Glad to get a Son

Paternal Bloodline Pressure Technique

Using the power of the bloodline to influence the descendants…

Zhao Meng frowned from time to time as he read the animal-skin scroll he took out.

Eighteen years ago, when he obtained this animal-skin scroll, because he did not have any descendants, he did not read it seriously.

Now that he looked at it again, he realized that the technique recorded in this animal skin was actually so strange.

In the animal world, as the cubs grow up and learn hunting skills, and after they could survive independently, their parents would expel them from the territory and let them fend for themselves.

Many demons in the demonic realm had maintained this habit for a long time in the past.

It was only when the humans and the demons collided that the demons learned a great deal about culture from the humans and gradually evolved into a civilization. Their descendants gradually became an united force.

It was only then that most of the demons stopped the behavior of chasing away their offsprings.

This spell was mainly about how to control one's descendants.

The reason why Zhao Meng frowned was because of the prerequisites for this spell.

"Using the blood essence of parents to fuse with the blood essence of children, the effect is the strongest…"

"But where can I find the blood essence of my descendants?"

Now, the only descendant Zhao Meng knew was Ma Linlin, and Ma Linlin was very cute and obedient. How could he bear to hurt her?

"It's fine if I don't fuse with the blood essence of my descendants!"

When Zhao Meng read the rest of the content, he realized that he could also use his blood essence to directly affect his descendants. However, the effect would be weak and the scope would be small. It was easy to backfire.

"Yes! It can be used even across generations. However, as the number of generations increases, its influence will continue to decrease!"

After reading the animal-skin scroll, Zhao Meng summarized how to use it.

One was to use the blood essence of his descendants to affect the descendants.

The other was to stimulate his blood essence to affect his descendants.

Now that Zhao Meng could not find his descendants, he could only use his blood essence.

"Why don't I give it a try!

Zhao Meng's heart skipped a beat as he began to practice the technique according to the animal-skin scroll.

"I'll extract the blood essence first and then do this. But can it really come out like this…" Zhao Meng tried clumsily.


He took out a silver needle and pricked a small blood spot between his eyebrows.

As for where the silver needle came from, he had lived alone on Two-World Mountain for such a long time, his clothes were inevitably torn, so he had asked Qing Xuan for the silver needle.

Zhao Meng did not bleed much.

From the instructions of the spell, the amount of blood was related to the scope of the spell.

Considering his current situation, Zhao Meng's experimental dosage was very small. The commotion caused by this small amount could not even be transmitted outside the house.

"And then there's the spell!"

Zhao Meng muttered something according to the Bloodline Pressure Technique. Then, something magical happened. The blood on his fingertips slowly disappeared.

"This way, the spell will be considered successful!

"Looks like this Dispelling Spell is really simple!"

Zhao Meng took another look at the animal-skin scroll.

There were many spells that could be activated by this method.

The Dispelling Spell was the easiest to use and also the most subtle paternal power spell.

This spell technique did not require cultivation, nor did it require the use of any magical artifacts.

This was a little like an animal marking its territory with urine and telling the rest of its kind that it had been taken. It was a quick way of telling them to get lost.

However, this direction was very strong. It was only used on his descendants. Other than his descendants, no other existence could sense it.

It was also because of this that he was bold enough to try.

"I wonder how effective it is?"

Zhao Meng did not know. He was just practicing the process of casting a spell. It was better to be prepared. He did not want to do anything big.

However, not long after he cast the spell, he heard a crashing sound, as if something had shattered in front of his door.

Hearing this sound, Zhao Meng immediately got up and opened the door.

Then, he saw the shattered incense burner in front of the door and looked up.

"Bai Geng!"

"I'm sorry, I'll find a new incense burner for Exalted Immortal now!"

Zhao Meng was stunned when he saw the little Taoist child with red lips and white teeth.

"An incense burner?"

"I didn't do it on purpose. I just felt my heart palpitate for some reason and accidentally broke it."

"Heart palpitation!"

Zhao Meng immediately reacted and threw a Paternity Test at him. Then, his expression changed.

Seeing that Zhao Meng did not say anything, Bai Geng secretly glanced at the person in front of him.

Previously, he did not think much of it and thought that Zhao Meng was just an ordinary person.

However, when he looked at Zhao Meng again, he felt an irresistible sense of awe.

At that moment, he felt like he was facing Serene Immortal Qing Xuan.

"As expected, that person who didn't care about his junior brothers to personally bring back this person, how could the latter be an ordinary person? You guys have really caused me trouble!"

"Exalted Immortal…"

Bai Geng still wanted to say something, but Zhao Meng waved his hand and gestured for him to leave.

Seeing Zhao Meng like this, Bai Geng did not say anything else. He bowed and turned to leave quickly. After a distance, Bai Geng turned to look at the closed door.

A puzzled expression appeared on his face.

"What was that aura just now? It seemed to be warning me to leave, but it also carried a hint of reluctance. How strange…"

Bai Geng left the courtyard with a puzzled expression. At this moment, Zhao Meng's thoughts were still a little chaotic in the room.

"Another child!"

"Moreover, he looks like a human!"

"This is a little troublesome!"

If the Cloud Heredity only affected the demons, then, for Zhao Meng, although he was worried about the retaliation of those greater demons, he did not feel that much moral pressure, after all, the relationship between humans and demons was not harmonious eighteen years ago.

However, if the Cloud Heredity affected humans, then he would be under a lot of moral pressure.

"From the information I had received from the horse tribe, the Cloud Heredity is spreading in the direction of the demons in the west. Why would there be humans?

"Could it be that there are humans among the demons?

"Or is this Bai Geng not a human but a demon incarnation?

"If he's human, who's his mother?

"If it's a demon, what scheme does such a demon hiding in the Demon Subduing Temple disguised as a human have?"

For a moment, Zhao Meng thought of many things.

Apart from this, Zhao Meng also thought of something more important.

Ever since he woke up, he had met two descendants in just a few days.

From this probability, if he were to meet a young person in the future, he would have to do a Paternity Test to see if the person before him was his son before he talked.

Thinking of this situation, Zhao Meng sighed helplessly.

"This Cloud Heredity has really caused me trouble!"

A moment later, Bai Geng returned.

He sent a new incense burner to Zhao Meng's room.

Initially, Zhao Meng wanted to communicate with this child.

However, perhaps his gaze was too strange, before he could say more to Bai Geng, the little Taoist boy fled.

"I'll ask Qing Xuan about him when he comes back."

Zhao Meng shook his head silently as he watched Bai Geng leave.