Hokage's Little Work in Kumogakure Economy

After careful thought, Terumi Mei still set foot on Konoha's soil once again, thanks to Yakura's endless babbling.

Even now, the battle between the two princes is at its most intense...

Yakura would take up the responsibility of the Mizukage for the time being, while Terumi Mei would take the opportunity to accomplish something more important for Kiri.

And so, after a long time, Terumi Mei once again set foot on Konoha's soil.

As far as the eye could see, Konoha was even more prosperous than before.

The streets were filled with people, and the people walking in them were all healthy and confident ninja.

Their eyes were sharp, their faces were full of confidence, and what flashed between their descriptions was the anticipation of the future.

Terumi Mei compared the image of the ninjas in front of her with those in Kiri, and immediately came up with an answer that made her incredibly disappointed.

Even if we don't talk about the economy and weaponry, which had the biggest gap, just the spirit of the ordinary ninjas, both sides were not on the same level at all.

This state of mind reacted to the war, is the morale... side morale like a rainbow, willing to die for Naruto, the other side is demoralized, this how to fight?

A year has not come, the gap between the two sides not only did not narrow by the slightest, but instead grew larger.

This is even just on the surface - Terumi Mei, who has been paying more and more attention to the domestic economy lately, knows that more and more capital is moving towards the Land of Fire as the civil war in the Land of Water.

No matter how much the two princes tried to retain it, it was useless.

Because the Land of Fire is safer, the market is bigger, there are more skilled workers, as well as a bigger market... In fact, Terumi Mei knew that even if there was no domestic war within the Land of Water, these people would have left, they just wouldn't have left so quickly, and now...

The only good news is that a wave of large capital transfers has also begun to appear on the Land of Lightning's side, and their target is, of course, the Land of Fire... Is it considered good news when everyone dies together?

"So from the very beginning, Yagura-sama was unwilling to make an enemy of Konoha, perhaps anticipating this very thing."

Kisame who followed Terumi Mei said.

"Aside from the fact that one can't help but want to punch him, Yakura-sama's vision has always been good."

"This may indeed be the most decent way for us to go."

Terumi Mei nodded silently as she rubbed her flat belly, but made no comment.

"We've all traveled far, and we've all worked hard... You guys go ahead and get some rest, and I'm going to go meet the people of Sunagakure."

After all, it was within the Konoha village, and Terumi Mei's body was also very powerful, the oni wasn't worried about Terumi Mei's safety, but only a little strange.

"Why do you want to meet Suna first? Is it to meet Temari-san?"

"No, it's Tsunade."

As an outsider, Kisame didn't know some things, and Terumi Mei wasn't willing to explain them to him.

Luckily, as an old-school ninja, Kisame's curiosity wasn't very strong.

So Kisame led the other guards to the embassy to rest on their own, while Terumi Mei went to the Konoha hospital alone.

Now that she was a Mizukage after all, her status was completely different from before. So after a brief briefing, Terumi Mei saw Tsunade, who was taking Pakura's pulse, in the intensive care ward.

"Still nothing."

Tsunade shook her head regretfully.

"...Yeah? Then it looks like more effort is needed." Pakura's face was very flat as she turned her head to Terumi Mei, "Mizukage-sama, you wanted to see me about something?"

"I actually... forget it. I heard that you're having an affair with him."

Terumi Mei didn't want to waste time, so she chose to go straight to the point.

Pakura: "I don't understand what you're talking about."

Even though there were some things that were on the verge of becoming something that only Temari didn't know about, Pakura would never admit it in plain sight.

In any case, Pakura was not the daughter of the Wind Shadow. In name only, she could only be an auxiliary to Temari.

"I've also heard that Kazehana Koyuki-hime has been harboring ill intentions."

"I've never heard of such news, if it's true, I'll report it to Temari-sama immediately."

"I've even heard that Konoha's Tsunade-hime is getting along with the Godaime Hokage, and is suspected of wanting an old cow eating young grass."

T/N: 'old cow eating young grass' refers to the mismatch age between two marriage partners

Pakura was really a bit tense now.

She immediately looked at Tsunade.

"Tsunade-sama, is this true? You..."

"Do you think there's any point in dating a woman like me who's past her childbearing age? You two can fight in the palace, what's the point of bringing me into this?"

Tsunade huffed and took off her white coat, leaving space for the two women with mixed emotions.

"I'm not here to argue."

Slightly out of Pakura's expectation, Terumi Mei took off her Kage Robe and sat down across from her.

"I just want... to know him a little better..."

"So, you came to me? We should be considered love rivals, right?"

"Us and him, is that considered love?"

This was a question that both of them didn't know how to answer.

