The Golems      

Time seemed to blur as Xin lost himself in his task, the hours passing unnoticed as he chipped away at the rocks.


Meanwhile, Pudding was zipping around the vicinity, displaying an insatiable curiosity about its surroundings. Its inquisitive nature was on full display as it fluttered here and there, exploring the nooks and crannies. 


Xin couldn't help but smile at Pudding's boundless energy. He was the exact opposite of Lord Schrodinger the cat. 


As Pudding went about its playful exploration, its passive abilities came into play. It helped in reducing the crafting time of the various golems using the diverse resources Xin had collected.


While Pudding was engrossed in its creative endeavors, Xin remained focused on his own task. The exertion was beginning to take a toll on his muscles, and each swing of his pickaxe seemed to reverberate through his body.