Kages’ Love Simulation Battle

Autumn is getting cooler and cooler every day, and before you know it, another year will be over.

But Jiraiya, who was fishing by the river, was in a very good mood.

Konoha was prospering, and there was nothing left to worry about.

Several of his disciples were also prospering, and even though their reputations were worse than one another, Jiraiya still knew that they were all moving towards their dreams.

Although he also knows that the dreams of his disciples are contrary... to each other, but to die for the sake of their dreams is also better than spending their lives in meaningless killing.

Jiraiya hates to see his disciples killing each other, but he also understood that it was not something he could stop.

It was not really a personal vendetta for the two to fight each other.

Regardless of which of the two disciples won, it would mean that a path had finally been traveled...

It was helpless, but he was still willing to bless his two disciples.

No matter who succeeded, the younger generation of ninjas would not have to work as hard as they did.

They would have a brighter future.

"I'm old..."

Jiraiya grinned and threw another shot into the water.

"I have a feeling that I'm going to get on a ten pound carp today. -

"The old man has dominated the top of the list for so long, I'm going to get it back this time."

Jiraiya's face gradually became distorted when he thought of the ugly face of the Sandaime who caught a forty-pound fish last time and then got lost to his house.

"Coming coming, this wave is really coming... feels right... it's you!"

Feeling the heavy feeling coming from the fishing rod, Jiraiya waited patiently, taking advantage of the opponent's strength to mention it fiercely.


However, to Jiraiya's disappointment, what he pulled up was a toad.

Although Jiraiya had gotten used to catching everything but fish, the toad in front of him...

"...Seems to be able to eat it too?"

"Gama!" The toad sniffed and immediately became excited. "Jiraiya-san, I am a messenger from Mount Myoboku! It is the Great Toad Sage who has important business and wishes to seek out the Godaime Hokage!"

"A messenger from Mount Myoboku? You seek Makoto?"

Jiraiya scratched his head.

"Then why did you come to me? And if it's really urgent, why don't you just use reverse summoning?"

Even aside from Konoha's policy of valuing summoning beasts, the toads in Mount Myoboku and Konoha's relationship was quite good - Jiraiya, Yondaime, and the latest Hokage, all signed on with the Mount Myoboku line.

"Because the Great Toad Sage didn't dare to let the Godaime enter Mount Myoboku!"

"...So that's how it is."

Jiraiya was again reminded of the great achievements of that disciple of his.

He was indeed more worrisome when it came to morality.

"So, that lord is hoping to convey it to Makoto through me?"


"Then what did he wish to tell Makoto?"

The messenger toad took out a scroll and opened it carefully, only to see a few large words written on it.

"White Snake Sage."

...White Snake Sage?

Of course Jiraiya knew who the White Snake Sage was, but the question was... why did the Toad Sage tell Makoto this?

Feeling puzzled, Jiraiya still attached great importance to this hint.

After all, Toad Sage was a great existence that was almost the same generation as the Sage of Six Paths, and he had a special ability in prophecy that should never be underestimated.

Yes, the two were of the same generation.

Toad Sage is just so capable... Sage of Six Paths' ashes were not even left, he is still alive and kicking.

"Is Toad Sage hoping that Makoto goes to White Snake Sage? But why would he do that?"

"That lord said that it was better for the White Snake Sage to be tossed to his death than for him to die."

...So why on earth!

… ...

Terumi Mei hung her dead eyes and looked at Yakura, who was holding a teacup and nibbling on a senbei in front of her.


Yakura was like a hamster, nibbling on the senbei in small bites, but that didn't stop him from letting out gusts of ghost-like murmurs from his throat.

"It's been so long, why hasn't your stomach gotten bigger, this eldest son's seat is about to be lost... Are you right to the Kiri's ancestors..."


Terumi Mei crushed the ballpoint pen in her hand at once.

