Makoto came to the bounty exchange this time, not to accept a task, but to exchange money.

At present, the currencies used by major countries in the Naruto world are all different – of course they are different. Which modern industrial country dares to directly use the currencies of other countries as its main currency? Isn't this looking for death?

If the other four major countries dared to do this, Makoto would have already found a way to take advantage of the Land of Fire's size advantage to directly destroy the four major countries.

Still fighting with ninjas? It was an immediate economic victory.

Therefore, theoretically speaking, the Naruto world has at least five mainstream currencies, as well as a larger number of currencies of small countries – the African countries, even if they are small, also have their own currencies.

In practice, carrying and using multiple currencies is obviously a very troublesome thing.

Especially those who have no fixed place to live and need to move around.

In this case, of course, the money exchange office also has certain currency exchange functions.

Of course, there are handling fees.

The coins Makoto and Kakuzu obtained before came from a small country. After paying the handling fee of one hundred thousand ryos, Makoto exchanged them all for Land of Fire coins.

Looking at the remaining 1,155,000 ryos, Boss Kakuzu was unhappy.

"Why don't you change it? In any case, it won't make any difference in that small town. The handling fee alone is already 100,000."

"Don't say anything, I have my own opinion."

If anyone else dared to talk to Kakuzu like this, Kakuzu would be so high and low that the other person would know what it means to be angry.


He endured it.

The stranger Makoto's behavior became, the more he wanted to know what he was planning to do with all these tricks.

After leaving the bounty exchange, the two of them ran all the way back to their previous town.

The town is small, but it is also a dock after all, and all kinds of public facilities are quite complete.

The two walked directly into the bank in the town.

Makoto didn't pay attention to the vigilant eyes of the two minor characters, and directly went to a manager of the bank and asked for business.

With a professional smile on his face, the manager invited the two people into the reception room.

Looking at the neatly numbered Land of Fire coins inside, the manager smiled and adjusted his glasses.

"Gentlemen, do you want to make a deposit?"

"You two are so lucky. Our bank is currently carrying out a big promotion. If you make a fixed deposit now, the interest can be as high as three points."

Makoto curled his lips.

"Three points... you want me to save money, ten points is about the same."

Kakuzu looked at Makoto in confusion.

Three points of interest is normal in this era.

After all, Makoto didn't spend a lot of money, so of course he couldn't enjoy those special high-interest certificates of deposit – ten points of interest? Why don't you go and steal it?

Kakuzu wanted to complain, but his experiences yesterday and today told him that there must be a reason for Makoto's actions, so he remained silent and continued to wait for the situation to develop.

When Makoto opened his mouth, the manager was not angry. He just smiled and acted as if he didn't hear anything.

"Sir, the interest you requested...I'm sorry, I'm afraid no bank can give you..."

"So what if I say, I'm going to take out a mortgage?"

"Mortgage loan?" Hearing that it was a loan business, the manager's smile became even stronger, "Then you have chosen the right person. Our bank is very powerful and is willing to provide customers with the best quality services and interest rates... I don't know about you. What are you going to use as collateral? Gold? House, or something else..."

"I will use these Land of FIre's currencies as collateral, and you will see how much you can lend me."

Kakuzu: "..."

... ...

Makoto carried the box and walked out of the bank with Kakuze, who had full of question marks.

It's just that when they went in, the two people's boxes contained one million, one hundred and fifty-five thousand ryos, but when they came out, the boxes already contained a full two million ryos.

The most important thing is that they haven't robbed the bank yet.

In front of Kakuzu, Makoto used the more than one million ryos of Land of Fire currency to exchange for two million ryos of small national currency – and the seemingly shrewd manager did not refuse Makoto!

The two of them completed the deal in front of Kakuzu.

Kakuzu can be 100% sure that the opponent is very clear-headed and is not under genjutsu or any special kekkei genkai.

But it was hard for Kakuzu to speak in front of others. It wasn't until he walked out of the bank that Kakuzu couldn't help but ask.

"How on earth did you do that just now?"

During the transaction, Makoto used one of Kakuzu's fake identity – a veteran like him would naturally carry a dozen fake identity certificates with him in case of emergency.

But Kakuzu felt that the manager should have seen through his fake identity, but... he didn't say a word and completed the loan process with him.

But who borrows more and more loans?

"Because of the exchange rate."

"Exchange rate...what is that?"

Makoto scratched his head and began to explain to Kakuzu.

Speaking of which, this was Makoto's fault again.

Originally, due to the perennial wars between the five major countries, the volume of transactions between them was quite small. Even if transactions are necessary, precious metals are often used instead of banknotes.

Why does the enemy country want a pile of paper from you?

Basically, the only people who kept a large amount of banknotes from hostile countries were nobles and border merchants who were not afraid of death - even they accounted for a very small proportion of the entire country.

