Fight Club 1

Yugito instinctively sensed that something was wrong with Tanaka.

The Ninja Village had always emphasized the collection of information, and spies and counter-espionage were among the top priorities.

If it was just an ordinary subordinate who met occasionally, it would be fine, but since Tanaka was valued by Yugito and hung around under her nose every day, Yugito of course quickly realized that there was something unusual about him.

But Yugito didn't say anything.

In her heart, she already had a hidden guess, but after so many years of intelligence work, Yugito knew the danger of subjective judgment.

Ninja village is not a court of law, but it is more important than a court of law to pay attention to the chain of evidence.

After all, if the heart already has a bias, then the next time in the search for evidence, will naturally choose those more biased in favor of the harmful evidence...

So Yugito did nothing but add part of Tanaka's job for the time being.

At this time when all of Kumo was busy as hell, such an arrangement didn't seem out of place.

Yugito, on the other hand, began to slowly lay out his plans and secretly began an investigation into Tanaka.

If he could be cleared of suspicion, that would of course be the best.

If not...

"Makoto, is that you?"

"After you verbally threatened me, have you started a bedtime rebellion within Kumo... No, if this matter is your doing, then the pattern is too small, and it's impossible to just let it go... "

If you work backwards from the profiteers, Konoha's suspicion is of course the greatest.

But every time Makoto made a move before, it was either an industry or a country.

When he messed with the Land of Water, he tore apart the entire Land of Water, and it hasn't stopped to this day.

That's what a man like him who plotted against the country should do.

Even if he did engage in assassination, it should have been just the first strike of a combo, not the same as now, killing an attorney general and then not moving...

The truth was hidden in the darkness, leaving people puzzled.

But very quickly, Yugito revealed another smile.

"Hmph... No matter if you did it or not, as long as it's not enough to put it all on your head... Iwa's side will definitely cooperate with me, as long as I..."

... ...

Makoto lazily lay on the table, enjoying the warm sunshine of early fall.

"It's so comfortable... If only I could be like this every day, how good it would be..."

The Godaime Hokage so sincerely prayed, but unfortunately, as the world's number one violent organization's chancellor, this is destined to be just a delusion.

Anyone could be lazy, just not him.

Makoto hadn't even touched flowers in his dreams for a while when someone came in from outside.

After looking up helplessly, Makoto realized it was a few of Hokage guards.

"Hokage-sama, the trial for the assassination case in the Land of Lightning has now begun, the Kages and nobles are already in place, may I ask if we should begin now?"

"Hey, there's no point in knowing. Who cares about the truth anymore, everyone only cares about themselves."

Makoto spat this out, but still pulled himself together.

"Alright, let's start."


The personal guards loudly agreed, and then began casting spells in turn.

There were no live broadcasts these days, and certain old guys weren't willing to use modern equipment, so every communication had to be a big deal, with the top ninjutsu ninjas.

After a long meeting, even if it was a good person of the level of Hokage guards, they would still have to be exhausted.

But there is no way, this is the only way that everyone can accept at the moment... Even if everyone actually cares more about their own interests than the truth, the surface work must be done after all.

After the guards summoned their jutsus, a whole bunch of faces appeared in front of Makoto.

Among them were the Kages, the elders of the great hidden villages, and the nobles of various countries... In short, they were all dignitaries.

But now everyone was not interested in talking, and focused their attention on the most central part - that was the good intelligence experts who were concentrated from various countries.

Shiranui Genma and Morino Ibiki were among them.

At this very moment, they were tracking down the assassins based on the information at hand.

This assassination had obviously been planned for a long time, and even though the assassination took place in the Land of Lightning's capital, the assassins ran very fast and shook off their pursuers in three or two moves.

As for the black premium sedan... that looks very conspicuous that is actually robbed.

Before the assassin group acted, it was obvious that they had already had a well thought out plan. In this era, the car a person drives is absolutely proportional to their social status.

Everyone drove Mercedes Benz and Rolls Royce, and if you drove a Mazda, you were inferior.

This is the consensus of the whole society, the only exception may be Makoto.

He only likes Hongqi .

He thinks Hongqi is the most handsome, especially the kind with a horn.

The Land of Lightning's capital was also considered to be the first good place, and those Megami on the streets were still efficient because of their ample funding. If an ordinary car is running across the street, the Megaminds can't help but let the owner of the car know that the horse king has a few eyes.

