Chapter two: He couldn't go anymore low

Warning note: Threat of attempted sexual violence. If this is a trigger for you please skip to the next chapter. Thank you.

What! I exclaimed in my mind at Rosalind ridiculous demand. She can't be serious. I chanced a look at her, the look on her face reminded me of the devil's bride, all twisted and ugly.

And she was dead serious

Scratch the ugly part. Beautiful but evil.

A deep chuckle behind me reminded of the real devil incarnate, the one responsible for my predicament. Telling Rosalind that the one responsible for the waste of her food, actually my father's food because Rosalind and her son does nothing in the house except wait to be served hand and foot… is her son she wouldn't believe me, nor would she care.

"You think I am playing with you!" She screeched, moving her legs to the back of my neck and pressing my head down to the spilled juice and bread sandwich I prepared for her.

Stephan evil laughter grew louder as I resisted the pressure of her foot whining in distress.

The door to the pool opened and I heard my father's voice calling out to Rosalind.

"Honey where are you?"

Her foot flew off my neck like I was burning coal, and her evil bitch persona did a one eighty and in its place a totally new fake person with smiles and loving expression.

"Honey! I am here!" She called out, her nasal high pitched voice dripping with honey that I could almost see the bees buzzing around them.

"What is going on here?" My father's deep baritone voice boomed at the sight of me. I felt his harsh gaze on me feeling me with dread and a dangerous hope. Hope that for once he will take my side, dangerous because that has never happened and I chanced getting my soul crushed once more by the one person who is supposed to protect me in this world.

"Honey don't give this another thought, you know how clumsy your daughter can be. Always tripping over her two left feet," Rosalind laughed mirthlessly.

"She is not my daughter!" Dad growled once again crushing my spirit. I felt the full force of his glaring eyes and kept my head bowed, hiding the tears that have began to track down my cheeks.

His constant denial of our relationship breaks my heart every time I hear it.

I could almost taste Rosalind gloating. As much as she enjoys making my world a living hell, she enjoys watching my father put me down or torment even more. As if his ugly treatment of me proves something.

"What are you still doing on the floor will you hurry up and clean this up before I get the guards to whip you!" Father barked making my already trembling body to jump.

At least he is not making me clean it up with my tongue like Rosalind intended. I jumped to my feet, packed as much of the sandwich I could with my hands into the tray and got the hell out of there.

I heard footsteps following me and I knew immediately who it could be which put fire on my legs and I tried to hurry down before he catches up to me.

I was almost at the first floor when I heard his evil voice call out to me.

"Wait up big Dick!"

Stephan thinks he is funny with the childish nickname he calls me. Making fun of my scrawny frame, and masculine name.

I ignored him and tried to race away, as far away from him that I could possibly get.

On the last step just when I thought I was home free a large hand grabbed my shirt and pushed me roughly under the stairs, slamming my back hard against the brick wall of the house.

I swallowed my scream of pain as the rough texture dug mercilessly into my raw back.

"Did you not hear me calling your name!"Stephan growled tightening his grip on my t shirt which in turn tightened around my neck cutting off air into my lungs.

I didn't answer, I didn't glare murderously like I was doing in my mind, instead I stared up at him with a dead eyes, devoid of any feelings.

Seeing the effect of his actions on my face or eyes only spurs Stephan on, feeding into his depraved mind.

"You want to be disciplined again, big Dick," he drawled, a cruel evil smirk pulling at corners of his lips.

My body shuddered at his implied discipline, I can't help it. Of all the torment I go through every day in this house, Stephan's torture is by far the worst.

I didn't say anything which pissed him off. His handsome face grew as dark as the clouds about to rain, his evil blue eyes just like his mother darkening with his rage, before it brightened with a sick glint.

His hands that was clutching my chest released it and moved down to my breast, he roughly palmed it in his hand and gave it a rough squeeze.

"Is been long since we both had some fun, looks like you have been missing me," he taunted, his grin growling more evil.

A feeling of revulsion filled me as Stephan's hands roamed freely over my body, leaving so much pain in his wake. The urge to throw up gripped strongly around my throat like a noose around a condemned man's neck. My heart pounded in dread and fear of what was coming. My brutalised soul cried out for someone to save me.

Outwardly I stood like a statue, not given any reaction as Stephan took liberties of my body. Fighting him only makes him enjoy himself more and I have forced myself to deny him that pleasure.

