Chapter 19 - Forever

The doors fell open as I stepped onto the marbled floors in front of the entrance of the mistress' manor. It was as if I'd been gone for months I couldn't seem to remember what this place looked like. But I ignored the weird feeling and immediately made my way inside the house.

"Young girl," I expected to see the Duchess right when I walked in but it was Martha who awaited me. "How was your trip?" she asked me.

Even Martha looked different. She seemed to have looked even older. Not that she had not always been old when I walked out just a few days before. But the wrinkles on her face seemed to have appeared even clearer.

'It went well,' I said. I know I couldn't disclose any more information to her about what had exactly happened in the main palace. How I almost died and found out about the Prince's relationship with his father. 'Where is the Mistress?" I asked.

"Why do you ask?" she asked me back.

Remembering what the Prince said before I left his palace,

'Go take the belongings that you want. Do not bring too much as all your needs will be provided by the palace.'

It has only been a few hours since I was told to move into the palace. I knew this was all part of the plan. I knew I was going to come at this point someday. But it caught me off-guard by how fast things went. I expected a few more days or even months. I haven't even thought about personal plans in my mind.

And considering he invited me in so casually.

The palace is huge. I knew my life would become even better. But knowing I would get myself near those people worries me.

But I know I can manage as long as I have the stone and I keep my mouth shut.

'I need to get something from her,'

"What is it?"

'Something..." I couldn't add any more words and decided to find her myself but she stopped me by holding my arm and pulling me back to where I was.

"What is going on? Why are you in a rush?"

I am not in a rush.

'I am moving into the palace,' I told her.

"Isn't it too early to move in?" she asked me. I remembered she didn't know everything that was happening. But I couldn't spare time to tell her because I was asked to come back today.

'I'll tell you everything when I come back," I said and tried to get past her again but she stopped me again.

"The mistress left together with her husband," I immediately turned back and looked at her to know if I heard it right. "They shall return in a few weeks," she said and walked even closer. "Just what is it that you want from the mistress?" she asked concerned of what was happening. I definitely knew she was already thinking that something is going on between me and the mistress.

but only then when I realized what she just said. The Mistress left with my necklace's whereabouts not being disclosed. 

I looked at Martha and she doesn't seem like she wants to say something else. Something that would make me delighted like telling me the mistress wanted to give something to me before she left.

but it never came.

and only then I felt extremely worried.



I went back again to the Prince's palace the next day together with my things in nothing but a suitcase. I was ashamed to come here only carrying this medium-sized suitcase with nothing but simple clothes. I didn't bring any other clothes from the Count's manor as I had worn a maid's uniform almost the entire time I was there.

"Good Day, my Lady!" Anton greeted me as soon as I arrived in the palace. I bowed slightly to acknowledge his greetings. He then took me to the room the Prince showed me just yesterday. I couldn't believe I'd be living here for the next years of my life. And they were good enough to provide me with such luxury just to fool their people and the King.

"I will be informing the Prince of your arrival, My Lady. Please enjoy your new room." Anton left with a thud by the door.

The Prince said nothing but told me to move into the palace the next day. Something must've happened. I think the reason why he suddenly made me move has something to do with the letter they got from the King's palace yesterday. 

I sighed at the sight of the room. Spacious and quiet. I've been occupied by the thought of the stone not being around me. I might just die in the middle of the meal in this place if I don't get my hands on it soon.

I carefully unpacked my things from Martha's suitcase and carefully placed them somewhere I saw fit. It was the first time that I had found myself in the wardrobe. And it's full of clothes for every season in all colors. There were shoes of all colors and shapes, and headdresses that matched well with the paired outfits. When I look at the dresses inside, I can see that I'd look like I will be attending a ball every single day.

It was far too different from the clothes I am accustomed to. But I expect nothing less from the Prince's palace.

To free my mind, I decided to tour myself inside the room. I went into the huge bathroom, even larger than the bathroom in the room the other night. The closet looks like a whole room. There's a living area within the room and the most interesting part of all. 

The vanity table with jewelries of different kinds and colors. I decided to look at everything inside of the drawers and to my surprise, he was actually not lying when he said everything I need will be provided.

That must be how much they're willing to give me for taking part of this scheme that can cost me my entire life.

I glanced at the ring on my finger. I wasn't able to appreciate it when I had it. My eyes caught a similar ring with a red stone on it but it doesn't seem to have the same bright appearance as this stone on my ring.

The ring he gave me for this fake engagement. I wonder if he thought hard about what ring to get or did he just took the sparkliest ring he had on his finger.

I wonder how much my life would change after moving in this palace. The drastic change could be bad and it could be good. I may not know how much we're going to last and be able to hide everything we've been hiding, but what concerns me the most is being able to get my stone back and live a long and happy life.

Even if it means gambling the life that I have today.

I didn't notice myself staring at the ring on my finger until I was interrupted by a noise coming from the door. Someone was knocking outside and as mute that I am, I just waited for the person to speak.

But the door opened instead and it revealed Kairus in the most dashing robe I've ever seen on him. His wet long hair clings on the skin of his chest peeking out of the robe he was wearing.

His eyes showed no emotion as he looked at me when he opened the door and saw me sitting on the vanity.

I stood up despite being stunned by how the man looked very beautiful after how it seemed like just coming out of the bathroom.

I bowed and heard him close the door and walk closer.

"How do you like it?" he asks.

'It's good Your Highness'

No, it's too much. I've never owned that many things in my whole entire life. I am overwhelmed by this.

It's definitely exaggerated considering that I might not be able to wear everything in this life span.

"Good," he says. I never thought he'd ever be concerned about how well I'd be able to live in his palace.

To be honest, he can just give me a maid's room and put up this room and let me use it only when needed. Just like how the Mistress only gave me a few pair of clothes and a maid uniform and kept that on for years. 

But instead, they really made me feel like I'm a living Princess. Like a real princess that I was going to pretend I was. 

I didn't need this many things. 

"Be sure to be comfortable. You'll be living here forever."

Forever is a confusing word though, your Highness.

What does forever even mean? Is it a lifetime or an eternity? What is the difference between both? A lifetime ends a person's all eternity.

And how am I suddenly curious?