
After a cry, Lin Rui woke up. Lin Rui, who suddenly woke up, looked around nervously, slowly calming down after seeing Peter and Iron Man beside him. However, when Lin Rui saw the Machine in the center of the square that had been blown up, the expressions on his face changed.

"Jackson, are you okay!?" Peter asked after seeing Lin Rui's complexion after waking up.

"I'm fine, some minor injuries. However, I think we are in big trouble now." Lin Rui shook his head and said he was okay, but he was not optimistic about the current situation.

"Jackson, are you worried that the Magic Cube isn't even here?" Before Peter knew what Lin Rui was saying, Tony's voice came from an Iron Man standing in front of them.

Looking up at the Iron Man, Lin Rui knew Tony was not in it now. This is a normal situation. This is an assault on a large Hydra base, and even with the Iron Man Armor protecting Tony, there is no guarantee that accidents wouldn't happen.

"Yes, if Hydra has been using this kind of energy extracted from the Magic Cube all this time then we have no idea where the real Magic Cube is. Well, today's battle may be a victory for us but it would not be the end of Hydra." With a nod, Lin Rui replied seriously.


After answering Tony's question, Lin Rui endured the pain coming from all over his body and slowly stood up with Peter's help. He just said that it was a minor injury, but the injury was actually quite serious.

Now that the Magic Cube is not here and the Machine that transforms the Magic Cube's energy is also destroyed. Lin Rui is no longer so eager for the follow-up of today's battle. Of course, Tony got some Magic Cube energy anyway, although very little.

"In that case, I'd better send you out. Now that I've destroyed those weapons, SHIELD's forces will come down to clean them up. You're not in the right state to stay. It's best to go back and rest." Since Lin Rui said the Magic Cube was not here, Tony was ready to take the two injured men out.

"It's not necessary. Although we were injured, our combat strength is still much stronger than that of SHIELD's forces, we would at least be able to reduce their casualties." Lin Rui waved his hand when he heard Tony. Even if he doesn't find the Magic Cube today, Lin Rui's goal of killing Hydra remains unchanged, but he will have to find the Magic Cube in the future.

"I think so too, Mr. Stark, I'm fine." After Lin Rui expressed his position, Peter also spoke to Tony. Although the Spider Suit has been destroyed, Peter himself is very strong.

"I can't help it if you decide to do so, but act with one Iron Man by your side so that I can protect you." Tony knew he could not force Lin Rui and Peter to come back, so he had to give in.

"I know." Lin Rui would not be hypocritical at this moment and he agreed directly.

"Let's go, maybe the Magic Cube is still somewhere in this base." Feeling the recovery situation of his body, Lin Rui is ready to attack again.

However, when Lin Rui had already taken two steps toward the other exit of the square, Peter stood still and looked ahead, as if he saw something.



"Mirage Knight, Professor Charles just contacted me!" After Lin Rui curiously called out to Peter, Peter's pupil contracted and then some excitement appeared on his face as he shouted towards Mirage Knight.

"Professor Charles? What did he say?" "Lin Rui asked quickly after hearing Peter's words. The X-Men have not been on the battlefield since the beginning, except for Storm. Now Charles contacted Peter which means that he must have found something.

As for how Professor Charles contacted Peter, it should be telepathy. After all, some things are not easy to explain over a connection that can be hacked. And because Lin Rui wears a Phantom Suit and has a defensive effect on Telepath, Professor Charles could only contact Peter.

"Professor Charles said that he found a special team on the base that is quickly leaving from that direction, and that direction is also the weakest position in the entire enclosure. Professor Charles also reminded me that the people in that team were very strong, and one of them seems to be able to resist his ability." Knowing that the matter was urgent, Peter quickly spoke out what Professor Charles had just informed himself, and he also pointed his finger in one direction.

Professor Charles had warned especially which means that the escaping team is obviously not too simple, it should be the high-level team of Hydra hidden in this base. And one of them can resist Charles's Telepathy, indicating that there are at least some Mutants in it. To put it this way, if Magic Cube is in the base here, it is now most likely to be in the hands of those who fled.

"Let's go! Let's chase them! If Magic Cube is at this base, it must be in those hands now!" Lin Rui, who got the news, was equally excited as he saw the hope of finding the Magic Cube again.



"Come in, how fast can you run in this state now?" Just AS Lin Rui and Peter were running in that direction, two Iron Men flew in front of them and stopped them and Tony's voice came out as the Iron Man opened.

Lin Rui and Peter glanced at each other, and finally quickly armed themselves with the Iron Man Armor.

Brush! Brush!

A few seconds later, several Iron Man rushed out of this central square, the direction they were rushing at was exactly what Professor Charles pointed out before. As for the remaining Iron Man, they took the boxes containing the Magic Cube energy and quickly rushed towards the outside of the base. They must first send the energy boxes back to Tony's hand.

Just when Lin Rui and Peter were rushing towards the position where Red Skull fled with the help of Iron Man Armor due to the reminder of Professor Charles, outside the Hydra base the pale-blue light that had been creeping through the air has vanished, and the Particle Cannon which had been launched from the Helicarrier has also disappeared.

When Tony destroyed the Machine inside the base just now, JARVIS reminded Fury, so the Helicarrier stopped the Particle Cannon at the most accurate time, otherwise, it would have caused a devastating blow to the inside of the Hydra base. But even so, the ground of the Hydra base has been sliced ​​almost two meters thick by the leakage of energy from two opposing forces, a sign of the power of this energy confrontation.

The SHIELD's advantage was fully realized when the space-type attack that blocked the SHIELD's continued attack disappeared. More than a dozen Quinjets carrying special forces quickly landed vertically on the base, followed by heavily armed special forces.

Under the control of the Helicarrier, thousands of armed personnel quickly searched for the entrance of the underground base and rushed in. And Tony's Iron Man army also completely let go at this time, each armed team will be followed by two Iron Man to help solve some difficult problems.


Starting from the sound of explosions in the first entrance, the operation to clean the Hydra base has officially begun!