A Bold Declaration      

Victor's expression shifted rapidly between surprise and shock. 

Before he could voice his thoughts, the classroom door swung open with a resounding bang, interrupting their conversation abruptly. 

The sudden intrusion left them both startled, turning their attention toward the door to see who had barged in so unceremoniously.

Amidst the students' hushed murmurs, a figure burst into the room, commanding attention. His vibrant hair, dyed an electric shade immediately drew gazes, and his skin was adorned with various piercings that glinted in the light. His flashy branded attire, a riot of colors, practically assaulted the eyes of onlookers.

"Xin! Where are you, you punk!" the guy's voice reverberated through the room, and his rage was palpable as he kicked aside some tables, his lackeys trailing behind him like loyal shadows.

Upon locking eyes with Xin, the guy's anger boiled over. "There you are, you bastard!"