Shadows of Terror      

ǁ Shroudling ǁ

Vampires despise preying on the offspring of the living. Children make unsuitable minions and, even worse, meals. 

However, under extreme desperation, a vampire might curse an innocent child with the curse of death.

In the rare circumstance where such an unholy creation survives to become a full-fledged vampire, it transforms into the feared Shroudling. 

These creatures serve as royal assassins and spies for vampire nobility, striking terror into the hearts of those who encounter them.

Shroudling Child vampires embody all the mischief inherent in children, magnified to an extreme degree, coupled with sharp fangs and an insatiable thirst for blood.

These mischievous Shroudling creatures lurk in the shadows, sapping vital life force and reveling in the most inconvenient moments. 

Their proficiency in assassination is unparalleled, and no magical defense has proven effective against their stealthy advances.