The Hospital Has No Patients at All

The Hospital Has No Patients at All

The questioning still continued.

"Why did you come to the hospital this time?"

Chi Yu swallowed his saliva, his brain started getting dizzy.

At this time and moment, his sanity slowly dropped down with an extremely dangerous speed, and already dropped to 50.

The nurse in front was still waiting for him to answer the question.

"When I was downstairs, I-I sprained my leg."

"Left leg or the right leg?"

Chi Yu arduously answered Sister Meimei's question.

His fierce heartbeat already started gradually slowing down, and the sanity meter barely stayed at 48, except, that thing he could not see, grew even more.

Something that seemed like tentacles, after he said it was the right leg, actually started stroking his calf.

So dizzy.

Chi Yu's nerves were taut, he tried his best to answer the question, yet no matter what, he felt like his consciousness could not take it anymore.

The head is so dizzy... go-going to sleep...

Sister Meimei' pair of eyes pretty much watched him without a single pause. That pair of completely blackened eyes actually flashed with a slight eerie light, "Is the place that sprained still hurting right now?"

Chi Yu's brows slightly wrinkled. He really wanted to use strength to knit them, but no matter what, he couldn't use any strength, a kind of suspicion came at him, was this because of fear? No... hasn't the sanity meter already been stabilized...why...

Before completely fainting over, Chi Yu arduously answered with "a bit".

And the place his eyes were at in the final moment, stopped on the transfusion bottle hanging down.

No way...

Chi Yu pretty much did not know if he should cry or if he should do something else.

Could it be that the Rose's passive was this unfortunate? Clearly it was to avoid accidents, and he already restrained himself and did not use it.

But unfortunately, no matter how Chi Yu struggled, he still fainted, and even did not have time to send a message. After he fainted, Sister Meimei quietly sat there in front of him, and then, she reached out with her hand, and went to touch Chi Yu's face.

But the instant her finger touched Chi Yu, a flame as fiery as hell rose up from her fingertips, she didn't even have time to let out a scream, and already turned into ashes.

In the next second, the ashes disappeared.

On top of the thick records at the nurse's station, the shadow of a pair of hands suddenly appeared, and then, someone took up a pen, then started to compare the few thick and heavy books' records.

Sister Meimei seemed like nothing happened to her at all, just like it was a silent film, and started to repeat the previous motions.

And at the same time, in the elevator at B1, as the doors automatically closed, Kris saw a flame.

Then, White Night's message popped out.

「White Night:I am at the entrance of the main lobby, the security guard's reclining chair is all bloody, where do I go to reconvene with you guys? 」

Kris looked at each person's stats in the group.

She was a bit surprised.

Chi Yu's sanity only had 48 left, but good thing that it did not continue dropping, nothing big should have happened.

「Kris:Shadow, you keep reporting on the security guard's movements, White Night, you continue finding the cellar, I will reconvene with Chi Yu, Chi Yu? You there? 」

Kris originally could have gone to the emergency ward to find that doctor's whereabouts, but she still chose to first confirm Chi Yu's safety. Chi Yu who did not speak in the group made Kris a bit concerned, while the other people, from how the stats look right now, did not have too much of a hard time. They also each said that before finding clues, they would not talk much.

In any case, Kris went back to the fifth floor.

Sister Meimei was flipping over the thick book, recording down something.

She walked by the nurse's station, yet did not think that she would be stopped by Sister Meimei.

"Stop right there, what are you doing?"

Kris' eyes flashed by with a sliver of surprise.

"My little brother is at bed 7, I am here to accompany him."

"Today is New Years Day, there aren't any patients in the hospital at all," The two nurses at the nurse's station stood up, "You are lying!"

「Shadow:The security guard got onto the elevator, he pressed the button for the fifth floor! 」

「Kris:You guys go to B1 to find the cellar. 」

Kris slightly moved her ankles, separated her legs, and vigilantly looked towards the two nurses in front of her.

She could immediately escape from the escalator, but she chose the opposite direction—— the room where bed 7 was.

She used a very quick speed to rush over, and shockingly stopped in her steps.

That place that was originally the patient room was formed into a pitch-black karst cave congested with an ominous air, like a kind of terrifying organism's nest.

However, she didn't have time to do even more, after judging she was lying, the two nurses' figures suddenly warped, and they used a speed hard for normal people to reach to chase Kris, so she had to give up on Chi Yu, then turned and rushed towards the staircase—— at the instant she pushed open the door to the staircase, she suddenly recalled White Night's strange death.

A kind of unspeakable sixth sense told her she could not choose the staircase. Kris turned over, and with the back leaning on the door to the staircase, she watched the similarly madly pursuing two nurses, and then her body slightly turned.

She grabbed one and kicked the other, and sent both into the staircase.

However, afterwards, the security guard holding the stun baton came down from the elevator.

And on the other side, Chi Yu was instead completely sunk into a deep sleep.

His eyebrows were still slightly knit, appearing with a slightly pitiful white colour. The entire person was completely laid on the patient bed, but the sweatpants and t-shirt were instead flipped open.

The air emerged with a figure.

It was Gu Wen Qiao, but at this time, he had long hair.

But at this moment, he seemed to be a bit different- he carried Chi Yu up, then placed him into a position where he was leaning on him, just like when they were in the theatre, but afterwards, he was suddenly discontent. He put the person back to the bed, and then drew up the pant leg of Chi Yu's right leg.

Beneath the black sweatpants, a porcelain-white, beautifully-curved calf was exposed, a pair of hands grabbed it, and started kneading it inch by inch.

The entire room's floorboards were spread with a layer of thick and heavy viscous black liquid, and suddenly, a blob of liquid rose up from within, then slowly formed into a human figure—— and turned into another Gu Wen Qiao.

This Gu Wen Qiao clutched Chi Yu's chin, and extended a snake-like split long tongue, then pressed it on Chi Yu's tightly closed soft lips and licked it.

The Gu Wen Qiao half-kneeling on the floor grabbing the calf did not stop it.

Because they were all him.

Chi Yu nervously whimpered.

But this bit of unease wasn't able to exchange for the invader's retreat, the tongue entered his oral cavity, and greedily went into the deeper part of the throat, all the way until Chi Yu gagged as a conditional reflex, and the corners of the eyes seeped with a bit of tears, but did not stop and instead turned even more excited.

Because this gag made the muscles tighten up, and appeared like a kind of fervent pressure.

And on the other side.

The tongue licked up the barren calf.