But with the end of the Fourth Ninja War, things changed.

The exchange rate thing starts to make sense.

Although Konoha was tricked by Kirigakure in the end and was forcibly recalled by the Twelve Medallions, everyone knew that the winner was actually Konoha.

At that time, Konoha was not a little stronger than the two villages of Iwa and Kumo, but a lot stronger. As the war ended, more and more people discovered the war situation at that time.

This was true before the war, and even more so after the war.

Now to be precise, it should actually be the four major ninja villages and a stronger Konoha.

As the sharp blade of the Land of Fire, Konoha weighed heavily on everyone's hearts, making them unable to breathe.

What's even worse is that the Land of Fire itself is stronger.

As the strongest industrial country on the continent, it was the first to recover, and it absorbed capital from all over the world and began to overwhelm small surrounding countries.

The previous Miso War led by Makoto gave a powerful punch to the small neighboring countries.

This dull fist not only caused heavy losses to ordinary people, but also damaged the foundation of some small countries – a huge loss of foreign exchange!

Because of the strength of the Land of Fire's industry and the strength of Konoha, the Land of Fire's currency is currently considered the strongest currency.

Although Makoto has never engaged in any operations such as the Bretton Woods system or the binding of the Land of Fire currency to oil, subjectively everyone still prefers to use the Land of Fire currency.

This preference is fatal.

The four major countries can still resist in various ways, but those small countries...

At this time, the Naruto world has not yet formed a complete modern monetary theory, but there are capable people in small countries. Based on their own experience, they were keenly aware of the problem and immediately began to save themselves.

One of the most important things is to earn as much foreign exchange as possible and maintain the exchange rate.

And the financial system, which has always been the freest, has been engaged in all kinds of sleazy operations... If the foreign exchange is smashed, it will really shake the country's foundation.

It's not that the bank manager didn't know that he was suffering losses, but he had to do so in extraordinary times.

Because the carrier of information dissemination is not developed and the modern monetary theory is not yet clear, ordinary people do not know these simple principles.

That is to say, Makoto has direct access to the top management of the Land of Fire, so that he can know the plight of some small countries – these small countries would never dare to disclose it to the outside world... Who makes Makoto have a criminal record and have such a bad reputation. If Makoto were to do it again...

What they didn't know was that Makoto really had no idea in this regard.

His reputation could be completely ruined, but not Konoha.

Therefore, it was not until this time that Makoto started exchange rate operations for the first time.

Kakuzu listened blankly. He seemed to understand something, but he seemed to understand nothing.

He had always killed people to get money, and for the first time he knew that he could still make money in this way...

Makoto didn't care about the old man's confusion. He took the money and continued to act.

There is a distance involved in exchanging gold, and it also takes time to negotiate with the manager. When the two of them came out of the bank, it was already the time when the lights were on.

Makoto figured out the direction and led Kakuzu towards a certain bar.

Night is sailor's time, and depressed young sailors don't mind spending their hard-earned money on the bellies of beautiful women.

However, Makoto was not here for fun this time. He looked around in the bustling bar for a while and soon found a young man.

There was nothing special about this young man. He had dark skin and rough knuckles. At first glance, he looked like a sailor who had been at sea for many years.

But at this moment, the young sailor looked extremely depressed. No matter how provocative the maid next to him was, he just drank in silence without any reaction.

"That's him..."

Makoto stepped forward and greeted the drunken young man.

"Hey, brother, I heard you want to buy a boat?"

While wandering on the street before, Makoto heard the conversation between this young man and his elders.

He already knew from the conversation that this young man wanted to buy a boat and do big things.

This is a very normal idea, and considering the current situation, it is indeed promising – with the recovery of the economy, the Land of Fire's demand for fisheries continues to increase. Even if it is not sold to the Land of Fire, it can still be sold to the cannery of the Land of Water.

It's not a loss no matter what.

If Makoto were an ordinary person, he would definitely choose to do it.

But the price of a ship is too expensive for young people to afford it, and their elders are not willing to take such a big risk.

Opportunities were fleeting, and he obviously saw the opportunity, but was unable to seize it, so naturally he was in great pain.

Perhaps, in a few years, as the opportunity passes, he will think about it on his own.

Perhaps, he could meet a noble person, or persuade his elders to actually fund the purchase of a ship for him...but these possibilities would never happen.

Because Makoto is here.

The young man raised his head and looked at him with drunken eyes.

"You... Who..."

"It doesn't matter who I am, the important thing is that I also want to buy a boat, and I am willing to be a bad guy – how about we talk about it?"

So, on the third day, Makoto and Kakuzu own seven ships.

Kakuzu: "Wait, why are there suddenly so many ships... Why are you willing to sell it to him! He hasn't even paid for the first one... Can't anyone explain it to me!"