[Object name: Holy grade gauntlets


Type: Manifestation ]


By the name alone, Ethan could decipher a thing or two form this without knowing the description attached to it.


[Object origin/description: An object originating from an unknown material which was forged and refined over hundreds and thousand of years which was then handed to a priest of high rune proficiency. Countless runes were drawn and engraved into the very being of this weopon, which was then blessed by the priestesses of will and courage as she imbued a Spirit into it. This said weopon was created as a point breaker between battles and wars which has been long forgotten the endless river of time.This weopon was infact an artifact. It has weakened dearly due to the passage of time. Yet is still powerful enough to be called a holy grade weopon]


Ethan proceeded to read.


[Strength: +30 {passive}

Endurance: 3000 ( notice : The endurance of the glove is different from the endurance of the weopons manifested.)

Mana consumption: 1 per minute

Dexterity: +10

Strength: +10

Health: +9

Magic: +20

Mana: +10

Critical hit: 5%

Fire resistance: 10%


Abilities (Most of them are current locked)


Activation 1

--Cassiopeia's blessing--

This activation allows access to the user's being to create a terrifying weopon by the user's choosing due to the imbued spirit within and although not yet awakened fully, can understand limited information at it's weakened state.


To activate: user must bind with the object using a unique spirit contract / linkage.


Your current level and spiritual strength is too low to engage in said ritual . You need to be at the first stage of the soul honing ritual to complete said contract.


The will of the spirit within the artifact has proposed partial contract due to your lack of required spiritual strength.


"There's a spirit within this gauntlet?, how's that even possible, this is very very weird. How can you keep a spirit in an inanimate object like this one."

Ethan said in disbelief as he proceeded to red the rest of the messages across on the retina he is growing accustomed to.


[ Would you like to accept the presented proposal?]


"Yes" Ethan gave this a little thought before responding.


[ Partial contract has been initiated successfully.


You are now the partial owner of this artifact.]


"Partial owner huh?, So I'm not yet the sole owner of the artifact entirely.akes. That makes sense in a way."

The message that followed next soon clarified his guess.


[ You are currently the recognized owner of the artifact but partially for the time being, on the reason being your low spiritual strength, you can loose this artifact if an existence other than yourself has reached or surpassed the current requirements of the needed ritual for the sole ownership of the artifact.]


It continued


[You can currently use partial manifestation which is less powerful than it's current original state.


You can only manifest weopons that do not exceed the power of tier one weopons I terms of physical strength and durability.


Mana consumption: 1 per every 1 second.



"The mana consumption will really be a problem. I've got to manage my mana carefully."

He said that as a matter of fact. His mana currently wasnt much to begin with and the reason?, he wasn't sure of.

He resumed to read the message on his retina when he then received a disturbing yet not too surprising message from his bronze retina he his already growing accustomed to.


[Warning, a trace of corrupt mana has been spotted in I your bloodstream.The infection is spreading throughout your body, due to lack of strong blood genetics, you will turn into a mana infected zombie in a few minutes]


Just as he proceeded to scroll through and read the rest of the objects info on his bronze retina, he received a fatal yet not too shocking news as he had been bitten earlier the mana corroded zombie.

He was so emerged I to the messages that he subconsciously forgot his current situation, as he could now hear the repeated and loud pounding on the door by these mana zombies.

"Ugh!!, How could I forget about this, damn that zombie!!"

He now felt the stinging pain on his left arm.

From the bite mark on his arm, what seemed like black ,thick, sickening veins crawled up his forearm , threatening to consume his entire left arm and then move on to the rest of the body.

Nathan didn't give much thought about to do in his situation as he quickly untied both his shoelaces and tied them up tightly to the uninfected part of his forearm.

"This should prevent it from spread through my bloodstream, I won't tie it too hard though, my hand would grow too numb to to help me"

He then wore the gauntlets, clenched and opened his palms repeatedly to get used to the glove.

He didn't do that too much on his left palm as by doing that, it adds pressure to his already clogged blood stream due to the shoelaces tied on them.

He then took in deep breaths and exhaled constantly.

The door kept banging and banging by the zombies outside as they were over 20 of them, breaking their way into the door with all their strength.

The door started to grow cracks from the middle of it .

The cracks got larger and larger with each pound the door received. And just to clarify, each pound was made by at least 7 zombies at a time.

Ethan's focused his gaze and every single one of senses onto the door, getting ready while Psyching himself for whats to come.

"Ok, Calm down Ethan, you can get through this,"

He said to himself as he closed his eyes trying to manifest a weopon by imagining what weopon he wanted.

If he read the messages correctly, the gauntlets has access to him which most likely be his brain so he took his chances right now.

This is the moment of truth, where his life or death would be determined.