Chapter76-Why the Hell Does He Still Have Bullets? Is He Cheating or What?(1st update, Cheer me with Power Stones!)

The moment Conrad finished speaking, his underlings responded immediately, lifting their guns ready to rush out.

However, what greeted them was a flurry of bullets from Daniel's relentless onslaught.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Each shot precisely hit those who dared to show themselves.

The first to charge out was immediately cut down.

Conrad was left confused. "Why?" he thought. "Why does he still have bullets? Could he be using an extended magazine?"

That must be it. Even though he had never seen anyone modify a Desert Eagle like that before, there wasn't any other explanation.

A Desert Eagle uses large bullets.

Even with an extended magazine, it wouldn't hold more than ten rounds.

Conrad pondered for a moment before shouting, "Keep firing, don't give him a chance to reload!"

He perked his ears, focused entirely on the sound of gunfire.

He didn't believe that Daniel had loaded magazines ready beforehand.