The original good mood that had gradually gained the upper hand in the war of taking over the throne had silently dissipated - yes, although on the surface it was still an even split, but as the one in charge, Terumi Mei could clearly detect the second prince's growing powerlessness.

It wasn't that the seventh prince was so outstanding, it was simply because there were almost no nobles on the seventh prince's side.

Without nobles, there were more positions. In this increasingly chaotic world, there were capable people with ability but no position who were willing to fight for the big one and raise their families to join them.

One or two were fine, as time went on, there were more and more of these outstanding capable people.

The second prince was anxious and angry, but his base was the big nobles, so even if he knew what the problem was, he couldn't solve it.

-You expect the Shinhua family to give up the position of Pavilion Chief to someone who doesn't even have a family name?

Don't even think about it.

The gradual defection of the best, coupled with Kiri's military superiority, the balance between the two sides had begun to collapse.

Perhaps in a few more months, the...

Yet all the good news collapsed in the face of Yakura's shattered thoughts.

Before, he didn't feel it, but now Yakura was like a grumbling granny, tummy kids and all, it was really distracting.

Finally, Terumi Mei couldn't stand it anymore.

"If you're good, you go on!"

"If I'm good, do I still need you? I already had eleven fetuses a long time ago, okay? A girl has to take the initiative!"

"That's why it's eleven babies! There's no time for that, okay?"

"...That's not the point!" Yakura barfed down the senbei, "We're losing all our advantages! -

"The pattern of the five great ninja villages is just a few years away! That guy is moving faster and faster, we have to get a grip on the big picture before that happens! -

"When this guy really becomes the first man in the world, it'll be too late for anything!"

... ...

"Kakashi, my harem count has increased to two!"

"Now it's me who's stronger!"

"The winner this time, will definitely be me!"

Gai gave a thumbs up, with a full head and lasagna tears, but still smugly said so to Kakashi, who was reading a document.

Kakashi silently looked at the pile of big bags on his head for several seconds before finally asking with concern.

"It hurts to be beaten up like that by your girlfriend, doesn't it."

"It's okay! That's the pain of youth! Kakashi, you must be the one who loses this time!"

Kakashi looked at his unlucky man who was crippled by the Godaime Hokage's snub and shook his head helplessly.

This idiot hadn't even reacted to what he was doing until now.

-The two girls who agreed to his pursuit were from small families.

Instead of him succeeding in his pursuit of them, it would be better to say that they had targeted him.

This damn is basically a marriage... Otherwise, with Gai's character of a single intestine that goes all the way to the end, how can he pursue the girls - even if he is excellent, the girls want to save face, which is to go up and say that they want to open a harem.

Unless the other party had targeted him from the beginning.

What could be predicted with was that Gai's post-wedding life would definitely blow up.

Also do not know where he offended the Godaime... But on the contrary, for the pure Gai, this is also a kind of happiness, right... Kakashi with the corner of his eye swept behind Gai that a small muscle, obviously go to the school of taijutsu of the young kunoichi, in the heart silently prayed for this old friend who was on a desperate path.

There was no way this guy was going to make it in love, getting on the bus first and buying a ticket later might even be better.

The beast of the pale blue would never abandon his partner.

Even if he doesn't distinguish between male and female partners.


T/N: Namo is a Nianfo of China (Nianfo is a Buddhist practice central to the tradition of Pure Land Buddhism, but not exclusive to it)

Kakashi silently prayed for his unlucky friend in his mind, but his mouth was not honest at all.

"Ah, looks like I have to step up my game as well..."

"Hoo hoo! You're energized too? This is youth... No, I have to work even harder to make it!"

Gai said so with fervor and ran out of sight in a flash.


The kumoichi, who wasn't saying how beautiful she was, but was definitely youthful and healthy, glared fiercely at Kakashi.

"We're chasing him hard enough as it is!"

"Ah, sorry sorry sorry... but this is youth too."

The kunoichi grunted twice before finally running off to chase after the incredibly hyper Gai.

Hopefully, they'll still see him next year.

