Dark Absentia: Blood Infernal Chapter Eighteen

Eddie and Bob unload their weapons on the three incoming flaming monsters. I push James toward Detective Giannetti and the two sprint for the fire escape.


A loud explosion rattles my ears. I let loose on the monsters attacking. Bob lobs a few more grenades at them, causing them to shatter. I cover my ears as the explosives go off.

"Move your asses!" I shouted, providing cover for them.

The explosion damaged the roof enough that the three creatures fell in. I keep firing on the big one that once was a city cop. It took the entire mag to force it down.

"Come on, Thomas! It's fucking clear!" Bob yelled.

The vet didn't have to tell me twice. I hauled my ass over and climbed the ladder to the fire escape. Just as we got down the alleyway, a window blew above us. A fireball slammed into the adjacent building. We didn't stand a chance out in the open. I heard the screeching tires of a car. All five of us turn around to see a black SUV. When the door opens, a man yells for us to get inside, and we follow him in.

"Come on! That's Olivier Roberts! He's with the Mayor!" Eddie shouted.

We didn't have time to waste. The two of the big ones dropped down behind us. Bob lobs the last of his grenades with an extra package, a brick of C4. 'Where the hell did, he get that?' I got in the back on the other side just as the bomb went off. Olivier peeled out of there with extreme prejudice, running over another in the middle of the street. The man was quick on his feet, turning down the next road right as a ball of fire hurdled behind us. He didn't stop there. Olivier ran straight through the checkpoint, blasting thru the two patrol cars blocking our escape. Bullets hit the front and back of the vehicle. My heart damn near exploded as a stray bullet hit the glass where my head was. I let out a sigh of relief. The glass must have been bulletproofed, and I got reassurance from the driver.

"This beast of a vehicle is fully armored with the works. Bulletproof windows to reinforced armor plates and chassis. Not even an RPG can harm this baby," Olivier stated.

"I can't believe there's that many Infernals out during the day. Shit, if they're out, then what's coming at night?" James blurted.

"What are you talking about, Welsey?" I questioned.

"They're called Infernals. That's what a priest named Fisher called them. Jason Colt and I met with him a few times during my investigation. Shit, I didn't believe a word he said, but Jason did. Not until that night at my apartment. Jason believed the priest when he said those were just the minions. Humans who fucking sold their soul to aid the real got damn monster," James explained.

"You have to be shitting me!" Gravino snapped. "Are you saying these are demons or that there are actual demons?" he went on.

"I'm saying that Jason told me stories of the shit he'd seen in the Afghanistan desert. The shit he'd seen would make these assholes look like child's play compared to them. And those are just the old ones. I'm saying there's worse shit than this coming," James revealed.

"Where is Fisher???" I asked.

"You already know where he was last seen. I know you heard about the church burning upstate. That killed all those people. It's happening all over the damn country. Hell, it's happening all over the fucking world!" James snapped.

"Keep your damn cool, James. Once we get back to Bellevue, we can sort all this shit show out," Gravino said.

James had a right to lose his shit. I was losing my shit as well because Bob and Eddie knew what we were dealing with now. Knowing there were things leagues worse than those fiends in the desert will chill anyone's blood. And we knew what happened at night. I texted Kyle and Tate, telling them to protect their family. Hannah's sisters were already at Bellevue, but Rachael had two other sisters also. One older and one younger. Both of them took care of their Mother and Grandmother. Someone had to go get them. I couldn't let Kyle down like that, and I know Eddie wasn't about to either. Eddie made the first move, as I expected.

"Hey, let me out here," Eddie said.

Olivier didn't question the man and pulled over to park the SUV. No one was following us at the moment. He got out of the car, and so did I. Bob was right behind us.

"Gravino, make sure these two get to the Hospital. When you get there, talk the Captains into barricading every entrance. Get the word to the other two hospitals and the local news stations. The Mayor can help with that," I explained.

"You really believe all this?" Gravino questioned.

"I've seen what James is talking about. We were there with Jason Colt during those nightmares. It's all true, Gravino," I revealed.

"Alright, Alright, but you and Eddie better get your asses back safety," the Detective said.

"We gotta make a quick stop before then. Mayor Barnes has three kids that she homeschools. I heard the radio talking about the schools being evacuated. Someone in the government has to know something terrible is going down, but those kids won't have a way out. I have to go get them.," Olivier said.

"Buddy, you don't have to tell us. Do what you gotta do," I stated.

He nodded, and I closed the door so they could leave. Bob was already busy committing grand theft larceny. Considering the circumstances, I could overlook this infraction. Eddie was already texting away on his cell. At least we still had cell service for now. I pulled out my phone myself and filled Cook in. Kremer and my Captain weren't the problems now. The three remaining Chiefs were. They had no idea of the impending danger that was coming. Hannah sent a text saying her sisters were indeed fine. So were the others. I wish Parker or Jason had told us what they were going through. Hell, Henry should have told Ben or me. 'Maybe they'd be alive now. Or we'd be dead with them.' In all those cases, Tate and I were working. The cases Kyle and Eddie were on. They were all connected, and we couldn't connect the dots.

"Come on, guys! Time to go," Bob said. "Where to?" he added.

Eddie told him where to go. Racheal already informed them we were coming to get them.

"What about you, Bob? Got anyone we need to pick up in the city?" I asked.

"Nope, my family's down in West Texas. Both my Ex-wives took my kids down back home. Don't worry; my dad and theirs are already taking precautions," Bob said.

The drive to get Rachael's family was surreal. I couldn't believe people were going about their everyday business. There are no signs of people leaving, even though two news stations have urged residents to either bunker down or leave. Then, something James said hit me. People that sold their souls were minions and became Infernals. That thought was disturbing. People were going through a nightmarish situation while others were either helping the monsters or ignoring them. The whole thing made my stomach sink. I thought back to General Murphy. He was the unit commander of Blue Specter. If anyone was behind the evacuations, it was him. 'Maybe I should get in contact with the surviving team members.'

Bob pulled the stolen gray land rover into the parking garage of Rachael's sister's apartment. They lived on the eightieth floor. The cost of living in a place like this is quite expensive. I hadn't been to Racheal's apartment in a while. All I knew is the five of them lived together. Eddie and I didn't really get along with Rory, the youngest, or Madison, the eldest sister. I'm sure they wouldn't believe a word we would say.

"Alright, boys, let's go get the damsels in distress," Bob said.

"Keep that kind of shit to yourself, or the Kyle sister's will put a hole in your chest right after they do us in first," Eddie countered.

"Damn, these broads are that ruthless?" Bob asked.

"Bob, you have no idea what these two firecrackers will do," I stated.

"We better hurry and pray the elevator works," Eddie said.

"What? Are you telling me an expensive place like this doesn't keep up maintenance?" Bob countered.

"Seriously? After the shit, we just saw?" Eddie countered.

"Point taken," Bob admitted.

I took point, leading our small three-man party to the ground elevator. Surprisingly it opens. The three of us pile in, still thinking about the last time we were in this situation. I hit the button for the eightieth floor. The doors closed, and a jolt got the thing moving. Bob pumped his shotgun, breaking the silence. It was prudent to reload my AR rifle, and it sounded like Eddie was doing the same. Eddie's phone rang, and he picked up. My brother's face was white as the man hung up. He checked his two pistols and shotgun. 'Fuck, that bad?' Eddie didn't need to say anything. Rachael's family was in trouble. As the elevator suddenly halted abruptly, the three of us were thrown around like a bunch of toys.

The doors opened slowly. "Well, shit," Bob blurted.