Invisible Stalker    

Initially, Xin was left perplexed, wondering why Midnight Duchess was attacking air. He had seen nothing, sensed nothing out of the ordinary. 


But upon closer scrutiny, it became clear that an entity of pure elemental air had manifested itself, taking on a form that was nearly imperceptible to the unaided eye.


This ethereal assailant's appearance was a bewitching spectacle — an almost hypnotic choreography of translucent air currents as if a minuscule whirlwind had gracefully assumed a vaguely humanoid shape.


In the midst of the ensuing chaos, Victor seized the moment to offer a belated warning. "I should have mentioned earlier that this area is sometimes frequented by Invisible Stalkers."


"I should have mentioned earlier that this area is sometimes frequented by invisible Stalkers," Victor admitted without a care, a grin playing on his lips.