Ignoring the Instruments in the center of the square, the Iron Man rushed in and flew directly to where Lin Rui and Peter fell. For Tony, the safety of Lin Rui and Peter is obviously more important than that of the Magic Cube.


When Iron Man landed next to Lin Rui and Peter, two rays of light shot from it and quickly swept over to Lin Rui and Peter's bodies. JARVIS is carefully checking the physical condition of Lin Rui and Peter for the Initial Treatment. Lin Rui and Peter now look a bit miserable. The Spiderman Suit on Peter has been completely destroyed. Lin Rui's Phantom Suit shows no damage but it was covered with dirt from head to toe and he is obviously also injured.


"Cough!..." While JARVIS was carefully scanning the physical conditions of Lin Rui and Peter, the unconscious Peter suddenly coughed twice, then slowly opened his eyes.

"Huh?! Mr. Stark!?" The waking Peter noticed the Iron Man standing in front of him at a glance and shouted in surprise.

"Hello, Peter, this is JARVIS. Mr. Stark is still outside." JARVIS replied after hearing Peter's voice.

"Peter, are you okay? What happened just now?" After JARVIS answered, Tony's voice replaced JARVIS and came from the Iron Man Armor.

"Ah! Jackson!" Hearing Tony's voice, Peter looked nervously at Lin Rui lying beside him.


What happened just now was so sudden, Peter still doesn't know what had happened. However, seeing the installations in the center of the square, Peter also remembered the whole process.

"Mr. Stark, Jackson and I walked all the way into this building, and we saw this machine, and Jackson was telling me about the power of the Magic Cube when the machine went on. In an attempt to prevent the device from being activated, Jackson was hit by a close-range attack that also affected me." Recalling what had happened, Peter explained it briefly.

"Mr. Stark, is Jackson all right!?" Peter looked up at Iron Man and asked anxiously.

"The results of the examination showed that Jackson had received serious internal tissue injuries and multiple fractures, but these injuries would not cause many problems with his physics. I brought some Recovery Serum, which would be able to help him." Tony didn't answer but JARVIS did.

After inspecting Lin Rui's physical condition, JARVIS already knew that Lin Rui was fine and he was only injured by the shockwave. Such injuries may already be fatal for the average person, but for people like Lin Rui, it is clearly not a life-threatening injury. Of course, this is the damage Lin Rui suffered after Phantom Suit's defense. Without Phantom Suit, Lin Rui may not have been able to persevere.

"Peter, you heard JARVIS so don't worry about Jackson. Now, let's deal with your injuries first." After JARVIS's report, the Iron Man crouched down next to Peter and Lin Rui and Tony's voice came out of it.

Then, JARVIS took out two Recovery Serums from the Iron Man Armor, one for Peter and the other one for Lin Rui. Although Peter was hiding behind Lin Rui just now and was not attacked with as much power, but he was also very injured. After receiving the Serum handed over from JARVIS, he quickly injected it into himself.

"Mr. Stark, that Machine used the power of Magic Cube to launch that kind of space-based attacks. If you can destroy that, you should be able to stop those attacks." After injecting himself with the Serum, Peter looked at the Machine and spoke to Tony.

"I know. By the way, did you just say the power of Magic Cube, aren't those square boxes Magic Cube?" Tony's voice in the Iron Man Armor agreed and then he asked curiously.

Brush brush!

After Tony asked that sentence, six Iron Man rushed in again from the previous channel. It was the Iron Man who was scattered to search elsewhere. Under JARVIS's control, these Iron Man flew to the center of the square and surrounded the instrument.

"Jackson said that those are not Magic Cubes, just boxes with Magic Cube energy. The real Magic Cubes must have been taken away." Peter is already able to stand up as he looked at the energy of the pale blue Magic Cube as it was being drained away.

"In this case, JARVIS, destroy that thing!" Since it was determined that the boxes were not Magic Cube, Tony had no worries, and he directly issued an order to JARVIS.

"Yes, sir."


Howls whew!

JARVIS answered calmly, and the Iron Mans surrounding the Machine stretched out their hand at the same time. The next moment, Six Laser Beams had shot out.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

Those Space Attacks from Magic Cube Energy conversion are indeed powerful, but Tony is attacking the machine this time, and his attacks will not be in contact with that space energy. Therefore, under the attack of the Laser Beams, the Machine that had already reached the limit was instantly destroyed, and the broken machine parts were scattered with the sparks.

Boom! …

At the moment when the instrument was destroyed, several muzzles that had been launching space-type attacks towards the outside also exploded and the blue light dimmed instantly and then disappeared.

And when the blast happened, the boxes with Magic Cube energy were blown out by the blast wave of the explosion. The pipe that has been connected to the boxes to extract the Magic Cube's energy is obviously also disconnected and the boxes closed automatically and some light blue light scattered. These rays are not the attack after being transformed, but the energy of the real Magic Cube.


The scattered Magic Cube energy spread out towards the square without purpose, and JARVIS obviously noticed the movement of those boxes. JARVIS sent one Iron Man back to protect Lin Rui and Peter while directing the other Iron Men to fetch the boxes. After all, it's not known what the power of the Magic Cube will do to them.


The next moment, the energy of a Magic Cube spreading in the direction of Lin Rui and Peter quickly hit the Iron Man Armor and then disappeared. And the blue light spreading out in other directions also disappeared, it was as if they were just blue lights, without any magical and damaging properties to them.

Shout shout!

While JARVIS checked to see what was wrong with the two Iron Men Armor which blocked the Magic Cube's power, the other Iron Men had flown back with five boxes, each containing some light blue Magic Cube power. There's very little energy left, but it's enough for Tony to study.

"JARVIS, did you detect anything?" When JARVIS checked the two Iron Man Armors, Tony's voice came out.

"No, sir, nothing has changed. It seems that those lights just disappeared here." After Tony asked, JARVIS replied quickly.

"Is there no change? Maybe…"



Just when Tony was thinking about this situation, Lin Rui, who had been lying unconscious on the ground, suddenly shouted and sat up.