Women are such devils.

Good thing I don't have a girlfriend.

Kakashi thought so, organizing Konoha's plan to bring in foreign students. But before he could stop organizing, a cute little head suddenly poked out from outside.

"Kakashi-san, my friends also want to come to visit Konoha's fireworks display this year, can I please let them come?"

The person who opened his mouth was, naturally, Hanare.

If possible, Kakashi wanted to refuse.

Because this woman was really good as a spy, invading his life in the beginning. Now even her personal belongings had started to appear in his kennel.

But Kakashi knew that there was no way he could refuse.

"Hard power is important, but soft power is equally indispensable. Attracting the other party's younger generation into our environment and quietly guiding their thoughts is also a necessary thing... The small ninja village doesn't have the strength to take a stand in many cases, but..."

"Konoha is not lacking in strength, so this is the top priority in the next work."

"In the process of studying abroad, we have to train a group of scheming people, so that they know, who is the master and who is subordinate."

...Kakashi couldn't help but ponder if he had offended the big boss at some point. Favoring such a basic strategy at a time like this...

Hanare was a spy, and at the same time, an important port of call for Konoha to connect to the other small ninja villages.

How Konoha dealt with Hanare would largely determine the next course of action for the small ninja villages.

No one was stupid, and vaguely, they all sensed that times were changing... but they needed a commitment.

Obviously, there was no way for the Godaime, who already had Temari, to give them that promise.

So it had to be Kakashi.

Pakkun, I'm sorry, but I'll have to sleep with the cat today.

Just bear with me a little longer.

... ...

In the secret room of the Iwagakure, the current Tsuchikage, Kitsuchi, was quietly thinking as he cupped his Buddha beads in his hands.

Placed in front of him was none other than the Joint Investigation Mission's report characterizing the assassination incident.

In the report, the Joint Investigation Mission had thrown all the pots and pans at the Akatsuki Organization. However, Kitsuchi knew that it was impossible for this incident to be the work of the Akatsuki organization.

Because if they had done it, they would have come forward and declared themselves responsible long ago.

As the first brother of the rouge ninja world, they were not afraid to bear more sins on their bodies.

For them, too many sins were not a disadvantage, but rather an advantage.

Of course, after sitting in the position of Tsuchikage for a long time, Kitsuchi had long since ceased to be a righteous person. He knew that there was a problem in there, but as long as it didn't get in the way of the Iwagakure's interests, he didn't bother poking at it.

What really made him incredibly concerned was the attitude of the four major ninja villages when they co-signed the investigation report.

Coupled with the strange attack they encountered when they went forward to investigate... Kumo had reached some sort of consensus with the Hokage.

For Kitsuchi, this was the most frightening thing.

"If even Kumogakure has defected to him, then I'm afraid it will be difficult for us, Iwa, to continue to maintain our position in the next few years."

"If I put it before, I could still use my inter-personal hatred to block it, but now, if... I can venture a guess, in the Land of Earth, there are actually a lot of such reading clubs?"

Kitsuchi fished out a book from his bosom and murmured thus.

-This book, was clearly those books that the investigation team had searched in the homes of the guards earlier.

After the characterization, all the guards, even that reporter, were sentenced to death, and were burned along with their personal belongings.

However, Kitsuchi's quick eyes and hands still preserved some of the physical evidence and had it brought back to Iwa for a closer look.

Although he had already read part of it before, after reading it in depth, Kitsuchi was still shocked out of a cold sweat.

He already roughly knew what Makoto wanted to do.

It wasn't really much of a guess - the only option before him was the people of the world.

The hatred between the five great ninja villages was very deep, making money together was still manageable, but trying to completely unify them was really contradictory.

But here, Makoto used a method that can be called a chicken thief - class.

This was a new word that Kitsuchi had learned from those confiscated reading materials.

He tried to replace the national conflicts with class conflicts.

"Ninjutsu is productivity, and the ninja who masters ninjutsu should then master the future of this world!"