The capital of Land of Lightning can be regarded as the most benign place, and the gurus on the streets are very efficient because of sufficient funds. If an ordinary car is running rampant on the street, the eyes will inevitably let the car owner know how many eyes Ma Wangye has.

T/N: 'Ma Wangye' (Chinese Taoism) revered as the Horse God, is a spiritual official in Taoism, Marshal Ma. Because his three aura-like eyes can see everything clearly, he has become one of the gods believed by the Chinese people

But if a black limousine... anyway, the eyeminds do not dare to stop.

In this era when communications are not very developed, this time is very important.

And the fact is just as the assassins thought, the assassins quickly escaped in a black limousine. When the reacting eyes finally found the car, the assassin inside had already gone deep into the forest and fled.

Subsequently, Land of Lightning immediately launched a search of the mountains, but found nothing.

...This is also inevitable. After all, in a place as rich in natural energy as the Naruto world, even near the metropolitan area, there were deep mountains and old forests. Trying to find a few living people in them could simply be described as finding a needle in a haystack.

And this time the matter is so big, if the other side of the planner ruthless some words, I am afraid that those assassins have now become corpses... ninjas in this area are experts, under the ferry themselves and others, in this regard actually does not hold much hope.

However, the joint investigation team of all countries under the joint efforts, still found clues.

The clue is certainly not the weapons used by the assassins.

Despite the fact that those weapons were specially shaped and so accurate that two shots directly knocked down the powerful Konoha's senior, it was impossible for outsiders to know about Konoha's new "doubly friendly" type of weapon.


"Although at first, I did not react. But after I went back and had a serious discussion with several masters of this path, I still found something unusual in this assassination."

Prior to this, Kumo had already been forced into a state of autism by Makoto. But now that the matter was on Kumo's turf, Kumogakure had to come forward for whatever reason.

Kumogakure these years has no Raikage, originally, this kind of representative of the Kumo things, the conservative faction and the new faction more or less still have to quarrel a bit. Well after the 'good side' of some targeted explosion kill, the conservative faction has been...

So it was Yugito who opened her mouth at this time.

The Conservative faction had lost their rule, and Killer B, who was also the leader, had disappeared. Intentionally or unintentionally, Yugito had begun to gain authority similar to that of Raikage.

"I think that the reporter who had been standing next to the cabinet minister asking questions during the assassination operation, as well as the guards who were protecting the cabinet minister, and even the woman who was talking to the cabinet minister at the beginning, are all members of the assassins. -

"They each played in their own position, and that's what ultimately led to the death of the Courtier."

That was a very interesting statement by Yugito, and it attracted everyone's interest.

Morino Ibiki, who was present, immediately objected.

Originally, a Chunin of this age was not qualified to speak on such an occasion, but with Konoha behind him, the situation was naturally different again.

"You're saying that all of these people are in cahoots? How is that possible? -

"That cross-dresser... that beautiful young lady, as well as the reporter there is still the possibility of being bribed, how is it possible for those guards! -

"What are the benefits of them doing this?"

Regardless of which big brother it was, it was bound to be incomparably careful when selecting escorts. A good family was only the foundation, they must also be absolutely reliable.

In fact, at the time of the assassination, all of those guards were genealogical vassals of the Courtier.

Although there was no longer a specific position in this era, the significance was actually the same.

To say that their performance at that time, it was indeed described as bad. But to say that they joined with outsiders and murdered their own boss... This has no reason.

No matter how harsh the boss, also know to treat this kind of beloved.

One person may be bought, but buying so many guards... is absolutely impossible.

Not only Morino must find it ridiculous, but also Akaho and the others from the camp of Land of Lightning immediately came out to scold him.

"Nii Yugito-sama! We respect you! In the previous incident, those young men had indeed behaved badly. In the past, they would have committed suicide by committing seppuku! -

"But behaving badly and doing it intentionally are ultimately two different things! -

"I will not allow you to continue insulting their dignity!"

Seeing Akaho jump out, Yugito was also in a state of eggheads.

This time, the matter of the Courtier was confusing itself, involving a game at the very top of each major country. Akaho and the others, as the courtier's retainers, wanting to know the truth is normal, but you shouldn't jump in front of so many bigwigs... biased she still has no reason not to face these people.

After all, Akaho's group was so close to writing loyalty on their faces right now.

You don't care what exactly is in their heads, this kind of thing that wants to avenge the Lord despite everything is ultimately in line with mainstream values... even though it is illegal.

