A Wet and Cold Thing Licked Over His Neck

A Wet and Cold Thing Licked Over His Neck

Warning: Light gore. Viewer's discretion is advised.

This thick and dense bloody air made people uneasy, Chi Yu was clearly going up along the escalator, but his brain still could not avoid emerging with an image—— the doors of the elevator opened, blood seeped out from within, while countless broken limbs also surged out along with the blood, all over was an air of death.

But clearly, Kris was not as nervous as him- Kris only heard the busy tone of the phone being cut, and heard the sound of the elevator being opened.

Her state was very good, and could be said that her sanity did not fluctuate the entire time. What made people admire was, even the stamina resistance was very strong. This practically made Chi Yu surprised- if one went according to the handbook, normal people's stats were at 100, Kris was already at twice the strength of normal humans. After Chi Yu heard the sound of the elevator opening, he immediately subconsciously grabbed Kris' wrist and made a run for it, but Kris' extremely quick reaction made the situation change within two seconds, and turned into Kris instead grabbing Chi Yu, while Chi Yu became that person who benefited.

They quickly ran up, and after the elevator doors opened, there certainly was something that came out.

Because they lost the line of sight, Chi Yu could only hear that thick and viscous sound of movement. This made him recall that scene of a certain character in the movie hiding in the elevator in desperate circumstances, and then got eaten by something—— but regretfully, the movie did not explain clearly what that thing was.

Just as the comments on this movie that Chi Yu saw before said, the entire movie was filled with blood, prop designs that made people felt vile, as well as camera shaking and scares that would appear from time to time, but many of the designs were not explained clearly, it was all unclear.

For example, why was there this much resentment in the abandoned hospital in this movie? What were the various "ghosts" in the hospital? The movie did not give a clear answer to any of the questions. At the ending of this horror film, the main character's group was wiped out, and another group of people arrived. From beginning to end, this was pretty much a hard-to-break cycle, as long as one entered the hospital, they were set to die.

Chi Yu and Kris already reached the fifth floor of the hospital. On the way from the escalator to the hallway, Chi Yu constantly silently observed the surroundings, he did not think that the lights in the hallway were this bright, and the nurse station was also lit.

Two nurses were sitting in the seats of the nurse station. One looked to be about to sleep with their head nodding, while the other was using a pen and comparing something on a few thick books, with the changing cart to their backs piled with many hanging bottles. Chi Yu momentarily went into a bit in a trance, he seemed to have entered a hospital no more ordinary in a certain deep in the night.

The only difference was, the arrangements in this hospital was different from the hospital Chi Yu often went to-a generational feeling appeared on them, even the doors to the patient rooms were wooden, these transfusion bottles were also glass bottles.

The two walked over with their breaths held, when suddenly, someone opened their mouth, a seemingly gloomy voice of a woman.

"What are you two doing?"

The nurse recording things lifted her head up, her pair of eyes did not have sclera, her skin was blue and white, with livor mortis seeping out from beneath.

As she asked, the atmosphere turned extremely nervous.

When their group entered the hospital, in the time they were chatting, Chi Yu discovered that everyone saw this horror film—— or it could even be said that after many people successfully lived on from the survival game, they went back and especially went to see various horror films as well as novels and comics, etc. Within this horror film, why everyone would skip the first and third floor tacitly was because there were many people in the main character's group who died horribly at the first floor, and pretty much got wiped out on the third floor.

Various conversations and actions that triggered death were still fresh to the eyes- not answering would get you chased, if you answer the question wrong, you would be killed right on the spot, there was a ghost in the elevator, so you cannot go in, if you get found by ghosts, you would also be dead...

Chi Yu rapidly recalled the posters as well as thank-you letters he saw when walking in the hallway, he recalled a name on a thank-you letter, and thought up of an excuse, "We are..."

He originally wanted to saw that he and Kris was a certain person's family relative, and after being discharged from the hospital, they wanted to find a doctor to understand the situation.

But Kris was already very calm, and even quickly slipped out, "He is my little brother, he sprained his leg just now downstairs, the doctor had us come up and first stay here."

Chi Yu got surprised.

But he did not display it on his face, and even very cooperatively immediately seemed like he limped his leg. The right calf powerlessly made contact with the ground, he pursed his lips, and looked at the two young nurses in front of them as sincerely as possible, and display his innocence.

Even if he was extremely worried inside, they were in a game, after all- since they did not have identification, nor did they have money, if they were staying in the hospital, no matter how it was said, they needed to get admitted, or a notice of hospitalization or something, also, that thing that was printed on the backside of identification... they were empty-handed like this, how could these two nurses believe them?

The nurse with a shocking face observed Chi Yu, and suddenly, her movements slightly paused.

Chi Yu strangely recalled his accessory's passive...

And then, he saw the nurse in front expressionlessly meet eyes with him for three seconds, then coldly say, "Bed 7 is empty, remember to fill in the missing information tomorrow morning."

