Yugito: The Advantage is Mine!

The sky gradually began to cool down, and the scorching hot season was slowly passing.

However, a certain strange pressure is gradually spreading... throughout the world, even Hanayama, who is sullenly practicing sword skills in the mountains, vaguely senses that ominousness.

He even felt that the sharp blade in his hand was vaguely trembling, as if he was expecting something.

"What the hell is... going on here?"

The trembling of the blade was naturally not manipulated by Hanayama himself.

And this, too, was exactly what Hanayama was worried about...

"The sword has a spirit and can sense the coming of the killing. But didn't such signs only appear on the eve of troubled times in the past? Why now..."

Since the five major countries had jointly signed the General Nothingness Order, although there were still contradictions all over the place, a national war level war hadn't really happened yet.

Although even the brats in the dojo knew that the Order of Nothing was not a hiatus, but merely a pause button. After eight years, the most tragic war would surely come again. But now there was still a long time before eight years...

The sudden vibration of the love sword made Hanayama's heart doubtful, but he was only puzzled for a moment before casting aside the distractions in his mind and continuing to start wielding the sword.

War might or might not come, these were not things that a small person like Hanayama could decide. But there was one thing that was certain - getting stronger through uninterrupted exercise.

Uninterrupted, unhesitating exercise.

During these years of exercising in the Land of Iron, it wasn't that Hanayama didn't know that he wasn't the type of person with unparalleled natural talent. Even if he practiced hard for the rest of his life, his ceiling would not be too high.

At the very least, it wouldn't turn into the likeness of the person he envisioned.

He had always envisioned Pain.

He longed for the man who, like a god, rushed into the sea of fire and redeemed him.

Even though he knew full well that the current Pain was the one everyone feared as the world's greatest evil - Pain was not serious, despite his pseudonym. Hanayama was no fool, and when the silhouette from back then was compared to the wanted posters flying around, he immediately recognized Pain.

However... what he envisioned was the Pain who saved people, not the Pain who killed innocents indiscriminately. He wanted to be like Pain and use his power to help others, so that other people in despair could also be saved.

In any case, that touch was real.

He had truly been in despair, so he knew the joy of being redeemed.

He also wanted to be the one to redeem others.

Of course, Hanayama knew that it would be difficult for him to achieve his goal. And he is not the Sea King, having two hundred times the efficiency of others... Then, just spend all the time and energy on the sword, and then blindfoldedly charge forward!

T/N: 'Sea King', reference to One Piece

As the master said, in the end, the sword would give him all the answers.

Thinking so, Hanayama once again immersed himself in the boring activity of swinging the sword.

He did not know how much time had passed when Hanayama heard someone calling him from behind. He terminated his sword practice and turned around, only to find that it was a very elderly senior brother - there were many sword art masters in the Land of Iron, and although they were not taught by the same master, since the Land of Iron was not very large, the various initiated disciples still addressed each other as senior and brother directly based on the time of their initiation.

"Hanayama, I said where did you run off to, so here you are! -

"You nerd, always practicing sword practice, you're going to go off the deep end! Even if practicing swordsmanship is what we samurai are supposed to do, it's not what you do! -

"You've really gone a bit crazy since you came back from the last imperial trial!"

Elder brother said this, extended his finger, and flicked Hanayama's forehead.

Hanayama rubbed his head and giggled.

The last time he went with Master to Konoha to see the Imperial Trial Combination, it really opened Hanayama's eyes.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he really couldn't have imagined that a human being could be that powerful on his own.

When the weak see the strong, they cower in fear.

And when the strong saw the strong, they would feel the urge in their hearts to take their place.

Hanayama was such a person.

What is hidden in the weak body is a soul that refuses to lose.

...Master liked his current appearance, but in the eyes of his brothers and sisters, completely obsessed with practicing the sword, he was more or less a bit of a demon is.

Hanayama also does not explain, anyway, individuals have their own ideas.