"Right now, the nobles are hindering the ninja's path forward!"

This was from the point of view of the greater good, no one could pick a fault.

And from the perspective of personal interest... it is indeed better without the noble class.

Power is so beautiful, who does not want to monopolize it.

Land of water those two heirs in order to a daimyo position, can say all the face is not want, almost become the laughing stock of the countries.

But Kitsuchi asked himself, if he was in the position of the other party... even if he obtained the promise to surrender and not kill, would he just admit defeat?

Can not do.

If there is that kind of opportunity, he is going to fight no matter what.

And putting it on the ninja... it was the same.

Makoto would definitely take advantage of this type of thinking of the ninja - would you rather keep on being a dog to a bunch of blindly commanding nobles, or stand tall, stand in the sunlight, and bear the adoration of everyone?

It wasn't a hard choice to make.

With such great gains, blood feuds don't seem to be intolerable...

There may be those who are always unwilling to forgive. But with the majority of the ninja willing, these people would only become targets for Makoto's strikes or be directly marginalized.

Love for the Ninja Village or love for the country?

The Ninja village, of course.

A few years later, the ninja would be able to completely rule the entire world as a whole of interest.

For the ninja, this was of course a great advancement of the times. It is for those who are used to the pattern of the five great ninja villages...

"I don't want to be the last Tsuchikage. -

"When I go to the Pure Land in the future and run into successive generations of Tsuchikage, how will I be able to tell them apart? -

"Do I tell them that I threw away all the foundations that they sacrificed their lives to build?"

Kitsuchi was roughly of the same generation as Makoto, and he wasn't really that old. However, facing the combination of punches from Makoto, he felt that he had no way to fight.

He seemed to be forever landing descending blows on him.

"Sure enough... this matter still needs everyone's strength."

Kitsuchi thought about it with no result, and could only summon up the elders for a high-level secret meeting.

Honestly speaking, he was unwilling to do so.

Because the most supportive of him, Onoki, recently the attitude has changed... after three years in Konoha, Onoki's heart has been fearful, has produced the feeling that Konoha is invincible.

Along with this, the position of the other elders has also become subtle.

But at this point in time, he did not have too good a solution, and only hoped that the elders could be a little constructive.

But unfortunately, after hearing his account, the elders were also at a loss.

This was completely different from the battles they were familiar with.

There were no bitterness, no detonation charms, and even less blood... but the impact of it was far more tragic than any war.

Ever since the Godaime Hokage came to power, the pattern of the war was completely different.

Everyone was silent, and in the end, an Iwa elder couldn't help but curse.

"Damn Yakura! It was supposed to be three against two, but he surrendered on his own! What is this! It's this weakling that's costing himself not to mention dragging us down!"

There was naturally a reason why the Iwa Elder scolded Yakura so much.

Originally everyone agreed to send a big surprise to the Godadime Hokage, but Yakura this guy himself... he himself was charged, face loss not to mention, but also caused the other two major ninja villages to go in and out.

"Well, well, don't say it, it's all in the past, there's no use complaining about it now, what's important is the present."

Kitsuchi did not wish to hear these unbearable news anymore, and continued to look at the elders.

The elders were silent for a long time, and eventually one of them had a sudden thought.

"Tsuchikage-sama, don't you have a daughter, Kurotsuchi..."

Kitsuchi burst into a rage.

"Do you know how old Kurotsuchi is?"

Elder: "Wouldn't that be just right? She's just the right age anyway."

Kitsuchi kicked the old, uncultivated Elder out the window.

... ...

Paradise Island Conference Room.

Konan looked at the newspaper in her hand, her face darkening.

"How come we do everything?"

"It's not like our Akatsuki organization is a trash can!"

"Orochimaru what the hell are you doing!"

Orochimaru, who had already returned, yawned lazily, looking uninspired.

"I'm so sorry about that, that was a bad boy."

"As bad as he was as a child."

