I Have to Learn Mathematics to Cultivate?

Zhao Meng did not ask when Qing Xuan would return.

Therefore, he rested for a while and decided to go to the library that Qing Xuan mentioned to look for cultivation techniques.

The Demon Subduing Temple was very huge.

The library was some distance away from where Zhao Meng lived.

Zhao Meng found Bai Geng again and asked him to lead the way.

Bai Geng did not reject this and brought Zhao Meng to the library.

After this short period of interaction and observation along the way, Zhao Meng realized that Bai Geng seemed to be a little antisocial.

Bai Geng rarely responded to the people he met on the way.

At most, he would just nod.

Zhao Meng, who had observed this phenomenon, vaguely came to a conclusion.

Under normal circumstances, given Bai Geng's attitude, he would be easily isolated by others.

However, despite Bai Geng's coldness, others still wanted to stick close to him.

"This Bai Geng's status in the Demon Subduing Temple is probably not ordinary!"

This situation made Zhao Meng curious about Bai Geng's identity, especially his mother.

Unfortunately, he only knew Qing Xuan in the Demon Subduing Temple.

Bai Geng was also a quiet person. There were many things that he was unwilling to say, especially regarding his identity, Bai Geng was even more unwilling to say a word.

Seeing this situation, it was not appropriate for him to ask further.

"We're here!"

Fifteen minutes later, a strange building appeared in front of Zhao Meng.

Half of the building was underground, and he could only see the conical roof at a glance.

"This is the library!"

Bai Geng notified him. Then, he came to the entrance of a stone staircase and quickly walked down.

Seeing this, Zhao Meng hurriedly followed.

Then, he saw that Bai Geng stopped at the bottom of the stone stairs. In front of Bai Geng, there was a white jade statue that was as tall as two people.

The object carved from the white jade looked like a lion or tiger. It was a demon beast that Zhao Meng had never seen before.

"Exalted Immortal, this is the Geng Gold Guardian. Just show it the jade token!"

Zhao Meng, who had already reached the bottom of the stone stairs, showed the jade token that Qing Xuan had given him. With a flash of white light, a door of light appeared in front of Zhao Meng.

"Exalted Immortal, just enter this door!"

When Zhao Meng heard that, he was about to step into the door of light.

However, the moment he stepped in, he suddenly thought of something.

He turned around and looked at Bai Geng.

At this moment, Bai Geng's gaze was not on Zhao Meng.

Instead, he looked at the white jade statue in front of him with a complicated expression.

Seeing this scene, Zhao Meng fell into deep thought.

"Bai Geng, Geng Gold Guardian, is there any connection between the two?

"It can't be!"

"Could it be that the Cloud Heredity and Reproduction Isolation Challenger can affect the stone…"

Zhao Meng wanted to continue thinking.

However, as the world spun, his thoughts were interrupted.

A new world appeared before his eyes.

An unimaginably huge library appeared in front of him.

There was no administrator in the library.

Only a large number of books and jade sticks floated there, waiting for someone to read them.

Seeing so many books, he temporarily put Bai Geng's matter to the back of his mind.

Zhao Meng turned around and saw that the door of light was still there. He stepped into the library.

As soon as he entered the library, he saw three books shining with golden light floating in an extremely conspicuous place.

Behind the books, there was a huge stone tablet with the words "Demon Subduing Temple's Righteous Techniques" written on it.

There were also some small words under the big words.

When Zhao Meng finished reading these small words, a surprised expression appeared on his face.

"These three books are actually the core cultivation techniques of the Demon Subduing Temple!"

"But generally speaking, shouldn't this kind of cultivation techniques be hidden in the deepest part of the place, and only be cultivated by some true disciple?"

"What was the point of putting them in such a conspicuous position at the entrance?"

Out of curiosity, Zhao Meng picked up one of the cultivation techniques and read it.


"What is written here?

"There are three Yang energy gathering chains."

"The first combines the initial energy to obtain the middle energy, releases positive vibration, releases mildness, and restrains the dissipation as the law!"

"The middle one uses the Art of Fleeing and the middle energy to release mildness, obtain the end energy, and obtain magnificent power."

"The last one is dangerous and needs to be taught in person by the master…"

"The first cultivation method requires the Yang energy to be drawn. It uses heat to nurture the core and pressure to simplify…"

Zhao Meng only read a few pages before he felt a headache.

"No wonder it's placed here so openly. If there's no one to teach it, I'm afraid it'll be difficult to cultivate with just this obscure cultivation technique!

"I'm really envious of the protagonists in those movies and novels…"

Zhao Meng recalled some movies and literature from his previous life.

Those who picked up a cultivation technique and could learn it on their own without needing to be taught were extremely talented.

In his previous life, he was just an ordinary person.

If he really had such talent, he would have long self-taught and got into Qingbei University.

After all, in his era, knowledge was already abundant. On a certain website, those key middle school and high school online classes were readily available.

The knowledge he had learned was right there, and the courses of those famous schools were also included.

However, he was unwilling to take another look. He would rather look at the beautiful dancer next door.

Zhao Meng shook his head and placed the cultivation technique back on the bookshelf. At this moment, he saw the name of this cultivation technique again—Yang Consolidation.

Beside this cultivation technique were two other cultivation techniques.

"Burning Yang" and "Split Yang", respectively.

Zhao Meng browsed through the two cultivation techniques, but the content was still obscure.

"Forget it! Perhaps I can obtain enough knowledge here to understand the meaning of these cultivation techniques!"

Looking at the sea of books in front of him, Zhao Meng put the three cultivation techniques away and calmed himself down. Then, he held his breath and buried himself in them.

In the sea of books, time stood still.

After some time, Zhao Meng's hair was also a little messy and his expression became a little anguished, as if he had constipation.

If he just studied the history and culture of this world and learned about the anecdotes, then, driven by interest, he might be happy in the process.

But now, Zhao Meng had finally found the explanation of the terms in the Yang Consolidation cultivation technique.

However, the explanation of just one of the terms was a thick book.

At this moment, Zhao Meng was holding a book called the Medium Classic.

He held the book and looked up and down. He could not rest in peace. Then, he forcefully plucked one word from the book:


"In this world, do I have to learn mathematics to cultivate?

"Holy shit!"

Zhao Meng originally thought that transmigrating was ridiculous enough.

However, he did not expect that cultivating in this world was even more ridiculous.

At first, Zhao Meng was a little delighted when he saw this. After all, he had received nine years of compulsory education.

In this ancient world, a little mathematical problem would be a piece of cake.

However, Zhao Meng felt that he had been dealt a blow after reading the Medium Classic.

"Those of medium grade can counter-measure the number of Yang energies."

"There is a constant in the world, which is the constant of consumption, and the density of the medium state can be disturbed by the seismic number to obtain the number of the medium dispersions."

"The three chains, namely the moment element, the fission constant, and the intermediate-state dense phase chain, are slightly accumulated by the number of dispersions, and one side can be obtained…"

Zhao Meng threw the Medium Classic to the side and thought to himself, "If cultivation is like this, then I won't be able to cultivate it.

"It's better to find demonic stones and shorten the cooldown period of the simulation system as soon as possible!

"Compared to cultivation, biology should be simpler than mathematics…"