Just at this time, the nurse taking a nap on the side woke up, "En? Sister Meimei, isn't today New Years Day, there isn't even a patient in the hospital... it's not like we have some intensive care unit... hm!"

Chi Yu palely watched this nurse's head get hit abruptly by something. Her mouth that was speaking immediately smashed onto the edge of the table, the upper jaw and the lower jaw was stuck to two sides up and down the edge of the desk, and yet, that fierce striking did not stop, and forcefully pressed the little nurse's head down, and within the few seconds people could not react in time, Chi Yu's contracted eyes watched the corner of the little nurse's mouth get torn apart by this kind of collision, and at the same time, head-numbing sounds of joints being dislocated also echoed with an ear-piercing tone.

Blood surged out from the corner of the little nurse's mouth, her mouth started letting out groaning sounds of pain, and when she lifted her head up, a pair of similarly pitch-black eyes with no sclera looked at Chi Yu.

Sister Meimei who was by her side also started having scratches appear on her neck, these scratches were not created from a sharp object, emerging with a horror of the flesh getting bruised and lacerated.

The two nurses looked towards Chi Yu and Kris.

"You guys first go to bed 7 and lay there, in a moment, I will give a transfusion for you guys, and the doctor will help you treat the wound afterwards."

Kris held it in, and barely maintained a normal expression, "Alright, thank you guys."

After finishing, she and Chi Yu walked over to the patient room numbered 7, Chi Yu's brain seemed like there were blood vessels bulging and jumping, all thump thump, making his concentration unable to avoid being lifted to its highest, and fear started tearing apart his reasoning. Kris' expression was also a bit pale, the two walked along the path, when suddenly, Chi Yu pressed on the wall.

—— Doctor's Duty Room.

What they passed by, was this floor's doctor's duty room.

"Wait a minute, Big Sister Kris, we should go inside and take a look..."

Chi Yu checked his own stats.



And then, he checked this doctor's duty room.

This duty room was not considered big- one bed, one table, and on the table, a thick book flatly laid there, as though to deal with some test. The side was erected with many books on the profession as well, Chi Yu used Item Analysis, and then discovered a diary book in the cavity of the table.

He anxiously opened it.

Kris was also searching through other places, she found a thick pile of medical records, all written by hand, there were even parts that were not finished. She leaned on the wall beside the door looking through the medical records in her hands, while paying attention to the sound in the hallway.

Everything was tranquil, the nurse's desk also had no new sounds.

Once she thought to those two nurses' appearances, even Kris also uncontrollably shivered. She no longer thought to the scene just now, and seriously checked the medical records in her hands.

Chi Yu's brain instead constantly played back the terrifying faces of the two nurses, his breathing turned a bit hurried, and his emotions were taut to an extreme. He uncontrollably thought to just what happened, and at the same time, the diary in his hands got flipped through page by page.

「Diary:A certain doctor's diary of feelings, recording down many terrible feelings and abnormal days.」

Chi Yu pretty much immediately flipped to the last page rapidly.

This page was written today.

"What bad luck, why am I on duty today again? First day of the year, the hospital's all empty, this shitty place doesn't even have a television, but good thing it isn't that busy, at least, there won't be any more family members calling me up in the middle of the night asking me why his belly was so bloated and constantly farting (these few words were very powerfully scratched off) ahhhhhhhhhhhhh I can't take it anymore, is this a curse? I just wrote it wasn't busy, and then the nurse called me at the door saying that a big group of patients came in downstairs, all of them are injured, the emergency ward only has Senior Brother Liu and Senior Sister Li present, so busy, fine, I'll go down to help—— in the next life, even if I write a diary, I won't say something like not being busy."

Here, the writing stopped. According to the nurse's words from before, it could be seen that this doctor had hurriedly went downstairs.

When did he leave? Where did he leave? Was it from the elevator or the stairs, or was it from the escalator?

Kris did not find anything from the thick medical records. She slightly worriedly looked at the stat windows of other members—— Shadow's stats were still okay, instead it was White Night, his stamina was already only left with 40 points.

—— Just how intense of a chase was it that would make White Night deplete his stamina so quickly? It must be understood that from the time they separated until now, only thirty-five minutes passed.

Chi Yu's facial colour already returned to normal, he signalled to Kris that he was already okay, and then the two went out the door, and headed towards the room where bed 7 was.

The sound of a small cart being pushed as well as a tapping noise of walking suddenly resounded in the quiet floor.

The two people looked at each other in the eye, silently quickened their paces, and finally, at the time Chi Yu just laid on the patient bed, a cart was pushed to his front.

The wound on Sister Meimei's neck was wrapped in bandages, she said to Chi Yu, "Lay down, I'll be giving you a transfusion."

Chi Yu was already very accustomed to this process, he laid on the bed and watched the needle pierce into the skin, Sister Meimei soon left, and before leaving, Chi Yu asked a question.

"May I ask, why is the doctor not here?"

Sister Meimei knitted her brows, "He went downstairs ten minutes ago, he went to the emergency room."

"Alright, thank you."