What the master and brothers want is to be exempt from the license all pass, want is to inherit the position of Land of Iron. And what he wanted... was to become that manly existence!

"Alright, stop giggling and come with me. The senior brothers are all over in the evaluation room, if you don't go over there, the master will be angry."

Senior brother said, pulled up Hanayama and left.

Hanayama is not interested in the Land of Iron's position, the second is that his parents who made a fortune in the Land of Fire are afraid that he will be bullied, every month will send a large amount of money over on time, Hanayama is not a stingy person, so the relationship with the master and senior brothers are very good.

Knowing that his senior brother was there because he didn't want him to be chastised by his master, he didn't resist. The two of them came down the mountain quickly, one after the other.

When the two came to the outside of the Grand Assessment Room, it was already densely packed with Land of Iron samurai. Hanayama was too young and lowly to be qualified to walk to the front. However, he still tried his best to stand on tiptoe and curiously surveyed the interior of the evaluation room.

There, a group of white-clothed samurai with mourning on their bodies were earnestly presenting a written petition. And Mifune, the leader of the Land of Iron, who was sitting on his knees across from them, had a difficult look on his face.

Hanayama couldn't figure out what was going on right now, so he turned directly to his senior brother and asked.

"Senior brother, who exactly are these white-clad samurai... There are other samurai in existence besides us in the Land of Iron?"

"Of course there are other samurai... Well, it's not quite right to say that, they are actually vassals. Dressed in the retro look like they are now, it's just to express their determination."


"Yes, the determination to refuse to give up until the goal is achieved, the determination to succeed even if they endure seven hardships and eight difficulties... You know about the assassination incident in the Land of Lightning from before, don't you? They were the retainers of that important minister. They knew they were bound to die, so they entrusted their suicide note here in advance as a witness."

Under Senior Brother's explanation, Hanayama gradually understood everything.

The assassination of the Land of Lightning's Courtier could be said to have shaken the world.

Though in essence, it was not really as dramatic as Pain killing the Land of Water's Daimyo. Yet it represented something else that still made the remaining great nobles cringe - a breakdown of propriety!

Pain was considered an outsider, so it was just a matter of finding a way to kill him later. But if the insider of the bureau also starts to disobey the rules of the game... Let's not talk about who it is, once someone's modesty is lowered to a certain degree, should the others follow along and lower it?

The Nobles have very little confidence in each other.

This kind of panic is even more deadly than the death of a daimyo.

The stock market can still find a way to make money back if it loses money, but if the confidence in the market is gone...

So the assassination case in the Land of Lightning must be solved as fast as possible.

But then again, the favorite thing for noble things to do is to make use of the subject, using other people's things to accomplish their own purposes.

During this time it is also necessary to be righteous and stand on dry shores the entire time.

During the investigation, someone is bound to stand up and bring the tempo, interfering and influencing the breaking of the case. So...

"So this group of samurai retainers, led by Akaho, stepped forward. With the determination to lay down their lives, they put this life on the line to avenge the family head."

The fact that the retainers put their best foot forward and even laid down their lives to avenge the family head, even if it was not legal in this era, Hanayama still felt that it was the righteous thing to do.

Since the other party had even used such underhanded means as assassination, they must be prepared to be countered.

Just... how does it feel a little weird?

Senior glanced at Hanayama who was vaguely feeling out of place.

"What, perceived?"

"No... I just feel a little strange... Even if avenging the Lord is a matter of honor, it should not be at this time... At the very least, it should not be so decisive... Isn't it the right time to support the young master to take the throne and stabilize the situation at home?"

Hanayama was unmotivated by the family business, but after all, he had grown up living in the middle of a landed family, and he still knew the basic truths.

The Land of Lightning's heavy minister wasn't too young when he died, and his eldest son was already middle-aged, so there wasn't any major problem in terms of succession.

The real concern was whether or not the eldest son, who was not yet a senior enough official, would be able to hold on to the family business with the sudden death of the important minister.