Orochimaru's tone was soft and irritating in the extreme, but there was nothing he could do about it.

...Rouge ninja? What could be expected of them.

Konan tried so hard to convince herselfto press the issue for now, then looked back to Kakuzu.

"Let's not talk about this beforehand... Kakuzu, why is the funding gap getting bigger and bigger lately? That group of Land of Fire's treacherous merchants, their guts have gotten so big that even if the whole family is finished, it doesn't matter, right?"

Kakuzu's face was also grave.

"Yeah, why? ...I'm looking for the reason too."

Konan was almost exasperated by these two assholes and suffered internal injuries.

Fortunately, this time Pain spoke up.

-From the very beginning, his gaze was not on the three people who were constantly spitting at each other, but the huge map of the whole world placed in front of everyone's eyes.

"In any case, with all the things he got up to, he managed to open a huge gap for us in the Land of Lightning. -

"I didn't think that he would think this way... But it's good, this group of restless young people who are extremely dissatisfied with the rule of the nobles are just right for us to use... I think, after seeing the force of the ninja, they are also eagerly of wanting strong support. -

"They, will be our best entry point... Everyone, listen to my order!"

... ...

The morning light was faintly bright, and a clear wind came from outside the window, blowing the dozens of weapons in the chamber.

These weapons displayed indoors were no look-alike goods, but had experienced the wash of countless battlefields. Under the blowing of the breeze, these divine weapons emitted a pleasant keening.

Yugito opened her eyes.

More accurately, she hadn't actually slept all night.

She had spent the entire night thinking about one thing - what on earth had she gotten so mad about yesterday that she had brought this ingrateful sinner back home?

Yugito was sure that she hadn't been hit by any genjutsu, but when she had calmed down completely, she still felt that her choice yesterday was a bit... hard to describe.

In infinite depression, Yugito rolled over and saw Makoto, who was lying not far from her, sleeping soundly.

This should be the closest the two had ever gotten together.

Far more so than when Yugito was a diplomat in Konoha.

In Yugito's impression, Makoto had always been an old and cunning fellow. But now after getting really close, he realized that he was actually a sunny and cheerful big boy in the shape of... well, this guy was really only twenty years old.

This guy is used to combing his hair upwards, and always likes to make himself look mature, but after really putting down his hair and removing his defenses and makeup, this guy is really quite good looking.

How can I say it... there is a kind of intensity beauty.

The more senior the female ninja, the easier it is to be attracted by this beauty that comes from absolute strength.

Yugito reached out and gently placed her hand on his neck.

A cat's claw slowly popped out.

At this moment, the two were extremely close, and only needed a slight forward thrust for her to pierce his neck.

Just at this time, Makoto opened one eye.

Cold and emotionless golden eyes stared silently at the big cat, almost scaring her soul out of her body.

It was such eyes again... golden, emotionless, as if transcending everything, yet destroying everything at will...

Fortunately, such eyes did not last long and were soon completely filled with a deep black color.

Makoto stretched out and climbed up from the floor bunk.

"My time is getting shorter and shorter. -

"It's a good thing you didn't have any killing intent just now, or else even I wouldn't have been able to save you. -

"He is not as good as me... next time you see my eye color change, run as far away as you can. -

"I don't have the time or energy to raise another pro-Konoha Raikage."

After saying so to himself, Makoto didn't care about Yugito's reaction and directly started washing up.

The big cat also reacted after a few seconds, she didn't take off her clothes yesterday, and at this moment, she directly stood up.

As if nothing had happened, she asked Makoto while pulling canned food out of the cupboard.

"That CAD... you were talking about yesterday."

"You Kumogakure should have a head of the technical department, right? Bring him to me and I'll talk to him."

Big kitty cat was knowledgeable about concupiscence, but the specific technical aspects were still a bit short. For something like this, it would eventually have to go through the technical department. So kitty cat didn't say much and went directly to the head of the technical department.