But both of them were adults, and both of them simply gave up thinking about this kind of question that was destined to have no result.

"...Well, you win, what specifically do you want to know?"

"I've actually been curious about one thing - how did you push him over? No one in the world should be able to do that if he doesn't want to, right?"

"Don't you already know the answer to that? He was always willing in his heart... His heart is ruthless as hell, yet as fragile as cotton candy. Just the slightest touch can hurt. He doesn't want to get close to anyone, yet he's always longed to get close to other people... As long as they're nice to him and want to woo him, he can't say no-even if he knows full well that it's deadly poison."

"...How does that sound like an abandoned little child."

... ...

When Terumi Mei visited Konoha, CAD also completed its first battle... or, rather, massacre since its introduction.

A massacre that made no descriptive sense like beating up a small child.

After the introduction of the Jenny Spinning Machine, the spinning efficiency was directly eight times more efficient, all-round thin yarn past models, became one of the beginnings of the Industrial Revolution.

The same goes for CAD.

Cartography in this day and age is a chore that is both hard and tiring, yet it has to be done. And with CAD, even if it's just the original version of... Anyway, Makoto Makoto's proposed competition is not yet over, even Yugito, a pure layman, can see that there is no longer any need to proceed.

The gap between an artificial person and a computer is even bigger than the gap between Guo Xiaosi and Yao Ming.

T/N: Guo Jingming, also known as Edward Guo and Guo Xiaosi, is a Chinese young adult writer, businessperson, a teen pop idol, and popular celebrity figure (height: 1.47 meters, or above the average height of a cat tree)

T/N: Yao Ming is a Chinese basketball executive and former professional player (height: 2.29 meters, or above the average length of a Nile crocodile)

Yugito just hated Makoto, not the new technology.

Before she was reluctant to accept computers, she was just worried that Yugito, a guy with countless previous convictions, was messing up... again inside, and now that Yugito had even handed in her pitch, she naturally wouldn't oppose it anymore.

Makoto crumbs to crumbs, if even handed over the submission of the person to screw, then he is not qualified to be the world people.

The Ninja Overlord and the man of the world were ultimately different.

After confirming the computer's capabilities, the next thing was simple.

Makoto wrote a letter with an old acquaintance, Kumogakure Economy representative, and had Kumo act as the sole agent for the Land of Lightning, and the matter was settled.

-Of course, one had to use a vest.

Yugito largely accepted this, and predictably, Kumo would be earning a lot of money for it over the next few years.

Big companies didn't mind spending money on such technological innovations.

Who made it actually work.

But it wasn't without its opinions.

"I thought it was all about giving me the entire industry... Look at how you've been Terumi Mei!"

For the sake of Kumogakure's interests, Yugito was literally not even ashamed of himself, living like an angry cat.

"How can an industry like canning as well as a match factory be compared to a computer? Even if I were willing to give it, I'm afraid you wouldn't be able to take it."

"And when a middleman is not also quite good, although it is not homegrown, but the penguin is not also relying on tainted milk powder to earn a pot full of well... Later, when the Land of Lightning is in a better situation, maybe you can counter overtake it."

...The current computer industry competition, the Land of Fire has been under the influence of Makoto to get the advantage, almost equivalent to the first thirty meters in the 100 meter race, if this is still being bent over... No need Kumo to move, Makoto personally remove that group of useless items.

The big kitty cat complained a few words, but also no longer say anything.

She knew that this was just a meet and greet gift from Makoto, it was used to lubricate the relationship first.

As an organization, even if the hatred was as deep as the sea, under the lubrication of a large number of positive benefits, the relationship would be eased a bit.

The real gift, was yet to come.

After talking about the computer, Makoto did ask Yugito for Kumo's account books again.

Yugito gave Makoto the portion of the ledger that she had in her possession.

-No way, even after being tormented by 'good soul' once, after the reformers gained the upper hand, Yugito could not completely crush the conservatives. Finance is naturally the focus of the competition between the two factions... Yugito was able to grab some of the ledgers, thanks to the help of the good soul...

She is not the Raikage after all.

Fortunately, Makoto is not really ready to sort out the accounts all over again, he just wants to use this to determine one thing.

And so after several days of organizing, Makoto finally had a more in-depth understanding of Kumogakure's current situation.

It was just as he had expected.

It sucked.

No, it sucked even more.

The conservative part of the ledger, he hadn't read it, but just by looking at this ledger at hand... not to mention Boss Tim, every Lan Qiao scholar would be unable to resist clenching their fists when they read it.

T/N: 'Boss Tim' refers to Justin Timberwood

T/N: Lan Qiao scholar is a reference to Lan Qiao Cup, which is a competition organized by Mainland China under the guidance of the Department of College Students of Ministry of Education under the People's Republic of China, the content of the competition covers basic computer knowledge, programming ability, algorithm design, digital circuits and analog circuits, etc.