Although the courtier was old, he was still in good health, so he was relatively slow in arranging his son's official position - he couldn't let his son become a Dainagon at a young age, could he? Rise a little slower instead of more stable.

T/N: Dainagon was a counselor of the first rank in the Imperial court of Japan

This was an old-fashioned strategy, but with the assassination, it left his eldest son without the power to protect the strength and prestige of the family's vast estate.

In times like these, the role of these loyal retainers, was very great.

At the very least, with them around, the basics could be preserved.

As long as the family name did not fall, even if it was damaged for a while, there would always be a way to slowly find a way to make up for it in the future.

"Yeah, you're right."

As the words reached this point, Senior Brother sneered.

"But you're still thinking too conservatively... The more dangerous times like this, the more the leader's perseverance and determination is tested. When you don't want to be surrounded by countless taijutsu from above and below together, you'd better choose one swordsman and cut the other down in one breath first..."

"One or two killed, and the others will be afraid before you can talk about what comes next - you should know the ferocity and greed of those jackals!"

"They are avenging the Lord, but at the same time, they are also outcasts..."

Hearing his senior brother say this, Hanayama revealed a look of pity.

"So that's how it is... It's really..."

... ...

On the other hand, the retainers, led by Akaho, also handed over the suicide note to Mifune, the leader of the Land of Iron.

Mifune's face was complex.

Bearing the testament of another high-ranking samurai was actually a very decent thing to do - after all, it meant that the other party recognized your jounin status, and felt that you were able to fight against things, as well as level the playing field.

They feel that even if the worst comes to the worst, you will be able to follow through with what is written in the testament.

This kind of trust and decency sometimes far exceeded countless amounts of gold, silver, and treasure.

Especially since these retainers also came from the higher echelons of the Land of Lightning, it added to the weight of these suicide notes.


"There's no need... to be like this, right?"

"We have already come to our senses, so please make it happen!"

Mifune was still trying to persuade, but Akaho had already led his subordinates to pay deep obeisance.

Faced with this situation, Mifune was helpless.

As a samurai, he could actually understand the thoughts of this group of people.

As a samurai, he could understand the thoughts of this group of people. The lord died and the vassal was humiliated, especially in front of the great change that had not been seen in a thousand years, they should show the warrior's temperament even more.

Even if... the entire team died in battle.

Anyone can see that the water of this assassination is very deep, and I am afraid that it is not as simple as outsiders think.

They have already had an awakening.

But also as a samurai, he did not want these hardcore conservatives to die so worthless... Nowadays, the conservatives are really getting less and less.

In the past, it was a little better, although the era of the samurai had passed, the legacy of the Warring States still existed.

But with the issuance of the Order of Nothing, the social atmosphere began to change drastically, and the merchants, who were originally looked down upon by the people, began to occupy a higher and higher position in society, and even began to dominate some of the small countries.

This was never what Mifune, who wanted to revive the samurai and the Land of Iron, wanted to see.

Merchants were only interested in money, and didn't care about the restoration of the King's Way.

But in front of the rolling tide, he was really powerless.

Before the merchants pounded out that flavor increase war, just a mere aftermath, it shook the Land of Iron half to death, if not for a certain well-known not having active brakes...

Now that a traditional conservative bigwig like the Land of Lightning's Courtier had been assassinated, and Akaho had to lead his men to their deaths, how could he not be heartbroken.

Once they die, it means that the traditional conservative forces in this world are a little weaker...

Radical may not be right, conservative may not be wrong, but the loss of their own forces is real.

Mifune had the heart to say something more, but facing Akaho's determined eyes, he could not say anything after all.

"Your realization, I have truly felt... other than that, do you have anything to say?"

Mifune had always wanted to revive the samurai, but in the end, he chose to fulfill this companion.

"Even if my body fades like a cherry blossom... but even if it is only gorgeous for a moment, then my life will have no regrets! -

"No matter who it is, as long as they are involved in the assassination, we will make them pay in blood!"

Akaho said so, when he looked up again, what flashed in his eyes was already the light of realization.

