Chapter 1311 Problems?

After all, the Royal Guards, who had been dispatched by the King of Wakanda to support SHIELD, were currently stationed with SHIELD. 

In his capacity as the Director of S.H.I.E.L.D., Rogers naturally wanted to establish deep communication and reach a cooperation agreement with Wakanda, a nation that had suddenly emerged with powerful abilities and black technology.

However, if Wakanda were to go berserk due to the actions of a troublemaking High Priest, it would undoubtedly pose a significant problem for Earth. Facing external threats from beyond our planet, the integration and stability of Earth's internal forces were crucial.

The key point was that based on the information that Lin Rui had shared with Rogers about Wakanda, the new King of Wakanda could actually meet the requirements for an alliance. 

Despite the interference of a High Priest, with proper negotiation and diplomacy, Rogers was confident that he could form an alliance between Wakanda and SHIELD, further strengthening the core forces of the Earth alliance.

"Don't worry, I'll handle things," Lin Rui replied succinctly, noticing the tension on Rogers' side of the screen.

Lin Rui couldn't possibly be unaware of Rogers' thoughts. After all, he had no intention of allowing Wakanda, SHIELD, or any other Earth faction to descend into chaos due to the actions of a rogue High Priest. Lin Rui's confidence was based on the assumption that the High Priest would send a team to pursue him, but he wasn't entirely certain.

However, if the High Priest did take such reckless action against him, Lin Rui would naturally not let him succeed. From Lin Rui's perspective, the High Priest's methods were too low-level. As long as T'Challa wasn't a fool, Lin Rui had several ways to nullify all of the High Priest's schemes.

Upon hearing Lin Rui's response, Rogers on the screen breathed a sigh of relief. He knew that Lin Rui wouldn't recklessly cause trouble.

"Alright then, Tony has already gone ahead, so I won't be joining him. If the High Priest of Wakanda is as you described, we have several plans in place to deal with him."

"Alright, just keep an eye on N'Jadaka. He can still be useful," Lin Rui added as a reminder after listening to Rogers.

"I understand," Rogers nodded in agreement.

The translucent screen then disappeared. At this moment, on the horizon of this lush grassland, black dots were rapidly approaching. It was Tony's Iron Man Legion.

"Tony seems eager to have a showdown with Wakanda first..." Lin Rui, who was already in contact with J.A.R.V.I.S., couldn't help but feel a bit helpless as he observed how many Iron Man units Tony had dispatched.

Shortly after Tony acquired complete nanotechnology, he received intelligence that the High Priest of Wakanda had declined Lin Rui's offer of an alliance and was instead seeking to dominate Earth with Wakanda's strength alone. 

Stark, who had always had a high ego, wasn't one to stand by and watch Lin Rui get "bullied." Therefore, he personally led a team to confront the situation.

If the High Priest indeed sent warriors to intercept them, then Tony had every reason to initiate a military operation against Wakanda. Perhaps due to the High Priest's later actions, N'Jadaka that they have decided to keep a close watch on him. As long as they could capture the High Priest, Wakanda wouldn't pose any further threats.

Of course, this was just one of the simpler and smoother ways Lin Rui had planned to deal with the unexpected actions of the High Priest. Whether Tony's straightforward plan would succeed, Lin Rui couldn't predict for the time being. However, based on his past experiences, the success rate of this plan wasn't very high.

After all, Wakanda, even if it didn't perform as impressively as it did in the movies Lin Rui was familiar with, couldn't be underestimated in terms of combat power. In terms of technological capabilities alone, the combined forces of Stark Industries and SHIELD might not necessarily overpower Wakanda. 

Therefore, while Tony's decision to send out a legion of Iron Man suits might seem like a show of force, it was also a preemptive measure against any hidden ambush or attack on Lin Rui.



Just as Lin Rui was quietly contemplating Tony's actions and plans, one of the flamboyant red Iron Man suits landed directly in front of Lin Rui. 

Then, like ripples in water, the Iron Man-like suit quickly dissipated, and within seconds, Tony, dressed in a suit, appeared before Lin Rui. It seemed that Tony was getting more adept at using the Extremis technology.

"You, kid, can you at least give us a heads-up next time? You always do things like this!" Tony walked up to Lin Rui and glanced at the scattered wreckage of Wakandan combat aircraft strewn around. He spoke with irritation.

"If I can do it, I naturally have confidence in controlling the situation," Lin Rui replied calmly upon hearing Tony's words.

"Also, even if I didn't give you guys a heads-up, weren't you being a bit too conspicuous?" Lin Rui glanced at the hundreds of Iron Man suits hovering in the air and remarked somewhat helplessly.

"If we can resolve the situation this way, that would be the best outcome. Sometimes, there's no need to overcomplicate things; straightforward plans can also be surprisingly effective," Tony explained. While this muscle-flexing plan was simple and direct, it had the potential to work.

"Alright, since I've already demonstrated enough power, and I believe that the information Wakanda has gathered from my recent actions should be enough to identify me, along with your grand entrance as Iron Man, even if T'Challa hasn't completely sorted things out yet, he won't casually send troops to stir up trouble for the outside world," Lin Rui stated confidently.

Similar to Tony wanting to show off his muscles, Lin Rui didn't mind displaying his power in front of the High Priest. The High Priest had his own sinister plots, using the "last wish" of the late King of Wakanda to influence the current King. Lin Rui naturally had his own countermeasures. 

If he couldn't make T'Challa believe in him and the Earth Federation through peaceful means, then using absolute power to make T'Challa acknowledge him and the Earth Federation was undoubtedly the best way.

After exchanging a few more words with Tony about the current situation in Wakanda, Lin Rui and Tony stood still. If it weren't for the occasional small explosions and sparks from the Wakandan combat aircraft debris that had fallen nearby, Tony and Lin Rui would have appeared as if they were tourists exploring the vast grasslands.

A few minutes passed in this manner, and the scattered Wakandan aircraft wreckage around Lin Rui and Tony began to show signs of movement. In the sky, there were intermittent fluctuations of unique energy. Then, suddenly, Wakandan aircraft, identical to the ones that had crashed earlier, appeared before Lin Rui and Tony.

These aircraft were in a sorry state, but their occupants were not severely injured. As these Wakandan warriors struggled to crawl out of the wreckage, Tony and Lin Rui watched.

It was at this moment, as these Wakandan warriors were painstakingly emerging from the potentially explosive wreckage, that a series of distinctive energy fluctuations emanated from the horizon. Subsequently, Wakandan aircraft, similar to those that had crashed earlier, suddenly appeared before Lin Rui and Tony.


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