Makoto didn't care about kitty cat's deliberate coldness, he opened this canned food from Land of Water, casually ate two bites, and then spat it all out - this woman is really too casual, right? This is clearly a pet canned food for cats! Do you never look when you buy canned food!

After spitting at the big cat in his mind for a while, Makoto shook his head and activated the genjutsu.

The next moment, a computer for sale identical to the one in the Konoha Research Institute appeared in Yugito's room.

Makoto's genjutsu had always been able to directly create electronic products.

Except that wouldn't make much sense.

Because what he wanted was technological advancement for ninjas as a whole.

He himself was not a relevant practitioner, and was basically a second hand. He could offer some directional advice, but the specifics of how to operate would still have to be left to the professionals.

In this regard, he would rather be slightly slower and suffer some more losses, but also accumulate the technology.

But now it was just to convince Kumogakure, so there weren't that many scruples.

It wasn't long before Yugito walked in with a svelte ninja who looked to be around thirty years old and wore glasses.

Because of the war, the entire group of ninja was quite young, including the important technical department.

But being young was a good thing, after all, young people did accept new things more easily.

Makoto was looking forward to this cooperation.

It was just that this head of the technical department was more or less...

"Ah, Suo Makoto!"

Similar to a young girl who suddenly discovered a lecher in the shower, the head of the technical department screamed.

Fortunately, Yugito gagged him before he attracted more guards.

"This guy, is not an enemy... Anyway, if you believe me, listen to what he says first!"

The unlucky man who was gagged first looked at Makoto, who had a harmless face, and then at Yugito, and finally nodded.

...Makoto didn't make a move, so he wasn't here to kill anyone. It couldn't be beaten anyway, so it might as well be listened to first.

Makoto didn't ink, and directly began to painfully explain the greatness.

"Now this world, the competition is technology. Whether it is war or not, economic construction or not, even espionage... all rely on technology. -

"It can be said that whoever holds the more advanced technology, who holds the right to speak."

For a technical worker, Makoto's words naturally did not have any problems.

"Yes... but... you..."

Given that someone's reputation was so bad that the relationship between the two sides was almost a mortal enemy, the head of the technical department didn't know what to say for a while.

"I know what you're thinking, but in these aggressive times, even other ninja villages are plotting against us. All we can do is to become stronger first, and then we can count on the rest, isn't that right? -

"Are there eternal enemies and friends in this world? There are only strong and weak in this world."

The Head of Technology Department was silent for a moment.

"So, you are..."

"You're in charge of Kumogakure's Technology Department? Then you must be good at mapping? In that case, let's have a match. If I lose, I'll give you 100 billion dollars. If you lose, how about we have a collaboration?"

Makoto took out his ancestral 100 billion again.

The head of the technical department looked embarrassed.

Of course, he wasn't afraid that Makoto wouldn't be able to take it out.

The current Konoha could still really take it out at any time.

The problem was...

"Charting? You really want to compare that? That stuff takes less than a few days and more than a few weeks..."

Before the computer age, people drew all by hand.

How's that for efficiency...

A master's hand drawing is beautiful like a work of art.

But the pain was real.

It's guaranteed to agonize everyone with a crooked mouth and eyes.

This is even a specialized technology.

Until the computer age... it was still painful, but it was nothing compared to the old days... The pain in the past was ten times, or even nine times, what it is now.

There are thousands of computer roles, and any industry can be involved, but in order to give the most intuitive feeling, Makoto decided to choose one of the most painful.

"Then let's find a simple one well... just for three hours, how about it?"

The head of the technical department hesitated as a strange mission silently popped up above Yugito's head.

[East Food West Accommodation: I love her, but I will marry you.]

T/N: above, eat in the house in the east, and sleep in the house in the west; it is a metaphor for people who are greedy for profit, wishfully trying to gain both

[When you are engaged to your legal wife, your favorability level with another woman reaches 100, and you enter into an engagement.]

...What scum mission?