Chapter75-I Bet You're Out of Bullets!(2nd update, Cheer me with Power Stones!)

The usually nonchalant Lexio's face turns dark in an instant. Leaning forward, he seizes Sago Martin's hair, asking menacingly, "Who'd you sell it to?" Sago Martin grimaces and spits.

The bloodied saliva lands on Lexio's face.

The crowd around them goes dead silent.

This old man, he's courting death!

Unexpectedly, Lexio doesn't retaliate.

He wipes the spit off his face and continues his questioning, "Who'd you sell it to?"

Sago Martin remains silent.

He knows that if he spills the beans, it will invite trouble for Daniel.

Seeing as the Black Hat Gang virtually rules Libertopia, even having its fingers in the political pie, Sago Martin, whose life was saved by Daniel, would not betray him.

Lexio bursts into a cold laugh. "You decrepit fool, my patience only extends so far because I pity your sorry state. It's not because I have to ask you."

"I'll ask you one last time, who did you sell the land to?"