Chapter 20 - Mysterious Couch

It's my second day officially living in the palace. And I've done nothing so far aside from locking myself inside my room.

I thought about going out to see the maids or visiting their working areas to get to know them. Only to realize that I cannot speak to them and nor can they speak to me.

It's useless to watch them and be able to say nothing.

That is why I spent my first few days reading in my room and only going out for supper where I see Prince Kairus only 3 times a day.

And now I am reading the last few pages of the last book on the shelf. I don't even like it but I forced myself to read it because I am desperate to have something to do.

And the time came when I finally ended the book. I dropped the book and spread myself on my bed. I started staring at the ceiling like a madman. I've got a fair share of sunlight in my room thanks to the balcony. It kept me sane and alive up until now.

I eat so I sometimes have the reason to be outside the room. One time I ate inside my room because the Prince was away. I could just eat with the maids if they were away.

At this point, I would gladly take the role of a maid if it means I can have decent human interaction.

Eating with the Prince is not decent at all. He's just a snobby little child who likes the idea of not talking to me after asking me to be part of all of this.

After minutes of contemplating, I've decided to make my way out of the room for once. This is the first time going out without being called by the maids for supper.

I was thinking about going out to the garden.

When I realized the Prince's study, the biggest library I'd ever seen was just the door in front of my room.

How can we be as close this whole time and never feel each other's lives?

I was gonna walk past it but the urge to walk through all his books and choose whatever catches my interest hits me.

I touched the handle secretly hoping he was not inside. I looked around to make sure no one saw that I am going in.

It's not like he has ever told me not to enter the library, instead he even told me he's not going to throw all the books away cause I'm here. That basically means that I am allowed to use it.

I don't know why I think entering the Prince's private study room seems inappropriate when I already know this.

but still, I will thank all the Gods if there's no one inside.

I clicked on the handle to open the door and when I looked at his table, he thankfully wasn't there.

Thank you the God of Elvians, Magicians, Normal people, ogres, witches, mermaids, and all creatures I never heard about.

I walked in and the heels of my shoes resonated as they hit the marbled floor of the room. I can never seem to get over it. This room is everything I can ever wish for. I can put up a bed here.

Now that I think of it, a seat is added near the Prince's table. A couch to be exact. It can fit about three people and that big of a piece of furniture would've caught my eye. I know that wasn't there before.

I brushed the mystery couch off my shoulder and walked my way to the shelves.

I am walking in an aisle of books.

I can't believe it, it's so amazing. Everywhere I look, a title interests me. I'm having a hard time choosing which one to read first.

Before I knew it, I was already strolling around the Prince's library for hours trying to collect books I wanted to read. I was checking out what seems to be the 5th book I'm going to read in the next few days when I heard the click of the door knob followed by the creak of the door opening.

Without even thinking why, I panicked and immediately hid myself with the books I had on hand.

I shouldn't have taken my time strolling around. I knew he was gonna come in here. This is his study.

I tried not to breathe hard and kept silent in a corner. His footsteps suggest that he has already taken a seat in his study.

What if he works for the rest of the day? I'm going to be stuck in this corner for hours.

What is he even working on anyway? I thought he was already kicked out of the throne.

But then I heard the footsteps growing farther and another click and creak from the door.

I made sure he was out by making sure there's no footsteps coming back to the seat. When I was finally satisfied with the silence, I immediately sneaked my way out.

When I saw the door, I walked as fast as I could to reach it and finally got out of the room. But as I was making my way towards the door, my eyes caught a glistening red by the table.

I froze and made a stop. I knew I shouldn't face that way but I slowly did hoping I was wrong. And that he wasn't there watching me sneak out of his study with a pile of books wrapped in my arms.

And I was right. He was indeed standing there, leaning on the closest wall by his table with his arms closed and his eyes glistening through the partial darkness.

The panic struck me hard and I froze with our eyes in contact.

"Were you hiding?" he asked. It was the first time he had decided to start a conversation with me in 2 days.

I made a bow in front of him and didn't know what to answer.

"Were you hiding?" his tone hinted a bit of impatience as he repeated the question.

Panic made me shake my head in hopes that he'd believe me when I said that I wasn't hiding.

"Then what are you doing, tip-toed walking out of my study?"

It made me realize how obvious my position looked and made me regret even trying to lie my way out.

'I'm sorry,' I signed despite the pile of books in my hand.

"Why were you hiding?"

How does he not feel that I do not like to talk about it? What is it to him that I am sneaking out?

'That's actually not the case,'

"Then what is?" he asked again.

He stayed there with his arms closed and his eyes brooding. It made it even harder to answer.

"Sit down," he commanded as he sat down to his table.

What? Why is he suddenly telling me to sit? Doesn't he feel that his presence is tormenting me?

I looked around and the only seat was the mysterious couch that suddenly appeared in his study.

'You see, I wasn't actually hiding,' I tried to explain. 'I actually knew you were there and tip-toed so I don't disturb you working,'



I tried not to make an obvious reaction that he was right about that.

"Sit down," he commanded me again. "Anton placed the couch for you to read," he said and started to go through a pile of papers on his table.

The couch is for me?

I pursed my lips and awkwardly made my way to the couch to sit down.

I put the books down and sat there for a few seconds watching him go through the pages of papers on his table. knocked on the wood to catch his attention.'What do I do here, Your Highness?'

The awkwardness torments me and he seems to not pay any attention to how it feels like sitting here like an idiot.

He should've just let me go

"Read," he answers.

I pursed my lips again and tried to smile as I took one of the books and went through the pages without reading it.

I don't like this setup. I can't read if he'd sit there knowing he just caught me lacking.

But a sudden knock raised my hopes up.

The door opened and it was Anton.


"Your Highness," he greets him with a bow, "Lady," he greets me too.

I gave him a smile although I noticed a bow that I did not deserve.

"You seem pretty comfortable with the couch his Highness has put up for you," he smiled at me.

My eyes went flying to the Prince who was eyeing death staring at Anton at the moment.

Did he put this up or did Anton put this up? I'm confused. Is he lying?

"It's perfect timing because we will now be heading out, would you like to come with us, My Lady?" he suddenly asks me.

But all I can focus on is the Prince standing out of his seat avoiding eye contact to me. He gave Anton another glare and walked his way out like a child stomping his feet.

"What did I do?" Anton asks innocently.

I gave him a 'I don't know' look even though I knew he was making a fuss about me finding out that he just lied.