... ...

"It always feels like someone is trying to kill Yugito... this unlucky cat... but it can't be helped, who put her in that position?"

"Thought, is free."

"I can't draw attention for her forever."

The days gradually began to cool down, finally not having to endure the endless exposure to the summer sun. Konoha, which had been bustling for another half year, once again began to prepare for the fireworks display.

An old salty fish like Makoto wasn't interested in the festivities, and anyway, he didn't have a holiday, so he definitely had to work overtime. But the fireworks display is good for promoting the commodity economy, as well as boosting the fertility rate... Who would refuse a cute girl wearing a kimono that vaguely reveals her big white legs?

...Then again, in this era of soaring global tensions, it was only Konoha that had the leisure and financial resources to think about such things.

Makoto crossed his fingers and began to think hard about how to explain to Temari during the fireworks display that Pakura was going to join him... Luckily, the little girl was stupid, otherwise he would have been killed, right? ...But in a few years, what to do...

Knock, knock, knock.

While Makoto was worrying over the future, a knock sounded from outside.

"Come in."


Pushing through the door were Kakashi, Shisui, and Gai, the three right-hand men, as well as... Shiranui Genma, and Morino Ibiki.

-Shiranui Genma is that guy who is careless, always holding a senbon in his mouth, and obviously fights the whole game, but in the end nothing happens.

-Morino Ibiki is, needless to say, the future head of Konoha Torture and Interrogation Force, an older man with a face full of scars, emphasizing loyalty and stability and reliability, the kind of dependable older man who gives off the feeling that this is a sure thing as soon as he shows up on the team.

Of course, it's still several years before the plot even begins, so these two are not yet tokubetsu jonins, they are both just chunins.

"Hokage-sama, as per your orders, I brought the people here."

"Well, well done, Kakashi."

Makoto said so and looked towards the two chunins who were obviously a bit nervous.

It couldn't be helped that the current Makoto was no longer the previous Makoto.

Although the previous Makoto was also very strong, it hadn't exceeded the scope of everyone's understanding.

For most of the Konoha ninja, Makoto was closer to the kind of big brother who was usually very crumbly and cheeky, but could cover his ass in critical moments.

Everyone respected and loved him.

But that's about it.

The bold ones even dare to joke with him.

And after the 'good side' showed up...

'Good side's' overwhelming presence was frightening.

Even though Makoto actually knew that 'good side' bastard was actually gentler than anyone... But this is also the necessary path for the development of the society, right?

Makoto tilted his head and smiled at the two young ninjas.

"Genma... and Ibiki."

"Yes, Hokage-sama!"

"Among the younger generation of Chunins, I am most optimistic about you two."

Hearing those familiar words, Kakashi couldn't help but look up at the sky - the last time Makoto had said that, he'd been asked to go and help bring back the whole mother-daughter-sister pair.

Fortunately or unfortunately, the Godaime Hokage, who seems to be a super pervert, is unexpectedly just a big ghost. He should not send out similar marriage missions in the future...

"Thank you for your trust!"

"Ah, Godaime Hokage-sama, please don't praise us so much, I'm slightly nervous..."

Morino Ibiki had a blank stare, unable to read his expression, while that slinky Shiranui Genma clearly sensed something was amiss.

"Well, don't look at me with that kind of look... It's not really a big deal, it's the assassination case in the Land of Lightning, you guys know about it, right? -

"After our initial discussion, we all feel that we should form a joint investigation team and go investigate this matter together. Find the real culprit so that the conflict doesn't escalate. -

"As I thought about it, you two are very reliable, so I chose you. -

"This is a good time to build a career... Don't let me down."

Hearing that it was just such a task, Shiranui Genma immediately relaxed.

"So it's just this... But Hokage-sama, if we're in the middle of an investigation..."

"Just investigate, there are no more than a few behind the scenes. You have to remember, no matter what, Konoha is behind you."

This is the highest level of support, words have been said to this point, Shiranui Genma did not say anything else.