After this, Sister Meimei left, and once the little cart's sounds completely disappeared, Kris sat by his side, and said to him in a low voice, "White Night's sanity zeroed out."

To not allow extraneous chatting take up the small group's chat, each person would have unnecessary information said out loud. Chi Yu nodded his head, and he presented his own information in the small group chat.

「Chi Yu:According to indications, the fifth floor's in-patient ward had a doctor who went downstairs. 」

After he said this, he lifted his head, and unintentionally looked towards the door.

Sister Meimei's face was in the shadows watching him.

She did not leave.

Chi Yu's heart pretty much instantly stopped beating. Kris who was by his ears did not turn her head, so she did not discover the abnormality, and lowly said to Chi Yu, "Stay here, I'll go down to look."

As each and every word from Kris was said out loud, Sister Meimei's expression also turned scarier and scarier- that pair of completely blackened eyes actually started rolling back, and the bandages on the neck also turned completely red, and blood seeped out from within.

Chi Yu arduously opened his mouth, he looked at his pitiful sanity meter fall down pathetically, and greeted Sister Meimei at the door, using it to remind Kris.

"Sister Meimei, he-..."

Before the llo part even left the mouth, and the eyes suddenly went blank, and that hateful and scary face in the shadows then disappeared.

Chi Yu's face went white, and tightly grabbed at the corner of Kris' clothes, "Sister Kris, let's not move separately..."

Kris knitted her eyebrows, she did not want to move separately so rashly either, "But White Night's circumstances are too dangerous..."

And Shadow also did not send out any messages for a very long time already.

"Just now, just now, Sister Meimei was..."

Chi Yu's mouth shut tight.

A scary, pale face with death spots appeared in front of Chi Yu.

Sister Meimei walked inside.

Chi Yu could not even say one word out loud.

"I'm here to ask you your basic information."

Kris pulled away Chi Yu's hand, "I will be back as soon as possible."

Her eyes looked towards Chi Yu in comfort.

「Kris:She didn't attack us just now, right? Relax, I will be back very soon. 」

And at the same time, another message carrying an indescribable fear quickly popped up.

「Shadow:I was always attached to the security guard's shadow, but just now, White Night disappeared from my line of sight!!!!!!!!」

Before Chi Yu could respond, suddenly, a pair of icy-cold hands clutched his chin, and corrected his face, while the fingers, with intent or not, swept over his lower lip.

A wave of goosebumps rose from Chi Yu's body, the pale facial colour made his lips also emerge with a kind of faint anemic pink, and the overly low sanity made him so frail he was like glass candy paper.

When licked upon, it would be sweet, all transparent and easy to break, it would be very easily broken thoroughly by people, wrinkled all into a ball.

Sister Meimei opened her mouth.

"Your name."

Chi Yu's lips shook, and arduously opened slightly, and from the opening and closing lips, one could even see that bit of pink and tender tip of the tongue, pitifully trembling, the damp tip of the tongue hid within the spotless white teeth.

"Ch-Chi Yu..."

Chi Yu who subconsciously reported his real name suddenly felt the air solidify for an instant.

And then, he heard a certain, very deep and low, happy sigh filled with lust.


Just as Chi Yu was going to open his mouth, suddenly, there was something wet and cold licking over his neck, then, on that joint that jutted out the most, it maliciously and playfully licked around.

This made his hairs stand even straighter. The fingers subconsciously grabbed the blanket tight, and he was already considering if he should run away immediately.


As the questioning this side with Chi Yu went on, on the other side, White Night who disappeared in front of Shadow's eyes, was walking at the pitch-black stairs.

His sanity was already at 0.

—— Where is this?

Darkness? No, not it, this is light, yes, this is it.

What am I doing? I am running, someone is chasing me, I need to go far away, the culprit behind is going to kill me.

No! Not it! My direction is wrong, not far away, I should go back, ye-yes, I went in the wrong direction, I am at B1? That's right, I'm at B1, I need to downstairs, I can't go to the elevator, I can't appear in front of the security guard...

White Night's mouth intensely shook, many words that people could not hear clearly spilled out one by one from his mouth.

And then suddenly, he went down along the staircase.

His expression turned warped and mad, he yelled out loudly, and then suddenly quietly and nervously mumbled.

Need to appear in front of the security guard, need to go to the elevator, need to go downstairs, go downstairs, go up the elevator, appear in front of the security guard...

Kris used a shocking speed to hurry to B1.

When she reached B1 along the escalator, the elevator also strangely reached B1.


The elevator opened.

Kris looked over with her breath held in, but there was nothing coming out. She cautiously got close, and also took precautions for a way of escape at any time, then, she looked towards the elevator.

She saw an image that made her in fear the most since the beginning of the survival game.

White Night who parted from them not long ago, with a hard-to-describe shape that seemed like flesh paste, completely stuck in the elevator, yet his facial features still could be made out vaguely, and at the same time, in the party information, White Night's name blacked out.

The horror hospital quest started only two hours ago, and yet there was already someone who died once.