Chapter74-Gene Evolution Research Manual, Science Research or Lunatic's Diary!(1st update, Cheer me with Power Stones!)

Daniel's show of strength had everyone reeling.

If raising the bid by 10,000 each time was akin to treating money as nothing, then upping the bid by 200,000 now was akin to treating money as trash to be thrown away.

Everyone was flabbergasted.

"Is this the financial strength of an appraisal master?"

"The highest bid was 300,000, and he raises it by 200,000 directly, how are we supposed to deal with that?"

"Deal with it? Get outta here!"

"I think Matt should just throw in the towel."

"Even if the safes have cash in them, they might not even hold 500,000."

"He's truly ruthless."

Matt was seething, not at Daniel, but at his own fear.

Just a moment ago, he was proclaiming that he would never let Daniel snatch another container from him.

Yet now, facing the sky-high bid of 500,000, he found himself faltering, not daring to raise the bid further.

That's 500,000 StellarCoins!

Not some worthless paper money from a third-world country.