His fingers pinched and twisted my nipples until it hurts while he ground his swollen man hood against my body.

"You should be glad that I want you big Dick, even your own father doesn't want you. Had your mother lived I am sure she wouldn't want you."

"I mean can you blame them. You are worthless, and only good for my dick when I am bored," he whispered against my skin before giving it a sharp nick.

I denied him making a sound of pain, instead my fist clenched tightly beside me as I tried to take my mind far away from what is happening, to a happy place.

Soon I was sun bathing in a beach where nothing matters and I had my freedom. The sky was beautiful, blue and very sunny.

The sound of footsteps heading towards us pulled me out of my fantasy back to reality.

"Tonight I will be paying you a visit," Stephan whispered into my ear and then pulled off me and disappeared before the footsteps got close.

As soon as he was gone my body crumbled to the ground, my weakened legs couldn't hold them up anymore. I started to sob. All the emotions that I kept inside during his torment burst free.

I wept heavily inside, my shoulders shaking with my sob as I clutched my knees tightly to my body, my head bent over them.

"Hey! Are you alright?" The voice sounded kind prompting me to raise my face out of curiosity.

No one in the Pack has ever cared about what happens to me, or even dared to ask.

The guard froze like a deer caught in headlights when he recognised me. He quickly walked away without waiting for a response from me.

I crumbled again. Looks like nothing has changed, I thought bitterly picking myself from the ground.

I staggered as a wave of dizziness shot through my eyes. I quickly braced myself against the wall using my hand and stood still for few minutes waiting for it to pass.

The lower sugar and all the emotional torment of this past few minutes has taken its toll on me.

Few minutes later I felt calmer to chance a walk. I made my way back to the kitchen. Is almost time for lunch, which means I need to start preparing something, with my father home I am sure he want some real food, not snacks. Good thing that only few pack members drops in for lunch.

First before doing anything else I was going to have my breakfast, I don't care if I get beaten to the very inch of my life I was eating something.

I settled down to have the toast and some fruits I managed to sneak away for myself at breakfast. The toast tasted bland in my mouth, not because it wasn't tasty but because my appetite have gone but I needed something to keep my body going.

After lunch was dinner.

I made pot roast, mashed potatoes, rice, vegetables, puddings.

Tonight there was a great turn out of people for dinner. Almost all the Pack warriors were here.

They were all having fun eating chatting and drinking with no care in the World, while I stayed in the kitchen like an abandoned puppy slaving away.

As usual I dare not have my dinner until they have all had theirs and whatever is left is what I will eat, if there is nothing left that means I will be going to bed hungry.

The toast I had for lunch barely got me through the remainder of the day and now my stomach is growling for food.

I had just finished cleaning the kitchen when I felt someone join me. From the exotic expensive smell of perfume that reached my nose I knew who it was. My body grew stiff as I waited for her to speak. To state what she wants.

I felt her walk towards me until she stood a breath away.

"Don't think I have forgotten this afternoon incident, Dale. I am still going to punish you for that," she said sinisterly and then walked away like she was never there.

It took some seconds for my body to defrost and I went back to doing my chores doing my best to put her threat out of my mind.

"Dale!" I heard my father bellow for me from the common dining room.

I dropped everything else I was doing and ran towards the room to answer him.

"Yes, father," I said when I ran into the room, a little out of breath.

"How many times have I told you not to call me father, you evil child, murderer!" Father snarled throwing the glass in his hand in my direction.

I moved my head out of the way on instinct and the glass crashed against the wall beside me.

The room grew silence, the tension became palpable that a knife can cut through it.

My father looked drunk which means his fury is going to be worse.

"It is not enough that you took her away from me, you have the gots to look like her! Reminding me everyday of her loss. Well no more! Did you hear me! I said no more," he slurred in a loud voice, his face dark with his fury.

I sighed sadly. Everyone tells me that I look like my mother. The ones that are brave enough to talk to me about her. I haven't seen my mother before because father hid every of her pictures or anything that reminds him of her except for me. Which I suppose if it is possible he will hide me too in the deepest dungeon never to see the daylight.

"Come tomorrow you are going to wed Alpha Roderick!" Father continued his rant.

His words caused a loud gasp to fill the room and my body grew chilled.