It sucks.

In every sense of the word, it sucks.

The deficit is much more frightening, and in the time of making the account, the handler is obviously very not attentive, simply fooling fools.

The last time Makoto had seen such lousy ledgers was when he was tinkering with the tobacco company.

Those accounts are really the minister of finance to see all to curse... he also did curse.

"Such a rotten account, you don't think of organizing it properly?"

Yugito did not come from a financial accounting background, this aspect of the ability will indeed be relatively poor - who under the shinobi exam will test accounting ah. But Makoto felt that she should more or less manage it.

Yugito rolled her eyes furiously at Makoto.

"You think I don't want... everything to be caused by someone."

"Well, it's my fault again."

After the Fourth Ninja War, Kumogakure could be said to have when dropped their pants. However, after the Miso War, Kumo's situation had greatly improved.

Originally, as long as another two years of good health, the situation will be completely improved... Resulting in the damned being Makoto forced into the arms race again.

It was not easy, the Chakra Cannon that was made by tightening the waistband was... followed by the rotten things.

Konoha's internal pressure is small, the reason is very simple, Makoto won the Fourth Ninja World War, and brought the brothers to earn money, the brothers naturally support him.

Both the clan and ordinary ninja.

The Sandaime retired, the Uchiha clan has a good relationship with him, Hyuuga refused to head, of course he is easy no matter what he does.

Originally the most difficult to deal with, Danzo, directly pressed into the withdrawal of Makoto - Makoto admitted that the reason why he has been so polite to Makoto has a lot to do with this favor.

The elders of the previous generation were dissatisfied, but they could only go and be their fishing buddies.

But Kumo's side?... Without money as the biggest lubricant, Yugito even if she knew certain problems, she could not change them, and could only stay in the middle and not send them out first.

Not to mention the fact that she is not from a financial society.

-Kumo and Konoha was established at the same time, an organization stormy decades down, there is bound to be some carrion. Konoha can forcibly cut it off, but Kumo can't... dental calculus nasty as nasty as it is, it is actually supporting the teeth.

Makoto did not argue with the leopard angry kitty cat, but began to seriously help the kitty cat clean up the accounts.

The financial and accounting technology of this era was relatively backward, Makoto himself was the shadow of the management of the accounts, this time he was genuinely serious about helping her clean up, and soon cleaned up a large number of black accounts.

More black accounts than he had imagined.

For these black accounts, Makoto is also very surprised, really did not think that the family within Kumo is so unafraid of death.

...But think about it, ninjas are also human beings, in front of real interests, it is normal to be moved.

Think of those five guys who are among the three biggest tyrants in Africa...

T/N: three biggest tyrants in Africa refers to Idi Amin (a Ugandan military officer and politician who served as the third president of Uganda from 1971 to 1979), Jean-Bédel Bokassa (a Central African political and military leader who served as the second president of the Central African Republic [CAR] and as the emperor of its successor state, the Central African Empire [CAE], from the Saint-Sylvestre coup d'état on 1 January 1966 until his overthrow in a subsequent coup in 1979), and Mobutu Sese Seko (a Congolese politician and military officer who was the president of Zaire from 1965 to 1997)

After all, it is not his own child, Makoto was surprised and then quickly accepted this fact.

And Yugito's words...

"Yugito, calm down meow!"

Luckily, Nibi pressed Yugito in time, or else the Kumo Elders high and low would have to lose half of their number.

Makoto didn't stop her, letting her vent to her heart's content. Waiting for her killing intent value to drop almost, only then did he open his mouth to ask again.

"Whether you kill now, or settle the score in the fall. It makes no difference to me, I support both."

"Later... now Kumo..."

"Okay, then whatever."

Directly killing has the benefit of directly killing, first retaining the black history has the advantage of first retaining, it is difficult to say which is better or worse.

Makoto would like to see Yugito clean up all that old stuff, but since she chose to keep it first, Makoto didn't really care - perhaps for Yugito, Kumo had already been weakened to the extreme, and even the power of the conservatives was important, and those powers were related to Kumo's status later on, after Makoto had established a new world....

In any case, there is power to be respected.

...Who knows.

None of this affects the general situation, anyway, with his help, Yugito's prestige will grow rapidly, and then completely control Kumo, Makoto also all go with her.

"I was going to do something else first, but Kumo is now in this state... surely it is better to make a wave of quick money first, right? Otherwise there's no way for you to feel at ease."

Hearing Makoto said that, Yugito's eyes lit up.

Ever since handing in her pitch, she had been waiting for these words from Makoto.

