Chapter 2: Another Dimension II

Naruto is currently at his house helping his wife pack. They are so excited to go and visit a new whole world, though they are not sure how it will turn out but they hope it's gonna be a fun experience.

While Naruto was packing Boruto came to his room with his head down. Naruto looked behind him to see his son looking at him with a look that he recognized. He wanted to ask him something but is not sure if he can ask. "Boruto what's wrong?" Naruto asked and gave a smile to reassure him that it's fine for him to ask. Boruto fiddled with his hands and finally looked up to meet his father's eyes.

Himawari and Kawaki followed Boruto and are eavesdropping at them. They were curious about why Boruto was so down. Himawari is worried about her brother but on Kawaki's case... he just likes to eavesdrop on people, especially when it involves his dad but it's mainly for blackmail purposes.

Kawaki still haven't opened up to the Uzumaki family expect Naruto. Kawaki told Naruto of his whole childhood and everything he has bottled up which made Naruto really protective of him... maybe a bit too much. Nonetheless Kawaki didn't mind and instead enjoyed the protection he was getting.

Kawaki dislikes Boruto because of the way he treats Naruto. He doesn't appreciate the fact that he has parents or a family that actually loves him while some are orphans and have abusive families. In his opinion Boruto is just an ungrateful son/brat who doesn't appreciate the things that he has right now. Even Sarada is better in his opinion. They share things in common like thinking of Naruto as a father and liking Naruto more than their own.

Sarada decided to give her father a second chance but they still haven't had that much bonding time considering that Sasuke is always busy and considering the fact that Sasuke isn't a very affectionate person. In peoples point of view, Sasuke visits their Hokage more than his own family which may sound weird but also not weird.

We're going way off topic, let's go back to Naruto and Boruto. "Old man, do you think I exist in that universe?" Boruto asked his father who wasn't really shocked about the question nonetheless it was still surprising hearing Boruto and something like that.

Himawari was shocked at what her brother just said while Kawaki wasn't because he also had the same thought and if he was the seventh son in that universe. Oh how much Kawaki hoped and loved so because in his eyes Naruto was the perfect father he never had. How wonderful would that be... It's like a dream come true for him. Naruto smiled warmly at his son and motioned for him to come closer.

Boruto did so and sat on the floor in front of his father. "Boruto there is nothing wrong with being curious to know if you exist somewhere else and to be honest with you I also thought 'will my family even exist there?'... that's why I think it's normal to think about that" Naruto answered his son's question while Boruto just stood there his eyes widened.

He never knew how his father felt or even thought of things, him or his own family. Boruto Uzumaki, Naruto's son, hates his own dad and even likes Sarada dad, Sasuke more which is ironic. There are many reasons why, but mostly because of family problems. Because Naruto was the Hokage, he had to work 24/24 everyday at his office and didn't have time to spend time with his family, and Boruto wanted Naruto to pay attention to them too.

For Naruto who is the Hokage, being the Hokage is a big responsibility and requires a lot of work, but Naruto Uzumaki is very dedicated to his job and does his best to protect the village and its people. I'm peoples eyes, Naruto Uzumaki is a great Hokage who cares deeply about the people of the Hidden Leaf Village.

However Naruto can't do much about always being present since he has a big responsibility for being the head of a village but there are also things that Boruto would never understand of his father. Everyone has their own struggles and Boruto sometimes struggles to understand why his father, Naruto, is so busy with work and can't always be there for him. Hating his father is a bit extreme. While it's understandable that Boruto feels frustrated and wishes that his father could spend more time with him, he should also remember that Naruto Uzumaki cares deeply about him and is doing his best to protect their village and keep everyone safe.

Boruto has a father that treasures him in his heart, he has a mother that worries about him and a sister that adores him as her big brother. Everyone knows he's the son of the Hokage and recognizes him. Sure it can be a bit problematic sometimes, where he gets the attention for wrong reasons but he never was truly alone. People like him for they like his father.

In his childhood, Naruto was the son of nobody. He was considered a 'bastard' who was raised by village funds. Even worse, the people of the village knew that the Nine Tailed Demon Fox was sealed within him - the same fox that took the lives of their loved ones as well as their beloved 4th Hokage. Everyone in the village tried not to lay their eyes on Naruto and even if they did, their eyes reflected nothing but the contempt and disgust that they felt for him.