The times are moving on and ideas are crashing in. There are far more things that are sensible yet illegal than the one in front of you. Yugito is not a jurist, and all she can do now is to appease.

...People even wrote suicide notes, just waiting to find the real culprits, they went up to fight for their lives, what could she say to such a mad dog?

"I'm sorry, Akaho-sama!"

Yugito was tempted to just dump all the pot on Makoto this time, but she also knew what kind of vicious party she was dealing with, so she still tried to maintain her composure as much as possible.

"It is true that what I did was somewhat... but it is also precisely to prove their innocence that I hope that you all will allow me, to use certain extraordinary means against them!"

"All of you lords here are witnesses!"

Akaho was extremely traditional in his thinking, and he was dissatisfied with both Kumo's incompetence, and even more so with Yugito's current approach, as it involved the dignity of the genealogists.

But after hesitating, Akaho was ultimately unable to block it as before.

"This... if it's your lords..."

Several daimyo discussed for a while through their transmission ninjutsu, and finally reached a consensus.

"Then, let all of you do it."

Ninjas had always been good at intelligence gathering, and naturally, they were also proficient in all sorts of interrogations. As long as they used fatigue bombing and the like, it might not be impossible to obtain the information they wanted.

But the Daimyo clearly didn't have that kind of patience.

They didn't care about the sorrows and joys of the little people and their deaths, they just wanted to know the answer quickly - the daimyo and the great nobles had their own goals to play on. If they knew the answer earlier, they could start earlier.

Makoto had to step in to interrupt.

"Please wait a moment... please wait a moment... so-called torture is not a doctor. I am certainly willing to trust the judgment of Nii Yugito-san and the experts under her command, but isn't this a bit extreme? Where is the decency of nobility?"

It was fine if Makoto didn't make a sound, but the moment he opened his mouth, he rather reinforced Yugito's thoughts.

-Sure enough, it has something to do with you kid!

Yugito admitted that her heart was filled with fear when she faced Makoto.

But there are some things... even if it's death, you have to go and accomplish it...

"But now this situation, the most important thing is to find out the water. As for other things, can not care about so many. If it is really a wrong case... Kumo is willing to be responsible for this."

Having said that, the daimyo naturally wouldn't dismiss Yugito's proposal.

Thus, the interrogation began.

After receiving the approval of the Daimyo's, the torture masters who had long been summoned immediately took action.

Now was not the time to maintain the jutsu's mystery, so in front of the crowd, they each used their own strange techniques and began interrogating the guards at the time.

Of course, they didn't use heavy-handed techniques, let alone making a fool of the guards, and had been deliberately maintaining the intensity of the jutsu.

But even so, some of the guards began to confess.

"No, no... don't... don't... I'll talk, I'll talk..."

Akaho had been opposed to torturing these guards from the start, his innate reluctance to trust the ninja's judgment. But still, the fact that some of the guards had started confessing before the interrogation had even begun was a big surprise to him.

He hurriedly squeezed past the ninja who were casting genjutsu and came to the first guard who had indicated that he was going to talk.

"You asshole! What the hell are you talking about!"

Before the words left his mouth, Akaho went up for two big slaps.

Akaho was already the head of the retainers, and now he had given the guard in front of him two forced fights, the damage of which naturally went without saying.

The guard barely returned to his senses, but did not dare to meet Akaho's eyes, but lowered his head.

Seeing this reflection of the other party, Red Spike's heart sank violently, but he still pressed his voice and asked.

"Say, what the hell is going on! -

"Why are you plotting against the head of the family! Has he ever treated you badly! -

"Say it!"

The guard sniffed and pressed his head even lower, but never said a word.

The ninja who had been squeezed before stepped forward in silence and began casting genjutsu once more.

This time, Akaho did not protect him again.

Under the effect of genjutsu, the guard's expression slowly became dull.

No matter how hard he tried to protect the secrets in his heart, they all eventually poured out under the effect of the genjutsu.

No matter how much an ordinary person exercised their will, under the power of a transcendent being, it would be nothing more than a laughing matter.

The other guards were still unknown for the time being, but this guard, really had something to do with the assassination case.

Only this guard was obviously just a minor character, not the mastermind of the assassination case at all, and his knowledge of the assassination case was quite limited.

But he uttered a very interesting name when he was forced to answer the question.

"Kenjutsu Dojo... We are all in... Kenjutsu Dojo..."