-Makoto's position in the hearts of the merchants was even higher than his position in the hearts of the Konoha ninjas.

But before Yugito could be overjoyed, Makoto made another gesture of the Dust Release: Detachment of the Primitive World Technique.

"But before that, you know what to do, right?"

...The big kitty cat was different from Terumi Mei, who had the scum of the earth, Yakura, by her side, always reminding and urging her on, and who herself was all about the shinobi village. And the kitty cat actually has no limitations, on the contrary, this guy's character and proud... Considering that it has already been PUA before, the best strategy now is to bully and protect at the same time.

Gotta grind this wild cat into a cute house cat to make it work.

At that moment, Makoto felt like he was about to eat Bijidama.

"You guy, are you an urchin! Did you have no one to play this with when you were a child, so you have a revenge compensation mentality when you grow up!"

"What do you care what I was like as a child, just tell me if you're playing or not."

Yugito's killing intent was boiling.

But in the end, Yugito held back.

Reluctantly, she put her small face between Makoto's hands.

After all, being an adult, her face was relatively a bit big, and her flesh spilled out slightly, making her look slightly comical.

"...So you're satisfied!"

"Hmph... what the heck, obviously it can be as cute as my sister..."

Makoto grunted, speaking up before Yugito could actually use the Bijudama.

"Speaking of which, the Land of Lightning has quite a few specialties... whether it's beef, wine, or water resources..."

The Land of Lightning was indeed rich in wine.

When Hokage had gotten married, wine had been among the gifts Kumo had given - if it wasn't of good enough quality, I'm afraid it wouldn't have been given away.

Along with the wine, there was also beef that was given out.

In the original description, it was about as excellent as Kobe beef.

As for the water resources... Land of Lightning is large and has a long coastline, a significant portion of the area still has good water resources.

"You think I haven't thought about it? But those things... all..."

All wrapped up by the merchants huh.

In the Warring States era, anything that could be profitable was monopolized by the Warring States daimyo.

Even today, some things have changed, a lot of traditional tracks are still in the hands of the nobles - back in the days of Miso as well, but at that time, Konoha was in it to make money, not to monopolize the industry, so the nobles didn't stop it, but instead contributed a lot, and all of us worked together to make money for the poor people.

Really rob these traditional tracks with them, the resistance will be great.

After all, it is to be operated... Nobles who can't make things happen, but they are incomparably experienced in breaking other people s business.

Of course, there are exceptions to everything.

If it is as strong as Makoto, naturally, you can dish it out with those nobles, and we can all make peace and re-examine a money making program, but this is obviously not what the current Kumo wants to see...

The current Yugito was trying to quietly make money and crush the conservatives in the process.

"I know, so... Yugito, have you considered TV marketing as a brand spokesperson for a certain drink?"

"...Huh? That would make money?"

"Of course not."

Later, those what live bandwagon, in fact, are the TV marketing play left over that year. It's just that the platform has been changed and the traffic is bigger.

Considering the context of the times, some things were bound to be limited. But human beings like this existence, there is one thing that will never change... gossip.

No matter how big the heat is, it can easily be suppressed by a pair of stars cheating on each other.

"We have to get everyone's attention, so that at a certain time, everyone is talking about something, and then focus on a certain commodity, in order to act. As long as it spreads widely enough, even an iron pot can sell for a sky-high price."

"Originally, putting out an extremely good TV series or movie would have been a good way to do it, but time is a little tight right now... so we'll just have to get some gossip out there and then viral marketing it."

"If it doesn't work, just do it like Canada sold bonds during World War II..."

Yugito was a bit confused.

But she got the point at least.

"Gossip? What gossip? What gossip gets everyone talking?"

"You don't have to worry about that, I've already thought of it - for example, that love-hate relationship between the Godaime Hokage and the Godaime Mizukage..."

That bit in the crotch of the big boys' pants is always compelling.

Wouldn't you say, Ms. Lewinsky.

T/N: Monica Lewinsky is an American activist and writer

Incidentally, the new quest - Unity, I know you're trying to undermine me by brushing this shitty quest on kitty cat, but you didn't think, did you, that I could marry Terumi Mei!

Although this would be the same harem explosion... Terumi Mei is better than the cranky kitty cat, right?

The surprise on Yugito's face increased.

"... I can't believe you're not talking about that love-hate relationship between the Sandaime and Chiyo-baasama?"

"Why would you think that... really out of this kind of crappy work, the Sandaime will surely hunt me to death well, although he is a widower, but he does not have the heart to renew his wife..."

"Then how did you..."

"Do you think it's ridiculous for me to marry Temari? Or is it outrageous or Sandadime and Chiyo to get married - Chiyo-baasama is so outrageous!"