"Yes, Hokage-sama!"

Shiranui Genma and Morino Ibiki received the mission scroll together and bowed and left.

It was only at this time that Makoto looked at the trio.

Kakashi was nothing to write home about, smelling like the sour stench of a relationship where he was being chased backwards by the woman.

There wasn't much wrong with Shisui except that he was dressed like Ding Zhen.

T/N: Ding Zhen, real name Tenzing Tsondu, is a Tibetan singer, Internet celebrity and businessman from Litang, Sichuan Province, China

As for Gai...

"Gai, what happened to your face? Did you get hit by someone?"

At this moment, Gai's face was bruised and purple, and he clearly had a not-so-light traumatic injury.

Originally, with Gai's amount of training, it was inevitable that he would suffer some minor injuries, he was used to it himself. But the location of this injury, is really subtle, as if it... was beaten by a woman.

"Godaime Hokageuto-sama, I was about to tell you about this."

Gai paused for a moment and looked at Makoto with a puzzled look.

"Why is it that when I went to start a harem as you requested for the tournament, the first girl was happy, yet when she saw me say the same thing to the second girl, she immediately got angry and then beat me up... -

"Although youth is always accompanied by failure, isn't it... that I haven't tried hard enough? -

"I see, later I'm going to run another thousand laps around Konoha!"

Well, it sounds like the scumbag is shirking responsibility, but Makoto knows that with Gai's jellyfish brain, he may really think so... Makoto seriously doubts whether little acorn can understand what love is, after all In the original work, he was alone and widowed all his life, but it was Lee, a thick-browed man with big eyes, who betrayed the FFF group, got married and had children...

T/N: FFF group (Chinese meme) refers to an unknown cult that organized the annihilation of all men who had girlfriends or had intimate relationships with women

Shisui: "Idiot, you don't involve youth in everything! What kind of person confesses to another girl in front of a girl!"

"There's a limit to your lack of common sense, okay!"

"Okay, Shisui, you don't talk about Gai either, you don't have to go on a blind date yourself, Fugaku won't let you off the hook." Makoto defended the unlucky acorn.

"After all, it's hard to avoid such things as doing bad things with good intentions, especially when both sides feel that they are right... Sometimes people don't want to do evil, but they get the worst results."

"This earthly world is so interesting."

After saying so, Makoto took out a thick letter of information and handed it to Kakashi.

"Kakashi, this is the line statement of the hundred officials of the Land of Lightning. It's very important, I don't trust anyone else, so you personally run and go hand it over to the Land of Fire's foreign minister."

"The hundred officials' behavioral descriptions? You collected them all so quickly?"

Kakashi was slightly surprised, because as far as he remembered, Konoha had probably collected less than half of the Land of Lightning's Hundred Officials' Information.

Makoto was still stalling the Foreign Minister earlier, how could it be all collected so quickly?

"Not really all together, some guys' intelligence can't be gotten after all, and I don't know if it's hidden too deeply, or there's really no problem... But it doesn't matter, there's already more than ninety-five percent of what's in here, and I believe that His Excellency the Minister will understand our difficulties. "

Even the most powerful intelligence service is not God, there are always things that cannot be investigated.

However, Makoto believes that with this Hundred Officials' Statement, His Excellency the Minister will surely straighten out some very interesting living...

"So that's how it is? I see."

"Very well, then go."

"Yes, Hokage-sama!"

The suspicious Land of Lightning assassination investigation opened.

... ...

"This is not an investigation, it's clearly an open and shut battle... But this is good, I don't know why, the market is starting to circulate, that bastard is the one behind the scene..."

"I really don't think this matter is his doing, after all... this is not his style."

"But the opportunity is rare, if you don't seize it you can... don't you think so, Tanaka?"

Faced with Yugito's question, Tanaka, who had been in a daze, woke up as if in a dream.

"Ah, what you say, Yugito-sama..."

...Yugito realized that Tanaka seemed to be hiding something from her.