The way those cold eyes make you feel - that's what Boruto will never understand. It's also something Naruto will never allow his son to feel. It's a pain Naruto wants no one in the world to feel. His Struggles and past. We as the viewers know what happened and how Naruto felt and feels but Boruto is oblivious because Naruto didn't tell him anything and he doesn't know anything personal about his father.

We know of Naruto's goals also his family absence. It's shown during Himawari's birthday Naruto is overloaded with work he wants to go but instead sends a clone which upsets Boruto which is Very understandable. Naruto knows how it feels to not have a father so he tries his best to balance out running a Village and spending time with his family.

He is trying his best to protect the village and his family as it is his responsibility as a Hokage and a father/husband. That's why he thought it would be a good idea to have some rest and go on a vacation so he can spend some time with his family. What Boruto doesn't know is that his father is trying his best to make them happy and not just some broken family.

"Is that all Boruto?" Naruto asked. Boruto nodded his head and run to his room without noticing either Himawari or Kawaki. Naruto was to busy to feel their chakra. "I hope they have fun and maybe have some bonding time… how nice would that be" Naruto mumbled to himself but they both heard him. Kawaki felt the warmth in his words making him smile a little. 'warm...' That's what they both thought.

Himawari ran inside the room and jumped on her dad. "Papa! can I help you pack!?" Himawari asked and Naruto could/would never say no to that happy face. "Did you finish helping your mom pack Hima-chan?" Naruto asked. "Am!" Himawari nodded her head and before Naruto could say anything, Kawaki also walked in and asked "Can I also help pack with you?" Kawaki had a small blush from embarrassment. Naruto eyes widened for a second and then nodded smiling warmly at his son.

Ladies and gentlemen, that's what we call family bonding. After finishing everything, Naruto went back to his office to finish the little paperwork he had. There isn't much considering he finished them the other day. Tomorrow is the day where they finally go.

Kurama was watching the scene with a soft face. Kurama initially felt uneasy about Naruto becoming the Hokage, as he was worried that his friend and son would be consumed by the responsibilities of the job and lose sight of his true self. However, over time, Kurama came to respect Naruto's dedication and hard work, and he now supports him fully as the Hokage of the Hidden Leaf Village.

Kurama hasn't really seen Naruto smile as much as he did in the past. That makes him sad to know that his son isn't always happy but tired and exhausted.


Sasuke is in his room packing clothes, scrolls and other things. He packed extra in case they are spending more time there. The mother-daughter duo are both packing together. The reason why both the parents and daughter don't pack together is because Sasuke and Sakura haven't slept in the same room even though they are married.

When Sasuke finished packing, he went to visit Naruto since he had nothing else to do and appeared in front of Naruto desk. Shikamaru wasn't with Naruto since he was given two days off seeing as Naruto commanded him as the Hokage, he couldn't refuse. He figured that Shikamaru is exhausted as well.

Shikamaru is having fun packing with his wife and son. They had family bonding and battle pillows as well. Ino and Sai also took two days off from work and are having fun time with their son, Inojin. I could say that it was the day for the Nara and Yamanaka family. Temari and Ino decided to have a family sleepover together and it was so much fun, especially for Inojin and Shikadai.

The Akimichi family decided to go to a family restaurant when they finished packing and everything else. Everyone was havng fun with their days off and some are bonding with their families and friends. Only god knows what's awaiting them.

After Naruto and Sasuke finished talking, he was to leave with a smile until Naruto called him out.


He stopped walking when Naruto called to him.

"Your thing with Sakura-Chan went from friendship to love, however... Why wasn't it like that with me?" He said it with a smile. Not the happy one.

Sasuke froze in his place and his smile vanished. Without turning around he said.

"I didn't get married first, Usuratonkachi" He paused then said

"I never saw you as a friend Naruto, but the one who got married first was you, and with my heart in my hand I kept the love I have for you"

With that Sasuke left... leaving his beloved old love behind with a tear in his eye.



Kawaki has two father figure, Naruto and Sasuke.

Kawaki calls Naruto "Oto-san" when alone. Nobody knows except Sasuke

Sasuke trains Kawaki in secret when he has time. Nobody knows except Naruto

Kawaki calls Sasuke "Oyaji" when alone. Nobody knows except Naruto