Chapter 21 - A Duel

Was he embarrassed? I don't think I've given him the idea of me thinking something else about the kind gesture of giving me a place to sit in his own study and library though.

It's a treatment more than I can ever imagine I would be getting in this palace.

Well, despite the fact that I gave him nothing to be embarrassed about, he still decided to be a toddler the whole ride to the destination.

Does he feel embarrassed about being kind?


Because I'm a woman and he used to not like my existence?

But thank God, Anton was inside the carriage the whole ride and decided to babble about the places we passed by. And that's how I survived going to the destination.

Having no idea, I was surprised to know that we got our way to a training ground.

And to think that my whole knowledge about the Prince's existence is that he was hiding, and yet I see him walking past a crowd of people.

This isn't the kind of hiding I was expecting. These people might not know he's the Prince they've been forgetting. And they don't even know it was him standing and walking before them. The Prince who was once seated for the crown is now being treated like a normal citizen of the kingdom.

I wanted to ask Anton what we were doing here but I know he won't be able to understand the question anyway.

So I decided to walk a little bit faster and catch up to the Prince who knew he was the only one I could communicate with but decided to avoid me anyway.

He didn't stop walking so fast so I decided to reach for him and tap him gently. But he gave me a rather angry gaze that immediately disappeared and that put me into caution. For a moment, I felt a hint of tension in me and I was scared something could've happened.

'I just want to know what we'll be doing here,' I quickly throw in the question,

"Training," he replied very shortly and continued walking fast.

I don't understand him.

"My lady," I heard Anton call me. "I know the look sent an off vibe but, the Prince doesn't appreciate being touched."

That made me freeze for a bit upon realizing what I just did.

I gave Anton the most readable 'Got it,' sign and continued walking with him.

But he was walking so fast I didn't know what else to do. I may not have thought hard about it.

I'm glad he didn't snap at me.

After walking past 4 training grounds, we finally got to what looks like a ring for public battling. And there weren't people sitting down the benches to watch.

It was me and Anton and the Prince who somewhat magically disappeared.

"Please take a seat," Anton gestured a seat for me the nearest I could get to the battle ring.

I want to know what is going to happen now but I can't.

Is this training? His training? What does he train for?

My mind gave me a lot of questions before a man who looked like he's been training his whole life showed up in the battle ring and bowed to Anton. Anton replied to his greeting with a bow too.

With a scar on his right cheek, I already know he's been through hard battles in his lifespan. He wore a casual training outfit pretty much the same as the ones I've seen other men wear when we passed by the training grounds.

A loose white shirt and simple brown loose pants. It must be convenient for combats.

And what intrigued me the most was his Weapon. It was a very big sword that I didn't know I might be able to lift up. It is a double-ended weapon that has huge blades on both ends. The blades were molded in distinct shapes and had blue patterns on them. It was beautiful. It looked like it was glowing especially when it got hit by the sunlight.

I never knew seeing magicians with their weapons would be such a cool sight.

"That's Ethaniel," says Anton sitting on my side."One of the strongest palace soldiers who fought many wars."

I wanted to know why they were in contact with a palace man when they hated the main palace.

"He's one of the Prince's most trusted friends,"

A friend? I didn't know he could have friends.

And he's friends with a palace soldier.

A door suddenly opens and there comes Prince Kairus in his all-black combat suit with red pattern details. Dressed in a black sleeveless turtle neck and loose pants, he was striding his way up front with all his glory. His long hair was flowing gracefully after him. A new sight.

I remember only being able to see him in a new style of clothes when we had tea in the palace where I got called in for an audience. 

His clothes reveal his thick arms that I never knew existed before. While I was wondering what sickness he had, he'd been growing his build by then.

His body proportion shows that he does not always haul up in his room and his study. He has to be here more than 2 days a week doing something for his body to look like that.

And he's with a sword weapon. It was all black and had no pattern on it. It looked like a normal sword but mysteriously black in color.

Are they going to be in a duel?

Is this his training?

When he reached the ring, he started talking with Ethaniel. And another man showed up and he clearly doesn't look like he's going to be on a duel. It's the Prince and Ethaniel we'll be watching today.

While they were talking, I noticed Ethaniel glancing up in our direction and asking him something I could not hear. He must be asking what I am doing here and who I am.

Or he could be asking how he brought a woman in here when he swore to his bones that he doesn't like my species.

And the Prince answers his question unamused and calmly.

"Let's Begin!" the man in the ring together with the two yelled at the top of his lungs and suddenly, more people came in and made their way to the seats to watch.

I mean, it shouldn't be surprising to see this man fight, right? I mean, he's a Prince. He's been away for years but he is still a Prince. He must've had great training before.

The two were positioned on the opposite side of the battle ring and suddenly it turned so small.

Both of them almost have the same height except Ethaniel is a little taller. They both show the same physique. This fight wouldn't be deadly since it's just training.

Suddenly, I was agitated and couldn't seem to stand my ground.

Suddenly, a drum boomed and the duel started.

Nothing like the training I was expecting, they both attacked each other at the same force and abnormal speed I couldn't keep up.

All I can hear is howling and cheering and the sound of blades striking against each other. It was chaotic.

I am not a duel cryptic but Ethaniel sure is good at manipulating his weapon. He charges in full strength and speed and I can't imagine how powerful his attacks must've been.

But the Prince on another hand is unexpectedly good at managing his attacks and making sure nothing lands on his skin. He does it looking as if it was the easiest thing to do.

And it kept going and going until it was time for his attacks.

Dealing with that double-ended sword may not have been easy. But when he attacked, it sounded as if the blade was going to break.

He moves just as fast as Ethaniel making sure that he blocks and dodges every attack his opponent makes at the same time as he try to make use of his sword to hurt his opponent.

Their skills was matched very well.

Where did he get all these forces from? All I know is that he was sick and cursed and he had to let go of his throne. What can he not do if he's got this strong power with just his bare strength?

Where did this all come from?

Hiding in his palace for years and years?

And I was there watching him swiftly do his powerful attacks as if it were easy and I was thinking about the things I mustn't do to make him angry.

One strong hit and I'd be flying.

And on that note, the duel ended with the Prince's sword against Ethaniel's neck.

The crowd makes a loud noise.

Although their skills were matched, it wasn't totally even.

They were panting and the man started shouting as loud has he could.

"Round Two! Ready!"

and the rest of the crowd shouts even more.